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Top products that have helped guys on their journey

Products that have worked, generated the fastest results, made a beneficial difference
in your dating, sex, and relationships, as well as getting dramatic results with women.

1. Testosterone IO: Addresses the underlying biological issues that guys have
(e.g. motivation, body/physique issues, etc.) that directly and strongly affect their
dating life and should be addressed first in order to get faster results. Increasing
your testosterone improves mood, motivation, attractiveness, and confidence.
Christopher Walker offers good protocols to increase testosterone, developed
and as a result of having experienced a brain tumor that created an inability to
produce testosterone. For more on how your testosterone level can impact your
sex life, listen to Dating Skills Podcast Ep. #52 with Christopher.
2. 51 Handsome Guy Secrets: The importance of image of style. Another area
where guys need to focus more attention. This program by Ryan Magin tells you
what kind of clothes will improve your look and attractiveness. You can
immediately recognize the increased attention guys receive from women by
improving their wardrobe and style. Being unstylish communicates to women that
you don’t have pride in your appearance. This product helps men become more
stylish without investing in a lot of clothing and gives you an advantage from the
start when meeting women. It is practical and hands-on. Ryan is about to be
featured in Dating Skills Podcast Ep. #76 called Hacking Your Handsomeness.
3. Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy: An outstanding
product for helping men learn how to have conversations with women. This
product offers a grounded and easy understanding of having conversations that
are playful, interesting, and sexual when the time is right. The techniques Bobby
Rio offers in this product also work in general social situations as well. It provides
a wide array of subjects and topics to discuss in order to stimulate women and
make small talk sexy in a way that attracts them. Stop running out of things to say
by listening to Bobby Rio in Dating Skills Podcast Ep. #18.

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Top products that have helped guys on their journey

4. The Click Magnet Dating System: Understanding online dating. This

system focuses on not wasting a lot of time, with an emphasis on important areas.
Its creator Scott Valdez is the founder of Virtual Dating Assistants, which manages
clients online dating. This is a great way to start dating because it decreases
anxiety and the fear of approaching women socially. It’s a great way to gain
confidence and your first dates. The course is worthwhile without wasting time
and being counter-productive without getting results. It’s effective in getting dates
and efficient in terms of your time. For a data driven approach to online dating,
listen to Dating Skills Podcast Ep. #50 with Scott.
5. Day Game Blueprint: This is a product that was a film weekend seminar
turned into a DVD product. It contains a lot of information – about 20 hours of
content – primarily focusing on how to meet women outside of bars and clubs. It
uses a straight-forward and easy to use model. Effective for meeting quality
women in different social environments. It takes an uncomplicated approach to
meeting women. This product is offered by the founder and partners of, which focuses on how to meet women during the day. Listen to
Dating Skills Podcast Ep. #28 for more on the art of day game.
6. Girlfriend Activation System: This system focuses on getting a girlfriend
rather than just attracting and sleeping with women. It helps to develop longer
term connections and relationships. It addresses the mind-sets that need to be
changed in order to have a girlfriend and relationship that last. It also focuses on
self-development as a man. An outstanding and comprehensive system
introduced by Christian Hudson that offers a “what to do” approach to developing
a great relationship with a girl. If you are looking for the path to a serious
girlfriend, check out Christian in Dating Skills Podcast Ep. #54.

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Top products that have helped guys on their journey

7. Real World Seduction 2.0: The beginner, intermediate, and advanced level
person will get something out of this product. There are “nuggets of gold” hidden
throughout it that you learn each time using it. Its creator Swinggcat is one of the
innovators in the dating advice community, focusing on the techniques and
psychology of what attracts women. The techniques are based on fundamental
human psychology. It’s a value product that has stood the test of time.
8. The Desire System: This system functions as a problem-fixer of practical
advice towards becoming more natural and in touch with yourself, and using that
as the basis for attraction. David Tian (aka Asian Rake) is an academic / PhD
offering his method for attracting women by the way you communicate emotions
with them and how they will start feeling those emotions as well. The program is
really good for people who have gotten too much into pickup artistry or routines
and as a result having difficulty relating to women. It helps guys correct some of
the mistakes they are making in dating as well as in life. David addresses the
power our emotions can have over others in Dating Skills Podcast Ep. #51.
9. 77 Ways To Make Women Want To F@#k You: This product focuses
on how to get women into bed. It offers numbered advice with techniques to get
women feeling more sexual, isolate them back to your place, to create a sense of
adventure for them, etc. This product is really important as it is something guys
really struggle with, even after learning dating skills. Jason Capital’s product is
intended to help guys overcome their sexual anxiety in order to “pull the trigger
and make it happen” with a woman. The book also provides an applicable
overview of NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) for attracting and seducing
women. Jason is currently one of the best dating coaches and offers his expertise
on how to make your move with women in Dating Skills Podcast Ep. #46.

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Top products that have helped guys on their journey

10. 2 Girls Teach Sex: This product has a good handle of the psychology of sex. It
is good for exploring and developing your sexuality, and improving sex with
women. The DVD set includes live-action basic sex position demonstrations to
show guys a realistic view rather than from a pornographic film point of view.
11. The Seduction Roadmap: Created by Jon Sinn, this is one of his best and in-
depth products. It contains a lot of information on verbal and sexual attraction.
Jon talks about the difference between social and sexual attraction. It addresses
the different brain theories of how sexual attraction is the deepest and the one
most women have the least control over. Developing deep sexual attraction will
more than likely lead to sleeping with a woman or getting her to be your
girlfriend. A lot of techniques are offer regarding what to say and do. The product
also focuses on sexual framing – showing you how to quickly sexualize an
interaction in way that gets women chasing you, creating sexual tension, and
removing some of the objections and barriers women have about having sex
quickly. You can catch David in two Dating Skills Podcasts: Ep. #63 How to
Sexualize Conversations and Ep. #38 Hacking Conversations Skills.
12. The Way of the Superior Man: This classic product by David Deida that
looks at how relationships are between men and women. The book addresses
female psychology in order to help men overcome some of the frustrations when
dealing with women; seeing things from a woman’s perspective. It is a well-
explained book for understanding women on a deeper level.
13. Female Orgasm Blueprint: Everything in the course is focused on being in a
long-term relationship. It’s about using sex to connect with your partner, build a
relationship, and make it stronger. In the blueprint, Jason Julius focuses on sexual
techniques to make your girlfriend have an orgasm. He presents the course as
someone you knows a lot about sex and sexuality. It’s a very good course to learn
a lot from, in a tasteful way.

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Top products that have helped guys on their journey

14. BONUS – Dominant Sexual Power: This is an advanced product from Vin
DiCarlo that talks about the interaction between men and women and being
sexually dominant in a relationship in the right ways. It looks at approaches to
attraction and relationship investment. Dominant sexual power in this product
means developing your behavior, attitudes, and character for a positive impact on
women. It also aims to help attract women that will enhance a man’s life.

Full Text Transcript

[Angel Donovan]: Hey there! This is Angel Donovan. I’m here with Jackson Hunter at my side here.
[Jackson Hunter]: Hey, Angel! Hey, guys! How are you?
[Angel Donovan]: All good. Today we’re going to answer questions for you that we just get in floods of
emails all the time and it’s basically, “What are the top products, what are the top things that have
helped you on your journey?” Me and Jackson, we’d been doing this for a very long time – what, 15
years now? Obviously, we’ve used a lot of products on our little journey ourselves, and there are ones
that have made the difference for us and got us up to the next level and so on.
Also, we’ve seen which ones have worked the most for guys, over the years of seeing certain products
get feedback of course, and tons of email from you guys, which ones are working for you, and we
coach guys now as well in the academy so we can see the actual impact of these courses on people
as they use them.
[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah, absolutely. It’s about the best courses to get you the quickest results. What
products have the highest impact, what makes the biggest difference in your dating, relationship and
sex lives and which ones are the easiest to implement – which ones can you apply straight away and
start getting dramatic results with women?
[Angel Donovan]: There’s one thing I will add: you will have probably also seen the Editor’s Choice on
our site. These are the top, selected products that pick specific issues that you have. That’s a really
good reference point. I know you guys use that page a lot.

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This is going to be a little bit different today, because we’re talking also from our perspective, not just
purely your perspective. We’re going to be telling you the details of things that have worked for us
and taken our dating lives to the next level.
[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, along the way, we’ve been doing this for 12, 15 years
probably now. We’ve gone through a lot of products; we’ve a lot of different techniques, different
ideas, and we’ve messed up a lot along the way and that’s why we’ve been able to get good because
we’ve tried many different things.
So I think we’re in a position where we would see which things actually work and which things make
the biggest difference for the average guy out there. Some things might be good, but they might not
be applicable to you, whereas these products that we’re going through pretty much helped
everybody who uses them.
[Angel Donovan]: Yup. So it’s a small list, a small confined list, and let’s get started.
The first thing I would say is that over time I’ve realized that a lot of guys never think about this;
there’s not really anyone talking about this out there a part from me at the moment, I think. But what
I see is that a lot of guys have a biological, underlying issue in terms of if you are feeling shy, anxious,
basically there’s a lot of fear and you’re having difficulty getting motivated and your body and
physique isn’t where it needs to be like you’re overweight or something like that.
This is directly, very strongly impacting your dating life, and if you don’t fix this thing first, everything
else you do is going to be fighting against you, dragging you down. Guys are often jumping into other
things, other areas. What I’ve seen a lot and what we’re doing in the academy with people who fit
this profile, guys really need to work on their biology first and it’ll make everything so much easier.
You’ll get results much quicker; everything will work much easier because you’re looking better, but
most importantly, you’ll be feeling good, you’ll be motivated and driven and you’ll also be a lot more
confident naturally because your biology’s fixed.
The product we picked out for this specific issue is called Testosterone I/O. Jackson is the one who
mainly reviewed this, although I know it well too. Jackson, what did you think of that product?
[Jackson Hunter]: This is an excellent product, and for me this isn’t something that I really found out
about until probably the last couple of years – how most guys these days have a really low level of
testosterone compare to our fathers’ generations. Our testosterone is a lot lower than what theirs
was, and [unclear 03:48] a combination of lifestyle, lack of exercise, poor food choices, but it’s
affecting us inside in so many ways that we didn’t even realize.
Guys often think that they’re not able to talk to women because they’re feeling depressed, they’re
not motivated, and they think that they need to work on their inner game. They think they need to
work on their mindsets and their attitudes and there’s just something wrong with them when really
it’s their biology that’s causing a lot of these problems.

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Once they’re able to fix this, once they’re able to get their testosterone up, it improves their mood,
their motivation, they feel better, they look better, they just get so much more confidence. Once you
get a handle on this, everything else is just going to fall into place.
We’ve seen this a lot in the Dating Skills Academy where I think literally every single guy except for
maybe one or two has got low levels of testosterone. Even if it’s not very low, it’s not optimal. This is
one of the big things that’s holding them back – guys who are overweight, guys who are underweight,
guys who are feeling depressed, they just have no motivation to get out there and meet women. Also
this is probably the number one root cause behind all of that.
I know, Angel, this is something you’ve got experience with as well in the guys that you’ve coached and
you’ve seen a big difference once they’re able to correct this in their life.
[Angel Donovan]: Yeah, absolutely. Jackson and I had a coaching business way back in 2003-2006 in
London, one of the first coaching businesses. I didn’t know about this back then, and it’s interesting to
think back on some of the guys we couldn’t fix, we couldn’t help.
We couldn’t help them – we’d take them into clubs, we’d take them out and stuff and the stuff we
were teaching them was great but they couldn’t just stick with it, either they come to the coaching
then they'd stop it afterwards because they didn’t have the motivation to follow through.
Some guys were so anxious on the boot camp and they were actually getting treated by doctors, but
now if you look, doctors are actually starting to realize this testosterone issue themselves. Instead of
prescribing you anti-depressants and all these things, because they’re doing that a lot these days – it’s
not really necessary for a lot of people; what you really need to do is fix nutrition, exercise and just
your general hormone levels and all of these, to rebalance them.
There’s a lot of cool things in Testosterone I/O, that while Jackson and I didn’t need these ourselves on
our little journey because I’ve always been into fitness and so is Jackson and we haven’t had this
particular issue. That’s how we got good.
I mean, if we’d start with this issue, we wouldn’t have had the drive and everything to figure things out
for ourselves because in fact, when we were doing it, there wasn’t a lot of information out there.
But what I can say is I have used things that are in this product and I use them today because they keep
me in great form and with my testosterone boosted. It covers things like intermittent fasting, which is
basically the way I live my life – that really changed my life – and also the way that you use training is
described in this product. It optimizes testosterone – that’s always also the approach I take.
Because there’s a lot of training methods which actually can even deplete your testosterone. They’re
not engineered to increase your testosterone, so that's what I’d say about that. I’ve taken a few things
from – I use a few things that I didn’t discover in the product itself, but I do use them and I know that
they work, and I’ve seen them work in our clients.

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Jackson, what do you think about –? Have you used any of these things in your life or are you using
them right now apart from the Testosterone I/O product?
[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah, definitely. I started using the workout protocols that he described. His name is
Christopher Walker and himself, his background is he actually had a brain tumor that was affecting his
ability to create testosterone and he was severely low. Just through changing his diet, through
changing his exercise habits, he was able to get it up to off-the-charts high where doctors thought this
is not possible, because he wasn’t taking drugs, he didn’t have surgery.
Doctors actually told them he should have brain surgery – he didn’t want to do that because it’s
dangerous, obviously, when you’re messing around with your brain, and he just found natural ways to
hack his testosterone and get it up to a super high level. If a guy who’s got almost no testosterone can
get it up to this level, then that pretty much shows you that anybody can use this.
For me, I’ve been using the workout and exercise protocols and the interesting thing I found is that I
was getting much better results from this than I was from going to the gym and going more of a
traditional body-building workout. All of the workouts in this are outside in the park, a combination of
body weight, weights, sprinting, so it’s a lot of functional and natural kind of exercises.
Even though I was using weights a lot less, I was getting a lot more comments from people and
compliments from women saying that I look like I was in great shape and people were saying that I
looked really fit. Whereas you would think according to traditional views that you’re going to get a lot
better results by being in the gym and lifting heavy weights and by doing these exercise principles, I
actually got better results. As well as making you feel better and boosting you testosterone, it seems to
have a good effect on creating the physique that is ideal that women find most attractive, so it’s
focused on a lot of upper body movements and just giving you that nice, Adonis-like physique.
Just for that reason, I think it’s worth buying the course. Even if you don’t have low testosterone, you’ll
still get a lot out of the workouts and the diet principles.
[Angel Donovan]: Yeah, and of course once you’ve got a decent physique, it makes a huge difference to
everything you do – that’s really one of the first things to do if you don’t have that because like I said, it
makes everything easier afterwards and you don’t want to be fighting uphill all the time.
And this is actually quite straightforward. Like fitness stuff, you follow some few rules which are not
soft – they’re really hard rules – and you just follow them and you get the result, whereas some of the
other intangible courses we’re going to talk about that take more work to get your head around it and
apply it in your life. That’s why this is also a good place to start.
Just from a testosterone perspective, I know that mine, before I layered in some of the things in this
course, mine was about 440-500 because I got tested. Nowadays, it’s between 800 and 1,100,
depending on what’s going on in my life and so on. I don’t know if got tested, Jackson, but I use it to
keep up between those levels these days.

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[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah, last summer I got tested. It was around 800 – that’s in the ideal range. I wasn’t
tested before; I don’t know if I was low beforehand. I don’t think I was but I’m sure since I’ve started
following the ideas in this book, I’ve got no doubt that it’s improved.
[Angel Donovan]: Yeah, you definitely feel the difference. You could feel the difference in your drive, in
your motivation and your focus. That's where I’d say that you can kind of tell.
And a lower anxiety – everyone gets a little bit of anxiety about all sorts of things in life and definitely
that plays it down. I have to say anxiety isn’t a big feature in my life anymore.
There you go, so having said that, let’s get into all the other things that we found over our travels
through things. I want to start off with another one that I feel is really important for guys to start with,
which is your image and style. We beat on this in the podcast.
By the way, guys, there’s obviously a .pdf download of this conversation that you can get as well, and
we’ve got links to whatever we mention including the fact that a lot of the guys who've made these
products have done interviews with us on the podcast. There's links to those podcast interviews as
well in that document – everything – like Christopher Walker, for instance, who we just mentioned. He
was on the podcast talking about Testosterone I/O.
To get more information, there's a whole bunch of links in that pdf as well as the transcript of this
conversation so you can use that.
Alright, now getting into image and style, this product – 51 Handsome Guy Secrets by Ryan Magin.
Image and style is another area where we found that guys just don’t focus enough attention on
because it’s an easy win; it’s just like somewhere where you can make everything so much easier, but
for whatever reason, guys try and avoid this.
In the Academy, we really push guys, for instance, on this and they start looking better within a week,
right Jackson? And within a week, they go out and buy a few clothes, they put some photos up and
then they look at the 51 Handsome Guy Secrets and they add a few things and they change a few
things, and they’re looking like completely different guys. I mean, they look so much cooler. It really
makes a difference.
[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah, it’s basically an instant fix. The great thing about 51 Handsome Guy Secrets is it
tells you pretty much what kind of clothes you need to get. It tells you, “Go out and buy this, this and
this,” you go out and buy it, you wear it and straight away you look ten times better.
The photos that we’ve seen from the guys in the Academy is like night and day. they might post up a
photo, let’s say it’s a Wednesday [unclear 12:47] photos and we think, “Oh there’s a lot of work we
need to do there to fix that.” And then we tell them to read 51 Handsome Guy Secrets, they go out a
couple of days later, they buy the clothes, post up the photos and they look like a completely different

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You can tell straight away they’re going to get so much more attention from women just with that new
star [clear 13:08] that they’ve got. With wearing the right clothes, it makes all the difference because
women are obviously so in tune with fashion. If you don’t have this handled, if you go out looking
unstylish, straight away it communicates to women that you’re a guy that doesn’t really get it. You
don’t really have that much pride in your appearance and you’re starting off on the back foot.
If you’re out there looking stylish, and with this product – 51 Handsome Guy Secrets – you’ll get to the
stage where you look probably better than 90% than other men wherever you are without much work,
without needing to invest a lot of money in clothes. It just gives you such an advantage from the start,
so it makes everything else that much easier once you meet a woman.
[Angel Donovan]: Yeah. One other thing I’d say about this particular product is before, over the years,
we were recommending others because this is a new product; it only came out in the last year. But it
was great to see this one, because the other ones were a little bit too complicated or they didn’t cover
comprehensively the subject, so it was great to see Ryan bringing this one out, which was very
practical, hands-on, and it just covers all the bases.
We know that you can take this and get everything pretty much fixed 80-20 [clear 14:13] done and
then move on to the other stuff, and now image and style is not holding you back in any way and you
can just focus on the stuff that would really start taking your dating life upwards.
[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah, absolutely. One of the big problems with the other products is it left too much
open to interpretation. You had to try and figure out how to implement it yourself, and a lot of guys
would go out there and get it wrong. They would buy things that didn’t really suit them; they would try
and be too fashionable and just came off kind of weird, whereas this one, it’s just very straightforward.
It’s like the idiot-proof way of upgrading your style that there’s really no way that you can get this
wrong, so it’s very applicable for everybody.
[Angel Donovan]: Right. The other products were just a little too more advanced. I mean, some of
them, if you’re really interested in image and fashion, you might want to get those later, but it’s not a
great place to start because it’s asking you to learn the ropes and learn how fashion works and then try
to figure out style and all these kinds of things, which are a bit of a higher level.
Alright man, what’s your next one, Jackson?
[Jackson Hunter]: My one is Conversation Escalation: Make Small Talk Sexy by Bobby Rio. If you’re a
regular reader of our site, you will see that we mention this again and again – and for good reason.
It’s just an outstanding product. It has so many good things going for it; there’s really not many
negatives in it.
One of the biggest issues guys have is “What do I say to women? What do I talk about?” Especially
when you’re new and you make the decision you want to go out and meet women, that's always a
stumbling block for most men.

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I know this was a big hurdle for me when I first got into it. I would go out with women, maybe I’d be
out on a date from online dating or something and I would always struggle to think of what to talk
about because I was always worried that I was going to say the wrong thing.
This was probably the product that explains it in the most down-to-earth fashion, in the most easy-to-
understand way. There’s nothing weird or complicated in this product. Bobby Rio – he’s just a regular
guy, and everything in his product is just geared towards making you able to have conversations with
women that are fun, playful, interesting, sexual when the time is right.
It’s another one that I think is hard to get it wrong. There are maybe some other dating coaches who
give advice on conversational techniques and are seeing guys use them in a way that just comes off as
weird or creepy to women.
Everything in here is normal; there’s nothing you’re really going to get caught out on. So if you’re in a
social environment, you can use each principle when talking to women, talking to other people. You
can use them talking to guys, you can use them talking to friends, family; you can use it in work
situations. So it’s very practical and easy to implement.
One of the biggest things that I got from this is you need to have a wide array of conversation or topics
that you talk about with women. To give you a quick example, I remember many years ago when I lived
in Australia, I was out one night and I met this really beautiful Swedish woman and I had a
conversation with her for probably two hours and she was really into astrology and horoscopes.
We were talking about this type of stuff for two hours and at the end of it I got her number and I was
really excited – this was many years ago when I was just starting out. I thought, “I’m definitely going to
go out with this woman, maybe it will work out and she’ll be my new girlfriend.”
What happened is, she didn’t even reply back to my calls and my text messages and I couldn’t figure
out why until it was actually a few years later when I realized I was just so stuck on having one topic of
conversation where we just beat it to death. There was no reason for her to need to come out and see
me again because we only had one thing in common, and this is something that Bobby talks a lot
about in his product because he had the same situation.
He really connected on a deep level with this woman over one topic, didn’t have anything else in
common, the conversation wasn’t fun, there was no banter, and there was nothing funny or interesting
there. He saw the girl later on in the night, they were at a party – he saw her later on hooking up with
one of his friends and it just shattered him. He couldn’t believe it. He thought they were soulmates.
What he really learned is you need to have a lot of things to talk about with a woman to keep it
interesting. You can’t just focus on one thing.
So when I came across this product, it really highlighted to me that this is one of the biggest things that
guys do wrong. I think in mainstream media, in a lot of dating advice, they tell you that you just need
to develop rapport with a woman, you just need to find something in common with her.

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I find a lot of guys, when they’re new, they focus on this – if they can just find one thing in common,
they just beat it to death and they think that’s going to make the girl fall in love with them when it’s
not. The girl might think, “Yeah, this guy’s got this similar to me,” but there’s not enough there to
emotionally stimulate her. You need to have a few different things you’re talking about and you need
to make it interesting, and that’s really what this product focuses on – it’s how to make small talk sexy.
The early part of the interaction, how to make it interesting, fun, sexual in a way that attracts women –
that’s the main thing that I got out of it.
[Angel Donovan]: Yeah. It’s really a key thing. What we find is a lot of guys are running out of things to
say as well, so that’s why we recommend this product pretty early on because most guys have that
problem where they’re running out of things to say.
Bobby has been on the podcast a couple of times. He’s a great guy; I met him quite a few times in real
life as well – he’s up in New York. He really walks the talk in his life as well – he’s had a lot of girlfriends
and he’s now in a very serious relationship.
He has run the whole [unclear 20:02] and he’s got a bag of experience as well [clear 20:03] going for
him, so he’s a great guy, and it’s a great course.
Moving on to my choice, we have online dating. Online dating is interesting for me, because well, I
don’t know if you’re like me, but for many years, even though I was already good at this, I was meeting
tons of girls. I met them all through meeting them in the street or in bars, in clubs, wherever – what
you call cold approaching – or sometimes I was meeting girls socially.
I tried online dating myself a few times with friends way back and some other and things
like that, OkCupid, and I just felt like it was too much time investment and it was much easier for me to
go around my life. Like when I’m in a shopping center, I see a pretty girl or someone I’m attracted to, I’d
go up and talk to her, and I didn’t understand the online dating thing.
It seemed like a waste of time because I felt like, “Well, the pictures might not even be real. I seem like
I’m wasting time; I invest more time in this than the time I just have to walk up and talk to someone
and get her number and set up a date or whatever.” So for me, it didn’t really make sense.
Then Scott Valdez came along with Click Magnet Dating – had him on the podcast too, of course – he
got me to take an interest in it again, basically, because his system is very focused on not wasting a lot
of time and that’s what makes all the difference there.
I was messaging a lot more, thinking I had to message a lot more, but literally today, I’m sending two
messages and that’s Scott’s system. It’s very short, it’s very low-investment. He talks a lot about a lot of
the important things with your profile; he puts the emphasis on different areas.

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What I loved about Scott – what attracted me to the whole product in the first place – is that he has a
company which manages a lot of clients and it manages their online dating for them, and he’d
collected a lot of data. That’s how he’d made these discoveries, because he collected all this data, he
figured out that actually you only need to send two or three messages and then you just ask for the
date and that’s what the girl wants to, right? It stops you from messing around and stuff and it really
cuts some things [clear 22:00] and now you can meet girls within a week.
The reason I’m talking about online dating is I didn’t start that way, but I think it’s a great way for a lot
of guys to start because it cuts out a lot of the anxiety. People have a fear of approaching women in
bars because it’s a big, social environment, there’s a lot going on, or in coffee shops or wherever else it
is. They’re not used to that context and it’s a really big deal for them to approach someone.
So it’s a great place to start gaining confidence, gaining some dates in the first place with online dating.
Click Magnet Dating is the course that convinced me that this was worthwhile and it’s a good way for
pretty much every guy to be using online dating in his dating life, in his dating strategy.
Right now, wherever I go, I’m doing online dating. Now that I do it with that kind of system, that
approach, it works much better for me. It makes sense.
[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah, definitely. I think one of the other things that we found in the Dating Skills
Academy is a lot of the guys who are doing online dating is that they’re spending way too much time
on these online dating sites.
Not only is it a waste of time, it’s also counter-productive in terms of getting results. We find all these
guys that they’re spending hours and hours on these sites and maybe getting a couple of numbers here
and there that’s not really panning out to dates, whereas what we’re doing is what’s suggested in Click
Magnet Dating. We’re just sending out a few template messages here and there and getting dates very
So it’s more effective in terms of getting dates and it’s a lot more efficient in terms of your time. You
can probably go on there – I don’t know how long you spend on there, Angel. Probably less than ten
minutes at a time, I’m guessing. You can send out a bunch of messages, get replies from girls straight
away – it’s just a very easy way to start meeting women without investing a lot of time, so it’s a great
product for that.
[Angel Donovan]: Yeah, so just to give you an idea. I log in twice per week and about ten minutes –
that’s it – each time. So 20 minutes/week, that’s it. I’m meeting a whole bunch of interesting girls, so I
think it’s great.
Okay, man. What’s your next one?
[Jackson Hunter]: My next one is the Daygame Blueprint. What this is really is a product that was a
filmed weekend seminar, and it was filmed and turned into a DVD product.
There’s a lot of information in here. I think, from memory, it’s close to around 20 hours of content, so
there’s a ton of information here.

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It’s pretty much just focused on how to meet women anywhere outside of bars and clubs, so if you’re
out on the street, in coffee shops, on the beach – wherever you are during the day, it’s showing you
how to go out, meet women and attract women using a very straightforward and simple-to-use model.
My background when I started this, I was just going out to bars and nightclubs and I got really good at
meeting women in these environments. I wasn’t really meeting a ton of women out during the day or
anywhere else outside of that. The problem with that is, if you go into the bars maybe Friday night,
Saturday night like most guys do, that's the only opportunity that you’re meeting women so the rest of
the week, you’re not really practicing, you’re not learning, you’re not getting any results
If you start learning how to meet women during the daytime, then you can literally meet women
everywhere you go as you’re going about your daily life. If you see a woman that you happen to like,
you can go and approach her, you can meet her. Once you learn the system, you’re going to attract her
and organize dates with her. It’s very effective for meeting women everywhere you go.
If you’re the type of guy that doesn’t like hanging out in bars and nightclubs, which we’re finding as we
get older, we tend to start getting into that category, it’s great just to be able to meet women in other
I don’t know about you, Angel, but I find sometimes I’m meeting better quality women just during the
daytime. The women that I was meeting a lot in clubs and bars, they tended to go out drinking and
partying six, seven nights/week. It may be fun for a while, but after a while, you would want to meet
women who have stuff going on in their lives outside of partying, women who are quality, and I think
meeting women in coffee shops, out on the street, in shops, they can be a great alternative.
I know, when we lived in London, we used to go to some of the shopping places on some of the high
streets there, and there were some amazing women around that we would see even on the weekends
when we’re teaching boot camps. There might be a couple thousand women in the stores that we go
to and virtually no guys and the women that we approach, they were very open to talking to us. They
were very friendly, very easy to have a conversation with; we got a lot of numbers and dates from
these situations.
I think for the guys who don’t like going out to bars and clubs all the time, then this is definitely
something that you want to look into.
[Angel Donovan]: Yeah. Jackson and I, we used to go to clubs back in the early 2000s. That kind of fit
with my lifestyle at that time, but actually I was more interested in – like Jackson was saying – the girls
I was meeting in the clubs, I wasn’t that interested in and none of them ended up being any of my
Where I started very quickly focusing more of my attention was meeting women during the day and
Daygame. The other reason was that I just felt it was more like an adventure. I was also looking for a
bit more something stimulating in my life, just something to add a bit more excitement, I guess, in my

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Meeting girls in bars is very normal and it’s kind of expected. But meeting them in coffee shops, all
sorts of different scenarios, it was a little bit more of a challenge to me and it made for some great
I’d meet a girl who’s maybe a tourist in London and we’d instantly have this connection and spend a
few days together or something like that. I love the fact that you can just take someone out of their
daily life and make that experience something really special for the next few days.
Daygame has been really something I’d focused on ever since – I think it was 2003. I would say about
the system in Yad [clear 28:02], he really simplifies a lot of stuff. A lot of guys were making it a little bit
more complicated before, including myself potentially, and a lot of the stuff that I’ve seen – Yad, I’ve
met [unclear 28:13] a few times as well – that he does is very simple and straightforward. I think it’s
great for guys that – he has dumbed it down, he’s shown how simple it can be to meet women in
[unclear 28:23] situation, on the street, wherever it is. So I like that about that particular Daygame
The other thing I’d say is just the traveling the Daygame kind of approach – it just enables you to meet
women throughout your travels and stuff. So if you travel a lot, it’s been the main place I’ve met girls.
That’s definitely where I’ve met the most attractive girls, the most interesting girls, and so it’s really
being 80% of my dating life has come from Daygame, basically, ever since I started it in 2003, so over
ten years ago.
[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah. The other thing I think it does really well is, one of the biggest hurdles that
guys have when they get into learning how to meet women is they tend to ask too many questions.
They’ll approach a woman, not know what to say next and just bombard her with questions, which is
often referred to as “interview mode.”
I think this is probably the best model that addresses that situation that really focuses on how to make
sure you don’t ask those questions. It talks about why that’s a problem, why you don’t want to do it.
We don’t have time to go into it here; it’s a bit more complex, but it shows you how to have a
conversation in a way that you’re contributing more to the conversation without asking her questions.
For guys who are new, this is probably the biggest thing that can make a difference in terms of tactics
and techniques, just like changing this one thing can have a dramatic improvement in how women
respond to you. Just that alone I think is worth the price of the course.
[Angel Donovan]: Yeah. In Daygame in particular, meeting girls in any of these different scenarios aren’t
as usual, but what happens is guys get anxious more about it because it’s an unusual situation for
them. They’re like, “People don’t normally meet people in these kinds of situations” and they get all
defensive and they start falling back on those questions and that’s what happens and it’s really, really
the last thing you want to do that drains all the energy out of the situation. Yes, that’s a great point.

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My next one is Girlfriend Activation System, and this is by Christian Hudson. This one’s great because
while a lot of other products have always focused mostly on attracting women and maybe sleeping
with a lot of women and all that kind of stuff, the actual fact of the matter is that most guys want a
I came into this looking for a girlfriend. Many guys, most of the guys in the Academy want girlfriends.
Everyone I know wants girlfriends, and it’s just kind of funny that a lot of the marketing and a lot of the
products focus on meeting lots of girls – the things you want to do more in your early 20s.
Both Jackson and I are a little bit older now and so we’ve done a lot of that, we’ve met a lot of girls,
and after so many hookups you want to have something more – how would you say – more consistent
in your life, bringing more into your life than just sex or something very short term. You want some
kind of real connection and a real relationship.
This is the first product I came across which was good for that. He turned it into a system. Christian
Hudson himself has always been pretty much focused on relationships himself, so he was a great guy
to do it.
What I liked about is it really goes into some of the mindsets you need to change in order to change
from the pickup artist stuff and all of that stuff, which doesn’t fit very well with girlfriends. He talks
about some of the problems with that stuff, for instance, and he also talks about so many important
mindsets you have to change in order to have a girlfriend, a relationship that lasts.
A lot of the stuff in other products, because of the way it focuses on where it puts its energies, it
doesn’t lead to lasting relationships. What you often get is guys will get into a relationship that will last
a month or two months, because there are some things where you have to work on it and fix.
The Girlfriend Activation System also has this self-development. It talks about how you develop
yourself as a man and these important aspects that we don’t talk about enough, but they’re essential if
you want to get the girl and keep the girl and basically have a relationship and develop it.
He also talks about other stuff like how to get the most out of relationships, how to get the most out
of the sexual connection and things like that. So a lot of girlfriend stuff – how to get the girl and how to
even let go from dates and all these typical scenarios that lead to girlfriends rather than just hookups,
all the way into the relationship, how to make the most out of that.
It’s a comprehensive system and it’s really pretty outstanding; it bunches together a lot of stuff. The
other thing is Christian Hudson’s been around as long as I have and he has only brought this product
out just over the last two years, I think. So it’s really taking over ten years of experience he’s had, so
that’s good too.
[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah. I think he’s done a great job of addressing a big need that was there in the
dating advice community. Like you say, everything was just focused towards meeting women,
attracting women, trying to hook up with women, and there wasn’t anything that really focused on
how to have a good relationship with a girl, how to have a girlfriend and how to handle that situation.
Everything just seemed to be focused on what to do before that.

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I remember, many years ago when we were still learning a lot of this stuff, it was quite common that
guys were going out and meeting women and then sleeping with women, and then they’re like, “Okay,
now what do I do?” because there was nothing out there that specifically told them what to do next.
This is creating a lot of problems where guys couldn’t keep girls around. They maybe hooked up with
them a couple of times and then things kind of went south after that because the stuff that you do for
getting women attracted or maybe getting her into bed isn’t the same type of stuff you want to be
doing for having a girlfriend and developing a solid relationship.
This product came along and it definitely gives a clear way on how to develop a great relationship with
a girl that you want to keep around for a while, so it’s a great product for that.
[Angel Donovan]: Yup. So what’s your next one?
[Jackson Hunter]: Alright, my next product is Real World Seduction 2.0 by Swinggcat. The reason I’ve
included this product is this is one of the ones that I’ve read for myself and I learned a lot from. I find
that it’s probably the only product I’ve come across that I think anyone who is a beginner or an
intermediate or an advanced level will still get something out of it.
If you’re brand new to learning about dating, you can go through this and you will learn a ton, but only
if you’ve been doing this for many years and you’re advanced, you will still learn a lot. There are always
nuggets of gold hidden throughout it.
I’ve read this a number of times myself and every time I read it, I learn something different or find
something in there that I didn’t pick up on the last time. Swinggcat is one of the innovators in the
dating advice community; he’s a lot more focused on tactics and techniques and the psychology of
what it takes to attract women.
He’s a guy that many years ago was putting out really original content, whereas everybody else was
just copying what other people were doing. He was sort of creating his own style and a lot of his things
were evolving around using yourself as the price.
Have you ever hear of the term, “I am the prize”? He’s the guy, as far as I know, that developed that.
He talked a lot about qualification at a time when nobody else was using it. These days, it’s very
standard; everybody mentions it in their dating advice products.
He’s the guy that first bought it mainstream to everybody and it really was a game-changer in how
people were meeting women. All of a sudden, guys were implementing a lot of his tactics, his advice,
and they’re able to attract women much more quickly and much more easily, and the effect it has is
women start chasing you. Women start putting in effort into the conversation, into the interaction.
And when you start going for the really attractive women, this is something you have to do. At the
time, Swinggcat was living in L.A. – I think he’s still living out there.
[Angel Donovan]: Yes.

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[Jackson Hunter]: He is. So he’s obviously going after a lot of women in L.A., so they’re very attractive,
they’ve got a lot of options. He was going to a lot of bars and nightclubs and picking up the hottest
women there. He was taking women out and having threesomes with them – that really kind of crazy
stuff that nobody else was really doing at the time – and a lot of it was just sort of around the
techniques and the tactics that he has developed, and a lot of it is just based around fundamental
human psychology, so anybody can use it.
I think it’s a product that if you buy it, you can spend many, many months reading it, applying the
advice, testing out the tactics, and you’re going to get so much value out of it. There’s so many
different things in there you can try.
Like I said, I’ve read it many times. I’m sure if I read it again tomorrow, I would come across new stuff
that I hadn’t even thought of before. In terms of what it takes to attract women on a deep level, things
like an average guy can use to attract a woman who is much better-looking than he is, I’d say this is
probably the best product I’ve come across in terms of teaching the specific things to say and do. In
terms of that, yes, it’s fantastic. Angel, have you any thoughts on that?
[Angel Donovan]: Well, just that it’s one of the few products that has stood the test of time. I mean, it’s
18 years old now. The fact is that a lot of Swinggcat’s stuff has been used in everyone else’s product
these days. But no one’s done it as deep as you say, like this particular product goes very deeply into
his methods and the psychology of it and everything like that, so that’s the reason it’s still there
because it is pretty comprehensive. He even updated it at one point, but that was also quite a long
time ago. But again, it stood the test of time because there’s a lot in there and it’s really good stuff and
it’s the original.
Swinggcat is the real deal. He’s been around, he was in the game and all of these kind of things –
everyone knows him down here in L.A., so that’s all good.
[Jackson Hunter]: Yup, absolutely. So your next product, Angel?
[Angel Donovan]: Alright. The next one for me is the Desire System. This one is kind of fixing problems.
Let me give you a bit of context.
A lot of guys, when they get into learning all the skills for this part of their life, what can be helpful is
very, very practical advice, like telling them structures of how to say things. Some of the good products
even have templates and things like this to use. This is good for getting guys started, but some guys will
tend to cling to that and rely on that rather than developing themselves and becoming a bit more
This is where this product for me steps in and it’s really useful because even for me, when I watched
this I was like, “Ah, there are a lot of things in here about becoming more natural and more in touch
with yourself and using that as the basis for attraction rather than anything you’ve learned, which is
going to come outside of you, like different structures and stuff.”

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The Desire System is by David Tian, he’s a good friend of mine. I’ve known him for a long time. He’s the
real deal. We hung out a lot in Singapore and Asia in general; we had a lot of fun together. This is really
the basis of his method.
He was called The Rake for a long time – the Asian Rake – which, if you’ve seen Robert Greene’s
materials, it’s based on him, from the book. He attracts girls with this idea of mirror neurons. Basically,
the way you communicate emotions with women, they will start feeling those emotions as well, and
this is natural. This is the way humans interact.
His whole system’s based on this science. David is himself an academic, a PhD. He was teaching at one
of the biggest universities in Singapore for quite a while until they made him take the decision to leave
or not because they weren’t totally cool with the fact that he was coaching about some aspects of
science that they didn’t feel –. Universities are kind of conservative, so they made him take the
decision to either leave or drop what he was doing here.
He’s having such an impact in his coaching and now with this system that he chose to go this way and
focus on this for his life rather than academia, which was his original purpose.
He basically has a lot of academic grounding; you can listen to the interview we did about this, behind
all this and the science, and it’s really good for fixing people who have got too much into pickup
artistry or too much into routines and these kinds of things, and now they’re having difficulty relating
to people normally.
They’re having difficulty in relationships, relating normally, or attracting without having to think of the
structures and all of this stuff. It helps you become more natural, more yourself and develop yourself
as a human, an attractive human.
[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah, this was something I think I had to figure out myself before this product came
out. Guys were getting so much into the routine and the canned [clear 41:07] style of interacting with
women that it was just becoming very robotic in what people were doing; it was kind of strange, and a
lot of guys were finding it hard just to relate to women on a natural level.
And so this is something that I really focused on myself for a period of time. I was just not using any of
the stuff that I’d learned from the dating and pickup communities, and just being 100% myself in every
situation, and just relating to women more on an emotional level, and just being real and being natural
in the moment.
I have a huge effect on the results I was getting. I was finding that I had to do a lot less work to get
women interested; I could just sit back a bit more and women were putting in more effort. It was very
interesting to me when I started seeing those results. Yeah, I think it’s definitely something that guys
who have some experience already with the pickup stuff would get a lot out of because it would help
correct a lot of the problems that they’re making, and the guys that haven’t started out with the
pickup stuff, it can probably help them avoid some of the mistakes that they might make if they get
into some of the information. It can help them balance things out a lot more.

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Yeah, that’s definitely something that I got from it.
[Angel Donovan]: Yeah, and also becoming more emotive – more emotional, more in-touch with
yourself. It’s good for that, which is important to enjoying your life in general, not just dating. It helps
to develop your emotionality in these sorts of structures and stuff within it which make it more
practical. That’s obviously a very difficult kind of topic to tackle, but I think he has done it very well, the
way he’s tackled it.
So man, what’s your next product?
[Jackson Hunter]: My next product up is 77 Ways To Make Women Want to F You. This is by Jason
Capital. Jason Capital is one of the best dating coaches going around at the moment.
This is a product that focuses on pretty much like it says, how to get women into bed, so it’s a very
straightforward book. It just gives you numbered advice from 1-77, and each number is a tip, a tactic,
an idea – something you can try out to maybe get women feeling more sexual, to isolate them and get
them back to your place, to create a sense of adventure for them. Those different things are going to
lead things towards where you want them to go.
This one’s really important because I think it’s something that guys really struggle with even after
they've been learning dating skills for a while. They might get to the stage where they’re able to meet
women and attract women. When it comes to pulling the trigger and making the move, they really feel
a lot of anxiety and they just freeze up and they won’t do it because they’re scared that they’re going
to blow the interaction; they’re scared the woman is going to get freaked out by it and they’re going to
lose her.
I’ve seen a lot of guys who are very good with women, maybe even guys who are dating coaches,
where I’ve been watching them with a woman and I can see that the woman is ready to go home with
the guy, but he won’t pull the trigger, he won’t try and make it happen.
He would say to me, “Oh, she’s not ready yet. I need to do this, I need to do that.” It really just comes
down to fear – fear of losing the woman, fear of not being good enough for her, and it’s something a
lot of guys deal with. I’d say that approach anxiety and sexual anxiety are the two biggest things that
guys tend to deal with, and this is excellent for the sexual anxiety problem.
If you are at the stage where you’re going out and you’re meeting lots of women, you’re going on a lot
of dates with women but nothing’s really happening beyond that; if you think that you’re not
comfortable making a move, with being able to kiss a woman, taking it to a sexual level, then this book
has just got a ton of techniques that you can use for that.
The other good thing it does is it gives you kind of like a really applicable overview of how to use NLP,
which is neuro-linguistic programming, when talking to women. This is something we have a lot of guys
ask us about, like how to use it, what products I should get.

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There are some courses and products out there we might pay hundreds of dollars or thousands of
dollars to learn about this topic and what this course does is probably in the first four or five page, it
tells you pretty much everything you need to know about it in terms of being able to attract and
seduce women without learning anything that you don’t need to do.
It’s not actually a technique that we recommend that you have to learn about and obey [clear 45:34],
but it’s something that you can have use of [clear 45:36] in certain situations, and 77 Ways is the best
product I’ve seen. It just gives you the bare minimum that you need to know that will be effective
without wasting time on stuff that won’t and without learning anything that’s going to be creepy, or
that guys are going to use in a way that might get negative results, which is a problem I’ve said a lot of
guys have. They try some of these NLP techniques and just weird the woman out, and actually get
worse results than if they weren’t using it at all.
If you just follow the advice that Jason gives here, you’re going to get great results without doing
anything that might come off the wrong way. Angel?
[Angel Donovan]: Yeah, well I had Jason talk about this specific topic and sexual escalation and some of
the things tackled by 77 Ways. It was a really good interview, so check that out on our podcast.
There’s probably four or five areas where guys always get stuck, and this is one of them. How do I
escalate? How do I take the leap from physical nothing to a physical something with a girl, like making
the relationship romantic, making it physical? Guys struggle with that, so it’s a great, very practical
guide for that – definitely way more practical than anything else out there.
My next thing, since we’re talking about physicality – sex. I would say the best kind of product for this
is Two Girls Teach Sex. I’m not 100% on this because there are a few things I don’t like, but it is still the
Ideally, I’d like someone to come out with something even better and more comprehensive, but this
one’s pretty good, and the reasons are it’s got a good handle on the psychology so there are some
seminar bits in it. This is like their first program – Two Girls Teach Sex is a company and they have a
whole bunch of products.
The first one is called Two Girls Teach Sex DVD Set and it has six DVDs with some basic stuff. One of
them goes over the psychology of sex, and this actual stuff, I didn’t learn it from them; I learned it from
someone else, but it’s the same material. It really changed my sex life – took it to the next level, and
that was back in 2007, when I started really working and investing time in exploring my sexuality and
developing it and developing it with women. In a big way, it was like a mission.
It really took things to a whole different level for me then and I definitely recommend that guys, once
they’re in relationships or once they’re getting a fair amount of sex, they'd take a look at that to
expand their sexuality and improve sex for the women, obviously. So that’s one thing.

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Also, it has positions. The thing with Two Girls Teach Sex is they basically have girls who – they actually
have live action with girls having sex with guys and girls having sex with each other to show you the
actual positions. Actually in some of them they’ll have the girls, because they’re porn stars, they’ll be
wearing one of those strap-on dildos to demonstrate the guy. But it’s fine.
I think for guys who haven’t seen much, or maybe they'd been watching too much porn or stuff that
aren’t very realistic, it’s good for that reason because it shows you the basic positions and things like
that in a non-hype-y way, which is, in porn, of course, they have all of this crazy stuff going on, which
no one really does in real life and girls don’t really like. So it’s good to reset your expectations,
especially as there’s so much consumption of porn.
I’m pretty sure that you guys listening here have been watching some porn, if not a lot of porn, so you
might have got some ideas that need resetting if you haven’t actually had a lot of sex yourself. So I
think it’s good for that – you actually see it and you’re able to follow along and then put it into practice
[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah. I think one of the issues with porn is a lot of guys don’t realize that it’s filmed
in a way so that it’s entertaining to people who are watching it, not in a way that it feels great for
A lot of the angles they use or the positions are simply so that the camera can get in there and get a
good close up shot, and it’s not a position that people might tend to do in real life.
A lot of porn stars will actually say it doesn’t feel good for them, it’s not comfortable and in their real
life they don’t have sex in that way. But on film, it looks good that’s why it’s done that way. I think this
product – Two Girls Teach Sex – it gives you a more realistic view of what women actually like without
all of the stuff that they do in porn. That’s simply for technical reasons so they can get the good close
up shots.
For that reason, I think it’s going to be beneficial for a lot of guys.
My next product is the Seduction Roadmap by Sinn. Sinn puts out a lot of great products; this one in
particular is maybe his best product, it’s the most in depth. It started out as a webinar series he did
with guys who were paying a lot of money to attend these calls and it’s been repackaged as a
downloadable product.
There’s a lot of information here on verbal attraction, on sexual attraction, on what it takes to get
women sexually attracted to you in a way that a lot of other dating coaches don’t talk about. Some of
Sinn’s ideas are a bit different to what other coaches talk about, so just the term “attraction” is
something that is thrown around a lot in the dating advice community.

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The problem with attraction is it can mean many different things. Sinn here, he talks about the
difference between social attraction and sexual attraction. A lot of the advice in the pickup community,
in the dating advice community, it’s focused on social attraction. It’s getting women interested in a way
where they give you attention, but they’re not necessarily sexually attracted to you, which is really
what we want. That’s the deep kind of attraction. Sinn goes into a lot of detail here on the difference
between them, why it’s important, and he talks a lot about the different brain theories of how the
sexual attraction is the deepest, so it’s the one that women have the least control over. If you can get
that deep, sexual attraction going, you’re much more likely to sleep with the woman, to get her as your
girlfriend and to develop a relationship.
He gives a lot of techniques here, focusing on what to say, what to do. If you don’t know Sinn, he’s
probably known as the guy who’s got the most advice in terms of verbal game, and he’s also the guy
that’s probably trained the most of the dating coaches.
When people have problems in their own dating life, he’s the guy that they would turn to. Dating
coaches from another company – he’s the guy that they would tend to go to to get training from. So
he’s worked with pretty much everybody in the industry.
This product, I found it really great for one thing in particular, which is he’s focused on sexual framing.
Sexual framing is something that first came around. It was developed by Sinn and another guy called
Captain Jack. This was probably around 2006, 2007 when it first started getting talked about a lot by
these two guys.
What it really did was it showed you how to sexualize the interaction really quickly, whereas
beforehand, the popular thing going around, the popular idea was that it takes four to seven hours
from meeting a woman until having sex with her. What Captain Jack and Sinn were saying is you could
actually cut that down to maybe an hour or two hours, depending on the woman, and a lot of it had to
do with sexual framing.
It’s basically setting up the interaction in a way that it’s much more sexual, and it’s giving you a lot of
techniques that rely on basic psychology, more advanced psychology, in a way that gets women
chasing you. It creates a lot of sexual tension and it removes a lot of the objections and barriers that
women feel towards having sex with you quickly so that if you’re able to get that attraction going,
women are going to feel much more comfortable sleeping with you quickly because all of the things
that they’re worried about, the objections that they might naturally feel, you’ve been able to erase
those from their mind so she really has no reason not to sleep with you.
And because she’s so attracted to you and because you’re able to get her aroused through these
techniques, she’s much more likely to go home with you and have sex with you. That’s kind of what the
focus of the course is on.
For myself, once I started trying out these techniques, I noticed a huge difference in terms of how
physical I was able to get with women much more quickly, so it had a huge benefit for me. And for guys
I know who have gone through it, the results they’re getting have been amazing.

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[Angel Donovan]: Yeah. John Sinn, he’s very experienced. I think he’s been in a couple of interviews on
the podcast and it really comes across. He’s been around a lot and he’s one of the guys who hasn’t
been in a relationship, guys who’ve slept with a lot of women, he’s picked up a lot of women, he’s got
that kind of lifestyle.
What that means is he does get a lot of experience versus guys who are into [clear 54:26] relationships
for a while in terms of this kind of things. Listen to the interviews too because there’s a lot of practical
nuggets and you can get a better idea of what Jackson was just talking about in there. He comes across
really well.
Next up, The Way Of The Superior Man – this is a classic – and this is by David Deida. I’m not 100%
sure how to pronounce that, actually. I think people pronounce it in different ways, but he’s a very
well-known guy. Actually, just next week, I’m going to attend one of his courses here – a seminar. He
doesn’t actually run them himself anymore, but he has someone who does that for him so I’m taking
the opportunity to check it out.
It’s a classic and it really looked at how relationships are between men and women, and this is why I
think everyone should read this, because you have to understand how we’re different. This is like
female psychology kind of stuff, so it’s like foundational, but it’s also a little bit advanced.
It’s very good for beginner guys to read this just so they can absorb some of it and understand some of
the concepts, but to come back to this book quite often. It’s just a book – it’s not even that long – but
[unclear 55:35] it’ll give you a much better idea of why some of the issues come up in relationships
between men and women, where the problems in attraction come as well, because we are such
different creatures, from some respects in a way, in energy, and he talks about polarities and things like
that. And he takes abstract concepts and he puts some in a way that I think is easy for people to
So that’s great for just general female psychology and getting your head around it. A lot of guys, when
they get into this, they’re just – they don’t understand women, and women, and women really
frustrate them because they don’t understand the way they’re acting and the way they are. This is one
of those books that give you that level of insight to start overcoming some of those frustrations that
you get. “Ah, women are just different this way and this way and this is why.”
I’m trying to look at it from a man’s point of view, but if I look at it from this way I don’t get so
frustrated and I kind of empathize with the way she’s acting. What I did in order to cause that, because
he’s talking a lot about that kind of stuff too so you can eliminate some of the things that are basically
pushing her away, for example.
[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah, absolutely. This is an amazing book; it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read. I
think that’s what it’s great at is it really explains women on a deeper level than anything I’ve come
across before.

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I probably first read this book nearly ten years ago now, so it’s quite a while, and even by that stage,
we’d been obviously teaching dating to other people. Of all of the stuff I read up to that point, none of
the other dating coaches or anybody who is giving advice was able to explain women as well as what
David was able to in his book.
I was just on such a deeper level and easy to understand, whether I was “Okay, yeah, I understood it
before but now I understand it in a new way. It makes sense.” And I think once you’ve had a certain
level of experience, you’re able to read things in that book and it’d just become like “Oh okay, now I
understand why that girl did what she did. Now I understand why what I did caused her to react that
way” and you kind of have these epiphanies when reading it.
I recommended the book to guys who don’t know anything about dating advice to just guys who are
out dating women, have girlfriends, and everybody who I’ve recommended this book to, they loved it.
They’re like, “Jackson, this is the best book I’ve ever read. If you’ve got anything else you can
recommend to me, because this was amazing. It has changed the way that I’ve seen women.” For me,
it’s definitely one of the must-reads out there.
[Angel Donovan]: Yeah, awesome.
[Jackson Hunter]: Alright so for me, this will be my last, last product and that’s the Female Orgasm
Blueprint by Jason Julius. Jason’s a guy that’s a bit more focused on relationships, so everything in this
course is sort of done in the context of being in a long-term relationship.
It’s about using sex as a way to connect with your partner and build that relationship and make it
stronger. He focuses a lot on techniques here. There are basically different techniques and ways you
can do to make your girlfriend have an orgasm.
The difference between this one and Two Girls Teach Sex is he doesn’t have live models here. There’s
no porn stars; it’s a lot more tastefully done, in a way. He uses a plastic model with a vagina to show
you how the techniques work. If you need to actually see the live demonstrations, then Two Girls
Teach Sex will probably be better for you.
But if you’re able to understand things yourself and see what’s going on, I think this is good enough.
You don’t actually need the people there, probably, to understand it. He makes everything quite simple
and straightforward.
He’s a guy that’s been really focused on learning everything about sex and sexuality for a long time
now, and that really shows in the way that he comes across, the way that he presents this course to a
series of videos online. It’s quite quick; it doesn’t take a long time to go through the course, but they
are very effective.
When I watched this a few years ago, there were some things in there that I hadn’t heard before that I
was able to adopt myself and found were very useful. For guys who are in a relationship already or
wanting to develop a relationship, this is probably the best course I’ve come across.

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The sexual techniques, it doesn’t focus too much on the psychology, which is kind of a downfall. Like
Angel was saying before with Two Girls Teach Sex, this isn’t a 100% product that we say this covers
everything. We haven’t really come across anything that teaches the physical skills of sex, the
techniques combined with the psychology necessary, that we can say, “This is definitely the best
But it is a very good course and anyone who goes through it is going to learn a lot. He’s a guy that
presents things in a way that is very easy to digest and is respectful to women. There’s nothing sleazy
about what he does, so it’s probably something you could even watch with your girlfriend and learn
with her and go through it. He’s a charming and laid back guy, and he’s got that kind of personality
where he [unclear 01:00:35] say that he loves women and everything he’s doing is focused on trying to
get women more pleasure, which, in turn is going to give you more pleasure and is going to end up in a
better relationship for the two of you.
[Angel Donovan]: Yeah. Jason was on the podcast too and you should listen to that. Actually, we talk a
lot about stuff that goes beyond the Female Orgasm Blueprint – a lot of stuff about how to relate to
women sexually and things like that. It’s interesting stuff, which if you put on top of the four female
orgasm blueprint, it gives you a really good idea of who he is and his approach to sex, as you’ll
probably find that interesting too.
Great. The last product – and it is Dominant Sexual Power. I would say this is advanced, so I wouldn’t
say it’s for everyone. I got a lot out of it, and I actually every now and again still go back to this because
it’s a really interesting product.
It’s from Vin DiCarlo. This product’s been around a really long time, probably about seven years. He
took it off the market for a while, and about two years ago I think he put it back on, maybe a year ago
It’s good that it’s back because it was a good product, and he’s also updated it. Why is it interesting?
Well, because he kind of takes things from Way Of The Superior Man, the approach and things like
that, and he tries to translate them into actions and the practical aspects of it. So in relationships,
being sexually dominant in the right ways, the way the interactions are, specific ways you can interact
with women.
I’m talking about Way Of The Superior Man, he talks about polarity of female and male and how we
act differently. It takes some of that stuff and it tries to put it into practice and he does a pretty good
job at that. It also looks at attraction quite deeply, and it looks at some approaches to attraction
involving like who’s putting more investment in – and these are things that go on all the time in
I think it’s important to understand that that’s taking place and there is that dynamic. He goes on into a
lot of detail about the things that can tilt the investment from one side to the other, so you can kind of
understand these dynamics.

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I wouldn’t say it’s a relationship-focused product, but I think it does give you that other layer of
understanding of relationships. There’s stuff that goes on and a lot of use aren’t aware of it or we don’t
want to look at it. Some of it’s not always a very, very positive light, and I would say that you have to be
careful with this particular product to apply in a positive light and not use it for negative uses, because
you could use it for manipulation as well, which wouldn’t be appropriate and it’s not something we’d
like you to do with it because that’ll just come and bite you in the ass anyway.
But it’s a very interesting product and it’s definitely advanced. It’s from Vin DiCarlo, he’s been around a
long time also. That’s all I have to say on that one.
[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah, I agree. It is a great product. I remember seeing it many years ago now, and
Vin’s a guy that’s quite interesting because he’s got a lot of experience.
<p>I think one thing that a lot of guys can get out of this program – Dominant Sexual Power –. A lot of
guys that ask me about these things are saying, “How do I be dominant with women?” As guys who
are maybe quite short or quite small in stature, “I’m not a big guy; I can’t be dominant with women” –
Vin DiCarlo is a guy that is quite short.
I think he might be like 5’7”, 5’8” – he’s quite short – and he’s fairly thin. He’s not a big guy that you
would think he’s dominant with women, but it’s more about your behavior, your attitudes and our
character. You can be dominant with women in the way that you interact with them; it’s about who
you are rather than what you look like.
I think a lot of guys can take that away. I learned a lot from this program how to be dominant with
women, and that’s something that I still use today that I think early on when I was learning about
attraction and all this stuff, I wasn’t dominant enough with women. And this makes a massive impact
in terms of keeping the relationship healthy, keeping the relationship strong.
Attractive women, they want to be with a guy that is dominant – not in a negative way, but a guy who
is looking out for them. It’s a guy who is in control, who is leading, who knows where he’s going.
One of the things that’s been talked about in this program, and correct me if I’m wrong, but I think he
talks about how to attract women and bring them into your life in a way that they’re improving your
life. Whatever your goal is in life, whatever your mission is, you’re conveying that to women and you’re
getting them to contribute to that.
What he was able to do is attract women so strongly that his mission in life became so important to
them that they did everything they could to support him. He had situations where women were always
coming over and happily cooking for him, cleaning for him. Maybe to some people that might sound a
bit misogynistic, but it was done in a way that they felt appreciated for being a woman and they were
able to appreciate him as a man and where he was going, and had a lot of satisfaction out of helping
him achieve where he was going.
This definitely relates to Way Of The Superior Man; it’s probably like a practical way in how to apply
what’s in that book as well, I think.

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[Angel Donovan]: Yeah, thanks man. Okay, so this is our selection of products right now. I guess we
might update this from time to time, but thank you guys for listening. I hope this was really useful to
you. We try to put all of our experience out there for you.
If you have any feedback or any questions about this, I would love to hear from you. My email is You can also leave me voice mails on my US number, which is +1 213
867 7595.
You can also reach out to Jackson.
[Jackson Hunter]: Yeah, my email is so feel free to get in touch any
[Angel Donovan]: Yeah, we’d love to hear what you think – if this is helpful to you, or if it’s still some
other questions, maybe we can develop future audios or videos or whatever with the kind of questions
that you still have.
We know we probably hit the mark for a lot of the questions we get with this, so we’re really happy
about that. Again, you have the .pdf download with the transcript of this whole conversation, and the
links to all the podcast interviews mentioned and all the products and the coach profiles.
That’s all the information. You can get a lot more details on that also.

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