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Will UBReal? Bawal ang Plastic!

Anti-Plastic Campaign


At the end of the campaign, the students are able to:

Reduce consumption of plastic;

Understand where waste ends up;
Explore how waste issues impact the land, air, water and other living things in the
local environment;
Think about their actions and learn to make their own choices;
Understand the importance of caring for the Earth


A. Understanding waste and its impact

1. How much waste do we produce? Global, National and Individual

Global Average: .3 Kg per person per day

Metro Manila: .7 kg per person per day

In 2015, the Philippines was listed as the third highest producer of

plastic wastes thrown into the ocean after China and Indonesia

According to research conducted by the Environmental Protection

Agency, somewhere between five hundred billion and one trillion
disposable bags are used each year around the world. Plastic
bags, while only used for an average of about twelve minutes,
remain in landfills,
oceans, and other places for thousands of years.

Because they never break down completely, plastic bags can clog
storm drains and other areas which can eventually cause severe
flooding. Plastic products are also causing serious issues in the
world's oceans, where pieces of plastic actually outnumber the
amount of plankton in the water. The plastic pieces can lead to
avian and marine life choking, consuming partially broken down
pieces of plastic, and being strangled by discarded shopping bags
and other items. Plastic pollution in oceans has been shown to
have a negative impact on hundreds of different species of marine

2. Focusing on plastic
Plastic audits from various years consistently reveal that the
number one waste being generated / produced are plastics.

Plastic bags are the most common type of garbage found in Manila
Bay. 61.9% of the waste were made of plastic.

Lifespan of most common plastic being used:

a) Plastic Water Bottle - 450 years

b) Disposable Diapers - 500 years
c) Plastic 6-Pack Collar - 450 Years
d) Extruded Polystyrene Foam - over 5,000 years

What are the most common plastics used by UB students and how
are they disposed?

3. Negative effect of plastics

a) Endangers Marine and Avian Animals

Marine Animals mistake plastic waste for for a viable food
source, sometimes causing blockages in their digestive
system. Though the declining sea turtle populations in the
oceans are due to a variety of factors (most all of which
involve human exploitation), plastic pollution plays a
significant role.
Separate studies from 2013 suggest as many as 50 percent
of sea turtles are ingesting plastic at an unprecedented rate,
and dying because of it. Another study of the Loggerhead
species found that 15 percent of young turtles examined had
ingested such enormous quantities of plastic that their
digestive system was obstructed.

Sea Turtles
Whales and Dolphins

B. What can be done?

1. Do not use straw

2. Bring a refillable drinking bottle
3. Segregate wastes (Residual, Recyclable, Biodegradable)
4. Bring your own bag when doing grocery
5. Refuse to use plastic
6. Buy products in bulk
7. Reuse test papers
8. Stop buying bottled water
9. Say no to disposable cutleries

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