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Lesson Plan  

Subject Area(s): English  Grade Level: 11 

Stage 1: Desired Learning Outcomes 
Learning Outcomes:  
● Students will understand that siblings feel more comfortable sharing thoughts and problems 
with each other. 
Essential Question   Essential Understanding  
Why do siblings feel more comfortable to  Siblings feel more comfortable sharing thoughts and 
share their opinion with each other than  problems with each other because siblings play a 
others or not?  different role than parents.

Knowledge   Skills  Language Focus  

● Students understand why  ● Students will act and   
they can talk to their  express their thought on  Description 
siblings in a different  the situation given at the  Imaginative 
ways from others.  start of the class in order  Expressive 
to help their friends be 
able to think of the 
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence/Summarizing Learning 
Writing  Speaking & Listening 
Student will think and answer our exit slip,  A student from each group will get a situation that 
which are three questions that we wrote on the  contains problem. They will be asked to choose 
board.  between telling their parents or siblings. They will 
explain the reasons behind their decision in front of 
the class. Furthermore, they will be sharing their ideas 
and experiences to their classmates. 
Stage 3: Learning Plan 
Step 1: Activating Prior Knowledge 
● Students have their experience with their siblings such as fighting, arguing, or sharing thought. 
Step 2: Processing New Knowledge 
● Students will get these experience from their friends sharing their own experiences. 
● Students discuss about the reason behind their friends decisions. 
Step 3: Summarizing New Learning 
● Students will reflect on their exit slip about what they did not know before. And what did they 
learn from class. 
Resources   Homework Assignment  

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