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Veno, U.K

ith the exception of Sun,
Moon and the nodes, the rest
of the planets will rule two
signs and thus two houses in a chart. For
different Ascendants when this ruling
planet governs themes or affairs which are
common to both houses, the planet carries
a confluence effect for that theme of life and
illustrates some of the unique potential
latent in a particular Ascendant type. This

V eno has worked in the Jyotish field

confluence effect is quite noticeable in the
charts given below of famous people. The
confluence effect is stronger when the
for two decades. She is co author of "Sun,
planet's karaka themes are also similar to
the Cosmic Power house"(Sagar
the themes of the houses the planet rules.
Publications) and illustrator of "The
Rahu Ketu Experience" & "The 27
Some of the following example charts use
Celestial Portals" by Prash Trivedi. She approximate birth times. I have tried to
has a keen interest in Vedic sciences and use the correct Rasi Ascendant. The
esoteric practices generally. Her personal navamsa Ascendant might be different and
experiences have helped her realize the as such this analysis only refers to the sign
role kundalini plays in refining one's placements of planets in navamsa.
knowledge in sciences like jyotish. She
specializes in natal astrology and runs Aries Ascendant & Planet Venus
her own website
& Jupiter

enus rules both the 2nd and 7th
houses highlighting marriage
and family life. Venus is also
the natural karaka for romance and
relationship. Romance and marriage can be
a significant part of these
native's lives. Venus is considered a malefic lord for Aries Ascendant being the ruler of a
kendra, and often does not give smooth sailing marriage.

Here is the chart of renowned actress Mia Farrow:-

Example 1. Mia Farrow

In her chart Venus is exalted in the 12th house in Pisces making her a romantic idealist.
It is aspected by the 12th lord Jupiter and Saturn. Its exaltation gave her high profile
creatively talented husbands including Frank Sinatra, Andre Previn and Woody Allen and
an extensive family life. Family life continually expanded as she had several biological
children and adopted many others from far away countries. Venus's 12th house placement
and placed 6th from 7th gave rise to the potential for her to experience losses and conflicts in marriage
and betrayals in relationship. The most difficult was her break up with Woody Allen after she
discovered he was having a love affair with their adopted daughter. The problems in
marriage are brought out by having the Nodes and Saturn influencing Upa pada and 1st and 7th
house axis from Chandra lagna. Jupiter being the natural karaka for husband, occupying an
enemy sign, casting aspect on Venus from the 6th house, debilitated although neechabhanga
in navamsa also created disturbance and enmity with her partners. However the 12 th house
placement of Venus as ruler of the 2nd is also responsible for her sacrificing spirit towards
her kith and kin and has given her a universal sense of family. Venus in Pisces in this house
is very compassionate. She is a powerful advocate for children's rights and has campaigned
extensively to raise funds and awareness on behalf of children in third world countries.

Example 2. Barbara Cartland

Barbara Cartland is probably the most celebrated romance novelist of the modern age,
having published over 700 books on the subject. She has sold over one billion books and was
given the title “the true Queen of Romance”. Rahu, expander of karmic growth, is
emphasising Venus's importance being placed in Venus sign in the 7th house of relationship
whilst Venus is auspiciously placed in a kendra conjunct Mercury, her writing lord. Having
Venus and Mercury in the 4th house, Venus occupying the most auspicious of all nakshatras
Pushya made her romantic works popular with the general masses. Saturn, lord of Pushya is
quite well placed in the chart occupying the 9th house with 9th lord, but more importantly
exchanging nakshatras with Venus, making Saturn and Venus inseparable partners in
producing results. She was the romance guru. Saturn is also exalted in Libra in navamsa.
Both planets Venus and Saturn are strong in Shadbala. Once she began her Saturn Dasa in
1982 her throne as a romantic icon was firmly established.

Jupiter rules both the 9th and 12th houses for Aries Ascendant. Jupiter is the planet of religion
and 9th and 12th houses govern philosophy and spirituality, thus generally for Aries people
there is a natural interest in these matters. Jupiter is auspicious as lord of a trine.

Interesting is the chart of Carlos Castaneda, the Peruvian anthropologist and author who
became famous for his works on Mexican shamanism and magic. Castaneda claims that he
was tutored under a Yacqui shaman named Don Juan, who preferring anonymity, made it
difficult for Castaneda to prove that Don Juan really existed. There has always been a lot of
controversy over the truth of Castaneda's auto biographical experiences.

Example 3. Carlos Castaneda

Still in this regard Castaneda made a name for himself as a specialist and teacher in
the earthy magical practices of the ancient Toltec tradition. It is clear his life path connected
him to the occult realms and an interest in psychotropic plants because of Ascendant lord
Mars conjunct Mercury in the 8th house in occult sign Scorpio. Jupiter, the guru of the Gods
is conjunct Venus, the guru of the Asuras in the 10th house in earthy Capricorn with
spiritualistic Ketu. 10th house planets are always the most visible and important in a person's life and
get stronger over time, so Castaneda was regarded as guru as his life progressed, even though a
controversial one due to Jupiter's debilitation and being so closely conjunct Ketu, the planet of
doubt. Venus is having powerful exchange with 10th lord Saturn which is exalted and digbala
in the 7th house making it especially strong. Saturn causes Sasha yoga, one of the Pancha
Mahapurusha yogas indicating human greatness. It does not make one particularly righteous
however depending on the Moon and is said to give an unscrupulous and wicked disposition. It
is because of the strength of Saturn that Jupiter attains strong neechabhanga. The overall
tone of the chart is strongly materialistic, making Castaneda a well known womanizer and
interested in name and fame. Jupiter in Capricorn is considered somewhat anti religious and
made Castaneda agnostic, at the same time it can give strong interest in nature earth
religions, especially here because Jupiter's nakshatra dispositor Sun rules the 5 th house and
is occupying the 9th house of religion in a friendly sign. Even though most astrologers like to
denounce the presence of any real physical gurus in Carlos Castaneda's life due to Jupiter's
debilitation, this is not the case. That he was not completely honest is clear because of Jupiter's
debilitation, Mars with malefic lord Mercury in the secretive 8th house and the Sasha yoga.
However Jupiter's neechabhanga status will manifest itself on the material plane, Capricorn
being the height of material manifestation, especially with its sign lord Saturn so powerful in the
7th house in Jupiter's nakshatra and exchanging with the 7th lord. Although we can't vouch
for the reality of Don Juan the way Castaneda described him, he definitely benefitted from
the personal association of powerful teachers in his life who would have included influential
women, Venus and Saturn being both feminine planets. Male mentor of some kind is also
there with Sun in the 9th house.

Taurus Ascendant & Planet Mercury

aurus Ascendants have potential to shine in intellectual brilliance. Mercury the
natural karaka for intelligence, rules the 2nd and 5th houses governing intelligence
and mental acumen. It is a benefic planet for Taurus Ascendant. When Mercury is
powerful these natives have an ingenious streak.

Example 4. Werner Erhard

Werner Erhard is an independent thinker and modern day philosopher who has used
his intellect to create modules for individuals, groups and corporations. He rose to fame
during the 70's and since then he has been an inspiration for millions of people to undergo
transformational experiences in self empowerment. Although his formal education was not
impressive, his innate academic talents have astonished many.

In his chart Mercury is nicely placed in the 5th house in its own sign Virgo giving him a
powerful mental organizational analytical ability and strong dexterity with it being in the
constellation of Hasta. Hasta's lord Moon is neechabhanga and conjunct the logical planet
Mars in the 7th house in Scorpio giving rise to intuitive power. Mars in fact is considered weak
in the chart because of its early degree and debilitation in navamsa, which indicates that a lot
of Erhard's underlying abilities arises from some psychic intuitive realm, (Mars occupying
watery signs) rather than linear logic. Also Ketu, the psychic planet occupies Mercury's sign in
the 2nd house of foresight in a very expansive and limitless constellation Purnavasu increasing
his ability to draw knowledge from intuitive realms.

Example 5. Krishna

Although not all scholars agree on this being the correct chart for Lord Krishna, the
eighth incarnation of Vishnu, it is generally agreed that he was born with Mercury placed in
the 5th house in Virgo. Mercury is the representative planet for Vishnu and Lord Krishna
being the most intelligent being in the universe exemplifies the power of Mercury for
Taurus Ascendants. In this particular chart Mercury is also a benefic lord from the Moon
and getting favourably aspected by Jupiter in Pisces from the 11th house.
Gemini Ascendant & Planets Mercury & Saturn

ercury when well placed in the chart as 1st and 4th lord makes one popular. 1st
house indicates the attractiveness of the personality generally and 4th house rules
the general masses and emotional attractiveness. Mercury is auspicious being
lord of the Ascendant.

Example 6. Arnold Schwarzenneger

In the chart of famous body builder and Hollywood action hero Arnold
Schwarzenneger, who is now also governor of California, Mercury occupies its own sign
Gemini in the Ascendant forming Bhadra Yoga, one of the Pancha Mahapurusha yogas.
Pancha Mahapurusha yoga is said to bestow some type of greatness on a person. Bhadra
Yoga makes one “A gentleman who will be charitable and help all his relatives and have a
good name everywhere. He will always be the life of a party. He will be intelligent, good
looking and have long life.” The yoga is strengthened because it is also occurring from the Moon,
and Mercury is getting aspected by two benefics Jupiter and Moon. Schwarzenneger's films
achieved spectacular commercial success. The heroic nature of his roles and his jovial
comedic personality struck a chord in the audience hearts, making him a much loved and
trusted public figure. Lagna degree and Mercury occupying constellation Purnavasu gives a
reassuring and trustworthy aura. The hampering factor is the heavy presence of natural
malefics on either side of Lagna which would have created some aspersions on his character
time to time.

Example 7. Helena Blavatsky

For Gemini Ascendants Saturn rules both the 8th and 9th houses. Both these houses are
related to spirituality, the 8th house ruling more occult esoteric mysteries and 9th house
ruling more exoteric spiritual philosophy and activities. Both houses bestow powerful
intuitive instincts. When Saturn is prominent it gives rise to strong mystical inclinations
and experiences.

The influential spiritualist and co-founder of the Theosophical Society Helena Blavatsky has
her Saturn placed in the third house with three other planets Rahu, Mars and Mercury in the
dramatic sign of Leo. She was often demonstrating psychic feats like clairvoyance, astral
projection, telepathy, levitation and clairaudience. The third house planets made her bold
and wanting to prove her prowess in such matters. The occult planets Rahu and Ketu
occupying her 3rd and 9th houses activated her psychic abilities and gave her strong
mediumship skills, Rahu and Saturn also being conjunct her Ascendant lord Mercury.
She is best known however for her esoteric writings, a third house affair. The malefic nature
of the planets in the third including 6th lord and 11th lord Mars indicated it must have been a
battle for her to establish her mystical status amongst her peers in that regard, especially as a
woman living in the late 1800's.

Cancer Ascendant & Planet Mars

ars ruling 5th and 10th houses is a rajayoga karaka for Cancer Ascendant and gives
a lot of recognition and fame when powerful. Even though Mars is such an
auspicious planet it is debilitated in the Ascendant's sign of Cancer indicating
that one's fame does not sit comfortably with the native's own self. There can be a struggle for
self acceptance and an inability to perceive oneself clearly as a result.

Anjelina Jolie is regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the world and her
growing success since 2001 has made her one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood.

Example 8. Anjelina Jolie

It was in 2001 when she ran the bhukti of her Mars within Venus Dasa that she
achieved wider fame as a heroine in the film “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider”. Mars already
rajayogakaraka by itself forms a formidable combination in the horoscope creating more
rajayoga being placed in the most auspicious 9th house, conjunct Ascendant lord Moon and
9th lord Jupiter which occupies its own sign. These planets are getting aspected by expansive
Rahu. This is extremely powerful combination for worldly recognition and success. She is
reaping the results of good karmas in previous lives making her a luck magnet. Her current
Venus Dasa gives good results. After a slightly difficult Sun Dasa from 2015 to 2021 she is
still to run her Moon and Mars Dasas ensuring success in the future also.

Example 9. Marilyn Monroe

The iconic and legendary beauty Marilyn Monroe has rajayogakaraka Mars placed in
the 8 house with 9th lord Jupiter in Aquarius forming another raja yoga. Mars and Jupiter

share a nakshatra exchange thus fuelling each other's beneficence. The sign dispositor of
Mars and Jupiter, Saturn is exalted in the chart giving these planets a lot of underlying
strength. Even though the 8th house is a difficult house which played its role in the tragedy
of Marilyn's life, it gave her tremendous sexual charisma and appeal. Her acting was over
shadowed by her status as a sex symbol which would have caused her dissatisfaction. The 8th
house does not promise happiness especially with its lord Saturn harming the house of
emotional happiness.

Leo Ascendant & Planets Mercury and Jupiter

ercury rules the two main houses for wealth 2nd and 11th indicating the potential
to become rich. Mercury is not considered an auspicious lord because of its rulership of
the 11th, however it is good for income when well placed.

Example 10. Bob Dylan

Legendary singer songwriter Bob Dylan whose career has spanned across 5 decades
has built up an enormous legacy. He has a hefty bank account of valuable songs as well as
money, Mercury being the planet of writing. His net worth is said to be around $80 million
and always on the increase due to song royalties. His Mercury is exalted in the navamsa and
placed in the Rasi in the productive and wealth giving sign of Taurus with two natural
benefics, 5th lord Jupiter and Venus and also conjunct the Ascendant lord Sun in the
powerful 10th house. His 2nd house is occupied by expansive planet Rahu who is happy in the
sign of Virgo and happy to fuel the material growth of his Mercury. If Mercury wasn't in last
degree of a sign his wealth would have been greater.

Jupiter is considered an auspicious planet as lord of the 5th house. It also rules the 8th house
for Leo rising. Both 5th and 8th houses give ability for magical practices and occult powers. Jupiter a
naturally spiritual and wise planet gives ethical impulses in regards to these areas.

Example 11. Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda is one of the greatest exponents of Indian spiritual teachings
in the world. His most famous work to date is his book “Autobiography of a Yogi”. His
mystical destiny was foreseen by an astrologer since his birth. He wanted to give people
applicable ways to experience God directly and taught techniques of Kriya Yoga.
“Autobiography of a Yogi” describes his profound mystical experiences and his association
with different spiritual masters during his travels throughout India.

Jupiter is strong in its own sign Pisces in the 8th house conjunct 4th and 9th lord
rajayogakaraka Mars. Whenever Chandra lagna and Rasi Lagna are the same planet's effects are
intensified. He was an expert in knowledge regarding the serpent sexual energy or kundalini
(8th house) and would have had profoundly transformational mystical experiences. His 8 th
house also gave him strong psychic powers and an effortless death. It was said he died from
a heart attack after a speech he was giving at a banquet in Los Angeles. He had said once
heart attack was his choice of death, implying it was very much within his control to choose
his time and mode of death. This kind of control seems fairly within his grasp with such a
strong 8th house particularly in his older years due to Saturn's aspect on the house.

Virgo Ascendant & Planet Mercury

ercury is an auspicious planet being the lord of Ascendant. Because it is also
ruling the 10th house it gives potential for powerful status and leadership skills.

These qualities are fairly visible in the life of John F. Kennedy the 35th president of the
United States.

Example 12. John F. Kennedy

He was much bolder than former presidents and had no trouble taking charge. He
often made quick decisions without consulting his advisors. He was more handsome and
younger than previous presidents which enhanced his public appeal.

Mercury is unusually placed occupying the dreaded 8th house and receiving malefic
aspect from Saturn which is aspecting its debilitated sign. However Mercury's conjunction
with a powerful Mars in its own sign in both rasi and navamsa gives Mercury a lot of
potency. It made JFK very sexually charismatic and a fast acting revolutionary whilst
indicating many problems with his health, ties to a criminal underworld and a violent
sudden death. Mercury is considered to be strong also because it is stationary direct. Its nakshatra
lord Sun also occupies the most auspicious 9th house with natural benefic Jupiter and Venus
the 9th lord. Because Mercury is atmakaraka in the chart his brief role as president was his
primary duty during his shortened life.

Example 13. Nelson Rockefeller

Nelson Rockefeller is another example of powerful status and leadership. He was 41 st
vice president of the United States, a governor of New York, Chairman of the Rockefeller
Centre and president of other powerful organizations. Like John F Kennedy he had a lot of
initiative and was not afraid to follow through with his own leadership convictions despite
opposition. He was the patron for many self initiated projects on a grand scale including
cultural, political and economic programs. Mercury is the boss in his chart, occupying
Gemini in the authoritative 10th house causing Bhadra Yoga with three other planets in its
sign Sun, Venus and Rahu. All three planets are friendly to Mercury boosting Mercury's
cause. Sun is itself a planet of leadership and combusting the 9th lord Venus making it even
more powerful in that regard. Rahu in the 10th is known for its uncompromising approach.
Mercury is also retrograde and retrograde planets are considered stronger than direct planets
because of their closer proximity to the earth. Mercury is strongly positioned from Surya and
Chandra Lagna making it very auspicious in giving results. Mercury is debilitated in
navamsa but attaining neechabhanga because of its conjunction with exalted Venus.
Libra Ascendant & Planets Mercury & Saturn

ercury rules both the 9th and 12th house. Both houses are connected to spirituality
and philanthropic or charitable acts. Mercury is very auspicious as 9th lord.

Mahatma Gandhi, the freedom fighter for the independence movement in India
was devoted to alleviating the suffering of the poor, sick, and downtrodden. His religious
zeal and his interest in spirituality are well documented. He followed the path of ahimsa,
became a strict vegetarian, practised much of the spiritual tradition of his culture and often
talked about his love for God.

Example Chart 14. Mahatma Gandhi

His Mercury is strongly placed in the sign of Libra in the Ascendant with Ascendant
lord Venus and Mars and getting aspected by natural benefic Jupiter. It indicates that his
spiritual and philanthropic impulses were fairly evident in his life and personality even from
an early age. His spiritual focus got distracted by the conjunction of Mars and Venus which
gives much sensual sexual drive especially as they occupy Taurus navamsa. Mars is not a
good lord for Libra rising. This gave him a weakness for young women. On the other side of the
coin these planets together made him a passionate advocate of civil rights and social political

Saturn being the lord of both 4th (quadrant) and 5th (trine) becomes a Rajayogakaraka.
Saturn is considered benefic even in a weak chart and it gives Libra Ascendants a powerful
heart when well placed.

The chart of Padre Pio illustrates the beneficent nature of Saturn. Padre Pio was a
Capuchin priest from Italy and venerated as a saint in the Catholic Church. He was famous
for his stigmata and performed many miracles in his life. He was said to be very
compassionate to those that suffered and a lot of his supernatural experiences, some which
took a very extreme toll on his being were thought to be a way for him to take on the
suffering of others as an act of sacrifice. He was intensely devoted to God.

Example 15. Padre Pio

In his chart Saturn occupies the auspicious and spiritual 9th house and is conjunct
Ascendant lord Venus and 10th lord Moon creating very powerful Rajayogas. It is getting
aspected by natural benefic Jupiter. 9th lord Mercury is also exchanging with Venus 8th lord
in the chart adding more mystical intensity to the combination. Saturn is vargottama and
very well placed in Gemini's sign. Saturn is ruling the 9th house from both Surya and
Chandra lagna making his Saturn extremely spiritual in its motivations and shows his heart
was very centred on service to the Divine. His Saturn carries moksha giving powers because
it is the sign lord of mokshakaraka ketu.

Although no example is provided, it is worth mentioning that the combination of unafflicted

Mercury and Saturn is a very powerful yoga for Libra Ascendant and can give exceptional character.

Scorpio Ascendant & Planets Venus & Jupiter

enus is lord of both 7th and 12th house. 7th house governs copulation; 12th house
governs sexual experience and is the house of orgasm. Venus is the natural planet
of love, sex and romance intensifying Scorpio Ascendants potential to attract
powerful sexual partners and experience pleasure in bed. Scorpio is a naturally sexy sign
being the 8th sign of the zodiac but Venus being a malefic lord can create problems with

The stunningly beautiful actress Elizabeth Taylor has been married eight times to seven
husbands. Her intensely passionate relationship and subsequent double marriage to Richard
Burton was widely publicized and is just as famous as her reputation as an actress. Despite
her crippling health in older years she still managed to stay involved in a romantic

Example 16. Elizabeth Taylor

Venus is powerfully exalted in the 5th house of lovemaking and romance and conjunct
insatiable desire planet Rahu, causing her to be crazy about love and crazy in love. Venus is
involved in all houses connected to lovemaking, sexuality and romance. It is also getting
aspected by an exalted Jupiter aspecting its own sign. Venus has incredible power in her
chart. Her Moon, planet representing the mind joins the obsession being placed in the 12th
house in relationship sign Libra in the obsessive constellation of Vishakha. Venus, Moon and
Jupiter occupy each other's signs in the chart. Love, sex, romance and the pleasure of union
are in full bloom, unstoppable, an insatiable obsession, but also a spiritually liberating force
because of the 5th lord's exaltation in the 9th, the 12th house placement of 9th lord and Venus
ruling the house of spiritual liberation conjunct atmakaraka Rahu.

Jupiter is a very auspicious planet for Scorpio Ascendant and as ruler of 2nd and 5th
houses can bestow a high degree of intelligence. Jupiter being the guru of the zodiac gives
strong spiritual insight and an intelligence steeped in wisdom.

A good example of the power of Jupiter is the chart of Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche
is considered to be one of the greatest philosophers of the modern era and is popular for his
views on existentialism. Despite his profound intelligence he was plagued by deteriorating
mental illness and suffered much as a result.

Example 17. Friedrich Nietzsche

Jupiter is well placed in the horoscope occupying its own sign in the expansive and
intuitive Pisces in the constellation of Uttarabhadrapada, a constellation noted for its depths.
Uttarabhadrapada's lord Saturn is also very strong in its own sign increasing Jupiter's
strength. Jupiter is mutually aspecting logic driven Mars and exalted intellectual planet
Mercury. Jupiter is also aspecting neechabhanga Moon in the Ascendant which takes on
supernatural levels of perception being so closely conjunct Rahu in a watery sign and
aspected by auspicious Jupiter from a watery sign. Moon could not escape the disturbing
influence of Rahu on his peace of mind and the Sun parivartana yoga with Venus was
intensely difficult for him, Sun being debilitated in the 12th house in earliest degree and
Venus occupying the sign of an enemy. Sun is only getting malefic aspect from its enemy
Saturn who is very powerful in the chart. Also Sun and Venus are vargottama and also
occupying the same places from the Moon, tripling the intensity of affliction. Sun rules
sense of self and is karaka for the body. It was impossible for Nietzsche to feel rooted and
coherent within himself, his body and being which was doomed to total disintegration,
despite the brilliance of his mind. His physical health was also badly afflicted. His worse
period for mental breakdown occurred during his Sun Dasa.
Sagittarius Ascendant & Planet Jupiter

ven though Jupiter as a natural benefic is considered inauspicious as ruler of two
kendras, the Ascendant is also a trine and thus makes Jupiter auspicious. Its
rulership of the 1st and 4th house can give strong character and popularity. Jupiter as
a planetary force projects a lot of benign and uplifting energies.

Paul Newman was a great actor and humanitarian, and one of the most popular celebrities of
his time. He donated hundreds of millions of dollars to worthy causes.

Example 18. Paul Newman

Jupiter is strongly placed in the Ascendant in its own sign with two natural benefics Venus
and Mercury. Jupiter is causing Hamsa Yoga, one of the Pancha Mahapurusha yogas which
bestows greatness on human beings. This yoga makes one righteous, wise, popular and gives
a handsome body. Venus the planet of beauty conjunct Jupiter whilst Jupiter, Mercury and
Ascendant degree occupy Venus's constellation heightens Paul Newman's attractiveness and
gives Venus a lot of power. Venus is even stronger because it occupies its own sign in
navamsa. Because of that Jupiter is made very strong but operates through a Venusian tinge.
Mercury has more of its own identity because it is winning in planetary war with Venus.
Paul Newman was an example of beauty, grace, artistry and refinement and had an
extraordinary pleasant and amiable disposition.

Capricorn Ascendant & Planet Venus

enus as lord of 5th & 10th is a RajaYogakaraka for Capricorn Ascendant and is
capable of bestowing much fame and status. When powerful it makes one a ruler.

Rulership is the possession of Barack Obama, the current and 44th president of the United
States. Other planets besides Venus are important in that regard also especially his Jupiter
Saturn occupying the Ascendant. His Venus however is occupying a friendly sign in the 6th
house making him a public servant and interested in solving problems and subjugating
enemies. Venus is made stronger because of exalted Moon occupying its sign in the 5 th
house, enhancing Obama's personal charm and attractiveness.

Example 19. Barack Obama

Srila Prabhupada is a Gaudiya Vaishnava guru and founder of the Hare Krishna movement
which exploded in the 60's and established itself in nearly every country on the planet.
Prabhupada was a charismatic leader, a prolific writer and attracted millions of followers.

Example 20. Srila Prabhupada

Venus attains strong neechabhanga and is conjunct exalted Mercury in the 9th house of
spirituality, religion and teaching establishing Prabhupada's spiritual reputation and
devotion to Radha-Krishna. Devotion to Krishna is also seen because of Moon exalted in
Venus's sign Taurus in the 5th house. Venus's occupation of Virgo takes away its sensual
aspect and makes Prabhupada pure minded in his love for God and others. Venus is
rendered more powerful because both exalted Moon and exalted Saturn occupy its signs. It is
also having nakshatra exchange with a powerful Sun also occupying its own sign. It is a
very rare and exceptionally powerful chart.

Aquarius Ascendant & Planet Mercury

ercury is not considered a totally benign planet for Aquarius Ascendant despite
ruling the 5th house. It also rules the 8th house where its moolatrikona and
exaltation sign Virgo is placed giving more emphasis to its 8th house role causing
sudden unforeseen misfortunes and problems through secrecy. However its rulership of
both these houses can either give one a lot of occult power or strong sexual charisma and

Example 21. Antonio Banderas

Antonio Banderas, the Spanish actor, film director and producer is known for his
great sexual charisma and appeal. Mercury being placed in the 6th house with 7th lord Sun
shows this quality manifested mostly in his professional work as an actor. Sun & Mercury
are 5th from Chandra Lagna highlighting how his attractiveness was important in his daily
work. Mercury gains a lot of strength because of its exaltation in navamsa. Even though
Banderas possesses a lot of natural beauty with Venus and Rahu aspecting his Ascendant
from the 7th house and Ascendant lord in the fiery and sexy Purva Ashadha, Bandera‟s
debonair attractiveness and sultry sexual confidence on screen manifested through a little bit
of blood, sweat and tears because the 6th house is where we apply a lot of hardwork. Banderas
is quite humble in real life with self effacing Ketu in Ascendant ruled by Saturn.

Example 22. Ramakrishna Paramahansa

The great guru Ramakrishna Paramahansa was thought to be an avatar of God. He was
skilled in tantra and devoted to Goddess Kali. Even preceding his birth his parents
experienced many supernatural incidents and visions. His devotion to Ma was so intense he
entered prolonged samadhi states easily and often. His life was full of miraculous events
and mystical visions. His occult powers frequently manifested themselves before his
disciples or those who crossed his path, often to teach an important lesson. He was a
sexually liberated being, although his sexual energy was transformed from its gross aspect
into its highest through concentration on kundalini awakening. His liberal attitude to all
things was due to his nondual awareness and total absorption in brahman.

His Mercury is placed in the Ascendant with the two luminaries Sun & Moon in the sign of
Aquarius in Rahu's constellation Shatabishak. Mercury is considered in some western esoteric
schools of thought to be exalted in Aquarius and here it is vargottama with Aquarius lord Saturn
in the navamsa. Mercury's impact is increased because it is retrograde. Mercury is
strengthened further because its nakshatra lord Rahu which is exalted occupies the sign of
Venus which is also exalted, and Mercury's sign lord Saturn is exalted in the 9th house. This
gives exceptional occult powers on an unparalleled scale and a very powerful auric electrical
field. He has so much Shatabishak in the chart, he is the „Electric King‟ literally. All occult
powers come from one's kundalini force. This power is tripled because Rasi, Surya and
Chandra lagna are all the same.

Pisces Ascendant & Planets Jupiter & Venus

J upiter is auspicious as lord of this mystical and creative Ascendant. Its rulership of both
1st and 10th houses can bestow a lot of prosperity, leadership and status.

Example 23. Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore was a Bengali poet, musician, novelist, painter and playwright who
reshaped the world of Bengali literature and music. He was a leader of a different kind
because his authoritative impact manifested more so in his creative offspring than his
personality. He was said to have an intensely mesmerizing persona and besides his prolific
output of works was founder of a university. His works number in the thousands and are
considered highly spiritual as well as politically and personally inspiring.

Spiritual planet Jupiter is very strong occupying the 5th house of creativity in its exaltation
sign of Cancer whilst 5th lord Moon occupies the Ascendant Pisces. The watery influence of
this exchange makes his creativity and personality emotionally empathic and moving. Both
these planets occupy Mercury's nakshatras, Mercury being the lord of writing, which
highlights Rabindranath's concentration on this particular art form. Jupiter is his
atmakaraka so it was his soul's main duty. Mercury is placed with combust Venus in the 2nd
house of poetry with exalted Sun and so he is probably most famous for his poetry.
Expansive Rahu occupies the 10th house in Jupiter's sign indicating strong individuality,
uniqueness and an uncompromising authoritative attitude. It also enhanced his worldly

Venus is the lord of 3rd and 8th houses which are considered inauspicious. Venus is also not a
friend of Ascendant lord Jupiter increasing problems. It can make one reckless and injurious
to oneself especially. On the other side of the coin it emphasizes the intuitive and psychic
instincts, a facet of both the 3rd and 8th house.

Example 24. Annie Besant

Having a look at the latter potential here is the chart of prominent Theosophist Annie
Besant. Although intellectually inclined she had a strong interest in Hindu mystical
traditions as well as occult science, and was said to have worked hard to develop her
clairvoyant abilities.

In her chart Venus occupies the 7th house with 7th lord Mercury and is combust being closely
conjunct 6th lord Sun. Venus is also extremely close to Rahu almost within a degree and
retrograde. The nodal axis does indicate some psychic receptivity because Ketu the planet of psychic
sensitivity is placed in Pisces and is thought to be a co ruler of that sign. Combustion
however spoils the houses ruled by the planet under combustion indicating problems in
accessing her intuitive faculties also especially as Sun is 6th lord. Applied efforts in that
regard however will be there and it also gave her talent as a healer and a fighter. Rahu so
close to Venus can give rise to some illusions over the affairs Venus rules. Venus is not
totally devoid of strength because the lord of the sign it is in is exalted and conjunct Venus.
The chart however does indicate that she had a powerful intellect in understanding other
people. Even though Mars rules the 9th house another house of intuition, her intellectual
planets are stronger than her intuitive faculties. Her Mercury made her a famous writer.
From her Moon the 3rd and 8th houses fare better due to the strength of their rulers.

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