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Things around School (Benda- - The price is cheap.

benda di sekitar sekolah) (Harganya murah.)

- The teachers room is closed. The

1. Kosakata teachers are having meeting.
- Canteen : kantin (Ruang guru itu ditutup. Guru-guru sedang
- Library : perpustakaan rapat.)
- Teachers room : ruang guru
- Office : ruang kepala sekolah - The teachers are in the teachers room.
- Classroom : ruang kelas (Guru-guru itu sedang berada di ruang
- Laboratory : laboratorium guru.)
- Read : membaca
- Buy : membeli - The students are playing in the yard.
- Food : makanan (Murid-murid sedang bermain di halaman.)
- Palying : bermain
- Yard : halaman - Mang Mahdi is a school guard.
- School guard : penjaga sekolah (Mang Mahdi adalah seorang penjaga
- Librarian : pustakawan sekolah.)
- Flag ceremony : upacara bendera
- Toilets : toilet - He is very dilligent.
(Dia sangat rajin.)
2. Contoh Kalimat - There are five toilets in my school.
(Ada 5 WC di sekolah saya.)
- This is my school.
(Ini adalah sekolah saya.)
- We have flag ceremony on Monday.
(Kami upacara bendera pada hari Senin.)
- My school is clean.
(Sekolah saya bersih.)
- Headmaster is in his office.
(Kepala sekolah sedang berada di
- The teacher is teaching in the classroom.
(Guru itu sedang mengajar di kelas.)
- Librarian services the visitors of the
- It is a library.
(Itu adalah perpustakaan.)
(Pustakawan melayani pengunjung
- We can borrow some books in the
- I borrow magazine from library.
(Kami bisa meminjam buku di
(Saya meminjam buku dari perpustakaan.)

- The students usually eat in the canteen.

(Murid-murid biasanya makan di kantin.)

- We buy food in the canteen.

(Kami membeli makanan di kantin.)
3. Latihan Soal
1. The headmaster works in his ....
a. classroom
b. office
c. toilet
d. library

2. The students borrow some books from .....

a. library
b. classroom
c. flag ceremony
d, laboratory

3. Teacher : Farid, Don't play in the

Farid : ......
a. thankyou
b. Bye
c. I'm sory
d. I'm fine

4, The students are studying in the ....

a, canteen
b. classroom
c. office
d. toilet

5. We have flag ceremony on ....

a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Tuesday
d. Wednesday

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