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Newspaper Article 1 by Dan, Trinity, and Nora

● What is another term for negative acceleration ​and​ provide an example of it in the article
Another term for negative acceleration is deceleration. When the guy on the plane’s
breath slows down from 12 to 9 breaths per minute.
● Which (person) in the article provided has a greater rate of acceleration than the other
(person)? Provide evidence to support your answer.
You have a faster rate of acceleration because the old man you are watchings goes from
12 breaths to 9 breaths over a period of two minutes which means the acceleration is 1.5
b/m​2​. You
​ breathe 23 breaths in the first minute and 24 breaths in the second minute
which is an acceleration 1 b/m​2
● What term and/or phrase did the writer use in the article to imply that (a person) is at
rest, as in it is not moving?
When she stops to look at her friend Nora's pictures.
● What (2) pieces of information does the writer include in the article that are irrelevant
and/or misleading, as in neither can be used to solve for speed or acceleration.
6 inch photos and that you scrolled 300 ft in Instagram

Newspaper Article: 4 By Grace David Daphne

● What is another term for negative acceleration ​and​ provide an example of it in the article
Another term for negative acceleration is slowing down, an example of this in the article
provided is decelerating.
● Which (person) in the article provided has a greater rate of acceleration than the other
(person)? Provide evidence to support your answer.
Linda because her acceleration was 35 m/s but Freds was 34.2 m/s​.
● What term and/or phrase did the writer use in the article to imply that (a person) is at
rest, as in it is not moving?
The author said, “They both start, still”
● What (2) pieces of information does the writer include in the article that are irrelevant
and/or misleading, as in neither can be used to solve for speed or acceleration.
They both start at the top of the hill, with a slope of 5.5 meters. Also After racing for 125
seconds the slope of the hill decreses by 1.2 meters.

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