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Student Name Akira Reese

Teacher Name Coach Stewart

School East wake High

WCPSS HL1 Health Journal

● HERE is a video overview of the HL1 Journal
● Print your copy of this or save your copy to your Google Drive. HERE is a video that will show
you how to accomplish this.
● You will use the same document for each Journal Entry
● Share it with your teacher

Pre Journal - done during orientation

● Reflect on your summer & CV19 quarantine.
● Respond to the following prompts in paragraph form. What was your health journey like
before CV19? Did you make any fitness or health goals during CV19? What were those goals?
Describe your progress towards those goals. What would you change about your fitness and
health journey during quarantine?
● Before Corona, I didn’t worry about hand sanitizer and washing my hands all the time. Now I
worry about these things a lot. They may not seem like something to stress about, but I know
that a lot of people in my family have health problems, which makes them more of a target.
Before Corona, it didn’t affect other people. Over the summer, I also made strides to lose
weight. Even though I'm not technically overweight, I'm still not happy with it. My goal was to
lose around 20 pounds and I've lost about 10 so far. I know that I want to lose weight but I
haven't been trying to, so one thing I would change would be my motivation and persistence
as well as my negativity.

Journal Entry 1: Emotional Health and Wellbeing

● Article to Review: Mind & Body Connection
● Respond to the following prompts in paragraph/essay form. What is good emotional health?
What are the inhibitors of good emotional health? How can emotions affect health? Why
should one's doctor be aware of their emotional health? How can one improve emotional
Good Emotional health means that you are aware of your thoughts and feelings as well as
behaviors. You can healthily deal with your feelings and feel good about yourself. There are lots of
things that can go on in your life that disrupt your emotional health. For example, a family member
dies. This may give you feelings of worry or sadness.
Sometimes it can cause physical health problems, which is why you should tell your doctor if
you do not feel mentally good. If you want to try and improve your mental health, you could try
several coping methods. You could try focusing on the things you are grateful for or taking up a new
hobby. You could also try activities like yoga or meditation.
Emotional health is important in many ways. Almost all of your interactions depend on it. If
you feel stressed you might get annoyed easier. You also might get angry or sad while talking to a
person. You could also get feelings that make you feel really bad. Sometimes you might want to hurt
yourself. More reasons why you should always tell a doctor if you are feeling down.

Journal Entry 2: Healthy Benefits of Meditation

● Article(s) to Review: 12 Benefits of Meditation
● Respond to the following prompts in paragraph/essay form. Discuss the positive effects of
mediation as supported by the research in the article. What are the differences between those
who meditate and those who do not meditate? Discuss the positive impact mediation may
have in the workplace or school settings?
● Meditation can positively affect your life in many ways. First off, it can reduce stress and
minimize anxiety. It can also help with your physical health by reducing your chance of age-
related memory loss and can decrease your blood pressure. People who do not meditate
might feel more stressed and might not sleep that well, but people who do meditate will most
likely feel better about themselves and have a clearer head. If you were to meditate every day
before work or school, you might feel like your head is clear and beagle to concentrate better.
You might pay more attention and be more thorough as well as being able to remember
things more easily.
Journal Entry 3: Supersize Me
● Article(s) to Review/Video(s) to Watch: Man Loses 37lbs at McDonald’s, Supersize Me
● Review the article and video (you do not have to watch the entire video; just so you get the
main talking points!) below. Compare the two, analyze the material presented, and submit a
reflection that presents your perspective. Reflection should be 250-300 words.
● As we all know, McDonald's is a fast-food establishment that does not always serve healthy
food. Based on the documentary, there was a lawyer that was prosecuting the establishment
because two young women became obese from consuming the food. Because of this,
Morgan Spurlock decided to construct an experiment with the food. He ate nothing but
McDonald’s for a whole month. During his investigation, many things had altered. He started
feeling chest pains, sick and depressed for no reason, other than the food. In the end, Morgan
had gained about 30 pounds and more health problems than anyone could have anticipated.
Because of his experiment, McDonald’s decided to put more fruits and salads on their menu.
Unlike the article, he mainly consumed the more unctuous foods and drank the sugary drinks.
John Cisna decided to do another experiment in light of Morgans, but instead of eating the
fattening foods, he ate the healthy foods. He spent 90 days eating nothing but McDonald’s. In
the end, he lost more than 30 pounds, but in my opinion, I believe that John's experiment was
not exactly accurate. I do agree with the article when it says, "most people who walk into a
McDonald's restaurant don't have the discipline -- to resist ordering high-calorie foods." I feel
like Morgan's experiment was a lot more accurate when it comes to how people eat. Most
people who go to McDonald's don't go there to get a salad or some fruit, but instead to get a
burger or fries. I feel like he exposed the establishment's unctuous food.

Journal Entry 4: Teach Kids About Food

● Article(s) to Review/Video(s) to Watch: Educate Kids About Food TedTalk
● Respond to the following prompts in paragraph/essay form. Summarize the video making
sure you list the major points of the presentation and critique and analyze the content as to
it's value and pertinence.
● I feel like Jamie did a very good job of presenting his ideas and what he wanted for the world.
He talked about how children will live shorter lives because of the food being fed to them. He
also talked about how the Us is the fattest country in the world. He saw people who needed
help, and he is trying to help them. He also says that fast food has “taken over the country.”
● He addressed some of the major problems that affect people who are obese. He talked about
how most Americans don't know how to cook. He talked about how he wanted cooking to be
a part of education in school. I believe that learning how to cook is important. He also talked
about how diet-related diseases were the number 1 killer in the US and that it was indeed

Journal Entry 5: Childhood Obesity

● Article(s) to Review/Video(s) to Watch: Childhood Obesity Presentation
● Respond to the following prompts in paragraph/essay form. Address the following discussion
prompts in your reflective essay summarizing the content of the presentation. What are the 3
important talking points of the Presentation regarding the causes of Childhood Obesity? What
are the contributing factors that contribute to the 3 main causes of Childhood Obesity? What
are the major health problems that stem from Childhood Obesity? What can be done to
change the contributing factors and reverse the obesity epidemic?
● The 3 important factors the video talks about are income/social class, mass media, and
neighborhood and community. Some contributing factors for income/social class are that the
grocery stores in lower-income neighborhoods are usually filled with cheap foods, like junk
food, as well as the fact that children with stressed-out parents are most likely to become
obese. Some contributing factors for mass media would be that children would spend so
much time in front of their screens, eating, and not exercising, and now, there are so many
advertisements for fast food restaurants. Some contributing factors for the neighborhood and
community would be sometimes if it's a bad neighborhood, you would not be allowed to go
outside sometimes. Some major health problems that could stem from obesity would be
asthma, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, liver disease, high cholesterol, and many more. Most
of these are life-threatening. To change some of the main contributing factors, people could
start taking more steps of educating kids on how important eating habits are. They could also
stop making so many ads for fast-food restaurants, or they could put a warning on how
unhealthy it is.

Journal Entry 6: 23.5 Hours a Day

● Article(s) to Review/Video(s) to Watch: 23.5 Hours a Day
● Respond to the following prompts in paragraph/essay form. What are areas of prevention that
one can participate in to avoid health issues? What is the single most important thing you can
do to improve and maintain your health? What areas of one’s life can be improved by
exercising 30 minutes a day? Is exercise considered ‘medicine’ for an individual; why or why
not? How much time should one spend exercising week to get the best ‘rate of return’? What
are some important research findings in regard to chronic disease and exercise? How much
screen time do you have daily? What are some strategies you can implement to limit your
sleeping and sitting time to 231/2 hours a day?
● People can participate in smoking less, drinking less, and eating less junk food. Exercise is
the single most important thing you can do to improve and maintain your health. Many things
can be improved, including mental health and physical health. Exercise can be considered as
a medicine because it can help prevent many illnesses. You should spend about 30 minutes a
day exercising to get good outcomes. Exercise can also help decrease chronic disease by
88%. For me, I only watch movies for about an hour, but with online learning, I am looking at
a screen for about 6-7 hours. Well, I already exercise for about 20 minutes a day, but I could
make a schedule to follow.

Journal Entry 7: Stop Bullying

● Article(s) to Review/Video(s) to Watch: Stop Bullying, Misinformation
● Respond to the following prompts in paragraph/essay form. What can you do personally to
stop bullying? What can you and your social group(s) do to stop bullying? How can adults
help stop bullying?
● Talking about the bullying can help prevent it. Someone could also help with coming up with
strategy. This strategy would help bullies feel better about themselves and make their need to
be mean go away. Adult teachers can make special classes informing people about bullying.
This could help any bullies in that class to see what they could cause. Everyone could spead
positivity. This might help the bullies feel better about themselves. Groups can work together
to help someone who is mean sometimes.

Journal Entry 8: Tattoos and Body Art

● Provide an argumentative essay that discusses the circumstances of attaining a tattoo or
body piercing.
● Provide health, employment and social concerns and present your argument as to either pro
OR con.
● Most body piercings are beneficial for your body and health. For example, Nose piercings can
decrease the pain of a woman's menstrual cycle, as well as birth. There are also many ear
piercings that can help as well. There are ones that can help with migraines, as well as
decreasing anxiety and OCD. There is also a piercing you can get that aids with appetite
● They can limit what jobs you can get. Some jobs are only ok with ear piercings, but anywhere
else on your face could get in the way of it. There are also some people who will judge you on
your piercings. They may not want to be your friend because of them. Other people may
prefer to be friends with people who do have piercings. Overall, piercings can help in many
ways with improving your emotional and physical health.

Journal Entry 9: Consumer Health Reflection

● Choose any of the topics covered in the area of Consumer Health and Safety and write a 5
paragraph essay with your reflection on the content.

Journal Entry 10: Teen Driving Accidents

● Article(s) to Review/Video(s) to Watch: Table 1, Table 2
● Respond to the following prompts in paragraph/essay form. Research evidence and
information to help support the need to address teen driving. How has the school addressed
the issue in the past? Which other personnel would need to be collaborated with to address
the issue? What agencies/resources might exist in the community, which could assist and
provide services with the issue? What strategies/policies that could improve the health status
of youth relative to this issue? How might parents be informed and involved? What specific
recommendations would be made to implement an effective approach to the issue?

Journal Entry 11: Drinking and Driving

● Article(s) to Review/Video(s) to Watch: Teen Accident
● Respond to the following prompts in paragraph/essay form. After reading the article above,
write a letter to the parents of the young lady killed in the accident. You should write the
letter from the perspective of a friend who was also at the party. What consequences do you
think should occur with the young man involved; make sure you explain your reasoning for
your answer.

Journal Entry 12: Personal Boundaries

● Think about what you have learned so far about substance abuse, then respond to the
questions below in paragraph format.
● What are your personal boundaries regarding alcohol, tobacco and drugs? How can you
communicate your boundaries with others? How can you recognize and respect the
boundaries of others? What do you think your reaction would be if one of your friends did not
respect your boundaries?

Journal Entry 13: What Would You Do?

Describe how you would see the following situations play out (realistically). Choose one of the two
scenarios upon which to write your reflection.

Situation 1: Part #1: It’s Friday night and your mom has said it's ok for you to stay over with your
friend. When you get to their house you find out you will be going to a keg party since that person’s
parents are out of town. You say you don’t want to go, but your friend says they’re going so if you’re
not you’re going to you have to hang by yourself. You agree to go. After getting there a couple
seniors pick on you for being a freshman so you decide to ACT older and start drinking. You have 8
mixed drinks within a 2-hour period. The cops arrive right after that and you and your friend have to
get away. Your friend can barely walk so you throw him/her in the car and start to drive home. Given
the BAC level, write a story outlining what may happen. Remember to include your BAC/BAL from
above and at least 2 consequences for each of the following: physical, social, financial, and
educational. Name at least 5 people this situation could affect and describe how it will affect these

Part #2: Using the same situation from above, write in good decision making that
stopped you and your friend from ending up like this storyline.

Situation 2: Part #1: You and your boy/girl friend have been dating for 2 months. They come to pick
up for a date, but instead of going to the movies like you told your parents, they tell you that you are
going to a party at a friend’s house. You decide that it will be okay because your parents will never
find out. Once you get to the party, you realize no adults are there and everyone is drinking alcohol.
You have 2 drinks, then someone yells and tells everyone to come into the living room. All of the
older high school students have brought prescription medicines from home and they throw them
into a bowl. All of the older students are saying these meds will increase the high and you will enjoy
the party more. There is so much pressure and everyone is taking the other drugs and washing them
down with alcohol. You decide that none of the students would have brought any dangerous drugs
to the party, so you take a pill out of the bowl and swallow it. You have had 2 drinks and are on your
third drink within 2 hours. Given the BAC from above write a story outlining what may happen.
Remember to include your BAC/BAL from above and at least 2 consequences for each of the
following: physical, social, financial, and educational. Name at least 5 people this situation could
affect and describe how it will affect these people.

Part #2: Using the same situation from above, write in good decision making that
prevents you and your friend from participating in drinking alcohol and using prescription

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