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Freemium: attributes of an emerging business model

Nicolas Pujol, author

Pujol Enterprises LLC, Kirkland WA;
DRAFT v1.1, revised 11 December 2010

Quantity differentiation is the most ancient: product

samples have long been us ed in pre-sales situations,
Origins and types of freemium representing the zero price version of its commercial
complement, the full product. Samples are a form of
An umbrella term for new and old freemium with quantity limitation, in terms of
volume. The digitization of the economy through
commercial practices
media, software and network services has given rise
Freemium is a term increasingly used in commerce to
to another type of quantity limitation: time.
designate a business model using two products or
Nowadays, web services can be activated and
services, or a combination of products and services.
terminated within a defined time period through trial
In such combination, one item is provided at no
programs that serve as demand generation during pre-
charge while a complementary item is sold at a
sales cycles. Variations of the time differentiation
positive price. Unlike what economists call tying, the
concept also gave birth to maturity: beta, immature
free and commercial items are softly connected: the
versions are often made available to a subset of a user
complement is not indispensable. The practice has
population (for example, developers of software
existed for decades, although it carried different
programs) or the entire user base with disclaimers
names and forms. The term Freemium was coined by
that such product is unstable and unsuitable for
venture capitalist Fred Wilson in 2006 and is
general purposes. Other distinctions include
gradually becoming a model that businesses identify
enthusiast versions, which contain new features that
with. Freemium relies on a free version of a product
have not been time tested. In other words, the value
or service, and by design there are complements that
from the asset comes from the quantity of time that it
can take various forms . Commercial transactions
has been used, which reflects the amount of users
happen outside of what is given away. The delta
having tested its reliability. Customers pay for
between what is free and what is paid is called
maturation of time.
product differentiation.
One variant to the time differentiation paradigm
Freemium is sometimes mistaken with two-sided
includes data release. This is particularly relevant for
platforms. In the latter case, a company deals with
time-sensitive data such as financial news and
different groups of customers. Each constitutes a
generally media-related information. In this model,
market side that is statically established. There is no
vendors provide the data at no charge over time, but
transition or conversion from one side to the other. In
release it first to paying customers gaining a time
freemium however, free and paid users may
advantage over free users.
constitute one general group. Each free user can
become a paid user, and vice versa. However, we’ll Feature differentiation separates product functionality
see that even if not a platform, freemium may have and levels of service between a free and commercial
similar attributes to two-sided markets. set of offerings. At the core, one finds either a
product that is limited in functionality (the free core)
Types of freemium
and another that includes advanced features
There are four differentiation strategies: by quantity,
(premium core). From this epicenter, adjunct services
feature, or distribution.
may be added and target either the same user as the
free product or a different one within the

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organization. Feature differentiation can be packaged software that includes a user license. The
challenging as it requires trade-offs between growing license, open source or commercial, dictates the use
the free user base and generating revenues. This is cases where the product may be used at no charge
the reflective competition dilemma in a book to be and those that require a commercial right. Depending
published early 2011. how the end user obtains the product and what she
does with it, it is free or it costs money. For example,
Another type of freemium may allow a commercial software may be free to use but not to re-distribute or
model through differentiated distribution and use embed. Alternatively, it may be free for non-
cases. The split between free and commercial models commercial purposes or require a fee-based license if
occurs in the way the product or service is the end user utilizes it for commercial purpos es.
distributed. This scenario is mostly found today in

Figure 1: 13 "free vs. paid" scenarios in freemium (A= free; B=paid)

The nature of freemium is a form of demand party, no requirement to purchase now or later.
generation. Given such demand generation is attained Viewing the transaction this way would leave the
through a product or service and not a traditional tangible benefit for the provider ignored: the user
advert (banner, catalogue placement, generally, a pays for the free good with an alternative currency,
message), freemium is often seen as a product which is mind share. Mind share is the development
strategy with a zero price, an odd transaction where of awareness for the provider’s brand and the
the recipient receives a free product without counter consideration for purchase of future commercial

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products and services. It is in itself a seed of brand exchange. Sales cycles in freemium scenarios
equity planted in the recipient and not a currency therefore have two steps, representing two discrete
when the recipient is provided a message, and a transactions. The free product plays a dual role: first,
message only. Mind share becomes a currency in the that of a product (playing in a market) at a zero price
context of recipients being provided more than a in step 1, and that of an advert for a related
message i.e. the value of a product or service, commercial offering in step 2.
monetarily “free”. It becomes the currency of

Table 1: comparison of traditional sales cycles with freemium

Pre-sales Transaction

Traditional sales cycle Advertising (banner, ad words, Sale of commercial product or

message) – step 1 service – step 2
Freemium sales cycle (step 1) Free product or service wins on Free product or service is sold at
basis of zero price, value proposition price of zero. Currency: user’s mind
and viral marketing share.
Freemium sales cycle (step 2) Free product acts as the advert for Sale of commercial product or
related commercial goods service. Currency: money.

Freemium as a multi-sided market

Multi-sided (often simplified as two-sided) markets Software platforms: end customers purchase
represent a business relationship where a company computer devices in large part because of the
deals with different groups of customers that are applications that are available on the device. As a
dependent on one another (Hagiu, 20091 ). This result, platform companies must court application
interdependence between one group and another is developers to work with them while at the same time
called indirect network effects. The presence of promoting and selling their products.
network effects and the distinct separation of one
group of customers versus another, are two factors Freemium does not involve a platform to operate.
that define multi-sided markets. In academic Furthermore, free users and paying customers belong
literature, two sided markets are often referred to in to one general category. By these two characteristics,
the context of platforms. Schmalensee and Evans the model does not fit the standard definition of two-
(20072 ) list four types of multi-sided platforms: sided markets.

Exchanges: the platform company puts buyers and However, a look at the real world reveals a different
sellers in contact towards a transaction. reality. We can take the example of open source
software: models in this industry do require distinct
Advertiser-supported media: the twentieth century sub-groups of users in order to function. For
radio stations, newspapers, televisions and newer example, early adopters and technically savvy users
businesses including internet search, making content are often knowledgeable enough to never have to rely
available at no charge to users while generating on outside services or tools that facilitate the use of
revenues displaying ads . the products. We can refer to this group, or side, with
the letter A. In return, these free users deliver value
Transaction systems, such as credit card companies to the provider by testing the product, creating a
dealing with consumers and merchants. brand, and sometimes contribute code or bug reports.

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A different group of users is more conservative in represent users, unlike platforms where the two
nature, and often defined at the business or customer groups are distinct by nature.
commercial segment of the market. This segment that
we can call side B is the one using commercial In addition to being distinct, the two sides of
services and/or feature upgrades from the free freemium show interdependence: risk averse
product. customers value the fact that early adopters have
battle tested the software while providing the vendor
Sides A and B have distinct demographics, behaviors positive brand equity that will help it sustain its
and needs. They are sometimes playfully represented business over time. Conversely, free users benefit
by the photo of a Computer Hacker (a technically from the presence of commercial customers in the
skilled software professional with an early adopter, ecosystem: the latter provide vendors the financial
trial-and-error bias) and a corporation’s Chief resources to produce more free software and share
Financial Officer (pragmatic, more risk averse and more code. This interdependence mirrors the indirect
looking for commercial relationships with software network effects seen on platforms.
providers). Their commonality is that they both

Figure 2: transactions in freemium

Andrei Hagiu: Note on multi -sided platforms, economic foundations and strategy (HBS, 2009)
David S. Evans and Richard Schmalensee: The Industrial Organization of Markets with Two -Sided Platforms
(2007), available at

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