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Book 1-

Goddess, Daughter of Saturn, husband of Jupiter. Supports Carthage and holds a grudge
against Aeneas and the Trojans, always meddling in their affairs.
King of the Gods, can range from kind and just to having a fiery temper. Supports the path of
fate and Aeneas founding Rome.
King of the winds, god who controls the directions of the four winds, bribed by Juno.
Orontes, Illoneus, Abas, Aletes-
Commanders of Trojan ships in the opening storm, comrades of Aeneas. Illoneus is the first of
the Trojans to speak to Dido, declaring their presence in Tyre
God of the seas, sister to Juno. Protects Aeneas on the seas.
Son of Anchises and Venus, stoic and pious, goes on to found Rome and complete his destiny.
Trusted and loyal aide of Aeneas. Scouts out the city of Carthage with Aeneas.
Daughter of Jove and Mother of Aeneas, cares deeply for him, his comrades, and their fate,
often has a say in Jove’s decisions. Can disguise herself in many seemingly mortal forms.
Queen of Carthage, widow of Sychaeus, brother of Pygmalion. Tragic figure who is strong willed
and a good ruler, but falls madly in love with Aeneas, leading to her downfall.
Richest man in Tyre, married to Dido. Murdered by Pygmalion.
Dido’s brother, king of Tyre, vile monster of a man who lusts after Dido’s kingdom and riches.
Son of Aeneas, growns up from a boy into a full blown soldier by the end of the story.
Son of Venus, takes the image of Ascanius to enthrall Dido.
Open Sea-
This one is pretty self-explanatory
King Aeolus’s hideout-
Vast cave within which the winds are kept.
Libyan Coast-
The beach and inland area where Aeneas and his men first land, where his first hunt takes
High Heavens-
Where Jove and his godly relatives reside, the interactions between Jove and Venus taking
place here.
African city further inland, ruled by Dido. The Trojans enter here as guests.
Temple to Juno-
Temple in a grove in the center of Carthage. Scenes from the destruction of Troy are painted on
it, and the first meeting with Dido occurs here
Main Banquet Hall-
Also pretty self explanatory.
-Juno is real mad at Aeneas for a lot of reasons, primarily that his destiny conflicts with her
worldview and the society of Carthage which she favors.
-Aeneas is sailing away from Troy currently, which was just sacked by the Greeks and
destroyed completely.
-Juno bribes Aeolus to stir up a storm to blow Aeneas off course, and Aeolus agrees without
even accepting the nymphs she offers to him.
-Aeneas’s fleet is blown hopelessly off course and separated.
-Neptune realizes this is Juno’s doing, takes Aeolus to task, and calms the storm as the flee
makes a break for the nearest landfall.
-Aeneas is under the impression only seven ships had survived.
-Aeneas takes stock of things, goes hunting, and makes a big speech to raise everyone’s
-Up in the heavens, Venus appeals that Jove help Aeneas, and Jove assures her that all is
going according to his destiny.
-Aeneas and Achates go exploring the next day, and encounter Venus in the form of a huntress.
She tells that they are near the Tyrian city of Carthage, ruled by Dido, their fleet has been saved
and they will be welcomed in as guests. She disappears, surrounding them in magic mist so
they cannot be seen.
-The run across Carthage, where the walls are still being built, and travel to a grove in the
center where the Temple of Juno resides, covered in paintings of the Trojan Wars.
-All of Aeneas’s comrades come into the grove, coming to Queen Dido as guests. Illoneus
makes an appeal to Dido to accept them, and she does so happily.
-Aeneas reveals himself and is like “HA I *am* the Aeneas of which you speak.” They all go to
chill in the banquet hall.
-Venus, afraid that Aeneas will not leave Carthage, intercepts Ascanius on his way to the city,
and replaces him with Cupid taking his shape, in order to make Dido fall in love with Ascanius
not Aeneas.
-You know the party is getting lit when Aeneas starts to break out the war stories.

Book 2-
Trojan priest of Neptune who doubts the horse and its origins. Eaten by snakes.
Greek who tricks the Trojans in to letting the horse into Troy, weaves a fake tale about the
Greeks attempting to sacrifice him and them sailing home.
King of Troy, son of Laomedon, father of many sons including Hector and Paris. Merciful and
just, dies at the hands of Pyrrhus during the sacking of Troy.
Son of Othrys, priest of Apollo's shrine. Flees with holy objects from the temple as Troy is
sacked, speaking briefly with Aeneas.
Rhipeus, Epytus, Hypanis, Dymas, Coreobus-
Soldiers who fight with Aeneas against the Greeks.
First Greek commander Aeneas encounters, killed and has his helmet taken by Coreobus.
Virgin daughter of Priam, kidnapped from the shrine of Minerva and rescued by Aeneas and his
Son of Atreus, powerful Greek warrior who fought during the sacking of Troy.
Son of Achilles, monstrous Greek fighter and all around bad dude, murders Priam and one of
his sons in cold blood in the middle of the throne room.
Aforementioned son of Priam killed by Pyrrhus.
Aeneas’s wife, lost and killed in the sacking of Troy.
Aeneas's father, son of Capys, carried out of Troy on Aeneas’s back, dies of natural causes
later in the story.
Daughter of Jupiter ad Leda, wife of Menelaus, her kidnapping at the hands of Paris with the
Gods approval was the start of the Trojan War.

Main setting of this book, located in modern-day Turkey’s general area. Sacked by the Greeks.
Temple of Minerva-
Location where a chunk of the battle takes place, many of Aeneas’s comrades are killed here.
Throne room-
Where Priam and his family reside, attacked brutally by Pyrrhus.
Aeneas’s house-
Where Aeneas picks up Creusa, Anchises, and Ascanius
-The Greeks build a huge horse and hide all their ships in a ruse to end their decade-long seige
of Troy.
-The Trojans are a little suspicious at first.
-Sinon shows up, and tells a sob story about how he was almost sacrificed in order to let the
Greeks leave, after which he defected from the Greeks
-According to Sinon, the horse is penance for the desecration of one of Minerva’s temples by
the Greeks, and if the Trojans take it into their city they will prosper.
-Laocoon, the one who was doubting the horse, gets eaten by snakes for completely unrelated
reasons (I swear I’m not making this up), thus the Trojans take this as a sign to take the horse
into the city.
-Surprise surprise the horse is full of Greeks, who come out and start sacking Troy.
-Aeneas has a dream where Hector warns him they are being attacked, so he wakes up, grabs
his sword, and goes to defend the city.
-He makes his way to the temple of Apollo, where Pathus is running for his life screaming about
how Troy is in its final days.
-Aeneas gathers up his boys and starts taking on Greek troops, stealing a bunch of armor at
one point so they look like Greeks.
-They take a detour to save the Princess Cassandra, but most of them die in the proceeding
-Aeneas heads to the palace, where Pyrrhus is planning an attack.
-Aforementioned attack ends up killing Priam and his son Polites on the altar.
-Aeneas spots Helen on his way out, considers killing her, but Venus appears, telling him not to
do it, and to flee Troy.
-He grabs his fam and books it out of Troy, dad on back, kid in hand, and wife 10 feet behind
because of sexism.
-Wife disappears and he’s sad because she's probably dead. Her ghost then appears and tells
him to get out of there.
-Aeneas gets out of there.

Book 3-

This book chronicles the roundabout journey that Aeneas took to get from Troy to Carthage. He
tries to found the city in different locales, being pushed away by plague, famine, and mysterious
omens, encountering monsters along the way like Polyphemus and the Harpies. Really just
discount the Odyssey, ending with him wrecked on the shores of Carthage after a storm, ending
his long story at the banquet at the end of Book One.

Book 4-
See book one
Dido’s sister and confidant, dies on the pyre with her at the end of the book.
King Iarbas-
Numidian king, son of Jupiter, and suitor of Dido, who plots and would to steal Dido’s kingdom
were it not for the presence of Aeneas and his forces. Resents Aeneas’s presence as he was
once rejected by Dido.
Messenger of the gods, son of Jupiter, sent by his father to tell Aeneas he needs to leave
Sychaeus’s nurse, elderly, brings materials for the pyre to Dido at the end of the book.

^^This is a shorter character list than usual, but most were already mentioned in Book one^^

Main setting of the book, African kingdom ruled by Dido where Aeneas’s men are docked.
The Cave-
Cave where Aeneas and Dido are stuck while hunting, consummating their relationship.
Dido’s bedroom-
Dido goes here to both mope and plot after Aeneas tells her he is leaving.
The Pyre-
Pyre where at the end of the book, Dido stabs herself upon, dying atop a bunch of burning

-So turns out Dido is hopelessly in love with Aeneas now. She confides this in her sister, Anna,
and reveals she is deeply conflicted as she promised herself never to marry again.
-Anna suggests in many many words that Dido should totally go for it; they could build their city
faster with the Trojans and Sychaeus has been dead for a while.
-Dido continues to be so hopelessly in love, to the point where building stops on the city for
some reason.
-Juno takes advantage of this love by plotting to strand them in a cave, where they will have
some good ole’ sex and Aeneas won’t want to leave Carthage. Juno will get her way.
-She argues to Venus that this will make both sides they support stronger together.
-While Dido and Aeneas are part of a hunting party, Juno calls up a huge storm. They both flee
into a cave, and Dido interprets the tryst that occurs as an act of marriage.
-All this annoys Iarbas when he hears so he whines about it to Jupiter.
-Jupiter sends Mercury to Aeneas to tell him that his destiny is not fulfilled yet so he has to get
out of there. He prepares his fleet in secret, but Dido catches wind.
-Dido goes off at Aeneas, accusing him of abandoning her. Aeneas responds that he would like
to stay, but the gods are forcing him to leave. Dido basically responds that she wants him to die.
-Dido is haunted by wine turning into blood and voices from Sychaeus’s altar, she decides she
must commit suicide.
-She tells Anna to build her a pyre made of furniture.
-Mercury visits Aeneas and co one more time, they finally leave Carthage.
-Dido sees this and condemns their people to “endless war” (the punic wars), promptly going to
the pyre and stabbing herself atop it.
-Anna climbs onto the pyre to save Dido, but it is too late.
-Iris comes down, taking a lock of Dido’s hair as she dies.

Book 5-
This book is more lighthearted and comedic in tone, featuring the funeral games for Anchises,
which consist of boat and foot races, archery challenges, and other feats of sportsmanship.
Shenanigans include a ship crash, a fallen footracer tripping another, and Acestes miraculously
causing an arrow to catch fire in the middle of the air. The book ends with Juno tricking some of
the party into burning many of the boats, and Aeneas leaves with only those truly wishing to

Book 6-

Daughter of Glaucus, priestess of Apollo and Diana, oracle who tells Aeneas he must journey
into the underworld.
Trojan who died at the hands of Triton, must be properly buried before Aeneas can find the
golden branch and journey to the underworld.
Grim and dreadful ferryman of the underworld, takes souls down into the depths once they have
been properly buried.
Wife to Helen, in the underworld after Ulysses and Menelaus killed him.
Three-headed dog that guards the underworld. Relatively self-explanatory and scary.
Fury in a “blood-wet dress” guards the area where those who commit crimes murder are

Romulus and Remus-

Twins, suckled by a she-wolf, grow up to be the founders and first kings of Rome.
Tullus, Ancus, Tarquin-
Later kings of Rome
Dictator of Rome, his rise was the end of the Roman Republic, later assasinated by Brutus,
Cassius, and company.
Member of the first triumvirate, comrade of Caesar.

Cave of the Sibyl-
Temple to Apollo, built by Daedalus. Paintings within depict many mythological events, except
the death of Icarus, which Daedalus was unable to portray due to overwhelming emotion.
Golden Bough Tree-
Tree at an unknown location containing a golden bough. Aeneas takes the bough as an offering
to enter the underworld
Main river of the underworld. Souls ready to be taken to the next stage are ferried across by
The river where souls who are to be reborn are directed, wipes the memory so they may live
another life without memory of the previous.
Deep pit in the underworld where the most evil and wicked spirits are thrown into with no hope
of escape.
Place in the underworld where all the most virtuous souls go after death. Aeneas meets
Anchises here.
Gates of Sleep-
Exits to the underworld. Aeneas and the Sibyl leave through the gate of false dreams.

-Aeneas arrives at the temple of the Sibyl in order to find out how to visit the underworld and
see his dad.
-After sacrifices are made (a bunch of bulls and oxen), the Sibyl takes Aeneas into the inner
sanctuary and lays down some prophecies.
-There will be a war for possession of Latinum, and the war will be over a foreign bride.
-To get into the underworld, Aeneas must bury a Trojan dead man named Misenus, and then
find a golden bow to use as an offering.
-Aeneas does these things and returns, now able to descend into the underworld with the Sibyl.
-They reach the river Styx, where they see unburied souls, waiting to cross. Palinurus is among
them, and they learn that soon he will be buried onshore, and a cape of land will be named after
-Charon takes them across once they reveal they are going to see Anchises.
-Aeneas tries to talk to the spirit of Dido and gets royally rejected. He also meets and talks with
Deiphobus, a dead Trojan killed by Ulysses and Menelaus for sleeping with Helen after Paris
-They pass Tartarus on their way to the fields of Elysium, where they finally meet Anchises.
-Anchises and Aeneas have some father son bonding time, and he shows Aeneas the river
Lethe and explains the process of reincarnation.
-There is a parade of people waiting to be reborn, many of whom are future leaders of Rome,
and Anchises narrates a pageant of these to Aeneas, showing him all that his destiny will reap.
-Aeneas and the Sibyl leave through the Gate of False Dreams, with Aeneas remembering
nothing he has seen of the future.

Book 7-

This book marks a shift in tone from travel to war, detailing Aeneas’s first explorations of the
land he is destined to inherit, as well as the cause of the conflict that consumes the second half
of the work. King Latinus offers Aeneas his daughter Lavinia’s hand in marriage, picking him
over the more likely local candidate, Turnus. Juno sends out the fury Allecto, using smaller
conflicts like these to brew the entire region into an all consuming war. She pits Turnus against
Aeneas, the Latins against the Trojans by luring Ascanius into killing a Latin herdsman’s stag.

Book 8-

Son of Daunus, Rutulian king who was originally intended to be wed to Lavinia. Primary
antagonist to Aeneas in books seven through twelve.
God of the Tiber River, appears to Aeneas in a dream and tells how he will find his destined city.
King Evander-
King of Pallanteum, father of Pallas, gives aid to Aeneas in his war against Turnus and the
Latins. He’s a cool cool cat with cool cool sandals.
Son of Evander, entrusted to Aeneas by Evander, but slain by Turnus in battle against the
Half-man half-beast creature who used to inhabit the nearby mountain, his death at the hands of
Hercules is the reason for a local festival in honor of the hero.
Aforementioned hero and son of Amphitryon, performed many noble deeds over the years.
Son of Jove, wife of Venus, blacksmith of the gods, he prepares a shield for Aeneas in his
King Mezentius-
Former Etruscan king, brutally murdered and tortured those who opposed him, was finally
deposed by the Etruscans causing him to flee to the Rutulians and Turnus’s army.

The Tiber river-
Ruled by the river god Tiberinus, this is the main river in central Italy. Rome is later founded at
the bend of this river, and it becomes integral in city planning and development.
Evander’s kingdom, Aeneas travels here to get support for his
Vulcan’s Smithy-
Workshop on an island filled with Cyclops hard at work building the weapons and armor of the
gods. Aeneas’s shield is constructed here.

-Turnus is busy raising up military forces against Aeneas.
-Aeneas has a dream, and Tiberinus comes to him with a few things to say. First if he sees a
sow with 30 piglets nursing, that’s where he should found his city (kinda weird omen if you ask
me). Second, Evander king of the Arcadians should be able to help Aeneas with the war.
-He finds the sow woot woot.
-Aeneas heads up to Pallanteum to find Evander, sailing up the Tiber.
-He arrives in the middle of a festival for Hercules, and meets Evander and his son Pallas,
making his appeal for help against Turnus.
-Evander agrees; at one point he met King Priam and they share ancestors if you go way way
back. In the meantime he explains how Hercules killed a monster hiding in the mountain and
that’s why they’re celebrating.
-Venus convinces her hubby Vulcan to make special armor for Aeneas, so he heads down to his
workshop and puts his Cyclops goons to the task.
-Evander suggests to Aeneas that he would also be able to command an Etruscan army as well,
as their former king whom they all hate is now working for Turnus. Contingents are sent up to
assemble the Etruscans.
-Evander decides to send Pallas out into the battle, under the care of Aeneas. This won’t end
-Venus meets Aeneas on their way back to camp to give him the newly made armor. The shield
is covered with pictures of future Roman events and people, which dazzle Aeneas without him
knowing exactly who or what they are.

Book 9-
This book concerns itself with the Latin onslaught against the Trojan settlement, all while
Aeneas is off attempting to gain the support of Evander. The Trojans have set up momentarily
impenetrable walls, and their ships are protected by wood sacred to sea nymphs. A long
segment consists of a plot to deliver the news of the attack to Aeneas by having two
messengers, Nisus and Euryalus, slip through the Latin blockade. They are detected though,
and although they kill many Latins, it ends in tragedy as they both die. The Latins collapse one
of the towers in the next skirmish, but it ultimately ends in a Trojan rally and Latin retreat.

Book 10-

This book continues the battle between the Latins and the Trojans, this time after Aeneas has
returned with boats and Tuscan armies. Much of this book consists of elaborate descriptions of
soldiers like Aeneas and Turnus killing long lists of other soldiers in gruesome ways. Notably,
Pallas, the son of King Evander, is struck down in battle by Turnus. Juno saves Turnus from
Aeneas’s resulting rampage by leading him away from the battle with an illusory Aeneas. The
book ends with the death of the Latin commander Mezentius at the hands of Aeneas, not good
news for the failing Latin Army.

Book 11-

This book deals with the funeral of Pallas and the negotiations following the battle in book ten,
covered a twelve day truce declared between the sides and an internal meeting organized by
King Latinus, resulting in Turnus redoubling his intention and will to crush the Trojans. The
Trojans break the truce and prepare a push against the Latins, who defend with the help of
famed Volscian warrior Camilla. The battle is going well for the Latins until Camilla is killed by
the archer Arruns, forcing them into retreat.

Book 12-

King Latinus-
Husband of Amata, father of Lavinia, king of Latinum, switches from a friend of Aeneas to a foe
multiple times.
Mother of Lavinia, wife of Latinus. Objects to Aeneas marrying Lavinia, believing Turnus to be
the proper choice. Commits suicide near the end of the Aeneid after she believes Turnus has
been killed.
Daughter of Amata and Latinus, originally promised to Turnus but offered to Aeneas in
marriage, source of the conflict between the Rutulians and the Trojans.

Nymph sister of Turnus, tries her hardest to protect him as his final conflict with Aeneas
Augar who interprets that the Rutulians should back Turnus, throws the first spear against the
Trojans in the final fight.
Healer and son of Iasus, attempts to remove arrowhead from Aeneas in the final fight, finally
succeeds when assisted by divine intervention on the part of Venus.
Turnus’s original charioteer, knocked off and has his place and form taken by Juturna.

City ruled by Latinus, site of the final assault led by Aeneas and much of the action of this book,
including Amata’s suicide and the beginning scene with Amata.
Plains of combat-
Fields outside Latinum where the Rutulians and Trojans meet to battle.

-Turnus decides he must fight Aeneas one on one for Lavinia’s hand in marriage. Both Latinus
and Amata try to talk him out of this plan, but he is determined to follow through out of love for
Lavinia and prepares himself for battle.
-As both sides prepare for battle, Juno allows Turnus’s nymph sister, Juturna, to protect him on
the battlefield by whatever means necessary.
-Aeneas and Turnus formalize the terms of the battle, but Juturna, in an effort to protect Turnus,
takes the shape of the warrior Camers and tries to stir up battle.
-An eagle comes from the sky, eviscerating a swan before being chased away, something that
the Rutulian augar Tolumnius interprets as a sign favoring Turnus. A spear is thrown and both
sides are quickly fighting again.
-Aeneas is out of commission momentarily after being hit by an arrowhead, Iapyx the healer has
no luck at first until Venus swoops down with some dittany, and that does the trick. Aeneas gets
his armor together and leads a counterattack.
-Trying to save Turnus again, Juturna takes the form of his chariot driver and leads him away
from Aeneas.
-Aeneas decides to take the battle to the city, in an attempt to finish off Turnus’s forces once
and for all.
-Amata sees this assault and kills herself, believing Turnus to be already dead. This causes
Lavinia and Latinus much grief.
-Hearing of the death of Amata, Turnus decides it is finally time to face Aeneas, one on one.
-Turnus breaks his sword early in the fight, and turns to run, with Aeneas hot on his tail.
-Juturna gets him his sword back through, and Venus gets Aeneas a spear. This causes Jupiter
to declare an end to Juno’s meddling, on the condition that once Turnus is defeated, the Latin
people will remain named the Latin people (oooh etiology). He sends down a bird-creature to
scare off Juturna.
-Aeneas spears Turnus, and for a moment, has his life in his hands. He considers saving it, but
then he sees the belt Turnus stole from Pallas when he killed him, and he changes his mind.
-Turnus’s life ends with the ending of ​The Aenied​.


Book 1-

Characters (and sociological groups)-

One of Gaul’s three tribes, brave warriors who live in Northern Gaul, up to the English channel
Gallic tribe, residing in the middle section of Gaul. Helvetii subtribe are rugged and courageous,
always warring with the German tribes.
Gallic tribe, residing in the Southernmost section of Gaul.
Powerful and ambitious Helvetii who forms a plan to take over the tribe and all of Gaul, before
being turned in by informants, escaping, and committing suicide.
Author of the book, ingenious and ambitious Roman military leader, book is written on the
subject of his conquests in the Gallic land.
Nammeius and Verucloetius-
Leaders of the Helvetii who meet with Julius Caesar.
Aeduan chieftain and brother of Diviciacus who works behind the scenes to allow the Helvetii
passage through Sequani territory on their march. Hates Caesar with a burning passion.
Helvetii commander who attempts to negotiate non-violent terms with Caesar, found against
Cassius previously.
Tribe that supplies Caesar's armies with grain, running into logistical issues later on.
Diviciacus and Liscus-
Magistrate of the Aedui. Diviciacus is the brother of Dumnorix and later a friend of Caesar, and
Liscus rats out Dumnorix in connection to Aedui leaders who are preventing the transit of grain
Titus Labienus-
Lieutenant General to Caesar, often commands sections of the army when military posturing is
needed as part of Caesar’s elaborate machinations.
Cruel German king who oppresses the Sequani, antagonist to Caesar towards the end of the
first book.

Central river in Europe, located on the border of Germany.
Ancient region consisting of smaller tribes, where modern day France is located.
River in Europe, flowing from central France out to the Mediterranean Sea.
Gallic region South of Lake Geneva and East of the Rhone river.
Jura Mountains-
Mountain range primarily Northwest of Lake Geneva.
Tribal area North of Lake Geneva.
Tribal area in the vicinity of Central France.
Large and well-supplied Aeduan town.
Sequani town where Caesar and Ariovistus meet in battle.

-Orgetorix convinces the Helvetii to begin preparations for war, in the hope that they can
conquer all of Gaul.
-The Helvetii leaders find out by means of informants, and sentence Orgetorix to death. He
arrives at his trial with a force of 10,000 men though, and is able to escape, dying later of a
suspected suicide.
-The Helvetii continue the preparations for war though, and decide to march through a region
called the Allobroges, on the way to further Gaul.
-Caesar catches wind of this, and sends his troops into the province. The Gallic leaders ask
permission to cross through the Allobroges, but Caesar denies their request, building a
nineteen-mile-long wall in the way and fortifying it with Roman troops.
-The Helvetii make a deal with Aeduan chieftain Dumnorix, a friend of the Sequani, to allow
them to pass through Sequani territory North of Lake Geneva.
-Caesar catches wind of this plan too, so he puts Titus Labienus in charge of protecting the wall
and the Rhone river, then goes back to Rome himself to get five legions. He heads back to Gaul
in an attempt to cut off the Helvetii.
-The Helvetii begin to attack the Aedui, who request the help of Caesar, and he comes in and
thoroughly defeats the Helvetii.
-Caesar marches on the rest of the Helvetii and they send out Divco to negotiate terms of
peace. Caesar offers peace despite the many times the Helvetii have been aggressors without
provocation, but the Helvetii turn down his offer as it is against their customs to offer hostages.
-The cavalry is sent to follow the Helvetian army, but they follow too close and many are killed
by the Helvetii.
-The Aedui can’t supply the Romans grain like the promised they would, Caesar gets mad about
this because they fought the Helvetii to aid the Aedui.
-Caesar calls a meeting, and the Aeduan magistrate Liscus reveals that certain Aeduan leaders
are withholding grain to spite the Roman forces, and that Dumnorix, who is the brother of
another magistrate, Diviciacus, is an informant to the Helvetii.
-Dumnorix is informing the Helvetii as part of a carefully orchestrated plot involving public
standing, marriages, and bribery to take over and become King of the Aedui
-As Diviciacus is a loyal supporter of Caesar, Caesar refrains from harshly punishing Dumnorix
as not to bring undue embarrassment on his brother.
-Caesar attempts to attack the the Helvetii camping under a cliff, but due to scouting and
reporting errors, the attack is held off and the enemy escapes.
-On the way to Bibracte, a town where the Romans will resupply, they are attacked form behind
by the Helvetii, who break through the Roman cavalry. A long and hard battle ends though with
the final defeat of the Helvetii and the capture of their camp.
-A convention is held, at which Caesar is informed that the German chieftain Ariovistus had
teamed up with the Sequani to conquer the Aedui, but is now oppressing the Sequani, who are
too afraid to speak on the matter.
-Caesar and Ariovistus parley. Caesar tells Ariovistus to stop oppressing Roman subjects, but
Ariovistus argues that it is the conqueror’s right, and Caesar and Rome have oppressed those
they have conquered in the same way. Caesar gives Ariovistus an ultimatum to withdraw from
Aedui and Sequani territory.
-Ariovistus and Caesar both head for a town called Vesontio and prepare for battle. Roman
soldiers and commanders are afraid of the Germans, but Caesar makes a big speech and all
the troops are rallied.
-Caes and Ari meet with their cavalry, and Caesar checks to see is Ari has reconsidered his
ultimatum. Ari basically say no in many words and Caesar promises to stand up for his allies
and leaves.
-Cavalry skirmishes occur over the next few days, and Caesar finds out from questioning
prisoners that Ari is holding out on total war until the full moon, as German prophets foretell
victory then.
-Caesar, knowing this, forms battle lines immediately. A huge battle takes place and Ariovistus
and his army are defeated in open combat. The Suebi tribe withdraws from Gallic territory, and
Caesar puts Titus Labienus in command while he heads back to Northern Italy.
Book 6-

Belgic tribe located near modern day Trier in Northern Gaul.
Leading figure in the Treveri tribe, anti-Caesar but died before the start of this book.
Leader of a planned rebellion by the Senones, Carnutes, and Treveri. Flogged to death at the
end of the book.
Leader the Belgic Eburones and primary antagonist to Julius Caesar in this book. EScapes
capture even after they defeat his forces.
Installed leader of Treveri after the revolt is crushed, pro-Rome and pro-Caesar.
Lucius Minucius Basilus-
Roman commander under Caesar in rank, leads the cavalry when scouting out Ambiorix.
Secondary leader of the Eburones who hangs himself after the cavalry’s first encounter with
Quintus Tullius Cicero-
Roman commander, holds down the fort as the commander of the 14th legion, withstands attack
by the Germans and Ambiorix.
Publius Sectius Baculus-
Brave soldier in the 14th who emerges from his tent after being sick to find himself in the middle
of the battle, integral in defending the camp.
Gaius Trebonius-
Commander who comes to the aid of QT Cicero in the knick of time when he is besieged by
Ambiorix’s forces.

Forest on the German side of the Rhine river which the Suebi pull back into in an attempt to
escape the Romans.
Fortress in Eburones territory between the Rhine and Scheldt rivers, Caesar leaves QT Cicero,
the 14th legion, and the Roman equipment here while he goes looking for Ambiorix.
A Parisii city to which Caesar moves a spring convention as a strategic move. Predecessor to
the city of Paris.

-The original leader of a planned Treveri revolt, Indutiomarus, had died before the start of this
book, but preparations for the revolt still continue. The Treveri get multiple tribes, including the
Nervii, Aduatuci, Senones, Carnutes and Menapii to back them.
-Suspecting the revolt, Caesar attacks the Nervii, taking hostages and destroying their fields,
and moves his spring convention closer to the Senones so he can more easily march on them.
-The Senones and the Carnutes plead to Caesar so he does not take military action, but he
takes hostages and their cavalry with him as he moves to the Treveri so it is harder for them to
-He leaves Labienus with the main army going to the Treveri, and takes five legions to
subjugate the Menapii. They further split into three sections, decimating and burning the
Menapii settlements as a message they should not aid Ambiorix.
-Labienus, in pursuit of the Treveri, tricks them into thinking he is putting his army into retreat,
luring them into a defenceless position before routing them. Cingetorix, a pro-Roman Gaul, is
put in charge of the Treveri so they will no longer rise up.
-Caesar crosses the Rhine, and learns from the Ubii that Ambiorix and the Suebi are hiding in a
nearby forest, the Bacenis.
-Caesar stops the main narrative at this point to explain many cultural things about Gaul,
including Druids, Knights, the role of religion in their society, and funerals. After that it’s back to
the story.
-Lucius Minucius Basilus and the cavalry are sent to scout into the forest, and by chance, they
run into Ambiorix himself and some of his men. Ambiorix escapes the resulting skirmish and
tells his men to scatter, correctly believing the Roman army to be close. Catuvolcus, a leader of
the Eburones with Ambiorix, hangs himself.
-Caesar splits the army into four parts- himself commanding one part, going off to search for
Ambiorix, Titus Labienus and Gains Trebonius commanding two others on separate missions,
and Quintus Tullius Cicero and the 14th legion guarding the equipment at Aduatuca, a local fort.
-Caesar, to help on his campaign, makes it legal for local plunderers to rob the Eburones.
-The Germans hear from a prisoner that the Romans are camped out at Aduatuca. They attack
the fort in a surprise move, and it seems to Cicero that all hope is lost. Gaius Trebonius arrives
at the lost moment though, and saves the day. The Germans are defeated.
-Acco, one of the rebellion’s leaders, is caught and flogged to death, but Ambiorix evades

Book 7-

Gallic tribe in Central Gaul, first to strike in the rebellion planned in book seven.

Gallic Tribe, originally led by Vercingetorix, instigator of rebellion.
Leader of the final rebellion of the Gallic Wars, Chieftain of the Arverni Tribe.
Uncle of Vercingetorix, throws him out of his original territory as he does not support the
Leader of the Carduci tribe, sent by Vercingetorix to get the Ruteni to join the revolution.
King of the Nitiobriges, son of Ollovico, joins Vercingetorix and supplies his cavalry.
Convictolitavis and Cotus-
Feuding rulers of the Aedui, each claims to be chief magistrate, a position held by one
Aedui commander, bribed by the Arverni into turning against Caesar, leads troops to the city of
Aedui born of high rank and influence, turns in Litaviccus to Caesar for his treachery.
Old and powerful commander whose army goes head to head with that of Titus Labienus.

Settlement containing a Roman garrison which was attacked by the Carnutes.
Loire river-
River that runs through France East and then South in a right angle.
Mountain range that separates the Arverni from the Helvii
Boii city that is taken over early on by Vercingetorix.
Vellaunodunum and Cenabum-
Cities that Caesar takes over in a one-two punch, setting siege to the first before destroying the
second’s garrison and plundering it.
Final city taken over by Caesar before he turns his eyes towards Vercingetorix, residents take
up arms against Caesar though upon seeing the army of the latter.
One of the finest cities in Gaul, first town where Caesar and Vercingetorix come face to face,
won by Caesar after many strategic movements and a long and bitter battle.
Chief fortified town of the Arverni, long standoff leading to a battle held here, ending in defeat
and retreat of Caesar’s forces.

City on the other side of a marsh taken by Labienus later in the campaign.
City and site of the last engagement between Caesar and the Gauls, and the final defeat of
Vercingetorix by Caesar.

-While Caesar is away in Rome, a new rebellion is born, beginning with the Carnutes attacking
the Roman forces at Cenabum.
-Over in the Arverni tribe, a leader known as Vercingetorix catches wind of this and assembles
his best men to join the revolution. With his help, the forces recruit the Ruteni and conquer the
-Caesar is not sure whether to go to his legions, and possibly be killed by revolting tribes on the
way, or to send for them, in which case they could be attacked without him.
-With the help of Lucretius, the rebel alliance is growing. Caesar moves through snow on the
Cevennes mountain range faster than expected, and surprises the Arverni, who request the aid
of Vercingetorix.
-Caesar leaves his army to gather legions from the Aedui, halting any plans they may have, but
Vercingetorix hears he is gathering his army, and retreats to the Bituriges.
-Despite more difficulties in the grain supply, Caesar follows Vercingetorix, taking the towns of
Vellaunodunum and Cenabum on his way.
-Caesar is in the process of taking Noviodunum when the army of Vercingetorix is seen in the
distance, the residents upon seeing this take up arms against Caesar.
-He sends his cavalry after the Gauls, and after pushing Vercingetorix away Noviodunum finally
-Vercingetorix, on the run, decides it is for the common good to burn many of the fields to make
it harder for the Romans to forage. He camps near Avericum.
-Vercingetorix’s men distrust him until he gives them verbal what for and takes out Roman
prisoners who say Caesar is on the verge of defeat (they have been instructed to say so by
-Caesar builds a huge ramp as a siege device, but it unfortunately gets burned down. There are
more battle movements and skirmishes as the Romans try to climb a wall built by the Gauls
around Avericum. Eventually Vercingetorix retreats and the siege is won by the Romans.
-Vercingetorix has a conference and gets multiple other Gallic tribes to join him, including
cavalry from the Nitiobriges.
-Caesar’s men rest up in Avericum, while Caesar settles a dispute among the Aedui.
Convictolitavis and Cotus disagree who should be the chief magistrate. Caesar decides it will be
-Caesar splits his troops to distract Vercingetorix, and then rebuilds a bridge he destroyed to
prevent Caesar from crossing.

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