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Men vs.

Women in different

The world that we live in has many different dimensions. The dimensions that I can
explain, that you will understand, are the following: Lineland, Flatland, and Spaceland. All of
these dimensions are very different from each other; although, they do have some similarities.
One of these similarities is the comparison between men and women. In all three of these
dimensions the women are not as “​advanced​” as the men are. There is always something that
separates them.
In Lineland men are lines and women are points. Men have the power in Lineland. They
can have length where the women can not. The longest line is the king of Lineland. Men can be
forward and backward. They also have two voices in Lineland. One voice at each end of their
line, one higher than the other. Women however do not have power, they don't have length, and
they only have one voice. They do not have the power because they are all the same and they
have no length. Women can not be forward and back, they can only be there. Because they
don’t have any length they only have one voice. I have never heard one of them talk so I do not
know whether or not their voices are high or low. Overall, women are lower than men on the
social status in Lineland.
Things are no different in Flatland than they are in Lineland. Women are viewed lower
than men are. In FLatland, men can have as many sides as you can think of, but, they can not
be a perfect circle. Men hold the power in Flatland just like in Lineland. The difference is not
who's longer, but who has more sides that is the president in Flatland. In Flatland men and
women can move Northward, Southward, Eastward and Westward. They both spin in a circle to
talk to each other and they both only have one voice. Women's voices however, are a lot higher
than men's are. They are very screechy and they all sound almost exactly the same. Women, in
Flatland, can only be a “​line”. ​But really, they are just a super thin rectangle. They have smaller
brains than men do and have to use a peace cry. A sound that women make wherever they go
so that people know they are there. They are so thin that you could miss them and they could
accidentally kill another Flatlander. Since women are so thin they could go right through a man
like a knife.
You can imagine that in Spaceland women are better. But you would be wrong. They are
still the lower class and still are not in charge. In Spaceland men range from cones to spheres
with as many or as little vertices, edges and faces. Women are only octahedrons with 6 vertices,
12 edges, and 8 faces. The bottom 4 faces of the female octahedron are longer than the top 4,
to separate them from a male octahedron. The more faces you have in Spaceland, the higher
social status you have. Spaceland does not have a president or a king, but they have a silver
sphere that is in charge. Men and women in Spaceland are closest to being the same out of the
three dimensions I have talked about. Both can be any color and women can have a lower voice
like men. The difference is women can only be octahedrons and they only have one eye,
whereas men have two eyes.
So the similarity between all three of these dimensions (the first dimension: Lineland, the
second dimensions: Flatland and the third dimension: Spaceland) is that in all three women are
viewed lower than men. It gets better the greater the dimension yet they are always lower. I
hope you enjoyed learning about the first three dimensions, and I would love to tell you what it is
like in the fourth dimension. But even if I tried my hardest, it would be too much for you in the
third dimension, to fathom what it is like, here, in the fourth dimension.

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