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The Sultan had heard of her beauty and wanted to marry her but she set seven impossible

conditions for him. The conditions were:

A golden walkway for her to walk to Malacca from the mountain,

A silver walkway for her to return from Malacca to the mountain,

Seven barrels of tears (specifically tears from virgin girls) for her to bathe

Seven barrels of young beetlenut juices from Betel Tree (Areca catechu) for her to bathe

Seven trays filled with hearts of germs,

Seven trays filled with hearts of mosquitoes, and

A silver bowl of the blood of the Sultan's young son.

All the conditions was set/requested on purpose by the Princess to test the Sultan's love towards her
whereby she knew that he will be unable to fulfill it as most of the requests are rather ridiculous and
mostly not achievable or attainable by the Sultan. The last request is rather a difficult decision for
the Sultan as the Sultan son is the only descendant left to rule Malacca next during the Malacca

Some versions of the legend say that the Sultan was not able to fulfill any of these requests, while
others say that he was able to fulfill the first six requests (thus causing the ruin of the Malacca
Sultanate) but could not fulfill the final request which would have required him to kill his son. The
point of the story is that the Sultan was either too proud or too blind to realise that the conditions
were the Puteri's way of turning his proposal down.

Some say that the remnants of the gold and silver bridge still exist, but have been reclaimed by the
forest. Others claim that the bridges can only be seen in the spirit world.

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