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By: Akradej, Chalisa, Patcharipa,
Phaskorn, Chin
Have you ever stop to count the factors that cause acceleration in your car? At
least, you have a gas pedal, a brake, and a steering wheel. Absolutely, the
steering wheel produces an acceleration of your car, because it causes you to
change direction which changes your car’s velocity, even if it doesn't change
your speed. In physics, this steering wheel is an example of the circular motion,
a movement of an object along the circumference of a circle or rotation along a
circular path. In addition, it can be uniform, uniform circular motion, with
constant angular rate of rotation and constant speed, or non-uniform with a
changing rate of rotation. At all instances, an object moving in a circle is
accelerating which are changing their velocity - either the speed or the
direction. An object undergoing uniform circular motion is moving with a
constant speed. Nonetheless, it is accelerating due to its change in direction.
Moreover, every motion of an object has the net force, in this case, acting
directly towards the center of the circle. This net force is called an inward or
centripetal force. Without this force an object would continue in a straight line,
never deviating from its direction.
To be able to understand the relationship between
mass, velocity, radius, and centripetal force.
To practice calculating veloity, centripetal accleration
and centripetal force.
To be able to understand more about circulation motion.
To be able to identify errors.
To be able to identufy effect from data and result.
Measure the mass(m) of the tiny metal disk.
Pass the string through the tube and attach the disk on the top tube.
Hang a hooked mass(m) of 175g on the other end of the string.
Hold the tube vertical and swing the disk in a circular path in a
horizontal plane.
Adjust the speed of rotation of the disk and the radius so that the
hooked mass is just supported by the string.
Start the motion with tube at arm’s length and above the head.
Count and record the number of revolution in 30 seconds.
Grasp the string at the bottom of the tube to mark the position of the
sting while the disk is moving. Measure the distance(r) from the top of
the tube to the center of the disk.
Change the radius(r) of rotation. Use smaller value or larger one.
Repeat steps 3 - 9 using hooked mass of 200g.

Analysis of Results
The outcome of the experiment was what we predict it to be.
We predicted that the greater the mass and the greater the
distance between the axis and the coins, it will have greater
centripetal force and acceleration. However, the percent
difference between centripetal force and the weight hooked
mass still have a large difference, which is between 24 percent
to 60 percent. We come to a result that we might make some
errors while timing, moving the rope while stopping and
changing the speed while spinning.
Overall we have known that the shorter the rope will rotate
faster but will stop easier, also with greater mass it will make it
rotate faster than 50g mass. With Long rope, it will rotate slower
with 50g attached, but with 100g attached to the rope, it will
rotate a bit faster than the 50g.

Apart from the mistakes that we have made, we can improve our
experiment by using a machine to spin a rope or spin the rope
higher or spin it in a circle. At the same time, using a stopwatch
instead of telephone’s watch. The equipment and strategies might
help to resolve the errors of the experiment and make it's more
precise and accurate.


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