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Game is one of the most greatets technology industry right now. Developer can
get so many advantages, for example Destiny. Destiny has already smashed analysts'
expectations for first-week sales with a $500 million launch. From this, we can
conclude that game industry is on of the greatest industry. But now, gaming could make
parents worry about their child. Game addiction certainly is a bad addict. This condition
make anxious for some side.

Is your child playing video games instead of doing schoolwork? Is he avoiding

social situations and is his behavior worsening as a result of constant gaming? I’ve
heard the desperation and concern in the voices of many, many parents whose kids
seem to spend all their time playing video games, as if possessed by some mysterious
outside force.

Stopping video games for any reason has a long-lasting negative impact on
child’s emotions. He may becomes depressed, moody, angry, aggressive or violent
when he is unable to play. Child has stolen video games from stores or friends, or
stolen money from others in order to buy video games, more than once. He frequently
lies about how much time he spends playing video games. So what can you do to limit
video game playing and create healthy boundaries around it?

Gaming addiction is still the mysterious problem, more terrifying than alcohol
or drugs addiction. Like the expert from Amsterdam say, they are powerless over their
addiction. But these addicts aren't hooked on drugs or alcohol. They are going cold
turkey to break their dependence on video games. The lure of a fantasy world is
especially pertinent to online role-playing games. These are games in which a player
assumes the role of a fictional character and interacts with other players in a virtual
world. As Young puts it, an intelligent child who is unpopular at school can "become
dominant in the game." The virtual life becomes more appealing than real life. We must
respond to this problem seriously.

So far on this problem, no one can find why this problem easily happen and
relatively difficult to be solved. It’s important to be investigated to know why are
computer games addictive, how common is computer game addiction in children, what
are the effect, so we can keep off or treat this problem well.
To collect data to support this research, I will make the survey that will be
answered by the children that likes playing video game, the parents, and the game
developer. Maybe GameTech college students and game makers can be the informants
to get their opinions and the information about video game. We can use their opinions
to underlie the problems and find some solutions that we can use, both for parents and
addicts themselves.


1. Background

Game is one of the most greatets technology industry right now. Developer can get so
many advantages, for example Destiny. Destiny has already smashed analysts'
expectations for first-week sales with a $500 million launch. From this, we can
conclude that game industry is on of the greatest industry. But now, gaming could make
parents worry about their child. Game addiction certainly is a bad addict. This condition
make anxious for some side.

It’s important to be investigated to know why are computer games addictive, how
common is computer game addiction in children, what are the effect, so we can keep
off or treat this problem well.

2. Research Problem

Gaming addiction is still the mysterious problem. We must respond to this problem
seriously. I want to investigate:

 Is computer game addiction a diagnosable disorder?

 What are the symptoms of computer game addiction?
 Who is most at risk for computer game addiction?
 How is computer game addiction treated?
3. Significance of Research

This research about gaming addiction will be useful because from this research we can
get knowledges about:

 definition of gaming addiction

 the symptoms of computer game addiction
 the reason why are computer games addictive

and maybe for the parents, you will know some informations like:

 how common is computer game addiction in children

 how is computer game addiction treated
4. Research Method

To collect data to support this research, I will make the survey that will be answered by
the children that likes playing video game, the parents, and the game developer. Maybe
GameTech college students and game makers can be the informants to get their
opinions and the information about video game.


Computer game addiction generally refers to an excessive, unhealthy amount of

playing computer games. Rather than engaging in the real world, an addicted user
devotes the majority of his or her time to gaming ( Conrad, 2011). The issue of game
addiction is getting spread widely and uncontrollable. Gaming addiction became a
mysterious problem which is still difficult to treated, more terrifying than alcohol or
drugs addiction. Whereas, in fact, Dr Shumaila Yousafzai (2009) from Cardiff Business
School said popular online video games warned players not to overuse their products.

These warning messages also suggest that the online video game industry might
know how high the percentage of over-users is, how much time gamers spend playing
and what specific features make a particular game more engrossing and addictive than
others (Yousafzai, 2009). In other hand, Cyber psychologist Dr Zaheer Hussain, from
the University of Derby, said warning messages were not enough. As a first step online
game developers and publishers need to look into the structural features of the game
design, for example the character development, rapid absorption rate, and multi-player
features which could make them addictive and or problematic for some gamers
(Hussain, 2008).

Parents across the globe are increasingly concerned about their sons online
gaming habits. They are sure that there is a problem but counselors unfamiliar with
online gaming addiction don’t understand how seductive they can be (Young, 2009,
p.4). Fraser (2012) mentions that kids are among the most vulnerable to video game
addiction, experts said, and may become violent when their "drug" is taken away.
Video game and Internet addiction usually point to other mental problems including
anxiety, depression and trouble forming healthy relationships.

Kimberli Young (2009, p.12) says, not only are children, teenagers, and college
students effected by online gaming addiction, but a growing number of adults are
becoming hooked to online gaming. While such cases are rare, mental-health
professionals say the fantasy worlds offered by computer and video games can become
the stuff of very real addictions that destroy marriages and careers. People of all ages
are quickly becoming immersed in this virtual fantasy world whereby they can easily
escape problems in their lives.

As in any treatment program, the primary step to take in the path, according to
Kimberly (2009, p.18), to recovery is to accept and not refute “denial,” a defense
mechanism that addicts frequently employ and that effectively stops them from
accepting treatment. Once this obstacle is conquered, treatment can be performed more
effectively than it would otherwise. Tracy Miller (2013) add because computer game
addiction is a new development in the world of mental health, treatments are not as well
established as those for depression, anxiety, anger, etc. Most interventions take a
cognitive-behavioral approach which involve changing how the addict thinks about the


In this research, we use the quantity method based on the result of the surveys.
We are probably measuring variables and verifying existing theories or hypotheses or
questioning them.

The questionnaires which made maybe will be answered by the children that
likes playing video game and the parents to analyze the symtoms of the gaming
addiction, the reason why gaming is addicted, and the effect of the gaming addiction.
We also need interviewing the game makers, game developers, or maybe GameTech
college students to get their opinions and the information about video game.
The survey will begin with making questionnaire that be adapted, children or
parents to know the reasons of gaming addiction and the parents responses. Some
questions for the interview also prepared to explore the information from the experts.


Computer game addiction generally refers to an excessive, unhealthy amount of

playing computer games. Rather than engaging in the real world, an addicted user
devotes the majority of his or her time to gaming. The addicted gamer often isolates
him/herself from others, ignores more important responsibilities, and is often obsessed
with obtaining higher status / rankings / achievements in his/her favorite computer

According to the DSM-IV (the current manual for classifying emotional,

psychological, and mental disorders), no. Although there have been calls from some
mental health professionals (and parents) to recognize computer game addiction as a
"real" disorder, it has not been granted official diagnostic status. As more research on
the effects of excessive gaming is conducted, many believe that it is only a matter of
time before computer game addiction is classified as a compulsive behavior similar to
gambling addiction.
Children and


Gaming Consequences
Addiction Family


Treatment Therapy

Because there is no official diagnosis of computer game addiction, there is

obviously no universally agreed upon list of symptoms. Psychologists and other mental
health professionals initially adapted the diagnostic criteria for gambling addiction and
used this as a rough assessment tool for computer game addiction. This classification
approach is rarely used today and for better or for worse, it is essentially up to the
individual researcher or clinician to define the symptoms of computer addiction. Still,
there are some signs and behaviors that are almost always included in definitions of
computer addiction, such as:

 Significant interference with school, work, or relationships

 Often avoiding other commitments in order to keep playing.
 Frequently turning down social invitations in favor of gaming
 Using most or all of one's free time for gaming
 Regularly playing late into the night and which results in poor sleep habits
 Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities
 Regular gaming "binges" of 8 hours or more nonstop
Although virtually anyone who plays computer games could become addicted,
certain groups appear to be more likely to develop unhealthy levels of play. These
groups include:

 Males
 Children and teens
 People with other psychological difficulties (e.g., depression, low self-
esteem, anxiety)
 Individuals with long periods of unstructured time (for example, a teen who is
not involved in other activities outside of school)
 Those with higher levels of neurotocism
 Children who are more impulsive and have weaker social skills

Why are computer games addictive? First, note that some types of computer
games are clearly more addictive than others. For example, most research suggests that
MMOs (like World of Warcraft) and FPS games (like Call of Duty) are more addictive
than racing games and platformers. In brief though, the most additive video games
usually employ many well-established psychological principles to encourage longer and
longer periods of play. For example, the most addictive computer games are based on a
leveling system that requires only minimal effort to "level-up" in the early stages which
slowly evolves into very long gaming sessions to reach the next stage as the game
progresses are open-ended with no clearly defined end require cooperation with other
human players to advance in the game which creates a sense of obligation and
dedication to one's teammates which translates into more and more time strengthening
characters and improving skills are based on variable-ratio or variable
interval schedules of reinforcement that encourages long periods of gaming even in the
absence of rewards.

Depending on the research methodology and the definition of computer

addiction used, estimates range from 2 to 10% of all children who play video games.
More accurate and consistent estimates should be possible if formal diagnostic criteria
for computer game addiction are introduced.

Computer Game Addiction refers to excessively playing games on a PC. Most

often these games are of the MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) or the FPS (First
Person Shooter) genre. Competing online with and against other players is a significant
factor in what makes these particular genres more addictive than others. Video game
addiction refers to excessive play on computers, home consoles, or handhelds systems.
The terms "internet addiction" and "online addiction" are occasionally used to describe
computer game addiction, but more appropriately describe excessive web surfing, email
checking, instant messaging, Facebook addiction, or downloading movies, images, or

Whereas alcohol and drug addictions involve both psychological and

physiological addiction, computer game addiction is often viewed as an impulse control
problem involving psychological addiction only. In this regard, computer game
addiction has more in common with gambling addiction than alcohol or drug addiction.

Although somewhat similar to the symptoms of computer game addiction, the

negative consequences of excessive gaming are often divided into five main categories:

 Social Consequences - As a computer game addict spends more time gaming, he /

she tends to spend less time interacting with others in person. As such, he / she
may lack face-to-face human contact, experience isolation & loneliness, and the
loss of friends or relationships.
 Academic / Career Consequences - Children and teens who are addicted to
computer games very often experience falling grades and decreased academic
performance and dedication. Completing homework, studying for tests, and efforts
during school become very low priorities. Adults who are addicted to computer
games may experience a similar deterioration in work performance, job dedication,
and career aspirations.
 Financial Consequences - Adults and teens may spend large amounts of money on
new games, expansion packs, micro-transactions, service fees, and computer
upgrades. In extreme cases, jobs may be lost due to poor work performance,
playing while at work, and frequent absences.
 Family Consequences - Computer game addiction often leads to deterioration in
family relationships. Tension and conflict between family members escalates as
requests to cut back or stop are ignored. The addicted players may initially deny
that a problem exists, try to hide how much he / she plays, and accuse the other of
trying to "control" his / her life. Parents of addicted children may disagree on how
to address the problem, which may lead to frequent arguments and conflicts.
 Health Consequences - Computer game addicts may neglect personal hygiene,
have poor sleep habits, give up healthy physical activities, and may make meal
decisions based on quick and easy preparation (so that gaming is not interrupted)
rather than dietary needs.
 Emotional / Psychological Consequences - Those addicted to computer games may
experience depressed mood, low self-esteem, social anxiety, low frustration
tolerance, anger, and feelings of guilt and shame for not being able to control their
gaming habits. Of note, it seems likely that difficulties in other areas can cause and
be caused by computer game addiction.

Because computer game addiction is a new development in the world of mental

health, treatments are not as well established as those for depression, anxiety, anger,
etc. Most interventions take a cognitive-behavioral approach which involve changing
how the addict thinks about the addiction (for example, recognizing cognitive
distortions designed to convince the gamer that it is not a problem), and simultaneously
changing his/her behaviors (for example, setting strict limits for play, taking care of
other responsibilities before gaming, using game blocking software or devices, etc.).
Treatment can take a variety of forms including:

 Individual therapy with a psychologist who specializes in treating computer

game addiction or who has experience with addictions in general.
o Pros: Treatment is tailored to the individual player and is based on
established psychological principals and interventions.
o Cons: Computer game addiction specialists are quite rare and it may be
difficult or impossible to find one locally. Treatment can be quite
expensive if multiple sessions are required (which is usually true).
 Family therapy - especially if the addicted player is a child or younger teen.
o Pro: Computer game addiction almost always affects other family
members, and the chance for recovery is increased if these members are
involved in treatment and are working together toward mutually agreed
upon goals.
o Cons: It may be even more difficult to find a computer game addiction
specialist who is also experienced offering family therapy. Additionally,
some family members may see the problem only as the addict's
responsibility and may be unwilling to participate in therapy.
 In-patient treatment facilities (very rare in North America but much more
common in counties such as China and South Korea).
o Pro: Intensive daily interventions offered by a team of specialists.
o Cons: Very expensive (tens of thousands of dollars), few facilities in
North America and Europe, and little research on the efficacy of the
 Wilderness therapy in which the addicted gamer enters an outdoor treatment
program focused on survival skills, team-building, goal-setting, and developing
self-confidence. The programs typically last at least thirty days and the
participants have absolutely no access to video games (and limited access to
other technologies).
o Pros: Complete removal of game for an extended period of time in a
wilderness environment with an emphasis on personal responsibly and
character development.
o Cons: Very expensive (again) and a limited number of programs are
available. There are few programs specifically for computer game
addiction and participants generally come with a wide variety of
behavioral problems. Wilderness therapy is generally only offered for
children and teens.
 Treatment books on computer game addiction (see TechAddiction's
downloadable video game addiction books).
o Pros: Convenient, affordable advice from computer game addiction
specialists or mental health professionals.
o Con: Advice and interventions may be based on outdated research and
techniques unless the book is frequently updated (Note: The books
above are updated several times per year).

Is it possible to play computer games in moderation? Yes. Most people can and
do play in moderation. They play games for casual entertainment, as a way to relax, and
to socialize with friends. However, there are those who are far more likely to become
addicted to computer games. For these people, certain games (very often MMOs)
appear to present a high risk for addiction and may need to be avoided (adults) or
banned (children) in order to prevent unhealthy gaming habits.


Game is one of the most greatets technology industry right now. Developer can
get so many advantages, but game addiction certainly is a bad addict and still be the
mysterious problem. It can make parents worry about their child. Game addiction can
attack anyone, no matter teens or adult, but the most are kids. We must monitoring and
reminding each other to keep off this problem. Actually, this addiction is very difficult
to solved, but if we can execute this well and correctly, it will succeed and can help
patients. There are some ways to resolve that, such as by individual therapy, family
therapy, facilities treatment etc. Most people can and do play in moderation. They play
games for casual entertainment, as a way to relax, and to socialize with friends.
However, there are those who are far more likely to become addicted to computer


Kuss, Daria and Griffiths, Mark (2012). Internet and Gaming Addiction: A Systematic
Literature Review of Neuroimaging Studies. International Gaming Research Unit,
Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham NG1 4BU, UK. Received: 28 June 2012; in
revised form: 24 August 2012 / Accepted: 28 August 2012 / Published: 5 September

Young, Kimberly (2009). Understanding Online Gaming Addiction and Treatment

Issues for Adolescents. The Center for Internet Addiction Recovery, Bradford,
Pennsylvania, USA

Young, Kimberly (n.d.). Understanding Gaming Addiction. The Center for Internet
Addiction Recovery, Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA
Conrad, Brent. (n.d.). Computer Game Addiction - Symptoms, Treatment, & FAQs.
Retrieved from

Conrad, Brent. (n.d.). Computer Game Addiction - Ten Arguments For and Against the
Disorder. Retrieved from

Vivo, Meghan. (n.d.). New Facts About Video Game Addiction: Problem More
Widespread Than Expected. Retrieved from

Miller, Tracy (2013). Video Game Addiction and other Internet Compulsive Disorders
Mask Depression, Anxiety, Learning Disabilities. Paper presented on New York Daily
News. Retrieved from

Rauh, Sherry (2006). Video Game Addiction No Fun. WebMD Feature, Reviewed
by Louise Chang, MD. Retrieved from

Bean, Sara (n.d). "Does My Child Have A Video Game Addiction?" How To Set
Limits Around Video Game Use. Retrieved from

ParentFurther: Guide to Video Game Addiction. An online resource from Search

Institute®, Minneapolis, MN; 800-888-7828; All rights

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