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The Four Aura Types

Aura type is determined by the inter-connectedness between the centers that are
defined (colored) in your chart. There are over 6 billion people on the planet. Yet similar
to humans having four blood groups, there are only four aura types: Manifestor,
Generator (including Manifesting Generator), Projector and Reflector.

Type is the most important aspect in the Human Design System for it is through type
that a specific strategy is given as a tool for experimentation. It is through strategy
that a person can know how to make correct decisions in life. It is through
strategy that you eliminate resistance and friction from your life. Your strategy allows
you to get in touch at a very deep level with what is correct for you in any situation.


Strategy is determined by our defined energy centers, which show us our aura type.
Strategy is the very simple way to move through life without resistance. The
auras of the Manifestor and Reflector protects them from the world, but the auras of
the Generator/MG and Projector do not provide protection from anything. Strategy is to
be used before we begin new things with other people.


The Generator's strategy is to wait to respond. The Generator's

aura pulls life to them and if they listen to what their sacral
energy is responding to, "Uh Huh," or, "Un uh," yes or no
respectively, healthy for me or not, they will come into the activities
and relationships where their energy will be well spent and actually
regenerate their life force. For a deeply experiential look at
AURA AND THE GENERATOR this link is to a roughly two hour
lecture and discussion from our ongoing Living Design
The strategy of the Projector is to wait for the
invitation. Being that Projector's are not sacral
(Generators are) they have no consistent access to the life
force or energy that so much of the planet takes for granted,
they need to be invited into relationships where there is
a potential for the healthy use of the energy of others, if
Projectors try to force their way in the world they find
themselves falling short without energy. The Projector's
ability to guide energy and see the other needs to be
recognized and invited. For a deeply experiential look at
AURA AND THE PROJECTOR this link is to a roughly three hour
lecture and discussion from our ongoing Living Design

The strategy of the Manifestor is to inform before they act. The
Manifestor is unique in its aura in that it repels others, it moves
them out of the way as a protection. The Manifestor is here to do
what it is going to do and is designed to be able to function
independent of whatever else is going on in its world. The
Manifestor benefits from informing people in their lives of what
they are going to do beforehand because they meet with less
resistance. When people feel included in the Manifestor's
decision making they happily assist and get out of the
way. For a deeply experiential look at AURA AND THE
MANIFESTOR this link is to a roughly two hour lecture and
discussion from our ongoing Living Design Training.

The strategy of the Reflector is to wait a full lunar cycle (roughly
29.5 days) while feeling out important decisions. Reflectors are
exceptionally rare and serve a deeply interesting role, they are here to
be judges and seers of the whole. Reflectors reflect their
community, showing pieces here and there in themselves of the people
in the places where they live. Being so changeable and reflective the
only anchor they have in their process, in their ability to know what
is correct for them or not, is to wait out the lunar cycle which, in it's
monthly movement through all the gates in their chart makes them
(as an example) a manifestor for half a day, a generator for the second
half, a reflector that evening and a projector the next morning and so on
through a month. Familiarity with this individual monthly pattern
is so important, feeling out the decision through each potential
aspect of their design brings them clarity. For a deeply experiential
look at AURA AND THE REFLECTOR this link is to a rough two
and a half hour lecture and discussion from our ongoing Living
Design Training.

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