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>High School level

Silberberg's Chemistry

>Non-Chemist level
Atkin's Chemical Principles or Brown's Chemistry the Central Science
Klein's Organic Chemistry with his "As a Second Language" as supplement
Kettle's Symmetry and Structure
Berg's Biochemistry
Taylor's Intro to Error Analysis

>Chemist level
Oxtoby's Principles of Modern Chemistry
Levine's Physical Chemistry, which but should be broken down into:
1) Fermi's Thermodynamics
2) Hill's Intro to Statistical Thermodynamics
3) McQuarrie's Quantum Chemistry
Griffiths' Quantum Mechanics
Huheey's Inorganic Chemistry
Voet & Voet's Biochemistry
Clayden & Greeves's Organic Chemistry which also covers Biochemistry's Metabolism
pathways rather well
Cramer's Essentials of Computational Chemistry
Herzberg's Atomic Spectra and Atomic Strucutre
Harris' Quantitative Chemical Analysis

Bevington's Data Reduction and Error Analysis
Tolman's Principles of Statistical Mechanics
Cotton's Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Claude Cohen's Quantum Mechanics
Szabo's Modern Quantum Chemistry
Cook's Handbook of Computational Quantum Chemistry
Kerns' Drug-like Properties

Supplement to Organic Chemistry:

Anslyn's Modern Physical Organic Chemistry
Grossman's The Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Mechanism
Fleming's Molecular Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions
Kurti's Strategic Applications of Named Reactions

Bialek's Biophysics
Alon's Intro to Systems Biology
Clarks' Bioenergetics
Moody's Structural Biology
Vranken's Intro to Bioorganic Chemistry
Model's Bioinformatics Programming Using Python



>Grade School
Gelfand/Shen, Algebra
Gelfand/Glagoleva/Shnol, Functions and graphs
Gelfand/Glagoleva/Kirillov, The method of coordinates
Cohen, Precalculus with unit circle trigonometry

>High School
Euclid's Elements
Geometry Revisited ##by Coxeter
Calculus Vol I & II by Apostol
Linear Algebra and Its Applications by Strang
Ordinary Differential Equations by Tenenbaum
A Primer of Abstract Mathematics by Ash
Conjecture and Proof by Laczkovich

Elements of Set Theory by Enderton
A Mathematical Introduction to Logic by Enderton
Generatingfunctionology by Wilf
Linear Algebra by Shilov
Complex Analysis by Bak
Probability and Random Processes by Grimmett & Stirzaker
Applied Partial Differential Equations by Haberman
Partial Differential Equations by Strauss
Numerical Analysis by Burden
Algebra by Artin
Topics in Algebra by Herstein
Geometry by Brannan
Topology by Munkres
Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Rudin
Counterexamples in Analysis by Gelbaum and Olmsted
Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces by Do Carmo
Ordinary Differential Equations by Arnold
Algebraic Topology by Hatcher
Fourier Analysis; Complex Analysis; Real Analysis; Function Analysis by Stein
An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications Vol. 1&2 by Feller
Partial Differential Equations by Jost
Basic Algebra I & II by Jacobson
Modern Graph Theory by Bollobás
A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory by Rosen
Introduction to Analytic Number Theory by Apostol
Enumerative Combinatorics by Stanley


>Baby level
Young and Freedman's University Physics with Modern Physics

>Child level
Taylor's Classical Mechanics
Griffiths' Intro to Electrodynamics
Fowles' Introduction to Modern Optics
Carroll's An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics
Shankar's Principals of Quantum Mechanics
Schroeder's An Introduction to Thermal Physics
Reif's Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics
Ashcroft & Mermins' Solid State Physics
Schutz's A First Course in General Relativity
Griffiths' Introduction to Elementary Particles
>Teen level
Goldstein's Classical Mechanics
Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics
Sakurai's Modern Quantum Mechanics
Schutz's Geometrical Methods of Mathematical Physics
Misner-Thorne-Wheeler's Gravitation
Peskin & Schroeder, An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
Weinberg's The Quantum Theory of Fields

>Manchild level
Landau & Lifshitz' Course of Theoretical Physics Volumes 1-10



The bases you want to touch on to have a solid CS foundation would be:

>Learn programing & data structures (If you don't know it already)
Hard to recommend books for this. Don't start learning too many languages at once
before you have a solid grasp of one, say C++. Whatever you do avoid Java like the
plague and don't listen to retards that say C++ is too hard.

[General recommendations]
The Little Schemer

Learning Python, Mark Lutz
Python Programming by John Zelle

Programming in C by Stephen Kochan
C Primer Plus by Stephen Prata

Effective C++ by Scott Meyers
C++ Primer by Stanley Lippman

>Learn your way around an Unix shell, Make, and C (If you don't know it already)
Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment

>Learn Computer Architecture and Digital Logic

Fundamentals of Logic Design by Roth & Kinney
Digital Design: Principles and Practices by Wakerly

Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface by Patterson &

Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective by Bryant & O'Hallaron
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach by Hennessy & Patterson

>Learn Operating Systems

Operating System Concepts by Silberschatz (The Dinosaur book)
Modern Operating Systems by Tanenbaum
>Learn various Programing Languages and Compilers
Study a few different feeling programing languages than what you're comfortable
with. Along the lines of: Lisp/Scheme/Racket, Prolog, Haskell, Forth, J, Matlab,
Python, Lua, C#, C++

Programming Language Pragmatics by Scot

Engineering a Compiler by Cooper
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools by Aho (The Dragon book)

>Learn Algorithms
Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, Stein (CLRS)
Algorithms in C++ by Sedgewick
Algorithm Design by Kleinberg and Tardos
The Design and Analysis of Algorithms by Kozen

>Learn Automata, Computability Theory, and Complexity Theory

Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Sipser
Theory of Computation by Kozen

>Parallel Computing
Learn how and when to program with OpenMP, MPI, pthreads/std:thread, OpenCl as well
as parallel algorithms. Good books are hard to find but most recommend "An
Introduction to Parallel Computing" by Grama as a general introduction

Computer Networks: A Systems Approach by Peterson and Davie
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach by Kurose and Ross
Unix Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking API

>AI, Machine Learning, Computer Vision (Warning: most everything people say about
it are wild pipe dreams)
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Russell
Computer Vision by Shapiro and Stockman
Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision by Richard Hartley
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications by Richard Szeliski
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Bishop
Information Theory, Inference & Learning Algorithms by MacKay

>Graphics and Image Processing

Digital Image Processing: Principles and Applications by Baxes
Digital Image Processing by Gonzalez
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C by Foley

>Combinatorial Optimization, Network Flows, Linear Programing/Optimization, and

Approximation Algorithms
Introduction to Linear Optimization by Bertsimas & Tsitsiklis
Theory of Linear and Integer Programming by Schrijver
Network Flows by Ahuja, Magnanti & Orlin
Combinatorial Optimization, Polyhedra and Efficiency by Schrijver
Combinatorial Optimization by Cook
Combinatorial Optimization - Theory and Algorithms by Korte & Vygen
Approximation Algorithms by Vazirani

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