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Leaping Lizards

Leaping Lizards is a one-day, slightly humorous game for characters of the first through third
level. Teams are to be no larger than 6 characters; the team level limit is 13 levels.

Mental: High Fighting: High Physical: Medium Risk: Low

Explanation of Encounters:
Encounter Name and #: self-explanatory
Number of NPCs: self-explanatory
Magic: Identifies any items or NPCs that can be detected as magic.
Gold: Identifies any gold in the encounter and its location.
Good/Evil: Identifies any detectable alignments in the encounter.
Boon/Bane: Refers to the Cleric spell Foresee and expected questions--NOT ALL-INCLUSIVE--
to be used as a guide for the GM.
Traps and Poisons: Identifies any detectable traps and poisons in the encounter.

NPC Stats:
Descriptions: Cls/Lvl: Armor: Dge: LP: SP: Other:

Descriptions: Name or type of NPC.

Cls/Lvl: Class and Level of NPC-- F-Fighter, KN-Knight,
RA-Ranger, MU-Magic User, CL-Cleric, DR-Druid, MO-Monk,
Armor: Total armor including any abilities, items and spells up, etc. Leather, C-Chainmail, P-
Platemail, MI-Magic Item, SP-Spell, H-Hide.
Dge: Total damage the NPC inflicts on a weapon strike.
LP: Life points- Limb/Unconsciousness/Death.
SP: Total spell points or class points left for the day.
Other: Anything not already covered, spells up etc.

David Spence & Tina Spence

909 W. Russell
Weatherford, Texas 76086


Story Line
The city of Lizards Gulch (a gold rush style western town) has recently come under the
attack of lizards. The old man in the town believes that the dragon that was put to sleep 50 years
ago is awake and planning to attack the town. It wants to claim the gold mine for itself. The town
believes this to be folly but has sent for a group to deal with the lizards and hopefully the dragon if
it shows up. Miss Daisy has put out a bill that offers a reward for anyone dealing with the lizards
but has not mentioned the dragon, as she is afraid it will scare people away. After all, it is just a
myth she thinks!
The party arrives in Lizards gulch and is met by the Mayor, Miss Daisy. Daisy tells the
party that the town has been attacked in the last few days by some rather large lizards and asks
them to track the lizards and destroy their nest. She promises them a reward of 600 gold for their
trouble. The town is pretty run down and almost everything is closed. The bar is open and the old
drunk, in a drunken stupor, (He has been drunk since the lizards showed up.) tells them about the
dragon. He also tells them about a magic bow that can put the dragon to sleep.
After the party has managed to get this info, the dragon shows up in her human form and
threatens the town, causing the town folk to flee in panic. Once the party realizes that they cannot
hurt the dragon, she offers them a sport. Since she has had no exercise for the last 50 years, she
tells the party that she will give them a head start before she chases them and eats them.
As the party flees down the road, they see the town folks stopped at a roadblock in the
road. A group of brigands has stopped the townsfolk and are charging a toll for passage. After the
party disposes of the brigands, the townsfolk flee in all directions, and the party travels on with
the dragon close behind, playing cat and mouse, appearing only to scare the party.
The party travels for a bit down the road, and they encounter a stream. In the stream is a
large mouthed (read as smart mouthed) bass. The bass is a demi-god that fell in love with one of
Neptune’s watery daughters. Unfortunately, Neptune disliked him because of his smart-alack
ways. When he wished that he could remain with her for all time, Neptune transformed him into
the Bass. The Bass has cast a wall of force over the river preventing anyone from crossing. After
insulting the party and delaying them for a while, he agrees to let them pass if they will dig him up
some worms. While the party is doing this, the dragon shows up. Since he and the bass are old
enemies, the bass agrees to let the party pass and delays the dragon by making him dig up a
thousand worms. When the party crosses the river, the bass tells them that the temple where the
bow is located at is just down the road.
The party travels on until they see the temple. After picking the lock on the door, the party
enters the temple to find out it has been occupied by the most horrible creature imaginable---a
mage/lawyer! The Lawyer will not fight the party. If they attack, he will simply bleed red ink and
otherwise be completely unfazed by any physicial or magical attacks...the only thing he is
susceptible to is red tape.. The lawyer will discuss payment with them. The lawyer agrees to sell
the bow to the party for a sum of 20,000 gold. If the party cannot pay this, he offers to give it to
them if the will retrieve a wayward client for him that has skipped bail. The party must then take
the bail jumper to his partner at the local jail. The lawyer will of course want all this in writing and
will attempt to exploit any loopholes that he can.
Following the lawyer’s directions, the party comes upon the bandit camp. After a fierce
fight, they manage to capture the bandit chief and kill his followers. They take him to the lawyer’s
partner who has just hanged a man who has a peace pipe on him. The lawyer grudgingly agrees
to trade the bow for the bail jumper if the contract forces him to. The party can take the Indian
peace pipe off of the man that was hanged by the lawyer’s partner. He will not stop them, but he
won’t tell them to take it. As the party starts to leave, he casually mentions that the bow must be
recharged before it can be used. If the contract allows him to, he will charge the party to tell them
that the water nymph who is not too far away knows how to recharge the bow.

On the way to the river, the party must cross is a small bridge. Under the bridge, they
should find some tobacco plants, which they take with them---if they find them.
The party will also meet the nymph, the same one that the bass is in love with. The nymph, upon
hearing of their encounter with her love, the Bass, offers to help the party. She cures any of their
wounds, and gives them one dose of a charging potion that they can take with them. She then
tells them that the only way to recharge the bow is to take it to the graveyard, place it upon the
altar and pour the charging potion over it. She warns them that the graveyard has a fearsome
protector, Coyote Jack, that loves to play tricks, and he will harass them just for the sake of it. If
they anger him, his jokes will turn deadly, but if they can capture him without hurting him, he will
reveal the location of his treasure chest to them. Many have tried to trick him, but no one has
succeeded yet.
After relaxing at the spring, the party moves on to the graveyard. As they approach the
graveyard, they start having some tricks played upon them. The party finds it impossible to
perform the ritual with all the tricks going on so they fan out and try to catch Coyote Jack. The
party finds out that if they put the tobacco in the pipe and light it; then Coyote Jack comes and
talks with them. After Coyote Jack has given them his chest, the party manages to recharge the
With bow in hand, the party races back to the village. In the village, the party
encounters a group of dragon hatchlings. As soon as the last hatchling is killed, the Mother
dragon shows up. When she is hit with the bow she screams out “Curses, foiled again!!!” She
then flies back to her cave as quickly as possible, although she is falling asleep.
When the party looks around, they will notice that everyone except the Blacksmith has
left. The blacksmith offers to trade a set of Dragon leather armor to the party for the bow that his
granddad made. After the party makes the trade, the blacksmith will mention that the party had
better hurry to the cave before the townspeople carry off all the treasure.
The party then tracks the dragon along with all the town people back to her lair. They
don't find her, but they do find her treasure. The townspeople demand their share since their
houses were burned, shops destroyed, they helped by telling the party something, etc...etc…etc...
After dividing the treasure, the party goes their separate ways, since all the townspeople
have moved on to the Big Valley, the Ponderosa and Southfork.

Encounter One - The Village
Number of NPC's: 4+
Magic: In the Magic Shop.
Gold: 100 on Fester.
Good/Evil: The whole town is good.
Boon/Bane: Boon to help the town Bane to steal from the shop
Traps/Poisons: None

The town resembles a gold rush era mining town. The current buildings are the magic
shop, formerly run by the mage Cody; the saloon, run by the thief, Miss Daisy and her longtime
occupant Fester the drunk; the assayer’s office, currently closed; and the General
store/Blacksmith shop, run by Rusty. The mine has pretty much played out, so the town is starting
to go downhill fast.
The Magic Shop was run by the 6th level mage, Cody. Cody has since left town due to
everybody running off. All of the items that are left are now in the possession of Miss Daisy. Miss
Daisy has a large supply of healing potions plus a couple of novelty magic items. Miss Daisy is
well liked in the town and has extended credit to several of the miners in the past. Miss Daisy has
dropped her prices because of the recession. (Note: after the dragon has been defeated and the
town has an influx of money all prices will increase by 50%) Although Miss Daisy has moved
most of the stock out, she will part with several pieces left.
A 7th level thief, by the name of Miss Daisy, who is also the mayor, runs the Saloon.
She has sent off most of her girls to another tavern, but there may be a few left around. The
prices are more than reasonable, but if the party displays a fair amount of gold, she will make
some kind of non-violent play for it. (NPC Discretion) Miss Daisy did not believe the story about
the Dragon at first, but now that Festers stories have began to wear her down, she is not so sure.
Miss Daisy will offer the party 600 gold is they can find the reason behind the lizards’ infestation.
Fester is the assayer/sheriff. He has held this job for almost 50 years, but has recently
given it up to become a drunk. (He is easily pickpocketed.) During some of his trips to the mines,
he ran across a few odds and ends (scales, dung and such) that make him believe the old stories
of the dragon are real. He is firmly convinced that it is a matter of time before the dragon shows
up and eats everyone. He will tell the party that the story about the lizards infesting the town is
just that--a story. They are in his opinion, actually baby dragons, in his opinion, as he saw them
50 years ago when the Dragon was last around and he was but a youth. He has a piece of a
“lizard” from that time that he can show the PCs as “proof” of his wild theory, and will in
confidence show it to them with some reluctance for inspection....this may be of value for a Druid
or Ranger to verify that it is a piece of a Dragon and not just a common lizard.
When this is said, Miss Daisy will apologize for the deception. The NPC should wait to tell
this to the party after they have finished a fair amount of business in town since this is also the
cue for the dragon to show up.

The general store is run a large man by the name of Rusty, a 6th level fighter. Rusty is a
quiet man that usually only speaks in grunts. The store is pretty much sold out but does contain a
set of scales, some rope and a couple of climbing hooks. Rusty will be willing to impart a total of
+3 in blade sharps to the party for the price of 50 gold per point. Rusty has no opinion on the
dragon except that if there is one, it will be very bad for business, Rusty will also tell them about
the legendary bow that his great grandfather made and how it is hidden somewhere nearby. He
will also explain that it can put any dragon to sleep.

The Dragon shows up in human form, and has been listening intently the whole time to
Fester’s wild “story” she wants to see how things have been advancing since she went to
sleep. No one in the town will recognize this person as she will just wander around at first, some
of the townsfolk will point out this stranger but none of them will go up to her. When one of the
PC's approaches the dragon to inquire of her, she will stop and smile at them, and fend off any
pointed inquiries.
The Dragon will show up before when Fester tells the party about the theory / story of the
lizards actually being baby Dragons from long ago....and there must be a new litter to prove that
the Dragon is now awake again. She might then start saying things that will begin to suggest that
she is more than she appears and knows something about the ‘lizards’ or the ‘dragon.’
As soon as someone ask her her name, or at the right dramatic moment when the
conversation has progressed sufficiently, she will (in this order or the reverse order) turn to face
the assayer’s office and call out "Dragons Breath--40 points", and say, "The Dragon, Who Else?"
The Dragon will accept anything the party can throw at her knowing that they can’t hurt her, so
that she may enthrall them to calm them down, if necessary she will explain the game to them.
She is in need of exercise so she will give them a head start before she chases them and eats
them, since the town people have already scattered. She then tells them that they have until High
Noon to get out of town, because she eats lunch at precisely 12:00 noon. If the party refuses to
leave then she will reluctantly (with a sigh) state that then she will have to settle for having to
chase the fleeing villagers instead of chasing the Party, since she will at least get *some*
exercise thereby..... If the party still refuses she will spook them to get hem moving.
The party then flees down the only path out of town, the same one that the villagers just
went screaming down when they realized the dragon was real.

NPC Stats:
Description Cls/Lvl Armo Dge LP SP Other
Miss Daisy TH/7 1/L 5 7/26/34 -- --
Fester F/7 4/P 9 7/34/42 -- Plate - NR
Rusty F/5 3/C 8 5/26/34 -- Chain - NR

Dragon F/10 15 15 10/99/99 99

(Dragons Breath-1 per 10 minutes, 40 pts, 10 ft radius/ Shape Change to human form at will)
Spook 10th Lvl 3 times a day/ Enthrall 10th Lvl 3 times a day

Magic Items: See Magic Shop List

100 gold on Fester

Description: Cost: Provider:
The Tavern

1 Tent or Pavilion
Reps for the Magic Shop
Drinks and Cups for the tavern.

Magic Shop
Item Qty Price Price BB
Enc #1 Enc #10 Value
Potion of Healing 4 36 110 72
1) Heals 6 points

Potion of Healing 2 60 180 120

1) Heals 10 points

Potion of Devil Weed 1 100 300 200

1) Same as Ranger potion
2) Preserved

Arrow of Crash 1 330 990 660

1) One use only
2) When fired will cast Magic User spell Crash Time
3) Spell is at 6th level
4) Center of spell area is target that the arrow hits.

Arrow of Gale 1 120 360 240

1) One use only
2) When fired will cast Druid Spell Gale.
3) Center of spell area is target that the arrow hits.

Encounter 2- RoadBlock
Number Of NPC's: 4 + the townsfolk
Magic: None
Gold: 100 in Chest
Good/Evil: Brigands are Neutral.
Boon/Bane: Boon to attack Brigands
Traps/Poisons: None

The party travels a short way down the road and come to a roadblock. The townsfolk
have been stopped from going any further by a group of four brigands who have set up a
roadblock. The brigands refuse to let anyone past until they have been paid 100 gold for every
person. The brigands will fight to the death when the party refuses to pay. If the party pays, they
will ask for twice as much, and continue to jack up the price until the party fights. As soon as the
brigands and the party start to fight, the townsfolk will flee into the woods and make their way
back to the town.
After the fight, the party finds a chest with the loot in it. It contains 100 gold. It is locked by
a class A lock. The lock is a class D for damage.

NPC Stats:
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Mongo F/5 3/C 8 5/26/34 -- --
Hoss R/4 2/C 5 4/20/28 -- Need Bow rep
Little Joe F/2 1/L 5 3/12/20 -- --
Lucas F/2 1/L 5 3/12/20 -- --

Magic Items: None

100 Gold in chest
2 Suits of Chain

Description: Cost: Provider:
Chest with Class A lock
100 Gold


Encounter 3 - Stream--Of Verbal Abuse!
Number Of NPC's: 1 + 1 Roving NPC -- could be played by GM if needed
Magic: The stream detects as magic.
Gold: None
Good/Evil: The Bass is Good.
Boon/Bane: Boon to help the Bass/ Bane to attack the Bass
Traps/Poisons: None

The party comes up to a stream crossing their path. In the middle of the stream is a loud
mouth bass. (Read as smart-mouth Bass.) The bass has cast a wall of force across the stream so
that no one can pass. The bass is a very rude customer that enjoys harassing and insulting
people. He will refuse to allow the party across the stream until they can find him 20 worms and
throw them into his mouth. GM NOTE: Scattered on the ground will be a bunch of gummy worms
that the party can find and they must then toss them from the edge of the stream into the mouth
of the bass figure.
The bass will keep the party at this for a while until the dragon shows up. When the
dragon shows up, the bass will insult the dragon and draw its attention to him. The bass will not
allow the dragon to pass until it finds him 1000 worms. While this is going on the bass will allow
the party to pass. As the party is crossing the bass will tell them to follow the path till they come to
the temple where they can find the bow.
NPC NOTE: Make sure the party learns that the bass is in love with the water nymph
and the reason he is here is because her father, Neptune, cursed him to be here...Unrequited
love and all that.
NPC Stats:
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Bass demigod -- -- -- -- ----

Magic Items: None

Treasure: None

Description: Cost: Provider:
2 Packages of Gummy Worms $4.00 GD
Loud mouth Bass Figure $10.00 GD
walkie-talkie for the Bass NPC ---- IFGS

Encounter 4 - Temple
Number of NPC's: 1
Magic: The Bow
Gold: None
Good/Evil: The Lawyer is Neutral.
Boon/Bane: Boon to parlay/Bane to attack the Mage

The party comes upon what appears to be a ruined temple. If a ranger or thief checks,
they will notice one set of tracks that go back and forth many times from the door. There is a
class B lock on the door into the temple, no trap.
Once the lock is picked, the door may be opened. Inside the party finds a somewhat
spacious room with a desk in the center. Sitting on the desk are some writing materials and a quill
pen. Moving about the room is a man, by the name of Rowdy.
Rowdy asks the party to take a seat. If the party tries to attack him, he will go into
Concentration and crash time the party. The party will wake up after being tied to the desk.
Rowdy tells the party that he knows they have come after the bow and he is willing to sell it to
them for the small price of 20,000 gold. He will haggle down to 17,500. When he sees that the
party cannot pay this, he will consider for a while seeking alternatives while looking through his
paper work. After shuffling his papers, he will suddenly hold up a picture of a man, Cisco The
Good by name, (“good because he’s good for nothing”) that has jumped bail on him. If the party
agrees to capture or kill him and return his head to his partner, then he will give them the bow.
Cisco is wanted for Murder, Rustling, burning down a school, cow tipping, and putting little girl’s
pigtails in inkwells. He has been known to hang out with one really bad dude and one really ugly
dude. (GM/NPC NOTE: Rowdy will insist on all this in writing, legalize and such. He will also look
to put some kind of loophole in it if possible so he can get more out of the party.)

NPC Stats:
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Rowdy M/7 4 3/9 7/20/28 57 Defense +4, Electrify

Magic Items:

Treasure: N/A

Description: Cost: Provider:
Class B Lock -- IFGS
Polaroid picture of Cisco ---- GD
Panels for room ---- IFGS
Desk/Table & Chair ---- IFGS
Writing Materials/quill pen $2.00 GD

Encounter 5 - Bandit Camp
Number of NPC's: 3
Magic: +1 Ring of Protection on Cisco
Gold: 0
Good/Evil: Cisco is evil, because he always wears black.
Boon/Bane: Boon to capture Cisco
Traps/Poisons: The food is badly cooked and causes diarrhea.

The party comes upon a campsite. Sitting around the campfire with a kettle over it are
three bandits. Cisco is easily identifiable because of his black hat and bossy manner. They are
Knights of the Black Hat. The other two are obviously sidekicks. There is a large cooking pot over
the fire that contains half-cooked corn daubers. It is easy to sneak up on the group because of
the argument over how to cook the food.
If the party eats any of the food from the pot, they will contract a bad case of diarrhea. A
Ranger or Druid or Thief will be able to discern that the food is bad if they sniff or carefully taste,
but another class cannot without resorting to spells. This is for role playing purposes and the GM
is allowed to run with it as they see fit.
There is a +1 ring of protection on Cisco. Everything else is in poor shape. The knights
will fight until it appears that the day is lost. If given a chance to surrender then they will. The
NPC’s are encouraged to ham this section up by trying to sell each other out. Make up as many
outrageous tales as you can. Suggest that the PCs tie the other ones up with really tight rope
(make this available to use).
When it becomes obvious that the PC’s are going to take you away, each NPC will
produce a small dagger/sword that they have managed to hide on their lower legs and cut
themselves free in secret, if allowed. They will have hidden a short sword holdout on their lower
legs on themselves no matter how well they were searched (Everyone has seen the movies after
all). (NPC Note: May require a time stop to get the swords.) They will attack one last time,
including attacking each other if they have sold each other out. This will continue until they are all

Code of the Knights of the Black Hat

● When speaking to potential victims, you must twirl moustache and laugh maniacally.
● Should always attack from behind if possible.
● Any captured women must be tied to nearest railroad tracks.
● Must always kick small cute helpless animals.
● Must always wear black.

NPC Stats:
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Cisco The KN/3 3 5m 3/14/22 18 Chain & +1 sword from order - NR
Lefty The KN/2 2 4 3/10/18 16 Chain from order - NR
Poncho The KN/1 1 3 3/8/16 14

Magic Items:
+1 Ring of Protection on Cisco
1) +1 Ring of Protection. Fini.

Description: Cost: Provider:
Cooking Pot -- GD
2 Chain Reps $1.00 GD
1 Head per Team $10.00 GD
1 Ring per Team $5.00 GD

Encounter 6 - The Partner
Number of NPC's: 1
Magic: The Bow
Gold: 0
Good/Evil: Josey is Evil if the party is Yankee, Good if the party is Southern.
Boon/Bane: Boon to turn over Cisco’s head
Traps/Poisons: None

The party comes upon a man hanging another man on a tree. The hanged man has just
kicked his last. Josey explains that it was a lawful hanging. This bandit belonged to the gang of
Evil Roy Slade. His gang is in the area and the party should watch out for him. (NPC Note: Make
comments like “He (the hanged man) died with his boots on” and “I like to hang ‘em high”.) When
the party gives Josey the head he will fulfill the contract to the letter of the law, squeezing out
anything he can get before handing over the bow/gun. On the body of Fritz, the party will see a
medicine pipe. The party can take the pipe if they want. Josey will not stop them, but he won’t tell
them to take it.
Once the party has the bow, Josey will mention that they need to have it charged. Josey
will try and get the party to pay him for the knowledge, but will eventually give out the location of
the water Nymph for free. He will tell them that she can help them charge the bow.
Should anyone in the party mention the word “Yankee”, “Carpet Bagger”, or “Union” then
Josey will call Aspect of the Beast Wolf and chase that PC off. He will NOT kill a PC, but will stalk
them until they run.

NPC Stats:
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Fritz the Dead 0 0 0/0/0 0 Just plain dead, not raise-able.
Josey Wales RN/8 2 7 8/30/38 44 6 second reload
Magic Items:
Bow Value: N/A - Cannot be taken out of game
1) All arrows fired are criticals.
2) Any arrow that hits a dragon will cast a crash time at 14th level on target that it hits.
3) Bow must be charged to use.
4) Will only work on the Summer Solstice, every 50 years.
5) Will fire one arrow per charging.
6) May only be charged once every 50 years.

Pipe of Sacred Smoke Value: 1700

1. If packed with tobacco and lit it will produce sacred smoke.
2. The smoke will allow the wielder to cast the 6th level Druids spell “Earth Calming” one time a

Description: Cost: Provider:
1 pipe per team
Skeleton with boots -- IFGS
Rope -- IFGS
1 Bow per Team -- GD
Encounter 7 - The Nymph
Number of NPC's: 1
Magic: On charging potion
Gold: 0
Good/Evil: Nymph is good.
Boon/Bane: Boon to accept her suggestions/potions
Traps/Poisons: None

The party comes upon a large body of fresh water. As they move along the shore a water
nymph surfaces. Belle will ask about her love the Bass and if they have seen him. She will be
misty eyed and dreamy. She will act just like the local school marm in love with the tall dashing
stranger. If the party can tell her tales of him, no matter if they are true or not, she will heal the
party. Any other healing types can be done, but NO combat aiding spells.
Once the party mentions the Dragon, she will start telling all kinds of stories how her love
could vanquish the Dragon if he wanted to. In fact, all they would have to do is ask him and he
would just snap his flippers, and it would be done. This story is a Red Herring (Pun Intended) of
course. If the party shows her the bow, she will tell them that it can be charged at the local Boot
Hill. Belle will warn them about Coyote Jack and his love of tricks. She will also tell them that Jack
can be deadly if they take him too serious. The best thing they can do is to make him laugh or
come up with some way of calming him down long enough to grab him. Jack’s honor demands
that he give up if someone can grab him.
Belle will then give them a potion that can be used to power the bow. She will of course
keep telling them that they don’t need it, they just need the Bass.

NPC Stats:
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Belle Starfish DR/8 8 6m 8/30/38 54

Magic Items:
Charging Potion Value: N/A
1. When poured upon the Dragon Bow will empower it with one charge.
2. Good this game day only.


Description: Cost: Provider:
String/Tarp to mark river
1 Potion per Team $5.00 GD

Encounter 8 - The Bridge
Number of NPC's: 0
Magic: None
Gold: None
Good/Evil: None
Boon/Bane: Boon to take plants
Traps/Poisons: None

The party comes upon a suspension bridge over a small chasm. The party can cross the
bridge with no problems. There are no traps, no bad guys, not even a wayward spell. However,
under the bridge is a small sprig of tobacco. The GM should not point this out to the team, it is
meant to be hard to find. If the team finds the tobacco, they can pluck it out and take it with them.

Description: Cost: Provider:
1 Sprig of Tobacco per team $10.00 GD

Encounter 9 - Coyote Jack
Number of NPC's: 1
Magic: Everywhere in the graveyard
Gold: None
Good/Evil: Jack is Neutral
Boon/Bane: Boon to use pipe, Bane to attack Jack
Traps/Poisons: None

The party climbs a small area and finds Boot Hill. In the center of the graveyard is a large
tomb with the name of “Rooster C.” on it. If the party places the bow on the tomb and pours the
potion over it, the bow will charge. However, the potion will not pour out of the bottle, as long as
Jack is playing tricks.
The party will have several tricks played upon them at this point. They will see a wild-
eyed figure that is dancing around and casting all kinds of harassing spells on them. Every time
someone gets close to him, he just seems to teleport away. If the party tries to attack Jack; his
tricks will grow more deadly. If the party keeps it light; then so will Jack.
The party finally figures out to use the pipe, and Jack comes over to them. As long as the
pipe is burning, Jack will be friendly and will not interfere with the Bow charging. Jack will even
give them his magic sword if they will leave a little of the tobacco with him. After the bow is
charged, Jack will leave.
If the party did not take the peace pipe or find the tobacco, they can make Jack be
friendly by making him laugh. It will take either a great joke or a nice gift to make Jack reward the
party with the sword. (GM discretion)

NPC Stats:
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Coyote Jack MN/11 15 15 9/99/99 ** Jack can autocast every spell in the
Book as many times as he wants, subject to the 6-second rule.

Magic Items:
+1 Sword Value: 1200
1. +1 Sword. Fini

Description: Cost: Provider:
Tomb $10.00 GD
1 Sword per Team -- Armory

Encounter 10 - Dragon Attack
Number of NPC's: As many as we can get
Magic: +1 Leather on Blacksmith
Good/Evil: Evil dragon and evil hatchlings
Boon/Bane: Boon to defend town
Traps/Poisons: None

The party travels back to town with the bow. As soon as the party reaches the town, the
dragon hatchlings attack. They look human with the exception of the face coloring (Makeup). The
only thing that reveals their dragon heritage is the makeup. The hatchlings attack in wave after
wave until the party is almost worn down; then they die out. (This means that we run as many
NPCs at the party as we can, till it looks like they are about to break. Then the waves stop.) As
soon as the last hatchling is killed then the Mother dragon shows up. When she is hit with the
bow she screams out “Curses, foiled again!!!” She then flies back to her cave as quickly as
When the party looks around, they will notice that everyone except the Blacksmith has
left. The blacksmith offers to trade a set of Dragon leather armor his granddad made out of the
dragon he shot with the bow 50 years before to the party for the bow that his granddad made.
After the party makes the trade, the blacksmith will mention that the party had better hurry to the
cave before the townspeople carry off all the treasure.

NPC Stats:
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Hatchlings F/1 1 4 3/10/18 --
Dragon F/10 15 15 10/99/9 99
(Dragons Breath-1 per 10 minutes, 40 pts, 10 ft radius/ Shape Change to human form at will)
Spook 10th Lvl 3 times a day/ Enthrall 10th Lvl 3 times a day

Magic Items:
+1 Leather Armor Value: 1540
2. +1 Leather Armor. Fini


Description: Cost: Provider:
Makeup for Hatchlings $15.00 GD
Leather Armor Patch $2.00 GD

Encounter 11 - Dragon’s Hoard
Number of NPC's: 0
Magic: None
Gold: 1700 + in junk jewelry.
Good/Evil: None
Boon/Bane: Boon to take gold, Bane to try and find/attack Dragon
Traps/Poisons: None

As the party moves towards the cave, they see the townspeople heading back to town
carrying large sacks, pieces of jewelry, etc… The townspeople claim it all to be family heirlooms,
recompense for burned houses, pirate treasure just dug up, etc…
When the party reaches the cave, they find several small sacks that contain some old
jewelry and coins worth 1700 gold. There is nothing else in the cave. There is a tunnel further
back that leads to where the dragon could be sleeping, but it looks too scary for such a low level
party. (There is a spook 10th level on the entrance)
If the party tries to go back to town after this, they will find it mostly deserted because the
townsfolk have left for greener pastures, taking ANYTHING of value with them.

1700 gold in junk jewelry + Gold equal to 1200 per every party member more than 6 in the team.

Description: Cost: Provider:
Large bags with padding for townsfolk $10.00 GD
Junk Jewelry in small bags` $10.00 GD

Appendix A - Master NPC List
Encounter One
The Village
Description Cls/Lvl Armo Dge LP SP Other
Miss Daisy TH/7 1/L 5 7/26/34 -- --
Fester F/7 4/P 9 7/34/42 -- Plate - NR
Rusty F/5 3/C 8 5/26/34 -- Chain - NR

Dragon F/10 15 15 10/99/99 99

(Dragons Breath-1 per 10 minutes, 40 pts, 10 ft radius/ Shape Change to human form at will)
Spook 10th Lvl 3 times a day/ Enthrall 10th Lvl 3 times a day

Encounter 2
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Mongo F/5 3/C 8 5/26/34 -- --
Hoss R/4 2/C 5 4/20/28 --
Little Joe F/2 1/L 5 3/12/20 -- --
Lucas F/2 1/L 5 3/12/20 -- --

Encounter 3
Stream--Of verbal Abuse!
Description Cls/Lvl Armo Dge LP SP Other
Bass demigod -- -- -- -- ----

Encounter 4
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Rowdy M/7 4 3/9 7/20/28 57 Defense +4, Electrify

Encounter 5
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Cisco The KN/3 3 5m 3/14/22 18 Chain & +1 sword from order - NR
Lefty The KN/2 2 4 3/10/18 16 Chain from order - NR
Poncho The KN/1 1 3 3/8/16 14

Encounter 6
The Partner
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Fritz the Dead 0 0 0/0/0 0 Just plain dead, not raise-able.
Josey Wales RN/8 2 7 8/30/38 44 6 second reload

Encounter 7
The Nymph
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other

Belle Starfish DR/8 8 6m 8/30/38 54

Encounter 9
Coyote Jack
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Coyote Jack MN/11 15 15 9/99/99 ** Jack can autocast every spell in the
Book as many times as he wants, subject to the 6-second rule.

Encounter 10
Dragon Attack
Description Cls/Lvl Armor Dge LP SP Other
Hatchlings F/1 1 4 3/10/18 --
Dragon F/10 15 15 10/99/9 99
(Dragons Breath-1 per 10 minutes, 40 pts, 10 ft radius/ Shape Change to human form at will)
Spook 10th Lvl 3 times a day/ Enthrall 10th Lvl 3 times a day

Appendix B - Master Magic & Treasure List
Encounter One
The Village

Magic Items: See Magic Shop List

100 gold on Fester

Magic Shop
Potion of healing (4) Sale: 72
1) Heals 6 points

Potion of healing (2) Sale: 120

1) Heals 10 points

Potion of Devil Weed (1) Sale: 200

1) Same as Ranger potion
2) Preserved

Arrow of Crash Time (1) Sale: 660

1) One use only
2) When fired will cast Magic User Spell Crash Time
3) Spell is at 6th level
4) Center of spell area is target that the arrow hits.

Arrow of Gale (1) Sale: 240

1) One use only
2) When fired will cast Druid Spell Gale.
3) Center of spell area is target that the arrow hits.

Encounter 2
Magic Items: None
100 Gold in chest

Encounter 5
Bandit Camp
Magic Items:
+1 Ring of Protection on Cisco
1) +1 Ring of Protection. Value 1500 Fini.

Encounter 6
The Partner
Magic Items:
Bow Value: N/A - Cannot be taken out of game
1) All arrows fired are criticals.
2) Any arrow that hits a dragon will cast a crash time at 14th level on target that it hits.
3) Bow must be charged to use.
4) Will only work on the Summer Solstice, every 50 years.
5) Will fire one arrow per charging.
6) May only be charged once every 50 years.

Pipe of Sacred Smoke Value: 2000

3. If packed with tobacco and lit it will produce sacred smoke.
4. The smoke will allow the wielder to cast the 6th level Druids spell “Earth Calming” one time a

Encounter 7
The Nymph
Magic Items:
Charging Potion Value: N/A
3. When poured upon the Dragon Bow will empower it with one charge.
4. Good this game day only.

Encounter 9
Coyote Jack
Magic Items:
+1 Sword Value: 1200
3. +1 Sword. Fini

Encounter 10
Dragon Attack
Magic Items:
+1 Leather Armor Value: 1540
4. +1 Leather Armor. Fini

Encounter 11
Dragon’s Hoard
1700 gold in junk jewelry

Appendix C - Master Prop List
Encounter One
The Village

Description: Cost: Provider:
The Tavern
1 Tent or Pavilion
Reps for the Magic Shop
Drinks and Cups for the tavern.

Encounter 2

Description: Cost: Provider:
Chest with Class A lock
100 Gold
2 Chain Reps.

Encounter 3
Stream--Of Verbal Abuse!

Description: Cost: Provider:
2 Packages of Gummy Worms $4.00 GD
Loud mouth Bass Figure $10.00 GD
Walkie Talkie for the Bass NPC ---- IFGS

Encounter 4

Description: Cost: Provider:
Panels for room ---- IFGS
Desk/Table & Chair ---- IFGS
Writing Materials/quill pen $2.00 GD
Bow Rep (1 per Team) $4.00 GD
Class B Lock -- IFGS
Polaroid picture of Cisco ---- GD

Encounter 5
Bandit Camp

Description: Cost: Provider:
Cooking Pot -- GD
2 Chain Reps $1.00 GD
1 Head per Team $10.00 GD
1 Ring per Team $5.00 GD

Encounter 6
The Partner

Description: Cost: Provider:
1 Pipe per Team -- GD
Skeleton with boots -- IFGS
Rope -- IFGS
1 Bow per Team -- GD

Encounter 7
The Nymph

Description: Cost: Provider:
String/Tarp to mark river
1 Potion per Team $5.00 GD

Encounter 8
The Bridge

Description: Cost: Provider:
Sprig of Tobacco $10.00 GD

Encounter 9
Coyote Jack

Description: Cost: Provider:
Tomb $10.00 GD
1 Sword per Team -- Armory

Encounter 10
Dragon Attack

Description: Cost: Provider:
Makeup for Hatchlings $15.00 GD
Leather Armor Patch $2.00 GD

Encounter 11
Dragon’s Hoard

Description: Cost: Provider:
Large bags with padding for townsfolk $10.00 GD
Junk Jewelry in small bags` $10.00 GD


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