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Do you wish for a happy married life?

Can life be full of pleasures?

Can delay in marriages be remedied?

The answer is yes!

Life is very strange. Every person be it a man or a Woman keeps trying

to get more and more pleasures and comforts in life. First everyone
wishes for material pleasures and then for spiritual fulfilment.

One important event in life is marriage. Marriage brings about a very

special change in the life of a person. The direction of life can
completely change after marriage. If one gets a wise, capable and
understanding life partner then one feels like enjoying life and its
pleasures to the full. Problems, obstacles and responsibilities are a part
of life. But if one's life partner is understanding then the pain becomes
much less.

In the Indian Society too marriage is given great significance. In the

ancient times there used to be the ritual of Swayamvar in which the
girls were given the freedom to choose their own husbands. Because
the marriage used to be by choice hence life was more happy. Married
life was not a problem or a burden for them.

But as times passed the social system changed and the ritual of
marriage became some what distorted due to which there were many
problems which the couples face to this day. Society became
dominated by males and women came to play only a passive role in
marriages. The fact is that a woman is as important a part of the
society as a man. In married life both are equal. Both supplement each
other. Without one the other cannot contemplate a whole life. The
creation in nature cannot go on without cooperation of both.

Marriage in the present context

Today the institution of marriage has become very corrupted.There is
more pain in married life than happiness. It has come to be believed
that birth of a girl in a home means advent of problems and sorrows.
The reason for this is that for the marriage of the girl the parents have
to struggle a lot. The problem of dowry has further complicated
matters. High life styles, ostentation and false values have only tended
to make the problem of dowry more grave. Even after marriage of the
girl problems for the parents or the girl do not end. Everyone
understands that the prevalent system is wrong yet paradoxically it

If by the time the girl is of marriageable age parents are not able to
find a suitable match then it becomes a cause of worry and tension for
them. The poor girl even if she understands what is going on is forced
to keep mum.

Even in the present age love marriage is not easily possible in India.
And not just girls even boys are forced into marriages. Today seventy
out of hundred couples are not satisfied with their marriage. A man is
not able to get the girl of his choice and same is the case for the girl.
Still life goes on. But where there is no true joy it cannot be called life.
It becomes more of a burden.

In the ancient times men used to do special Sadhanas to get a good

wife. And similarly women used to perform rituals for getting a good
husband. Having studied the ancient texts some special Sadhanas are
being produced here for the readers of the magazine with the help of
which they could make their married lives more happy and joyous. One
should not hesitate in trying these Sadhanas that are meant for the
success of married life. If desired things do not happen on their own
then what is the harm in getting wishes fulfilled through Sadhanas?

Bhuvaneshwarj Vivaah Prayog

For early marriage

Among the ten Mahavidyas Bhuvaneshwari is the Mother Goddess who

can bestow totality in married life and make it happy, prosperous and
comfortable. This Sadhana can be tried by a girl of marriageable age
herself or someone else can also try it on her behalf. Even a man can
try it for getting a good wife.

Start this Sadhana from any Friday. Once the Sadhana has been
commenced then trying it daily till the desired result is obtained. In
other words chant the Mantra daily.

Early in the morning have a bath. Wear fresh clothes. Cover a wooden
seat with yellow cloth. On a mound of rice grains place a
Bhuvaneshwari Yantra. With vermilion write Hreem on all four sides
of the Yantra. Light a ghee lamp. First of all pray to your family deity.
Then offer vermilion on the Yantra. Also offer red flowers. Pray for the
fulfilment of your wish.

Then with a rock crystal rosary (Sfatik) chant one round of the
following Mantra each time offering a red flower to the Goddess.

|| Om Kaamdevaay Vidmahe Pushpbaannaay Dheemahi Tanno-anang

Prachodayaat ||

After the Mantra chanting collect all the flowers and tie them in a clean
cloth. If the Yantra is in form of an amulet then a man should tie it on
the right hand and a woman on the left.

Do this daily for 15 days. One surely gets the right match very soon.

Gandharvaraaj Chetaanaa Prayog

For quick marriage of girls

Gandharvaraaj is the deity of love, marriage and beauty. By offering

prayers to him one can get married to the person of one's choice. This
is a Sadhana only for girls. Women can try it for getting good husbands

Start this Sadhana from a Monday and end it on a full moon day. In
this period one should chant the Mantra ten thousand times. If there is
some problem in a love marriage then too this Sadhana can be tried.
Once Gandharvaraaj is pleased through a Sadhana he appears in a
subtle form to bless the Sadhak. This Sadhana must be tried by the girl
in the night. Some other family member can also try it on the behalf of
the prospective bride.

In the night of Monday have a bath and wear fresh clothes. Cover a
wooden seat with a yellow cloth. In its centre place the amulet -Siddhi
Gandharva Taabeej. Before it place a Siddhi Chakra. If one has a
particular wish then write it on a paper and place it under the amulet.
Light a ghee lamp and incense.

At ten in the night start the Sadhana. It is not necessary to perform this
Sadhana in the place of worship rather one can also do it in the
sleeping room or any other isolated spot. First of all offer seven flowers
on the amulet and pray to Gandharvaraaj -O Gandharvaraaj! You are
very kind. Air is your vehicle. Love is your form. Beauty is your
ornament. Please help me fulfil my wish.
Next chant the following Mantra with Vishvaasu Manni rosary.

|| Om Kleem Vishvaasu Naam Gandharvah Kanyaah Naamaadhipatih

Labhaami Dev-dattaam Kanyaam Suroopaam Salaankaaraam Tasmei
Vishvaav-sarva Namah ||

Each day chant the Mantra with the same rosary. The number of
chantings must be calculated according to the number of days from
Monday to the full moon day.

In the night of full moon chant five extra rounds and tie the amulet
around your waist. Place the Siddhi Chakra at home in the place of

There are many more Sadhanas related to quick marriage that shall
appear in the future issues of the magazine. What ever be the type of
Sadhana if it is used for a good and pure cause then one surely attains
to success.

Poornna Grihasth Sukh Prayog

For happy married life

Marriage means the coming together of a man and woman from two
different backgrounds. Their thoughts might be different, their habits
might be different but they have to live together and make the
marriage a success. But many times there are quarrels and differences
which result in bitterness.

If there is tension in the house one is not able to do things which one
has planned. The ancient texts state - Very lucky is the person who
gets a good and cooperative spouse in life.

Some times the tension due to the differences become so unbearable

that married life seems to be a burden, progress in life stops and one
becomes frustrated. Such a situation is not favourable for either life

In such a situation Sadhana is the only means of attaining a balance

and harmony in married life. Through it married life could be made
more happy, successful and peaceful. When the thinking of two
persons is in harmony then life surely is peaceful.
Try this Sadhana on a Monday. It is better to try this Sadhana in the
months of Kaartik, Maargsheersh or Sharad. One can continue chanting
one round of Mantra every Monday.

In the night of a Monday at ten start the Sadhana. If the Sadhana is

accomplished at midnight then it proves even more rewarding. One
needs 21 Maayaa Beejs, five Kaamya Prayog Siddh Siddhiphals
and a rock crystal rosary for this Sadhana. Keep these articles ready
before starting the Sadhana. Once you have started the Sadhana do
not get up from the seat.

One also needs rice grains dyed yellow with turmeric, an oil lamp and
red cloth. With vermilion draw a circle and in its centre write Kleem. All
around it place the five Kaamya Siddhi Phals. Then in another circle
place the 21 Maayaa Beejs. Meditate on the from of Kaamaakshi Devi
and pray to her to give success in married life. Make a mark of
vermilion on each Maayaa Beej. Then chant the following Mantra 21
times each time offering rice rains on one Maayaa Beej. Also with each
chanting pickup the rice grains and Maayaa Beej and throw behind
yourself over your shoulder.

Dhaam Dheem Dhoom Dhoorjateh Patnee Vaam Veem Voom

Vaagdheeshwaree. Kraam Kreem Kroom Kaalikaa Devee, Shaam Sheem
Shoom Me Shubham Kuru.

Offer saffron on each Siddhiphal and also offer rice grains and
vermilion. Each time chant the Mantra. Then picking each Siddhiphal
put it in a clean cloth chanting the Mantra. Tie the cloth and place it
under your bed. This is a very, easy ritual. By chanting the Mantra
regularly one can make life even more peaceful and happy.

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