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Acting I

Waiting for Lefty

Clifford Odets

“Waiting for Lefty” or “how to bring back terrible memories for sweet Ilinca” is a
play by Clifford Odets and my part was a housewife called Edna. As we are used
to, in acting class everything is beyond personal and evry information is, how my
teachers tend to call it, “ violent personal”. And you could imagine, dear reader,
when my partener told me that we have nothing ( no money, no food, no
furniture!) I went crazy. The only thing I could see in front of my eyes was my
father, lifting his shoulders resignedly. The first 5 rehearsals went great but after
that I become too pasiv about this topic...exactly how I do everytime my father
admit he's poor.
Everything went bad. I couldn’t find the right way to do my character and my
partener was frustrated. After long hours of rehearsals my teacher told me to do
something. “To do what? I have absolutely nothing in this room…” I had to do
something and I just listened to him…but not him-my father…him-my
husband..the man I love the most. And this man told me that he is very sorry but
he couldn’t find any clints with his taxi and he is very hungry; meanwhile I put my
kids to sleep

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