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Teacher: Miss.

Hoisington Date: January 11-14th, 2021

Class: AM Kindergarten
Time: 35 minutes (8:45am-9:20am), 25 minutes on Thursday

I Promise… Classroom Promise Puzzle

Student Information:
Previous Knowledge:
 Students are all familiar with the classroom expectations and routines that have been in
place since the beginning of the year. Students will have some background knowledge
about their place in the classroom and how they can interact with their peers in a positive
manner; students will also know about themselves, so they are able to engage in some
level of discussion about who they are as an individual.
Summary Overview:
 Throughout this series of lessons, students will begin by engaging in various discussion-
based activities around our reading of I Promise by Lebron James, and Remarkably
You by Pat Zietlow Miller. We will begin the week by reading I Promise and having a
discussion about the promises we could make to ourselves and each other to keep the
classroom a safe and caring space for everyone; students will then write their promise and
then draw a picture of what they promise to do. Once we finish that, Wednesday and
Thursday will be spent focusing on Remarkably You where students will work on
identifying something that makes them remarkable! We will write a sentence about this
and draw a picture onto our puzzle piece squares as well.
 Once we complete these, I will piece together all of our puzzle pieces, because
individually we are unique and remarkable in our own ways, but together we make this
beautiful and kind classroom!

Curriculum Objectives:
General Outcomes:
o Early Literacy- Students listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to…
 GLO 1: explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
 GLO 2: comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print
and other media texts
o Citizenship & Identity- Understands and appreciates the factors unique to an
individual’s identity
o Personal and Social Responsibility- Develops positive relationships with others
(Relationship Choices)

Specific Outcomes:
o Early Literacy
 1A- I can share my thoughts/ideas/experiences
 2E- I can record my thoughts and ideas
o Citizenship & Identity
 CI1- I can share about myself
o Personal and Social Responsibility

 R1- I can be a good friend

Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lessons, a student will be able to…
1) Identify and discuss the importance of a classroom promise to create a safe and caring
learning space for ourselves and our friends.
2) Identify and discuss something that makes them remarkable.
3) Write a sentence and draw a picture to match the words that identify their promise and
something remarkable about them.

Whole Class

 The biggest thing to worry about is going to be the sentence writing on the puzzle pieces;
be prepared to write words for students to trace if they are not able to copy the words
from a white board. That being said, write what they tell you to write- DO NOT change
their words, this is their promise/what makes them remarkable.
 Be sure to read the story slowly and clearly so all students can take it in
 Consider allowing students to opt out of the “shoot up and say what’s remarkable about
you” if they do not feel comfortable sharing in the group- give them the opportunity to
just come and tell you what makes them remarkable so you can write it down.
o If students are unsure about what makes them remarkable or what promise to
make, ask them questions about themselves and their experiences in the classroom
to prompt them to think a little bit more!


 I Promise by Lebron James

 Remarkably You by Pat Zietlow Miller
 Chart Paper and markers (or white board notes & take a picture for reference)
 Puzzle pieces (1 for each student- 19, plus a couple of extras just in case!)
 Colouring/drawing materials
 Sticky notes for scribing


Introduction- Day 1 Time

 Transition students from body break time- have students join together and
choose a dot to sit on!
 Introduce our activity for the next couple of days- since I am new in your
classroom, I thought it would be a nice idea to create some classroom
promises that will help make our classroom a safe and caring space for all of
our friends! This will also help me to learn more about each of you.
5 min
 Tell students that we will read two different books this week- today we are
going to read I Promise by Lebron James- does anyone know who that is?
o Encourage students to make some connection to their background
knowledge- he is a famous basketball player!
 We will read the story, and then tomorrow we are going to create our very
own promise to our classroom!
Body Time
Read Story  Read the story out loud to students
 Think aloud while you read, tell students this is what
you are doing and invite them to wonder about your
10 min
questions/comments while reading- I really like this
promise, I wonder how I could do that? How could I
make sure I stick to this promise? Etc.
Group  Before moving into the group 15 min
Discussion/ discussion/brainstorm, have students engage in a
Brainstorm quick brain break so they are not sitting for the
entire time.
o Have students do some simple stretches for a
couple of minutes to reset- touch your toes,
side stretch, etc.
 Have students move back to their tables and have a
small group discussion about what kind of promises
would make our classroom a safe and caring place to
be. Give students about 3-5 minutes for this,
depending on focus!
 Bring students back together and brainstorm some
promises that we could make for our classroom- i.e.,
to be kind, not to run, to share my toys during centre
time, to help my friends when I can, etc. Remind
students that these are real promises, and these are
things I will hold them accountable too; if you
promise to not run inside then you shouldn’t run
o Record these on a piece of chart paper so we
can reference it tomorrow when students

write their own promises!
Conclusion Time
 Finish up by thanking students for all of their hard work and let them
know that tomorrow we are going to work on writing our very own
classroom promises! 5 min
 Ask students if anyone has any comments or questions about what we
just did… Allude to our puzzle pieces next class…

Introduction- Day 2 Time

 Transition students from their body break time, and have them choose a dot
to sit on…
 Tell students what we are doing today- we are going to revisit our story and
talk about what sort of promises we can make to each other in the 5 min
classroom and then create a puzzle piece with a self-portrait!
 Can anyone remind me what we did yesterday with this book? Show the
book cover so students know when you are talking about!
Body Time
Revisit story &  Have the notes from yesterday available, and revisit
our ideas some of the classroom promises we spoke about.
 Remind students that these are real promises we
are making to ourselves and each other so make
sure to think really hard about it
 Revisit the story and review some of the promises 7 min
from the book- engage students in a brief chat about
why it is important to have a safe and caring learning
space for each of us!
 Pull on the fact that we are all a part of the classroom
team, so we have to take care of each other
Promises and  Spend a couple of minutes showing students what 18 min
Drawings they are going to be working on- Explain that we are
going to do the first half of our puzzle piece today,
and we will talk about the second half tomorrow!
 Complete the first half of the puzzle together as a
class… So students can see the process!
 Students will be given their puzzle pieces- write
name on the bottom of the sheet first!!
 Explain to students that we will work on a picture to
go along with our promises- your pictures must
match your words!
 We will also write a promise to our classroom; let
students know that I will wander around the room
and check in throughout this time to help them
write their promises on the line! (You can write it on
a whiteboard for them to copy or write traceable
words- depending on ability level!)

 Tell students that if they finish early, they can
choose a puzzle or read a book until all of our
friends finish.
 Make sure to ask if anyone has any questions about
what we are doing- have students retell the

When scribing the words for students, remind them that

these are separate words, and we need to put a finger
space between them!
Conclusion Time
 Clean-up & wrap-up!
 Bring students together at the dots and ask if anyone would like to
share what their promise is… Give time for about 5-6 students to share
5 min
depending on time.
 Let students know that we are going to read a new story tomorrow
that will help us to fill in the bottom of the puzzle piece.

Introduction- Day 3 Time

 Transition students from their body break time and have them choose a
 Thank students for all of their hard work finishing the first half of their
puzzle piece yesterday… Today, we are going to start thinking about the
second half- what makes you remarkable! 5 min
 Does anyone know what remarkable means? It means really special,
amazing, and worthy of celebration! Each one of us is remarkable in our
own unique ways, so today we are going to read a story to get you thinking
about it!
Body Time
Read Story-  Read through the story for students- make sure to
Remarkably take your time reading it so they can think about
10 min
You what makes them remarkable or if they can connect
to the story at all!
Discussion/  Before moving into a discussion about our own 15 min
Reflection on unique features, have students get up and move for
our unique a brain break! Have students connect their arms and
features link them, and they can try to cross their legs as
 Have students sit back down and take a moment to
think about what makes them remarkable/ extra
special! Remind students that this can be anything
about yourself!!
 Once students think, tell them to place one hand on
top of their head to signal that they have thought of
something- when I call their name, students should

jump up and say what makes them special!
 Make sure to record what they say on a chart and
write their name below so they can look at it
tomorrow when we finish our puzzle pieces.
Conclusion Time
 Thank students for all of their hard work today! Congratulate them on
being so remarkable!! 5 min
 Let students know that tomorrow we will finish our puzzle pieces!

Introduction- Day 4 (25 min) Time

 Transition students from their body break time, and have them choose a dot
to sit on…
 Tell students what we are doing today- we are going to revisit our story and
talk about what makes each of us remarkable so we can fill in our puzzle 5 min
 Can anyone remind me what we did yesterday with this book? Show the
book cover so students know when you are talking about!
Body Time
What makes  Tell students that they will be getting their puzzle
you special? pieces back today, and we are going to do the second
Drawing and half; instead of drawing their promise, I want you to
Puzzle draw a picture of what makes you remarkable! We
are going to fill in a sentence like we did for our
 Walk through creating an example with students, like
15 min
we did in the first part so they can see the process!
 As students work on drawing what makes them
remarkable, be sure to move around the room and
get students to write their sentence onto the puzzle
pieces- just like the first part, you can write it out on
the sticky note or write letters for them to trace
depending on ability level.
Conclusion Time
 Clean up and wrap up!
 Thank students for all of their hard work today! Let students know
that I will connect all of our puzzle pieces together to represent our 5 min
whole classroom!
 If time allows, a few students can share what makes them remarkable!


Although students will touch on other “I can” statements throughout this series of lessons, these
are the ones that will be assessed:
 1A- I can share personal experiences prompted by oral, print and other media texts
 2E- I can draw, record or tell about ideas and experiences
o Assess one of the pictures, not both
 CI1- I can value my own unique characteristics, interests, gifts and talents
 R1- I can be a good friend

Assessment will look slightly different for each area- the Literacy outcomes will be assessed
through discussion with and observation of students while they work. Through this I will be
looking to see if students can connect their drawing and their writing in a way that makes sense. I
will only be assessing the second part of the puzzle piece for these outcomes, that way students
can have some time to reorient themselves to journaling with completing the first part since they
have been away from school for so long.

I will assess CI1 by looking at the second part of the puzzle piece, based on Remarkably You. I
will take into consideration observation of students as well as the final product- taking into
account what they wrote, as well as discussion about what makes them remarkable.

I will assess R1 in a similar way, only this will be based on the first part of the puzzle that is
connected with I Promise.

Teacher Notes:

 Have a completed example of the puzzle square, as well as one that you complete with
students to demonstrate what they should be doing at each step. This will allow for them to
visualize the expectations.
 Be flexible and on your toes! This will be one of the first times you are actually teaching in
front of the kids, so take it slow and steady…
 Try to have small discussions with each student as you go around and help them write their
sentences; find out what they are thinking about and gauge their understanding/learning
attitudes through that as well.

 Consider- remind about classroom space! What should it sound like?

o Where should noise level be?
o Amount of time to work- don’t rush through, you have lots of time! Use the timer
o Drawing reminders- realistic colours, add background, etc.
 Think about the things that you wouldn’t normally think about… As in the small little
reminders about what/where/when they should be doing!

Reflection: How did the lesson go? Is there anything you would do differently next time? What
worked well/ not so well? Did students meet the learning goals?


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