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Defarmercist Alex Afari


25 Tweets • 2022-02-22 •  See on Twitter 

Aloe Vera Farming Guide, Aloe Vera Cultivation For


Aloe vera is the most profitable farming worldwide. It is

used in different sectors, such as the medical industry,
cosmetic industry, food industry, and many more.

A very long Thread....

The aloe vera cultivation needs less water &
maintenance. It is a medicinal plant used to treat
different health conditions. Aloe vera farming is cost-
effective farming that provides a high profit. It is also
available in capsule and liquid form.
What is Aloe Vera?
Aloe Vera is the most popular plant in Indian used to
treat many conditions. It is derived from the Latin word
Vera which means true. Aloe Vera is the true synonym
of the word medicine. It has a 420 different plant

Now, let’s see what’s inside aloe vera…

Aloe Vera is a plant that consists of many minerals,

vitamins and other active elements that provides
numerous health benefits. Every leaf of aloe vera
contains three layers.

It has an inner gel that comprises 99% of water, and

other parts formed of vitamins, sterols,glucomannans,
amino acids, and lipids. The middle part made of latex,
which has a yellow sap comprises anthraquinones and
glycosides. And last, the outer layer has 15 to 20 cells.

Their work is to protect the innermost part and with

that they carbohydrates and synthesizes proteins. In
aloe vera leaves, you can get 160 essential elements.
Aloe Vera filled with vitamins A, C, and E, which are
important antioxidants. It is an immunity booster and is
important for the growth of bones, blood, and teeth.
Aloe vera is an anti ageing formula that can be used to
protect the body cells from premature ageing.

It comprises many more vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12

that are best for the detoxification.
Others are anti inflammatory, antiviral, antimycotic,
antibacterial, and immune stimulating.

Aloe vera has qualities of enzymes that are
carboxypeptidase, lipase, cellulose, catalase,
peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase, liaise, bradykinase,
and amylase. These help to reduce inflammation
when applied on the skin.

It has hormones too, that are auxins and gibberellins.
These hormones heal the wounds faster. These have
anti inflammatory properties too.
Essential oils
Aloe vera filled with essential oils which are anti
inflammatory and antibacterial. Others include tannic
acid and salicylic acid.

Climate required for Aloe Vera Production

Aloe Vera comes under a warm tropical crop, and it
can grow in different climate conditions. It easily
cultivated in dry regions, low rainfall areas and in
warm, humid conditions. Aloe vera plant is sensitive in
severe cold conditions.
Soil Required for Aloe Vera Plantation
Aloe Vera can be produced on various kinds of soils. It
is best to produce where the pH range of soil is upto
8.5. This plant is suitable to grow in black cotton soils.
Aloe Vera is best to produce in the soil that is salty in
1. Cultivation of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a popular medicinal plant, belonging to

the Liliaceae family. It is a perennial plant, and has 1½
– 2½ ft in height. The leaves of aloe vera are thick,
long, and juicy. The process of growing aloe vera is
called “Phyllotaxy.”
Both sides of the leaves have a throne structure with a
throne tip. The inner substance of leaves is a jelly with
a bad odor and bitter taste.
The leaf’s length ranges from 25-30 cm while the
breadth ranges from 3-5 cm. For aloe vera cultivation
many different types of implements are used such as
tractors, cultivators, harrow, digger, and many more.

2. Plant Nutrients Application

Applied about 8-10 tonnes FYM/ha (farmyard

manure/hectare) before the land preparation. 35 kg N
(nitrogen), 70 kg P 20 5, Potassium Humate Shiny
Flax (K20 10 %) per hectare added before the last
35-40 kg N applied in and if organic matter is high in
the soil, then reduced N drops. 350-400 kg Neem
Cake/ ha applied for controlling termites.

3. Aloe Vera Plant Protection

Aloe vera plants needed special care because the

juice is directly taken from the leaves and used as
medicine. All the leaves are affected by various
insects and pests.
For protection, the plant needs clean cultivation,
regularly based irrigation, and application of organic
manure. The use of organic sources is another tip for
plant protection.

4. Aloe Vera Yield ( Harvesting)

Start harvesting after 7-8 months of planting. Use a

knife for harvesting. Proper care reduces the loss of
juice from cutting the portion.
Benefits of Aloe Vera
Mainly aloe vera is beneficial for skin-care. This
medical plant is perfect for all types of skins.
For acne, aloe is the best and profitable choice.
It has antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties.
Aloe vera reduced body weight.
It reduced hair fall.
It is perfect for sunburns.
The medical plant is profitable for heart-burn, lower
blood sugar, and wound healing.
It reduced side effects and health risks.
Which Country Produces The Most Aloe Vera?
According to the region-wise, Thailand is the largest
producer of Aloe Vera. Besides, the south-north
American region, India, USA, China, South Africa, Sri
Lanka is the aloe vera producing country in the World

In the international market, A kilo of Aloe Vera is 1.2



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