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This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions,

and recommendations.

Summary of Findings

The findings of this investigation are presented as

1. Generally,the twelve respondents of NIDEC PHILIPPINES CORPORATION had a positive
response that the AGV help lessen the production cost of the company.The management has lessen
the budget of manpower that the manual system had in the past years. AGV made a big impact in
the Material Handling System in the production line and the target qouta was reached.
2.The second objective of the study was to determine if there is a big factor for bigger

productivity,time saving, and high quality products.Based on our survey,most of our respondents

agree that there is an effect in the productivity of the products being produce in the line. AGV in

this way save more time in transporting materials from one place to another. We can compare the

quality of the products being transported by manual system of Material handling because of so

many rejected products and now that AGV is working it may lessen the rejected products in the

production line.

3.The third objective of the study, "Does a good material handling system provides

convenience to production operators and can minimize their mistakes in material handling?

According to the survey we conducted,mostly of our respondents agreed that the old system of

material handling is a big problem to the transportation of materials from one place to another

there were many mistakes were done and when AGV was being used in the production line it

gives more convenience most especially to the operators and it helps lessen the rejected materials

produced in the production line.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. To lessen the production cost, there few personnels assigned station by station responsible in
getting materials transported by AGV. Manpower is one of the reason that the production costis
high and now that our world is modernized the system now that we are using shall be automated.
2. To increase the productivity of the products produce in the line, the AGV in the system can help
improve and increase the production target because the fast transportion of materials from one
place to another. It helps also in the gain of income of the company.
3. AGV gives convenience to production engineers and mostly operators and this automated
system of material handling is the best answer to the slow transportation of materials in the
manual handling system. Not only one AGV should be produce in the line because of the
numerous machines per area and it is a severe mass production per shift.

Based on the findings, implications, and conclusions, the following recommendations are
considered important:
1. The workers should have their own walkway and they should not occupy the area of the AGV.
This causes the destruction of the sensors of AGV due to the workers making the area of AGV as
their walkway.

2. To achieve the best quality of the products the machines main reason why it is produce. The
machines shall gone to one day preventive maintenance for it can lessen the probability of
downtime of production. The management should not make the machine in a 24/7 schedule. It
should have a one day rest for it can last for a long time.

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