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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion ( ()

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First Released Mar 20, 2006 9.3 (

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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Cheats For PC

1. Unlock Print Screen (PRTSCN) button

There is a setting in the INI file:


change to:

Also, two related items for the screenshots:


There are two INIs, one in the game folder called "Oblivion_default.ini", this is the one it uses to generate the REAL one....
My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini

Edit the first one if you want to default to having screenshots on by default for all users. The settings it uses at runtime are the ones from My
Documents folder.

After you mod the INI file, you can press PRTSCN button and Oblivion will write a BMP file to your game folder.

Contributed by: Wolfiesden 

2. Infinite Money Trick 2 (Pre-patch)

First, goto the Imperial City Talos Plaza District. Then, open your map (the one that shows the names of all the buildings in your current
location), and find Dorian's house. Go inside his house and bribe him all the money you can, then make him upset by making disposition
going down by playing the disposition mini game, and repeat the bribing process. Once you've bribed him a good amount of money, such
as 1000 Gold, kill him as fast as you can.

A good way to kill him without allowing him to run away is to push him in the other room and stand in the doorway while attacking him.
After he's dead, goto his body and keep clicking on his gold. DO NOT select "Take All" as it will ruin the glitch, just keep clicking his gold.
You'll get the amount of gold he has on his body every time you click it, and he will never run out of it.

Contributed by: KingYam 

3. Infinite Money 3 (Vampire cure quest)

(Origional release version)
( () ()
At the very end of the quest to cure Vampirism, the count of Skingrad (the last person talked to in the quest) will reward you (if you are a full
vampire, or not) with 1,000 gold (or more depending on your level). ()
If you continue again to click on the message that asks about a reward, he will keep giving 1,000 gold.
Contributed by: Verdun 

4. Item Duplication (Pre-patch)

First you need a bow, some arrows, and the item you wish to duplicate. Using this will allow you to duplicate as many items as the number
of items in your quiver.

First take out your bow and equip some arrows. Pull back the arrow but do not fire it. Press tab and double click on the arrows you currently
have equiped. Then shift click the item you wish to duplicate. Once you exit out the menu the item would drop but it will be the same
amount of items as your arrow. To better help yourself duplicate things it is advised to have a couple of the item you wish to duplicate so
that you can pick them up faster if you have a ton of arrows. This trick works well with things that weigh very little but are great in value
such as soul gems and jewelry.

Contributed by: Cerno 

5. Need a spot to hold all that extra gear? Use your horse!

Contributed by: Zero_Alligator 

6. Permanent +50 to Acrobatics (Springheel Jack glitch)

First you need to get the Thieves Guild quest "Boots of Springheel Jack" and complete the majority of the quest, retrieving the Boots. Do
not, however, return the boots to the Grey Fox.

Upon obtaining the Boots, equip them to get a +50 Acrobatics bonus, then travel to the Shrine of Sanguine and begin the Daedric Quest
there. Follow through that quest, and allow yourself to be arrested by Leyawiin guards when they try. All your possesions will be taken,
except for key items (which include the Boots).

Stay your time in jail, and upon exiting, check your inventory. You should still possess the boots, but when you try to equip them the game
will tell you "You cannot equip this item at this time". However, if you check your current enhancements, the +50 to Acrobatics will still be
there! You can now wear other footwear, but still have the bonus from the Boots of Springheel Jack!

Contributed by: Draconix3D 

7. Console menu functions

While in the game, hit the tilde key [~] at any time to bring up the console. With the console open, there are multiple commands that can
be used, some that require targeting by selecting an object with the mouse while the console is open.

Effect Effect

SetItemValue Amount (should be used on items, not actors) Sets item's price

tfc "ufo cam", freeflyng camera

StopCombat actor stops combat, hides its weapon. Actor will start again, if it finds proper targets.

psb Add all spells to player

modpca attribute,[pt] adds 'pt' points to an attribute. ex: 'modpca luck,15' adds 15 pts to luck

modpcs skill,[pt] adds 'pt' points to the skill. ex: 'modpcs blade,15' adds 15 pts to blade

player.additem 0000000F 'XXX' Adds the desired amount of gold. Replace the 'XXX' with the amount wanted.
Effect Effect ( () ()

player.setstage <QuestID> <Stage> Advances specific quest to specified stage

Showbirthsignmenu Allows you to change your birthsign
showclassmenu Allows you to change your class

an item of given type drops out from selected target's inventory. Item is treated owned by target, so you will steal
Drop TypeREF Amount
it on picking up

SetActorFullName "John Doe" change actor's name

hairtint (red/green/blue) Change player hair colour

FOV # Change the angle of your point of view (default is 75)

player.setlevel 1 Changes player level to desired number. Use 1-255

SexChange Changes your gender

caqs Completes all quest stages

DuplicateAllItems DestinationObjREF copy items from target actor (or chest or other container) into object referenced by DestinationObjREF.

CreateFullActorCopy create a fully identical copy of a target for some purpose. All attributes, spells, and items copy.

SSG Creates a window with the full game scene graph

drop <form id> amount drops the item

equipitem <form id> equips the item

qqq exit game without using menus

advlevel forces a level up with the levelup screen.

advskill skill # Forces a skill level up of # levels, example: advskill blade 4

ShowSpellMaking Forces up spell creation screen

player.additem <Form ID> <amount> Gives the player the given item and amount of the item.

player.AddItem 00000000 # gives you # of item 00000000 (use other hex combinations for items)

SetPCFame gives you fame

SetPCInfamy gives you infamy

player.AddSpell 00000000 gives you spell 00000000 (use other hex combinations for spells)

Without targeting, type "tgm" God Mode

player.payfine Guards stop attacking you and bounty is paid off.

stopcombat Immediately stops the combat of the selected friend/foe.

player.setAV <Ability/attribute> <#> Increase (Or decrease) Ability or Attribute

Click any human or creature, type "kill" Instant kills

Killall Kills Everything Where You Are (If You Are In A Town Outside It Kills Everything Outside)

Player.kill Kills yourself

help List console commands

lock [value] Lock a door

lock [1-100] Lock selected door or container

Makes objects change size. Click on object to enlarge or make smaller then enter cheat. Number ranges from .5 to
setscale number
2. 1 is normal size.
Effect Effect ( () ()

modifies actor's disposition towards ObjREF. Example: ModDisposition 014 -100 makes your target strongly dislike
ModDisposition ObjREF Amount
__ you __ ()
move target to ObjREF. You might enlist 'frequently visited' ObjREFs for further fast-travel, or even create your own()
MoveTo ObjREF
'places' by dropping items..

places another "Yourself" near you. You even might test "yourself" in combat, but be careful with all those guilds

Purge cell buffer. This will free up used memory, often times increasing fps after any given amount of time in game.
Best used while in interior cells

RemoveAllItems remove all items from target. Use Player.RemoveAllItems to strip off any stolen and not stolen goods from yourself.

player.completequest <FormID> Removes active quest specified (doesn't complete it)

player.removeitem <FormID> <#> Removes any item

Removes Bounty on your head. NOTE: If being chased by city guards, you must leave the city and go back for it to
player.setcrimegold 0
work on them.

removes selected target if it was a copy created with CreateFullActorCopy (Now, after you had plenty fun with your
replica, it's time to release it)

player.removespell <FormID> Removes specified spell

resurrect Resurrect targeted monster/human.

savegame [filename] Save game

select yourself as a target. In theory, one can also select other named objects, but for now other names are
PRID Player

set a bounty on actor's head. Use upon a character you want punished by guards. Also should be funny using it on
SetCrimeGold 2000
town guards themselves.

setcamerafov [degrees] Set camera field of view (75 by default)

pov [#] Set point of view angle (75 by default)

set some ability or skill (AValue to be Marksman, LightArmor, etc.) Also not-so obvious values are: Aggression,
SetAV AValue Amount
Energy, Confidence, Responsibility..

set target's X coordinate, i.e., move the target. Use Player.SetPos Z to train acrobatics. Be careful not to move
SetPos X Value
something beyond your reach..

set timescale to <number> Set the speed at which time flows, 30 is default and 1.0 is real-time.

SetBarterGold Amount sets amount of gold a merchant has for trade. (don't forget to first select any merchant as a target :J)

showfullquestlog [quest id] Show all log entries for indicated quest

showquestlog 1 Show completed quest log

showquestlog 0 Show current quest log

showquesttargets Show current quest targets

showquestlog Show quest log

ShowClassMenu Show the class selection screen

ShowRaceMenu Show the name/race/appearance selection screen. the race will be reseted (except for the level)

ShowBirthSignMenu Show the sign selection screen

tmm 1 Shows all map markers

shows target's X coordinate in the scene. Y and Z are also valid. Use Player.GetPos X or "014".GetPos X to find out
GetPos X
where you are on the X-axis!
Effect Effect ( () ()

PlaceAtMe <formid>, <number of

spawns a npc or item or creature where you put the cords in this recuires a ref. ()
player.placeatme <Form ID> Summon a NPC at your current location ()
UnEquipItem TypeREF target deactivates an item of given type (may be used to disarm or undress target).

Look ObjREF target looks towards referenced object

SetAV Aggression 100 target should attack anybody it doesn't like, without prompt

StopLook target stops looking (this is to cancel any previous Look cheat)

coc testinghall Teleports player to an area with all objects, monsters, and NPCs in-game.

coc toddtest Teleports player to developer testing grounds.

movetoqt Teleports you to your quest target (for lazy bums) makes the game ALOT shorter >:)

TAI Toggle AI

TDETECT Toggle AI detection

tcai Toggle combat ai, "sitting ducks" springs to mind

TDT Toggle debug display (FPS etc)

tfh Toggle Full Help

TG Toggle Grass

TLL Toggle land LOD

TLV Toggle leaves

TS Toggle sky

TT Toggle trees

tws Toggle water

TWF Toggle wireframe mode

TCL Toggles collision ( noclip anyone?:), you go in the direction your facing, up/down/etc )

TFOW Toggles fog of war that hides the map

TM Toggles hiding of all menus (for taking screenshots)

ShowSubtitle Toggles NPC conversation subtitles

twr Toggles Water Radius

Click a locked door or chest, type

Unlocks target object

Contributed by: asuga, magiwi, lilibat, EndersAres, ArcaneSummoner, poster55, Hydra_Kirby, PapaGamer, soulbearer112, uk555,
HardcoreGamer90, EmiriH, Kazurin, noonehereplz, Massus_Creation, Supa_dude, Mkmaster2400, BlackExcalibur, Cerno, Winged_Elf, Grub,
Samoz, Gods_Hand, Mike J., bobthe11h, glyth, skreature, war_machine1, DoomyXDes, Tele_O, SWG_Playa 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name

General FAQs FAQ/Strategy Guide by C.LE ( 234K

General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by PapaGamer ( 712K

( () File()
Type Name

General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Xiamut ( 758K ()

General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Neo_Terran ( 57K ()
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by ghostmixerdj ( 479K

General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Brokaliv ( 660K

General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by TheGum ( 430K

FAQ/Walkthrough by Widgeon Infantry and A I e x (

General FAQs 407K

In-Depth FAQs AddItem Code List by DarkHarted ( 139K

In-Depth FAQs Alchemy Guide by zero001349 ( 40K

In-Depth FAQs Alchemy Guide by dukeblue4life22 ( 37K

In-Depth FAQs Arena Quests FAQ by Freddy_Jade ( 27K

In-Depth FAQs Ayleid Statue Guide by WhoGuru ( 23K

In-Depth FAQs Balanced Character Creation Guide by Brynne ( 190K

In-Depth FAQs Bestiary by Idiosyncrat ( 75K

In-Depth FAQs Book Guide by Shadow. ( 1729K

In-Depth FAQs Buyable Houses Guide by Idiosyncrat ( 18K

In-Depth FAQs Buyable Spell List by Billy Black ( 66K

In-Depth FAQs Character Build FAQ by PapaGamer ( 165K

In-Depth FAQs Character Creation Guide by Haeravon ( 142K

In-Depth FAQs Combat Guide by TommyGuner ( 26K

In-Depth FAQs Creatable Spells FAQ by Clarinet_Hawk ( 26K

In-Depth FAQs Crime/Punishment FAQ by BassDX ( 48K

In-Depth FAQs Daedric Shrine Quest Guide by WhoGuru ( 46K

In-Depth FAQs Dark Brotherhood FAQ by TwistidSoul ( 65K

In-Depth FAQs Dark Brotherhood Guide by Cerbius666 ( 40K

In-Depth FAQs Detail Stats/Leveling Guide by MichaelCrosato ( 203K

In-Depth FAQs Diseases Guide by Idiosyncrat ( 23K

In-Depth FAQs Doomstone Guide by hronk ( 6K

In-Depth FAQs Downloaded Content FAQ by NightmareHunter ( 100K

In-Depth FAQs Enchanting Guide by Idiosyncrat ( 62K

In-Depth FAQs Fighters Guild Quest FAQ by BlackMist27 ( 16K

In-Depth FAQs Hard Difficulty Character Guide by szajin ( 63K

In-Depth FAQs Item FAQ by Shadow. ( 433K

In-Depth FAQs M'Aiq the Liar Guide by htorniS ( 24K

In-Depth FAQs Mages Guild Guide by imadeaguide ( 108K

In-Depth FAQs Main Quest Guide by BlackMist27 ( 42K

( () File()
Type Name

In-Depth FAQs Nirnroot Location Gude by Cerbius666 ( 18K ()

In-Depth FAQs Powel Levelling Guide by omgItsHorde ( 19K ()
In-Depth FAQs Quest Guide by WhoGuru ( 95K

In-Depth FAQs Reference Guide by Naranek Angmar ( 529K

Secrets/Easter Eggs FAQ by TheSacredRing and moshaspartan2 (

In-Depth FAQs 45K

In-Depth FAQs Side Quests Guide by Idiosyncrat ( 255K

In-Depth FAQs Skill Book List by BlackMist27 ( 13K

In-Depth FAQs Skill FAQ by Belfento ( 75K

In-Depth FAQs Stealth FAQ by QuikSilver989 ( 29K

In-Depth FAQs Thieves Guild Guide by imadeaguide ( 111K

In-Depth FAQs Trainerless Skill Training FAQ by Sora4488 ( 37K

In-Depth FAQs Trainers Guide by eldin2003 ( 13K

In-Depth FAQs Vampire FAQ by Joshs Name ( 20K

Maps and
Alyeid Well Locations Map by Idiosyncrat ( 151K

Maps and Ancillary Imperial City Districts Map by Idiosyncrat (

Charts oblivion/faqs/42421)

Maps and
Anvil City Map by Idiosyncrat ( 71K

Maps and
Blackwood Map by BraindeadRacr ( 124K

Maps and
Bravil City Map by Idiosyncrat ( 39K

Maps and
Bravil: Test Of Patience Solution by AWing Pilot ( 36K

Maps and
Bruma City Map by Idiosyncrat ( 38K

Maps and
Cheydinhal City Map by Idiosyncrat ( 55K

Maps and
Chorrol City Map by Idiosyncrat ( 45K

Maps and
Cyrodiil Map by myforwik ( 162K

Maps and
Gold Coast Map by TwistidSoul ( 38K

Maps and
Leyawiin City Map by Idiosyncrat ( 45K

Maps and
Magical Stone Locations by Idiosyncrat ( 163K

Maps and
Primary Imperial City Districts Map by Idiosyncrat ( 148K
( () File()
Type Name

Maps and ()
Skingrad City Map by Idiosyncrat ( 52K
Maps and
Wayshrine Locations Map by Idiosyncrat ( 174K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name

FAQ/Walkthrough by WhoGuru ( 26K

FAQ/Walkthrough by PapaGamer ( 66K

FAQ/Walkthrough by ovrlord11 ( 13K

FAQ/Walkthrough by TheGum ( 34K

General FAQ/Walkthrough by elsquanto and WhyteScythe187 (

FAQs nine/faqs/48217)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles Cheats For PC

1. Madness Ore and Madness Ore Matrices

Open console (~ or ').

Type player.additem ItemCodeHere #
# = Quantity of item you want.
ItemCode = Code listed below.

Effect Effect

Madness Ore 00012D33

Madness Sword Matrix 0001F3CD

Madness Shield Matrix 0001F3CE

Madness Helmet Matrix 0001F3CF

Madness Greaves Matrix 0001F3D1

Madness Gauntlets Matrix 0001F3D2

Madness Cuirass Matrix 0001F3D3

Madness Bow Matrix 0001F3D4

Madness Arrows Matrix 0001F3D5

Madness Boots Matrix 0001F3D6

Madness Claymore Matrix 0001F3DE

Madness Axe Matrix 0001F3EE

Contributed by: Galahaut 

2. Amber and Amber Matrices Console Codes

Open console (~ or ').
( () ()
Type player.additem ItemCodeHere #
# = Quantity of item you want. ()
ItemCode = Codes listed below.
Effect Effect

Amber Gauntlets Matrix 00016560

Amber Boots Matrix 00016561

Amber Cuirass Matrix 00016562

Amber 00016568

Amber Shield Matrix 0001657D

Amber Helmet Matrix 0001657E

Amber Greaves Matrix 0001657F

Amber Arrows Matrix 00016CF1

Amber Bow Matrix 00016CF2

Amber Hammer Matrix 00016CF3

Amber Sword Matrix 00016CF4

Amber Mace Matrix 0001F3E8

Contributed by: Galahaut 

3. Oddities for the Museum

Open console (~ or ').

Type player.additem ItemCodeHere #
# = Quantity of item you want.
ItemCode = Codes listed below.

Effect Effect

Blind Watcher's Eye 0004340E

Deformed Swamp Tentacle 00043410

Pelvis of Pelagius 0006D0F3

Sheogorath-Shaped Amber 00078977

Two-Headed Coin 00081E5E

Soul Tomato 00081E60

Din's Ashes 00081E61

Hound's Tooth Key 00081E63

Dagger of Friendship 00081E65

Ring of Disrobing 00081E68

Mixing Bowl 00081E6E

Mute Screaming Maw 00081E9A

Contributed by: AlcoholicNPC 

4. Unique Equipment
( () ()

Open console (~ or ').

Type player.additem ItemCodeHere #
# = Quantity of item you want. ()
ItemCode = Codes listed below.

Effect Effect

Diadem of Euphoria 0007B6B1

Nerveshatter 0007E09D

Shadowrend (Axe) 0009535E

Shadowrend (Sword) 00095360

Contributed by: AlcoholicNPC 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size

General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Xiamut ( 113K

General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by MasterMurph ( 18K

General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by TheGum ( 98K

General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by akmaster425 ( 29K

General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by elsquanto ( 71K

In-Depth FAQs Spell List by Shadow. ( 18K

Maps and Charts New Sheoth City Map by Idiosyncrat ( 60K

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition Cheats For Xbox 360

1. Achievements

Complete each of the following achievements below to get the allotted gamerscore.

Achievement Achievement

Reached Apprentice rank in the Fighters Guild. Apprentice, Fighters Guild (10)

Reached Apprentice rank in the Mages Guild. Apprentice, Mages Guild (10)

Completed the Mages Guild Questline. Arch-Mage, Mages Guild (50)

Reached Aspirant Rank in the Court of Madness. Aspirant, Shivering Isles (20)

Reached Assassin rank in the Dark Brotherhood. Assassin, Dark Brotherhood (10)

Joined the Fighters Guild. Associate, Fighters Guild (10)

Joined the Mages Guild. Associate, Mages Guild (10)

Reached Bandit rank in the Thieves Guild. Bandit, Thieves Guild (10)

Reached Bloodletter rank in the Arena. Bloodletter, Arena (10)

Reached Brawler rank in the Arena. Brawler, Arena (10)

Reached Cat Burglar rank in the Thieves Guild. Cat Burglar, Thieves Guild (10)

Completed the Main Questline. Champion of Cyrodiil (110)

Achievement ( Achievement () ()

Reached Champion rank in the Arena. Champion, Arena (10)

Reached Champion rank in the Fighters Guild. Champion, Fighters Guild (10)
Reached Citizen Rank in the Court of Madness. Citizen, Shivering Isles (20)

Closed an Oblivion Gate, Main Quest. Closed an Oblivion Gate (50)

Reached Conjurer rank in the Mages Guild. Conjurer, Mages Guild (10)

Reached Defender rank in the Fighters Guild. Defender, Fighters Guild (10)

Reached Defender of the Realm Rank in the Court of Madness. Defender, Shivering Isles (20)

Delivered Daedric Artifact, Main Quest. Delivered Daedric Artifact (50)

Destroyed the Great Gate, Main Quest. Destroyed the Great Gate (50)

Reached Duke of Dementia Rank in the Court of Madness. Duke Dementia, Shivering Isles (30)

Reached Duke of Mania Rank in the Court of Madness. Duke Mania, Shivering Isles (30)

Reached Eliminator rank in the Dark Brotherhood. Eliminator, Dark Brotherhood (10)

Escaped the Imperial Sewers, Main Quest Beginning. Escaped the Imperial Sewers (50)

Reached Evoker rank in the Mages Guild. Evoker, Mages Guild (10)

Reached Footpad rank in the Thieves Guild. Footpad, Thieves Guild (10)

Reached Gladiator rank in the Arena. Gladiator, Arena (10)

Completed the Arena Questline. Grand Champion, Arena (50)

Reached Guardian rank in the Fighters Guild. Guardian, Fighters Guild (10)

Completed the Thieves Guild Questline. Guildmaster, Thieves Guild (50)

Reached Hero rank in the Arena. Hero, Arena (10)

Reached Honored Madman Rank in the Court of Madness. Honored Madman, Shivering Isles (20)

Reached Journeyman rank in the Fighters Guild. Journeyman, Fighters Guild (10)

Reached Journeyman rank in the Mages Guild. Journeyman, Mages Guild (10)

Completed the Dark Brotherhood Questline. Listener, Dark Brotherhood (50)

Located the Shrine of Dagon, Main Quest. Located the Shrine of Dagon (50)

Stopped the Greymarch. Madgod, Shivering Isles (50)

Reached Madman Rank in the Court of Madness. Madman, Shivering Isles (20)

Reached Magician rank in the Mages Guild. Magician, Mages Guild (10)

Reached Master Thief rank in the Thieves Guild. Master Thief, Thieves Guild (10)

Reached Master Wizard rank in the Mages Guild. Master-Wizard, Mages Guild (10)

Completed the Fighters Guild Questline. Master, Fighters Guild (50)

Join the Dark Brotherhood. Murderer, Dark Brotherhood (10)

Reached Myrmidon rank in the Arena. Myrmidon, Arena (10)

Joined the Thieves Guild. Pickpocket, Thieves Guild (10)

Joined the Arena in the Imperial City. Pit Dog, Arena (10)

Reached Protector rank in the Fighters Guild. Protector, Fighters Guild (10)
Achievement ( Achievement () ()

Reached Prowler rank in the Thieves Guild. Prowler, Thieves Guild (10)
Reached Regent Rank in the Court of Madness. Regent, Shivering Isles (20)
Reached Shadowfoot rank in the Thieves Guild. Shadowfoot, Thieves Guild (10)

Reached Silencer rank in the Dark Brotherhood. Silencer, Dark Brotherhood (10)

Reached Slayer rank in the Dark Brotherhood. Slayer, Dark Brotherhood (10)

Reached Speaker rank in the Dark Brotherhood. Speaker, Dark Brotherhood (10)

Reached Swordsman rank in the Fighters Guild. Swordsman, Fighters Guild (10)

Entered the Shivering Isles. Tourist, Shivering Isles (20)

Reached Warder rank in the Fighters Guild. Warder, Fighters Guild (10)

Reached Warlock rank in the Mages Guild. Warlock, Mages Guild (10)

Reached Warrior rank in the Arena. Warrior, Arena (10)

Reached Wizard rank in the Mages Guild. Wizard, Mages Guild (10)

Contributed by: Crazy Jezus 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name

General FAQ/Walkthrough by TheGum (

FAQs edition/faqs/51364)

General FAQ/Walkthrough by Shotgunnova (

FAQs edition/faqs/60930)

In-Depth Horse Guide by _Rise_Against_ (

FAQs edition/faqs/56771)

In-Depth Skill Trainer Location List by johnword (

FAQs edition/faqs/64827)

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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (/the-elder-scrolls-iv-oblivion/)


The fourth chapter in the Elder Scrolls series takes the game to new levels with gameplay and graphical enhancements, and features over 200 hours of play

Average Rating
9.3 97187 RATING(S) 9.2
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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion elder-

Developed by: Superscape (/companies/superscape/), Bethesda Softworks (/companies/bethesda-softworks/), scrolls-

Studios (/companies/4j-studios/)
Published by: iv-
Vir2L Studios (/companies/vir2l-studios/), Ubisoft (/companies/ubisoft/), 2K Games (/companies/2k-
games/), Bethesda Softworks (/companies/bethesda-softworks/), Rondomedia
(/companies/rondomedia/), Spike (/companies/spike/)
Genre(s): Role-Playing (/genre/Role-Playing/) oblivion/re

Blood and Gore, Language, Nudity, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence


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Pokemon Sun / Moon

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Pokemon Ultra Sun / Ultra Moon

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