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Rationale of the Study

Education is life. Man needs the education to live with significance and purpose.

No one is deprived to acquire education. Schools are there as a good avenue for learning.

Teachers are there to teach and guide us. Government is there to provide us scholarships

and financial assistance. Everyone can go to school with delight and a set goal.

In the Philippines, as it progresses in time, its population also grows. Along with

this population growth, poverty rate also increases, making the Philippines as one of the

poorest countries in the world and particularly Cebu City as one of the poorest city in the

Philippines according to the recent census. One of the factors affecting this problem is

the lack of education. A good education cannot only develop one’s personality but can

also improve a country.

Poverty should never be a barrier for one to achieve his goal. Though one cannot

attend school for formal education due to financial reasons, he is willing to learn,

education can be taught in different ways. Under-privileged people have equal rights with

those who acquire formal education. They must be given chance and attention to even

acquire basic learnings.

“There is no better exercise for the heart than reaching down and lifting up people”.

The willingness to help provide to the under-privileged people has inspired the
researchers to conduct a study on the feasibility of “A proposed USJ-R Mobile School for

Underprivileged Youths of Alumnos”. The researchers aim to improve literacy in particular

community and to encourage the under-privileged people to acquire formal education in

schools and to also participate in one of the university’s missions which is to provide

service to the less fortunate ones. If the project proposal is proven viable and

subsequently realized, the literacy rate in the chosen area would increase, therefore can

help improve the lives of the people and the country as well would rise from poverty.

Statement of the Problem

The problem foreseen by the researchers in the society is that there are a lot of

children who are deprived of school opportunities and decent life and are just wandering

the streets nearby fast-food chains and idling at skywalks of Alumnos, Cebu City. Due to

that, many citizen will be scared of them thinking that the children would steal their things

or do unlawful and immoral acts. Thus proponents proposed the study entitled “A

proposed USJ-R Mobile School for Underprivileged Youths of Alumnos” this study will

help minimize or even address the problem lack of education for street children in

Alumnos, Cebu City.

The objective of this study is to determine the feasibility of a Mobile School for

street children of Alumnos, Cebu City. Specifically, the following queries are to be


1.1 Technical

1.2 Management
1.3 Legal Aspects

1.4 Financing

1.5 Financial

1.6 Socio; Economic Desirability

1.7 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

2. Based on the finding, what recommendations may be proposed regarding to this


Significance of the Study

The population of the Philippines continuously grows the percentage of the street

children grows as well. This is one of the major problems of the Philippines that remained

unsolved. Due to this problem, many children learned to do crimes, like stealing and illegal

use of drugs. Some also worked at a very young age to help their families.

This study of the feasibility of University of San Jose – Recoletos (USJ-R) Mobile

School should not only aim to help the street children in Alumnos but also provide

information on which would benefit other as discussed in the succeeding paragraphs.

This study has given the researchers a chance to reach out the children who are being

deprived of having basic education. The proposed area of the study is Alumnos because

of a large number of the less fortunate families living in the area. In conducting this study,

the researchers could help to educate the children to learn the basic like read and write.
This study will be part of the University of San Jose-Recoletos Corporate Social

Responsibilities and the Junior Jaycees Chamber in promoting quality education.


These are terms used in the study that may not have the same definition as ordinarily

understood. To have a consistent understanding as to what the proponents are trying to

convey, this section discussed the following terms.

Mobile School

A mobile unit usually a motor vehicle which contains equipment and audio-visual

materials necessary for conducting educational instructions, projects, and

demonstrations at various school and field locations, particularly in rural areas. Mobile

schools are used in environmental education activities.


A person not enjoying the same standard of living or rights as the majority of people

in a society.


a special advantage or authority possessed by a particular person or group.

Basic Education

To read with comprehension, write effectively, and communicate successfully in a

variety of ways and settings and with a variety of audiences.

Teaching Session

a session of intensive tuition given by a tutor to an individual or to a small number

of students / of or relating to tutoring.

Outreach Program

a program designed to help and encourage disadvantaged members of

the community.


a group of similar things or people positioned or occurring closely together.


an effort to bring services or information to people where they live or spend time.

organizations are charities or other types of public service organizations.

Barangay Tanod

also known as a barangay police officer -- and sometimes as BPSO (which can

stand for barangay peace and security officer, barangay peacekeeping and security
officer, or barangay police safety officer) -- is the lowest level of law enforcement officer in

the Philippines. He is a watchman for a barangay who is supervised by the barangay

captain and performs a variety of police functions. Tanods are "front liners in the

preparation and response to any type of atrocities, public disorders, emergencies and

even disasters or man-made calamities that threaten peace and order and public safety."

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