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Dear students,

This activity is my proposal to have a nice practice of PERSUASIVE ESSAYS.


1. Plan a composition to talk about a community problem observed in your town or in your
2. Write an introductory paragraph based on the observation of the introductory paragraph
given on page 138 (Cutting Our Sports Teams is Not a Healthy Decision). Below you will
have an example of my own task.


- Start studying the contents of Unit 6. Focus your attention mainly on the characteristics of
the PERSUASIVE ESSAY. (pag. 138)
- Read and carefully observe the introductory paragraph of the Reading One, Justin Lebo.
- Read and carefully observe the introductory paragraph of the article “Cutting Our Sports
Teams is Not a Healthy Decision”.
- Observe the task developed by your tutor.
- Then, write your own introductory paragraph following all the directions given. This is THE
- Check it and correct any spelling mistake. Write clear sentences with appropriate
punctuation to obtain a coherent paragraph.

Post only your paragraph during the CHAT session. Write the planning for yourself.
Exponer solo el párrafo introductorio durante la sesión del CHAT. Conserve la
planificación para usted.

You do not have to perform like an expert writer. (No tiene que escribir como un

Please, do not replace this proposal with another one.

Now, observe your tutor´s task.

My essay planning:

People in Loja do not respond to the necessity to protect the earth resources.

1. Introduction and thesis statement.

The natural resources of our planet are being consumed faster than expected! Pollution is
raising dramatically everywhere!
These are alarming news appearing in newspapers, TV and social networks daily. In spite
of that, it is devastating to see how people in our town look indifferent and do not take
responsibility regarding this issue.
It is time that we start working hard to repair the damage caused by the lack of a real
commitment to the planet.

2. Arguments to support my position: (among others)

- Ecologists have published alarming data about how the natural resources are
being consumed rapidly. They say that humanity will come to consume the natural
resources of three planets by 2050.

- Air pollution increases due to industries and the exaggerated use of motorized

3. Arguments: (among others)

- In Loja, in spite of the environmentalists´ campaigns to favor the care of the
planet, people do not observe those efforts.
- In spite of having obtained the prize for being “Ciudad Ecológica” some years ago,
Loja does not show a high level of culture regarding the environmental care.
- Recent studies show that in Loja there are an excessive number of cars.

4. Arguments: (among others)

- Everybody can start working with different activities, individually or in teams, in
the homes, schools, workplaces, to reduce the pollution.
- People could start campaigns to reduce the electrical energy consumption, water.
To reduce the use of plastic recipients, to keep the public spaces clean, etc.

5. Conclusion.

Obsérvese que:

El párrafo introductorio contiene lo que nuestro texto denomina THESIS STATEMENT y

además se expone lo que se denomina THE WRITER´S POSITION.
Here, the reader must know how you feel at the start of the essay.

En los casilleros 2, 3 y 4 tenemos ideas (o statements) que van a ser desarrollados. Estos NO
CONSTITUYEN EL PÁRRAFO. Y deben contener los ARGUMENTOS que apoyan el THESIS
STATEMENT. Deben contener información seria y basada en estudios. NO SE EXPONE SOLO LAS

Hay que citar fuentes de información cuando el caso lo amerita, a menos que sea información muy
difundida y ya conocida por la comunidad.

En este caso no estamos exponiendo el punto 4 como en la página 138 del texto básico. Obsérvese
que tampoco tenemos el párrafo de la conclusión.


Durante el CHAT exponga solamente el párrafo introductorio de su composición.

- Just follow the directions given; you do not have to write as an expert.

It is very common to observe in my city Esmeraldas, as many people opt for fast food.Due to
convenience and rushing for time, many of us are now depending of this. Also, fast food is at
almost anywhere, shopping center, high way, even airport, to make it so easily access that we all
find it very convenience. Added with their delivery services and fast services, it is not only
convenient but also fast to save times when we are in the rush. We all eat fast food because it is
convenient and tasty, and we are also attracted to lots of promotion and free gifts, but we do not
know that every bite we take, we are risking our life. Many of us know that fast food is not good
for our health but we do not know how bad it is. For that is important know how this food affects
especially the kids in my community, this is most common in the schools where they are sold,
without having control of the amount of fat that is given in each food.

Fast food is known as junk food due to its lack of nutrition and too much chemical
flavor that are harmful to our health. Most of the fast food are pre-prepared and then
go through a simple process to speed up their services. The prepare part is definitely
added with preservatives to make it last and it is very harmful to our health. Without
preservatives, the pre-prepare food will be easily spoiled and never last. Preservative
is toxin that can and caused cancer and is acidic to harm our health.
During process, flavor is also added to make fast food tastier. Unlike freshly cook food,
where we maintain its original taste. Pre-prepared fast food has lost its original taste
and needed to be added with flavor to enhance its taste. According to Eric Schlosser
(2006), in his best seller book entitled Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-
American Meal, he says that just about all the food in a fast food industry is processed;
so much of the flavor is destroyed. Eric Schlosser also said that fast food is heavy on
fat, salt and sugar, and reduced nutrient.
Most flavors in fast food are made from chemical. The tastier it is, the more chemical is
needed. We all know that food added with chemical is very harmful to our health. Too
much chemical processed food can caused cancer. Some chemical flavor can caused
our hair to drop, affect our skin structure, deteriorate our organ's function and affect
our body cell. All these will slowly kill our health. Eric schlosser reported in his book
entitled Fast food Nation (2006) that about 200,000 people are sickened by food borne
disease in the United State. About 900 are hospitalized and fourteen die. If Eric
Schloeer's report is true, in 10 years we will see about 511,000 people will die from
food borne disease which is equal to the population of Southern Malaysia.
Fast food is also fast cook. In order to cook fast, too much oil is needed. Therefore,
fast food is very oily because too much oil is being absorbed into the food. When we
eat fast food, we are actually eating oil. We all know that oil contains very high fat and
calories, and these are the main cause of obesity. Fat and calories are difficult to
digest in our body and undigested fat and calories will be accumulated in our body to
cause too much oil in our body. Obesity is caused by too much fat in our body. The
According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) more than a
quarter of the American population suffers a bout of food poisoning each year. Star
newspaper reported in A Big Fat Problem (2009) by Priya Kulasagran says that
government worldwide are bracing themselves for an "obesity epidemic" soon. This
condition can potentially lead to a range of health problems such as heart disease,
diabetes and even premature death
Obesity is the main cause to many health problems. It can affect our muscles, blood
circulation, lung and kidney. Once our blood circulation is being affected, many other
health problems will happen. For example, heart problem and lack of energy
Our lives today cannot live without fast food. They are too easily available. And they
are tasty and fast delivered. But too much fast food is definitely not good for our health.
So, we need to control our consumption of fast food to balance our nutrition by eating
more nutritional and natural food. For example, milk, chess, salad, and many more.
With that we can live a comfortable, longer and healthier life.
And there you have it. There for, for the better of our health and life, i strongly suggest
my audience to stop eating fast food and eat more natural food to balance our nutrition
and protect our health and future.

Lockers for Everyone

What would you think if you had to put your personal belongings in a
crate, and every time you turn around something of yours were stolen? That is
why I think students should have lockers. To protect their things, keep their
things somewhere clean, and so they won't have to complain about carrying
everything at once.
Students should have lockers because it will stop people from stealing
their stuff. For example, the children won't have to worry about their books,
homework assignments, and personal belongings being stolen. The reason for
this is that the children will have their own lockers plus their own locks, which
only they have the combination to. This will reduce cases where things are being
Students also should have lockers so they will have a clean place to put
their books. What I mean by this is that many desks are rusty and have gum stuck
under them. Also, if you put you stuff into a crate then it is easily collecting dust.
This connects to my argument because their stuff will be kept very clean in a neat
environment if students are given lockers to use.
My final reason why I think students should have lockers is so students
won't complain about caring everything at once. The things that they may be
caring everyday are very heavy. This is important because students may suffer
health problems from having to carry all their stuff everywhere. Why carry
books everyday why you can eliminate the pain by having a locker to store the
things you don't need? Also, they're always whining about having to carry all
their books. If we had lockers everyone would be happier.
In conclusion I think students should have lockers. If we have lockers
stealing in school would go down, it would create a safe and clean place for
students to put their things, and students would complain less and be healthier. If
we had lockers, the school would be a happier place for everyone. If you don't
want your things stolen, contact your principal and demand lockers for

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