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Proceedings of Bridge Engineering 2 Conference 2011

April 2011, University of Bath, Bath, UK


T.O. Butler1
Undergraduate Student – University of Bath

Abstract: This paper gives a critical analysis of the Gateshead Millennium Bridge, which sits between
Gateshead and Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. The world‟s only tilting bridge, basic structural analysis is
undertaken to British Standard BS5400:2-2006 to establish loading and basic structural capacity, understand
the how the structure works , its efficiency and how all this changes when tilted. The Leonhardt Method of
aesthetic analysis is applied to explore the bridges appearance, and additional aspects attributed to the design
including construction, geology, serviceability, dynamic stability and durability are also discussed.

Keywords: Gateshead, Millennium, Bridge, Arch, Steel, Tilting

warehouse, which is now an upscale Mal Maison hotel,

1 Introduction which sits just off the northern end of the bridge.
The Gateshead Millennium Bridge (Fig.1) is a
tilting, arch bridge. It was the winning entry of a design
competition set by Gateshead Council to create a
bridge that spans the river Tyne from Newcastle‟s
Quayside to the Gateshead Quays and cost £22 million
[1]. The entry was submitted by consulting engineers
Gifford and Partners with Wilkinson Eyre architects.
The brief was to create an iconic structure - a symbol
of the regions, and immediate areas, prosperity and
continued development. It primarily serves as a link
between Newcastle‟s trendy bar, restaurant & hotel
scene and Gateshead‟s „art quarter‟, including the
renovated flour mill - the Baltic Gallery. Recently the
Sage (Fig.2), a music and conference venue, has taken Figure 2: The Sage [6]
residence in this „art quarter‟. Both the Baltic and the
As well as fitting in with structures either side of
Sage are significant structures in their own right, which
the river, the bridge also had to compliment the rivers
has added pressure for the bridge to perform
existing bridges. The six bridges all sit parallel along a
aesthetically as well as structurally.
straight stretch of the river and include some of the
most iconic and notable bridges in the world - the Tyne
bridge being the foremost. It is obvious from first
impression that this bridge has influenced the design of
the Gateshead Millennium Bridge, most notably in its
sweeping arch. Fig.3 illustrates this. Other significant
bridges include Robert Stephenson‟s High Level
Bridge, a recently refurbished double-decker bow-
string girder bridge carrying both cars and the East
Coast Mainline railway, and the Swing Bridge
designed and paid for by Lord William Armstrong - the
only other crossing at quayside-level. It was very
important that these structures, steeped in history,
weren‟t undermined or indeed overshadowed by the
Figure 1: The Gateshead Millennium Bridge [6] new bridge.
A challenge of the bridge was to both to allow
The Quayside has historically been shrouded in quayside-level crossing and yet also achieve enough
industry. A lot of the old warehousing has been either clearance underneath for all manner of river traffic,
demolished and built on or just converted into a range including a large Royal Navel patrol vessel moored a
of upscale commercial & residential premises. On the hundred yards upstream at HMS Calliope, a Royal
Gateshead side this involved the conversion of the Naval Reserve Centre. In some respects these
Baltic flour mill into a contemporary art gallery. On the
Newcastle side a good example is the old Co-operative
Mr. T.O.Butler –
limitations have all contributed lead to the final
solution of a tilting bridge.

2 Aesthetics

Figure 3: Tyne Bridges [6]

The concept of a bridge that moves in order to
allow river traffic through is not a new one, the
drawbridge probably being the earliest example. The
Victorians developed swing bridges using mechanical
machinery developed during the industrial revolution –
there is an example of one on the river Tyne. Areas like
Norfolk, heavily laden with waterways, also host a
decent population of these bridges. Other popular
moving bridge types include bascule, folding, Figure 4: The main Arch [6]
retractable, lifting and transporter bridges. However the
Gateshead Millennium Bridge is the first and still the
only bridge in the world to tilt. 2.1.1 Proportions of the bridge
Aesthetics play a huge part in the bridge choice, The proportions of the bridge have been given
of the selection of moving bridges listed above, not much thought. The arch is of the same depth/span ratio
many offer any design potential for a striking, as the Tyne Bridge it sits up stream of (Fig.3); this
architectural structure likely to capture the hearts and compliments the existing structure and helps the two
minds of the local population. In some respects, the coexist together. The main arch itself is tapered, getting
concept of a tilting bridge was the ultimate solution. broader towards the base (Fig.4), proportional to the
forces through it. The deck is substantially bigger than
the arch supporting it, however the arches inclination
2.1 Fritz Leonhardt Analysis against the deck compensates for this.

Aesthetic evaluation of bridges is a contentious 2.1.3 Order within the structure

issue in engineering. Many academics have published As an arch, the bridge has no significant edges or
work on the aesthetic analysis of bridges, however lines, the hangers are well positioned evenly apart and
these generally tend to conflict with each other as the hang perpendicular to the plate of the kite-shaped arch,
analysis is too subjective and down to personal taste. the cables don‟t cross each other. This gives the bridge
Fritz Leonhardt is widely regarded as one of the most excellent order.
important bridge engineers of the past century, and his
rules on aesthetics break down into ten categories and 2.1.4 Refinement of design
are appreciated as a more objective approach to This bridges detailing is very contemporary, both
aesthetic analysis. in the finishing of the deck and its components. The
kite-shaped section of the arch (Fig.4) with its flat,
2.1.1 Fulfillment of function aerodynamic surface and shape, combined with its
In terms of revealing the structure, the Gateshead discreet tapering and broadening towards the base give
millennium bridge is structurally honest. Its inclined the bridge create a sense of quality engineering and
parabolic arch clearly supports the deck, whilst its performance. This improves the image of the bridge
chunky abutments, which house the hydraulic rams, both from it looking stronger and more beautiful.
top the arch from splaying. In the tilted position the
bridge looks well balanced and sturdy (Fig.8). 2.1.5 Integration into the environment
It was always important for the bridge to fit in truss arch and towering masonry abutments. The
with the new, modern and trendy surrounding of the people of Tyneside love their new bridge so much
Quayside. It does this seamlessly with its bold and they‟ve put it on their beer – testament to the character
contemporary architecture and particularly with its this bridge bestows.
location. It arrives directly in front of the Baltic, almost
as if it were a piece of exhibited art itself for the

Figure 5: The Bridge set against the Baltic Gallery [6] Figure 7: Newcastle Brown Ale label featuring the bridge

2.1.6 Surface texture

The bridge is made from steel, and is shot blasted 2.1.9 Complexity
and paint finished. It is smooth and clean, giving the The arch is no new concept, and despite the arch
arch and deck a very sharp, crisp and modern look. The being inclined and the forces from the stays not acting
deck subtlety uses different paving surfaces for both in plane with the parabola, it is still reasonably simple
the pedestrian and lower cycling sections – dark, gritty to deduce how the structure works.
asphalt for the pedestrians and the light, smooth timber
decking for the cyclist. 2.1.10 Incorporation of nature.
Nature is a difficult thing to incorporate into a
structure in such a built up and urbanised area. Certain
features of the bridge, such as its stainless steel „hedge‟
partition for the pedestrians and cyclists draw on ideas
from nature – using a broader, more solid looking
barrier than just a fence, to separate the two. Most
importantly, the movement of the bridge has been
likened to a „blinking eye‟ – the local nick-name for the
structure. This almost poetically links in with it being a
symbol of the eye-opening development of the area.

3 Structural Design
The bridge is an inclined 2-pin arch. It is difficult
Figure 6: Bridge Deck [6] to judge whether or not the arch is tied. The deck is
2.1.7 Colour of components
In all the images featured, the white finish gives a
light and visually pleasing feel to the bridge. Fig.4
particularly demonstrates how the light colour contrasts
with shadows created to accentuate the slenderness and
beauty of the arch. The hangers, although not painted,
are very thin and blend into the skyline, helping draw
attention to the arch.

2.1.8 Character
Perhaps the most subjective of Leonhardt‟s
categories, character is hard to define. The author
would certainly say that this bridge is steeped in
character. It is a sleek, contemporary alternative to the
Figure 8: Bridge when tilted [6]
existing Tyne Bridge, contrasting its complex parabolic
curved, so carrying the lateral forces through it is Both the arch and deck come together at the end
naturally going to want to straighten and buckle the supports to form a fixed connection at the bearing,
deck. Also, during construction, a temporary tie is used housed in the concrete abutments, where a hydraulic
to prevent splaying of the arch [2]. ram comes into contact with a paddle which drives the
Therefore, although a proportion of the horizontal
load probably is taken axially through the deck, for
simplicity of analysis I will assume it is untied and all
lateral loading is taken by the abutments. When the
bridge is tilted, it becomes a butterfly arch, with the
cables sitting horizontally, taking some of the self-
weight of the deck arch back into the main arch.

3.1 Structural Components

The structure is almost completely constructed
from steel. The main arch is kite-shaped in section, Figure 11: End support [1]
which doubles in size between the base and the apex of
the arch. The steel plates used for fabrication are 35mm tilting mechanism.
thick, with an array of lateral and longitudinal internal The end supports were a feat of engineering in
stiffeners running through the length of the arch [1]. their own right. The bridge couldn‟t use the quayside
The arch is 45m above river level and spans 105m. It is for foundations for the bridge, so entirely independent
inclined at ~15˚ to the vertical, supports the deck from abutments had to be created within the channel of the
18 galvanized steel stay cables, anchored into the arch. river itself. This involved a comprehensive geological
survey being carried out. Construction of the
abutments, which were cast in-situ, involved the
building of coffer dams and extensive piling for a
substantial substructure [1] which certainly indicates
that taking the arch as untied is a reasonable

3.2 Structural Efficiency

The structure doesn‟t behave very efficiently,
foremost because it is not a tied arch. This is why it
Figure 9: Arch section [1] required such a heavy and carbon intensive ground
work solution. This is purely down to the brief of the
The decks prime reason for curvature is to add an
bridge though, and in order for the minimum
additional 30% length to the deck [1], which allows for
clearances to be achieved, having a tie isn‟t possible.
the desired ramp gradient to be maintained whilst also
Additionally, the forces that the arch is being
achieving the required clearance of 4.5m above river
subjected to are out of plane with its parabola, which
level. This allows the deck to start level with the
causes large lateral moments the base of the arch – this
quayside without the need for any additional rampage.
is one of the reasons why it the arch gradually doubles
The deck itself, as well as being curved horizontally
in section at the base, in proportion with the moments
and vertically, is inclined to various degrees of super
it carries. Again, although this is inefficient use of the
elevation, which made its construction quite complex
arch, the bridge wouldn‟t function properly otherwise.
[2]. The deck consists of a continuous box section
stiffened steel beam, with beams running off laterally
to cantilever the cycle way (Fig.10). The footway and 4 Construction
cycle way sit at different levels and separated by an
The construction of the Gateshead millennium
architectural metal „hedge‟ which also incorporates
bridge was particularly challenging. The first challenge
seating at various intervals for pedestrians.
was that the structure couldn‟t rely on the quayside for
any structural support [1]; therefore the abutments had
to be cast in-situ in the river channel behind coffer
dams (Fig.12). These abutments are steam-lined in plan
so as not to inhibit river flow, or cause any unnecessary
stress to the structure itself.
The bridge construction was a serious challenge,
Figure 10: Deck section [1] as the site wasn‟t large enough to facilitate in-situ
construction of the arch. Watson Steel won the sub-
contract to manufacture and assemble the bridge, as
they had previous experience on complex steel work From a health and safety perspective, to prevent
projects. In the end, construction of the bridge sections unsafe access at height, the arch was fully assembled,
took place at the sub contractor‟s yard in Bolton, where welded and painted whilst at ground level (Fig.14). The
they were then transported by road to AMEC‟s 200 t arch was then lifted into position and propped in
Hadrian‟s Yard [2], 1.5 km downstream, where full place, with substantial temporary works at the base
assembly took place, in preparation for a lift-in-one preventing the arch from splaying, yet still allowing
scheme. rotation [2]. The prop used was the central section of
the lifting beam that would be used for final lifting.

Figure 12: Construction of the abutments [1]

Manufacturing and assembling the structure off-

site had several advantages to it, the most obvious Figure 14: Propping of the arch [2]
being quality control. Trials had been carried out on a
mock section to see which methods of fabrication From this position the deck sections could be welded
worked [2], critically the welding. Sections were butt- together and subcontractors could get access to
welded together, a particularly strong method of fusion, complete works on the parapets, decking and lighting.
and were then ground down to an architectural finish. Final assembly took place in a riverside area of the
The steel plates were cut using special steel yard, including the cable tensioning and main deck
manufacturing software to ensure accuracy, and the welds. Although initially rejected, the proposal of a
structure was constantly surveyed throughout assembly life-in-one scheme became feasible when the yard
to ensure correct positioning [2]. became available. The Asian Hercules II, a 3200 t
Another advantage of assembly off site was the inshore floating crane, at the time the largest in the
ease of construction. With no site constraints, work world, was leased to float the bridge the 1.5km
could be carried out in a very suitable, industrial upstream to the site.
environment (being a disused ship building yard). An The lifting beam system was attached to either end
example of this would be the specially made „paint support, 9m above the base trunnions [2], allowing
pens‟ – enclosed platforms which moved along and sufficient clearance of the structure. It was slung from
encased the structure. Here, the temperature and either end and lifted by the floating crane. During
humidity could be controlled during the application of transit the bridge was positioned sideways to give more
the full paint system. control over its movement, and was orientated into its
Additionally, the programme, always a critical final position once at the site (Fig.15)
element of any construction project, was greatly
enhanced by the life-in-one scheme. It meant that site
occupation and closure of the rivers navigational
channel was reduced considerably [2].

Figure 13: Assembly of the arch in Hadrian's Yard [2]

Figure 15: Bridge installation sequence [7]

5 Loading
Therefore over the 6m loaded deck width, live
Being a British structure, opened in 2002, it would
loading is calculated as being 18 kN/m.
have been designed to BS5400-2:2006 Ref. [3],
therefore this is what will be used to assess the bridge
in this report. The code states in 4.4 that there are five 5.4 Wind Load
loading combinations that need to be satisfied. They
Wind loading methods for highway and rail
are as follows.
bridges <200m and footbridges <30m are identified in
[3]. For bridges that exceed these levels, such as the
Table 1: Loading Combination [3]
bridge in question, special consideration should be
Combination 1 Permanent loads with appropriate given to the dynamic effect of said bridge. However, as
lives loads. a general indication of wind induced stress on the
Combination 2 Combination 1 with wind and structure, the methods outlined should suffice.
erection loads
Combination 2 with temperature Firstly, maximum gusting wind needs to be
Combination 3
effect and erection loads. established, this is done so in eqn. 2, below.
Combination 4 Secondary live loads from vehicle
collisions with superstructure
Combination 5 Permanent loads with friction at .
bearings (3)

5.1 Dead Load Table 2: Values

The structure is almost entirely steel, apart from
Notation Factor Value
fixtures, surfacing, and the concrete abutments. The
weight of the arch alone is 200t [2], with the total Bridge and Terrain 1.44
bridge weight being 850t [1]. This means that for steel, Fetch Correction 0.91
a dead loading UDL of 79.4 kN/m longitudinally is Town Reduction 0.81
obtained. Topography 1.0

5.2 Superimposed Dead Load
Superimposed load is permanent, non-structural Table 3: Values
load that acts on the structure. It is treated differently
because over the structures life this loading is subject Notation Factor Value
to greater change, and so requires a higher factor of Basic hourly wind speed 25
safety. This includes all bridge surfacing, balustrades, Probability 1.05
lighting and furniture. Altitude 1.005
Assuming 10mm of resin bound aggregate system Direction 0.74
(22kN/m3 density); 1.32 kN/m is obtained for the
surfacing. Assessment of the rest of the SDL is difficult
without having construction detailing to hand, however
conservative estimation puts the furnishing and
balustrades at 2 kN/m, giving a total of 3.32kN/m.
5.4.1 Horizontal Wind Load
5.3 Live Load Nominal transverse wind loading is derived from
As a pedestrian and cycle bridge with bollards at
either end, any vehicular loading can be neglected.
7.1.1 [3] gives nominal pedestrian loading as
for bridges >36m in length.

Table 4: Total area in elevation, A1

The nominal HA UDL can be taken from table 13 Component Length Depth Total Area
[3] as being 22.7 kN/m for a 100m span. Using eqn. (1)
Arch 133m 1.664m
along the bridges 105m length live loading is 442m2
Deck 105m 2.1m
As a complex structure with a kite-shaped arch and Temperate change can have a big influence on the
curved deck, the structure is going to have some bridge design. As a 2-pin arch with zero capacity for
streamlined characteristics, and wind tunnel testing lateral movement at the end supports, any expansion of
would be required to find CD, the drag coefficient. This the steel due to temperature change will generate
is not available however, and so a rough value will be additional stresses within the structure. Similarly, cold-
attained from [3]. The b/d ratio of the deck is ~ 3.87, induced contraction will have the same effect. The
based on average width and average depth. This gives a structure is entirely made from steel, with only minor
value of 1.4 for CD; however figure 5 specifies that the components on the extremities of aluminum; therefore
minimum value taken for foot/cycle Bridge is 2.0. the structure will expand at the same rate. This means
expansion of the arch and deck should be proportional
to an expansion of the stay cables, therefore stress
should only be felt longitudinally through the structure,
5.4.2 Vertical Wind Load and not transversely.
Vertical wind loading can act as uplift or an
additional downward force. This is given by 5.5.1 Effective temperature
BS5400:2 Gives guidance and isotherm maps for
(7) the derivation of minimum and maximum shade air
temperature in Figures 7 & 8. These return -14˚C for
Table 5: Total area in plan, A3 the minimum and 33˚C for the maximum. As at
footbridge, these temperatures can be adjusted for a 50-
Component Length Width Total Area year return period, by alleviating the temperatures by
Arch 105m 3m 2˚C respectively, meaning the effective bridge
Deck 133m 8.13m temperatures are -12˚C to 31˚C. On its day on
installation 20th November 2002, the temperature was
The lift coefficient, CL, is ±0.75, as the degree of in the region of 8˚C. This gives temperature changes of
super-elevation is ~5˚. q is defined in eqn.6. 23˚C and -20˚C. The maximum possible strain of the
structure can be sought using


5.4.3 Longitudinal Wind Load Where α is the coefficient of thermal expansion,

Longitudinal wind loading is given by the which is 12x10-6/˚C. This gives strains of 0.000276 and
summation of the following of the expressions – 0.00024.

(9) Using eqn. 12, expansion and contraction of the

arch respectively is 37mm and -32mm. The force
The bridges solid area, in the transverse section is induced into the arch can be determined from
180m2 and the live loading area is 10m2.
The steel grade, E, is 355N/mm2. The steel area
section averages at 244500mm2 over its length, not
including the longitudinal stiffeners. This gives axial
5.4.4 Wind Load Combination forces of 24kN in compression and 21kN in tension for
There are four separate wind loading combinations expansion and contraction. The contraction acts as a
to establish worst case. They are as follows relieving force, therefore can be neglected. The deck
will feel a similarly force with expansion, doubling the
Table 6: Wind loading combination additional lateral force taken in the end supports. This
will be taken as 0.5kN/m over the structure.
Combination Force
Pt alone 22 kN 5.5.2 Temperature variation through structure
Pt with ± Pv 276 kN Different materials transfer heat at different rates,
PL alone 24.5 kN this is particularly important to consider for the bridge
0.5 Pt with PL±0.5Pv 163 kN deck locally, where the top surface can often hold more
heat that the bottom section of the deck. This creates a
change in the rate of expansion through the cross
5.5 Temperature Loading
section, and can subsequently cause bending moments
within the structure. As a steel box deck [3] outlines
how temperature may vary with distance from the
surface: These values are very conservative, and due to the
unique nature of the structure a lot of assumption and
estimation was necessary to acquire the values. It
should be noted that computer aided analysis would be
used to simulate these scenarios to gain an accurate
image of the loading on the bridge.

5.7.1 Combination 1
All permanent loads with appropriate live loads
Figure 16: Temperature various through deck [3] give a total unit loading of 103kN/m of the deck and
19.6kN/m over the arch.

5.6 Snow Loading 5.7.2 Combination 2

Combination 1, with the addition of wind loading
Clause 5.7.1 of [3] states that snow loading can (there were no erection loads) give a total of
generally be neglected for loading combinations 1 – 4, 100.4kN/m of the deck and 20.5kN/m over the arch.
however as an opening bridge, consideration should be
given. BS6399: Part 3: 1988 Ref.[4], Figure 1 gives 5.7.2 Combination 3
basic snow loading for Newcastle upon Tyne as Combination 1, with the addition of temperature
0.8kN/m2, this gives total loading of 6.4kN/m along the loading gives 98.8kN/m over the deck and 20kN/m
deck. Loading over the arch can be neglected due to its over the arch. This puts combination 1 as the worst
inclination. case factored loading for ULS, therefore what shall be
used in the structural analysis.
5.7 Design Loading
Each loading has its own factors of safety for 6 Structural Analysis
ultimate limit state (ULS) and service limit state (SLS),
these have been tabulated below. 6.1 Arch analysis
Table 5: Loading factors [3] As the bridge tilts, it is important to analyse the
structure in both its positions.
Dead 1.05 1.0 6.1.1 Normal position
Super Imposed Dead 1.75 1.2 Analysis of the arch has the added complication of
Combination 1 1.5 1.1 the stay cables acting out of plane with the parabola,
Live generating moments in the arch which get bigger
Combination 2 & 3 1.25 1.0
Wind 1.1 1.0 towards the base. For ULS loading:
Temperature 1.3
Snow 1.0 0

These values for give the following loadings,

which have been separated between the arch and deck.

Table 6: Final loading over the bridge

Load Location ULS SLS

(kN/m) (kN/m)
Arch 19.6 18.7
Deck 63.7 60.7
Super Imposed Dead Deck 5.81 4.0
Combination 1 Deck 27 19.8

Combination 2 & Deck 22.5 18

Arch 0.9 0.8
Wind Figure 17: Bridge Section
Deck 2.0 1.8
Arch 0.4 0.3
Deck 0.4 0.3
Snow Deck 6.4 0
It should be noted that for the arch and deck, the (16)
centroid is approximate 3/5ths of the parabola height.
This was verified by drafting the deck in AutoCAD to
get the mass properties. The hydraulic rams, used to
push against the paddle at the bearing, which in turn
tilts the structure, feels a great deal of compression.
Resolving around the bearing gives R as 70mN.
Breaking this down into reactions at A & B we get

Figure 20: Forces in arch

For the ultimate limit state design loads, these

return H=4251kN, V=7287kN & Cmax=8437kN. For
the axial force Cmax, the grade 355 steel arch can
Figure 18: Reactions at A & B tolerate 87MN of compression over its average cross
sectional area of 244965mm2, which is comfortably
The force component normal to the parabolas within the ULS.
plane, identified in figure x, generates a moment in the
arches normal plane, down to its fixed base. 6.1.2 Tilted position
When the structure is tilted, the forces in the
structure change. There isn‟t space in this report to
analysis this in depth, however figure x demonstrates
that because the structure is working more efficiently,
forming a butterfly arch, and live loading is removed,
the stresses through the bridge are less critical than it‟s
its upright position.

Figure 19: Moment in arch

Figure 21: Tilted section
Over the length of the structure 18 cables are used.
Each cable has a diameter of 45mm, with a tensile The compression reaction force required in the
strength of 1350N/mm2. Assuming 5mm strands were rams is significantly diminished (R=1069kN) as live
used, each cable consists of 49 strands, giving a total loading is removed and the dead loads are more
cross sectional area of 962mm2. This gives a tensile balanced. Similarly, there is less tension per unit length
capacity of 222kN/m over the length of the structure, in the cables.
which adequately takes the 129kN/m calculates in
Fig.18. 7 Serviceability
The axial force through the arch and the reaction
forces at the end supports can be found using Certain components of the structure are designed
to limit necessary maintenance, this includes rubbish
(14) traps that accumulate litter when the bridge tilts, which
falls to the ramp ends under gravity. Maintenance
hatches have also built into the arch and deck so that
internal inspections can be made safely, with no
intrusion to the structure.
8 Foundations and Geotechnics The bridge is conveniently located only 100 yards
away from Newcastle‟s Crown Court, in a rather
The substructure required for the end supports was
affluent and well presented area. As a result of this,
substantial; this is due to both the massive lateral
zero tolerance is taken on any graffiti within half a mile
forces and the fact that the bridge couldn‟t use the
of the quayside, let alone the bridge.
quayside for any support. This led to the end support
structures being cast in-situ within the river channel.
The ground conditions are complex and consist of 11 Future Changes & Improvements
non-uniform layers of riverbed gravels on glacial till
There are no planned future changes to the
which sits on top of coal measures - relatively weak
structure; the only thing that may realistically change is
mudstone and siltstone [1]. This meant the pile caps
superficial aesthetic detailing (e.g. lighting)
had to go down to different depths at each support due
In terms of improvements to the structure, the
to the slope of these layers. These conditions,
author believes a lot less steel could have been used in
combined with the large horizontal and lateral loading
the design, with the overdesigning clearly shown in the
culminated in a substantial foundation scheme - 14No.
analysis. The shape could have been kept using thinner
20m deep 1.5m Ø piles were bored for each support.
steel sheets making the bridge lighter and more
This is on a comparable scale to the London
efficient and consuming less power when it tilts, yet
Millennium Bridge which uses 16No. 2.1m Ø at each
still retaining its aesthetic appeal.
end to support tensile forces of 30mN in weak London
12 Acknowledgements
9 Natural Frequency The author would like to thank Dr. Mark Evernden
for his guidance and abetment through the Bridge
The structures natural frequency is particularly
Engineering courses and Mr. Steve Duncan of Volker
important for pedestrian bridges. The frequency should
Stevin for providing photography of the bridge
be above 5Hz [3], if it is lower than this then there is a
large risk of user-induced excitation and vibration,
which could subsequently cause the bridge to be
uncomfortable to users. References
Due to the structures complexity, finding the
[1] Johnson, J. Curran, P., 2003. Gateshead
accurate dynamic behavior of the bridge would only be
Millennium. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil
possible through wind tunnel testing and computer
Engineers, Civil Engineering, 2003, 156, No.1,
modeling. Even finding an approximate value from the
many methods available, including that indicated in
[3], wouldn‟t give an appropriate value even as an [2] Butterworth, K. Carr, D. Kassabian, P., 2003.
estimate. Gateshead Millennium Bridge, UK: fabrication,
The structure was wind tested by the University of assembly and erection, Proceedings-Institution of
Western Ontario. This involved the simulation of 49m/s Civil Engineers Bridge Engineering, Vol. 156,
and 33m/s wind speeds over a 1:50 scale model in the No.1, pp.11-20.
closed and open conditions respectively. It was also
[3] BS5400-2: 2006. 2006. Steel, concrete and
tested at nine angles of tilt and five of wind azimuth.
composite bridges – Part 2: Specification for
The testing concluded that the structure didn‟t suffer
loads. British Standards Institute.
from any “aeroelastic instabilities” [5].
[4] BS6399- 3: 1988. 1988. Loading for buildings.
Code of practice for imposed roof loads. British
10 Durability and Vandalism Standards Institute.
[5] Davenport, A. 1998. The Baltic Millennium
The steel bridge is coated in a highly resistant
Footbridge, Gateshead, UK. Wind Engineering
paint system, with a long-life design, as re-painting the
Study. Available from
structure will be a particularly difficult task. The
camber of the deck will encourage run-off of de-icing
salts over the epoxy bound aggregate and prevent
chloride ingress and corrosion. f [Accessed 21st March 2011].
In terms of structural decay, the stay cables will [6] Britton, I. 2004. Various photos of the Gateshead
lose capacity faster than the deck and arch due to Millennium Bridge. At:
dynamic relaxation of the strands; however the cable
anchorages are accessible from within the sections 0?ffid=1044-00-0 [Accessed 21st March
through hatches so can be replaced and re-tensioned 2011].Individual References?
throughout the bridges lifespan, with enough capacity [7] Duncan, S., (,
in the cables for them to be taken out of action one at a 29 March 2011. Gateshead Millennium Bridge
time. Photos. Email to Butler, T. (

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