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Lanie Smith                                       Subject: Social Studies Grade Level: 2nd

Overall Goal of Lesson: To know how to put a timeline together, and understand the importance of certain
historical events.
Instructional Objectives: By the end of this lesson students should be able to:
1. Recognize the importance of certain historical events, 2. Know the names of certain historical figures
and their contributions to our country.
Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) & ELPS: Key Vocabulary: President, historical, timeline,
113.13.b2C & 74.4.c3E heroes.

Higher Order Questions: Can you name any other historical people that made contributions to our country?
What is something you did to stand up for what you believed in? Why are these events so important to our
country still today?
Student Activities: (Keep in mind the following: Scaffolding, Independent or  Cooperative activities,
Groupings, Reading, Writing, Listening, Hands-On/Minds-On, Connections  to previous knowledge, etc)
This is a hands-on activity. Students will work on their reading, listening, and making connections.
Modifications/ELL Strategies: For a student Anticipatory Activity for Lesson: Watching a Brain Pop
with special needs, it would be a good idea to over historical figures and their contributions to our
already have the pieces cut out and 1 or 2 country.
events already glued onto the timeline.
Time Teacher Input/Lesson Activity: After we watch the Brain Pop video students will go back
20 to their desks. They will have a packet of a few historical figures such as George
min Washington. I will read each description out loud, and the students will cut out the
descriptions, and decide where they go on the timeline. After they do this, we will discuss in
s whole group where the students placed their events on the timeline. We will discuss why
each event was put where it was, and why.
Modeling: I will model a different person with a timeline to show students how to put them
in a correct order.
min Guided Practice: I will guide the students in how we read the descriptions first, then cut,
s then paste.
3 Independent Practice: Students will have their own packets to do on their own before
min whole group instruction.
Lesson Closure: We will discuss whole group what the students did and where they placed
15 their descriptions on the timeline and why.
s Assessment Methods/Strategies: I will check for understanding by having the students
share with me their answers. I will also have them turn in their papers so I can check for
10 understanding.

Resources (supplies, equipment, software, etc.):          Smartboard for Brain Pop video, scissors, glue,
timeline packet, pencils.            
If you could teach this lesson again, what would you do the same? The way the lesson was done
independently and then discussed our results in whole group.
What would you do differently? Have students work in partners.
Which individual or group did particularly well? The ones that could read well.
What might you try in the future with this individual or group? Having them pair with a student who
may not read as well to help them read their papers.
Which individual or group appeared to be having problems? The ones that are not as strong of
How do you account for this performance? Helping them read their packets.
What might you try in the future with this individual or group? Pairing them with students that are
stronger readers.


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