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Sl. No.


(An Autonomous Institution and re-accredited with B Grade by NAAC)

B.Sc. Degree Internal Assessment Test II – February 2018

(For those who joined in the academic year 2016-2019)

Branch : Animation Semester : IV

Subject Code : 16AN408 Time : 1½ Hours
Subject : Basic Techniques of Maximum Marks : 50
Animation (NME)

PART A ( 5X 1 = 5)

1. Line is a One Dimension ( True / False )

2. What are the Basic Shapes in Drawing?
3. Two Primary colours can be mixed to form a Secondary colours. (True / False)
4. How many Tertiary Colors
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6
5. Hue Color + White = ------------------------- Color.

PART B ( 5X 3 = 15)

6. i) Draw and Explain Basic Shapes

ii) Draw and Explain Basic Forms

7. i) Explain positive Space & Nagative Space

ii) Draw and Explain Dimension

8. I) What are the Element of arts?

ii) Explain :
a) Tint b) Tones c) Shade

9. I) Explain Primery colors

ii) Explain Secondary Colors
10. i) Explain :
a) Variety b) Pattern c) Proposition

ii) Explain :

Emphasis b) Contrast c) Rhythm

PART C ( 3X 10 = 30)

Answer ANY THREE questions, each Question carries ten marks

11. Draw and Explain one point, two point and three point perspectives.
12. Explain the Basic Principles of Animation with Drawing.
13. Explain the types of Shots and Angles.
14. Draw and Explain the Color Wheel.
15. Differentiate Raster and Vector images.

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