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1. What have you learned from the video?

What does the statement “Small choices become actions,

actions become habits and habits become our way of life”?

As I watched the video "The Choice," I realized that living a healthy lifestyle entails a variety of factors,
including a nutritious diet, daily exercise, adequate sleep, happiness, and positive thinking. Our lives are
on the right track when we do all of the necessary elements to live a healthy lifestyle. It is critical to live
a healthy lifestyle in order to be happy and feel well now and in the future. We can choose to live a
healthy lifestyle for the rest of our life. It not only makes us live longer, but it also makes us feel better
and makes us less susceptible to illness and disease. A healthy way of life is something that we should all
aim towards. We must keep in mind that a healthy lifestyle encompasses more than only our bodily and
emotional well-being. A healthy lifestyle includes eating a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly, and
sleeping well. However, being happy is an important aspect of living a healthy lifestyle. It is essential to
think positively in order to be happy. A person is not totally healthy if they do not feel pleased or good
about themselves. As a result, we must make every effort to think positively in order to be happy rather
than having an unhealthy lifestyle and being depressed.

A habit is an action that we perform on a regular basis, often without thinking about it. That's what we
do. If we do something and it feels good or gives us the results we want, we are likely to do it again and
again. Some habits are healthy and some might be damaging. It's usually referred to as an addiction if
it's harmful. If it's beneficial, it's termed a good discipline. Unconsciously, we engage in a variety of small
"habits" throughout the day. Some of us are habitually tidy, or messy, or early, or late, or rude, or
courteous, or happy, or angry. These are all habitual ways of being. As a result, our habits create who we
are, or our character. Making decisions is an important part of life. There is no such thing as "happening"
in life. We have the freedom to do whatever we choose, but we have no control over the consequences
of our choices. Every situation presents an opportunity to do things differently in order to achieve
positive outcomes. Be Proactive is about accepting responsibility for our life. Rather than blaming
situations over which we have little or no control, such as in the video where one person leads a healthy
lifestyle while the other leads an unhealthy lifestyle and it is their choice that leads to action, being
proactive means focusing on things we can influence.

2. How has this activity helped you understand yourself and others?

This activity helped me understand myself and others because I maintain a healthy lifestyle while others,
as shown in the film, have unhealthy lifestyles. I live a healthy lifestyle, therefore taking tiny steps and
one at a time is vital to me. In addition, I do not overdo it. Aside from that, living a healthy lifestyle will
benefit me in a variety of ways. I have to follow specific guidelines to maintain my body and mind
healthy so that I can attain my goal. Furthermore, there are several actions that will assist me in
maintaining my health. First and foremost, I must prepare and adhere to a strict diet in order to remain
healthy. This diet should include all of the body's basic minerals and vitamins. Also, eat only healthy
foods and avoid junk food, as well as foods that are high in carbohydrate and fat. In addition, I get up
early in the morning for a variety of reasons, the first of which is that it is a good habit. Second, getting
up early allows me to prepare for work and spend quality time with my family. Furthermore, this
determines the time of my sleep, which is early because it de-stresses my body. I exercise on a daily
basis to keep my body active and to relieve the stress that has built up in my muscles. And connecting
with positive individuals because the more time I spend with them, the less I will be drawn to the dark

It's nearly normal among today's youth to live an unhealthy lifestyle while others do not. It became
fashionable among them. The goal of figuring out what's causing them to live such a bad lifestyle is to
figure out what's causing them to do so. Perhaps they have no idea what will happen to them if they
continue to do unhealthy lifestyle this terrible way of life. Or perhaps they were unaware of the dangers
of an unhealthy diet. It is their unhealthy lifestyle that has resulted in this situation. They obviously
didn't care about what they ate. They will consume a lot of fast food. Fast food, as we all know, is a
processed product that has been flavored with a variety of ingredients. They suffer memory problems as
a result of the chemicals that have been added to their meals. Hanging out in the stall till late at night
and getting less sleep are also factors that contribute to memory loss. They aren't aware of it since it has
become a way of life that they must live every day. They will recognize the problem once it has become
severe, but it may be too late.

3. How did you feel after watching the short clip?

After viewing the brief clip, I feel happy while watching the guy living a healthy lifestyle because I also
live the same way as his and horrible in the other side because he lives unhealthy lifestyle which can
affect the way he lives and can be dangerous in his body. I believe we should be more aware of what we
are doing, whether it is a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle. One's lifestyle can either minimize or enhance
one's chances of having a potentially fatal disease. Most people, like the other guy in the video, can live
longer, healthier lives by modifying their diets, increasing their exercise levels, and changing various
other harmful parts of their lifestyles. Furthermore, having many healthy lifestyle qualities at the same
time brings additional benefits in terms of boosting one's health.

One of the most important things you can do for your health is to exercise. Whatever your physical
condition, there is something you can do to be active. Being overweight can lead to high blood pressure,
high cholesterol, diabetes, and sleep apnea, much like the other guy in the clip does while watching TV
and browsing through social media. Obesity can increase your risk of heart disease by double. While
Unhealthy decisions like consuming alcohol, eating high-fat, high-sugar meals, and thinking or doing bad
things can damage your lifestyle, much like what I saw in the clip. Lifestyle diseases are illnesses that are
caused by a person's way of life. This is frequently caused by excessive alcohol consumption, as well as a
lack of physical activity and poor food habits.

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