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100 names of Kali starting with K ( from Mahanirvana Tantra):

1. Kaalaakarshini Conqueror and/or Destroyer of Time

2. Karaali Tremendously Terrific one
3. Kalyaani Bestower of Peace and Happiness
4. Kalaavati Possessor of all the (64) Arts
5. Kamalaa Who enjoys and is herself enjoyed , the name of
Lakshmi. KAmakalArUpA
6. Kalidarpaghni Destroyer of the Pride of Kali age
7. Kapardiisha-kripaanvitA Kind and Devoted to Him with the
Matted Hair (Shiva)
8. Kaalika Devourer of Him who Devours (Shiva)
9. Kaalamaataa Mother of Time
10. Kaalaanala-samadyuti Brilliant as the Fires of the final
11. Kapardinii Spouse of Him with the Matted Hair
12. Karaalaasyaa Thou of Formidable Countenance
13. Karunaamrita-saagaraa Ocean of the Nectar of Compassion
14. Kripaamayii Merciful
15. Kripa-adhaaraa Vessel of mercy
16. Kripa-apaaraa Whose Mercy is without Limit
17. Kripaagamaa Attainable Only by Thy mercy
18. Krishaanu Thou Art Fire
19. Kapilaa One of tawny color
20. Krishnaa Black of hue.
21. Krishnaananda-vivardhinii She who Increases joy (and bliss)
of Krishna
22. Kaalaraatri Night of Darkness
23. Kaama-ruupa She in the Form of Desire
24. Kaama-paasa-vimocinii Liberator from the Bonds of Desire
25. Kadambinii Dark as a bank of nimbus clouds
26. Kalaa-dharaa Wearer of the Crescent Moon
27. Kalikalmasha-naasini Destructress of sin (in Kali age)
28. Kumaarii-puujana-priitaa Pleased by the Worship of Virgins
29. Kumaarii-puujakaalayaa Refuge of all worshipers of Virgin
30. Kumaarii-bhojanaananda Who is Pleased by the Feasting of
31. Kumaarii-ruupadhaarinii Who is in the Form of a Virgin
32. Kadamba-vana-samcaara Who wanders in the Kadamba Forest
33. Kadamba-pushpa-santosaa She shows pleasure with Kadamba
34. Kadamba-vana-vaasinii She lives in the Kadamba Forest
35. Kadamba-pushpa-maalinii Wearing a Garland of Kadamba-
36. Kishorii Thou Who Art Ever Youthful
37. Kala-kanthaa She has a soft low Voice
38. Kalanaada-ninadini She has sweet voice as the Chakravaka-
39. Kaadambari-paana-nirataa She who drinks the Kadambari
40. Kaadambari-priya The pleased imbiber of Kadambari wine
41. Kapaalapatra-nirataa Whose eating bowl is a hollow skull
42. Kamkaala-maalya-dharinii Who wears a Garland of Bones
43. Kamalaasana-santushtaa Who expresses happiness with the
one who sits on Lotus Flower (Brahma-creator)
44. Kamalasana-vasini Who sits on the Lotus
45. Kamalaaaya-madhyasthaa Who Abides in the Center of the
46. Kamalaamoda-modini Who likes the fragrance of lotus flower
47. Kalahamsa-gati Who moves like a swan
48. Klaibya-nasini Destroyer of fear (of impotence)
49. Kaamaruupinii She who assumes forms at will
50. Kaamarupa-kritavasa Whose abode is Kamarupa (Assam)
51. Kaamapitha-vilaasini whose abode is Kamapitha (Kamakhya)
52. Kamaniya Beautiful One
53. Kalpalata Creeper who Provides every Desire
54. Kamaniiya-vibhuushanaa Beauty is Your Ornament
55. Kamaniiya-gunaaraadhyaa Adorable Image of all Tenderness
56. Komalaamgii Who has a tender Body
57. Krishodarii Slender of Waist or small abdomen
58. Karanamrita-santosha Who is pleased with the Nectar of
purified wine
59. Kaaranaananda-siddhida Giver of Success to those who enjoy
that wine
60. Kaaranaananda-japeshta Wine-bliss worship
61. Kaaranaarchana-harshita Wine-homage delight.
62. Kaarana-arnava-sammagnaa Wine-ocean-immersion
63. Kaarana-vrata-palini Protector of those Who observe ritual
with wine
64. Kastuuri-saurabhaamoda Gladdened by the Scent of Musk
65. Kastuuri-tilakojjvalaa Luminous with musk Tilakam on
66. Kastuuri-puujana-rataa Attached to those who worship with
67. Kastuuri-puujaka-priya Loving those Who Worship Her with
68. Kastuuri-daaha-janani Mother of those who Burn Musk as
69. Kastuuri-mriga-toshini Who is fond of the Musk-Deer
70. Kastuuri-bhojana-priitaa Who is pleased to Eat Musk
71. Karpuuraamoda-moditaa Whom the Scent of Camphor
72. Karpuura-malaabharanaa Who is adorned with Garlands of
73. Karpura-candanakshita Body smeared with Camphor and
Sandal Paste
74. Karpuura-karanaa-hlaada Who is Pleased with Purified Wine
flavored with Camphor
75. Karpuuraamrita-paayini Who Drinks of wine-nectar Flavored
with Camphor
76. Karpuura-sagara-snaata Who bathes in the Ocean of Camphor
77. Karpuura-saagaraalaya Camphor-ocean-abode
78. Kurcha-bija-japa-priitaa Bija Mantra-Hum-worship-Liker
79. Kurchaa-japa-paraayanaa Who threatens with Bija HUM
80. Kulina Embodiment of the KulAcAra
81. Kaulika-radhya Adored by Kaulikas
82. Kaulika-priya-kaarinii Benefactress of the Kaulikas
83. Kulaacaara Observant of the KulAcAra
84. Kautukini Joyous One
85. Kulamaarga-pradarshinii Revealer of the Kaulikas
86. Kaasiishvarii Queen of KAsi (VarnAsi)
87. Kashta-hartri Allayer of Suffering
88. Kaasiisha-vara-daayinii Giver of Blessings to the Lord of KAsi
89. Kasiishvara-kritaamodaa Giver of Pleasures to the Lord of
90. Kasiishvara-manoramaa KAsi-Lord-beloved
91. Kala-manjiira-carana Whose Toe-bells Sound Sweet Melodies
as You move
92. Kvanat-kaanci-vibhuusanaa Whose Girdle bells Tinkle Sweetly
93. Kaancanaadri-kritaagaraa abiding in the mountain of gold
94. Kaancanaacala-kaumudi Moonbeam on the Mountain of Gold
95. Kaamabija-japaanandaa KAmabija Mantra (Klim) recitation
96. Kaamabija-svaruupinii Embodiment of the mantra Klim
97. Kumatighnii Destructress of all Evil Inclinations
98. Kulinaarti-naasini Destructress of the Kula's Afflictions
99. Kula-kaaminii Lady of the Kula
100. Kaalakantaka-ghaatini Destructress of the Fear of Death

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