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After you watch the video that's below do the exercise about it

and the exercises suggested from the textbook. Upload a video

on YOUTUBE talking about the video you saw, attach the link with
the rest of the information. Good luck!!!
Watch the following video:
Simple Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle

A- Now, here are some questions to help you get started.

1. Why it is so important for us to be aware of the importance
of healthy eating?
It is very important because our life and health depend of
2. Which steps are mentioned in the video to a more healthy
life style?
 Turn off t.v. and go out to walk or do activities in the house
 Walk more go to the shopping
 Move on the phone
 Do chores for example laundry , wash the dishes clean
 Be aware
 Eat fruit and vegies
 Eat salad and do exercises.

3. How do you think this can make your life better?

I think that is very important to keep health lifestyle because

All the activities mentioned above to prolong our life time.

eating healthy.

Make exercises and eat health help maintain.

B- Read and study in your book "Hot Topics 1", Chapter 7,

Gluttony: You are what you eat.
Work on the following exercises:
Pgs. 76, 77 exercises: Check the Facts Reading1 A, B
Pg. 77 exercises: Reading 2, A, B
Pg. 77, exercise: Analyze
Pg. 83, exercise: Talk about Your Ideas

Read It

Read the articles. Look for the answers to your questions.

(READING 1) The Hows and Whys of Gluttony

The dictionary says that a glutt on is a person who eats too much. If so,

the United States is a nation of gluttons. Almost 65 percent of the

population is now overweight. About 31 perc ent, or 59 million people, are

obese- that is, they weigh more than 20 percent than they should. Experts

say th at within five years, four out of ten Americans will be in this group. In

1989,47 percent of Americans were overweight and 15 percent were obese.

Chapter 7


We now know that gluttony is not

just self-indulgent. Being overweight can

cause serious health problems such as

heart disease , high blood pressure, and

diabetes. So, why are so many of us

eating ourselves to death?

Experts in obesity research say th ere

are a number of reasons. First, food is

cheaper than it was in the past. They say

that it is natural to eat when we can.

Second, we lead very sedentary lives-we

rarely move. Most of us have desk jobs.

We don't walk to shops, schools, or

banks-we drive cars. Furthermore, at home we have a lot of machines to

he~ us. We don't push lawn mowers-we ride on them. We don't rake

leaves-we blow them away with leaf blowers. We don't wash dishes

anymore-the dishwasher does. In addition, robot vacuum cleaners clean our

floors. And, of course, the television remote control means that we can sit in
a chair for hours. We usually call these machines labor-saving devices. Maybe if

we called them fat-development devices, people would stop using them.

Reading Comprehension

Check Your Predictions

Reading 1: _

Reading 2: _
Check the Facts
A. Read the statements and write true (T) or false (F). Go back

to Reading 1 and look for the answers you are unsure of.

_ F_ 1. Obese people are only a little overweight.

_T _ 2. A glutton eats too much.

_F _ 3. Being overweight causes hearing problems.

__T 4. Food is less expensive than it was before.

_ F_ 5. Sedentary people are very active.

_ T_ 6. We eat more because there is more food.

A. Read the statements and write true (T) or false (F). Go back
to Reading 2 and look for the answers you are unsure of.

_F_ 1. Starving people are overweight.

_T_2. Malnutrition is the same as malnourishment.

_F_3. Starvation is decreasing.

_T_4. About 1.1 billion people are starving.

_T_ 5. Obesity is increasing faster than starvation is decreasing.


Answer the questions. Give reasons for your answers.

1. What kinds of problems does obesity cause?

2. Compare the statistics in the two readings. Are they the same?

3. How does wealth cause obesity?

Eat too much
. First, food is
cheaper than it was in the past. They say
that it is natural to eat when we can.
Second, we lead very sedentary lives-we
rarely move. Most of us have desk jobs.
We don't walk to shops, schools, or
banks-we drive cars. Furthermore, at home we have a lot of machines to
he~ us. We don't push lawn mowers-we ride on them. We don't rake
leaves-we blow them away with leaf blowers. We don't wash dishes

4. Is starvation a problem in rich countries? Why or why not?

In rich countries, starvation is almost nil because a rich nation does not have any needs


Idea Exchange

Think about Your Ideas

How much responsibility does each group have for the increase

in obesity?



little Some A lot




adults .

Pa rents









Talk about Your Ideas

1. What can each of the groups in the chart do to help people eat

healthier food?

2. Not everyone agrees that obesity is a social problem. Do you agree

or disagree with the opinion below?

Look out for the food police. They are attacking a traditional

American meal-a cheeseburger, an order of french fries, and a large

soda. A Yale University professor wants to have a special tax on

high-calor ie foods such as french fries. T he Center for Science in

the Public Interest wants to put warni ng labels on soft dri nks. Such

acts are taking away our freedom of choice.

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