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3 Alternative Lifestyles
PAGE 194
a) The sentence means people can contribute to making the world a better place and that ability is
metaphorically represented by the hands. As long as there is a will to do something to save/
protect the environment than each one of us is able to do this with our own hands.
b) He means that by taking care of the earth he is also helping to save the human race.

PAGE 195
a) live in a hippie village
b) buy local
c) recycling
d) be a vegetarian
e) walk
f) solidarity mission
g) use public transport
h) grow your own food
i) make donations to protect endangered species

PAGE 196
a) Einstein argues that when people don’t eat meat, they have a better temperament, which is a great
advantage of a vegetarian diet. Da Vinci highlights the protection of animal life, confessing he had
stopped eating meat when he was young.
Reading and Listening
a) harmful
b) livestock
c) edible

PAGE 197
Reading and Listening
d) healthier
e) slaughter houses
f) grains
g) carbon
a) Robert
b) Lucy
c) Kate
d) Joaquin
e) Lucy
f) Kate and Joaquin
a) “a meat eater might be doing more to harm the planet than greenhouse gas”
b) “I’m not a vegetarian and have no intention of being one.” c) “it’s a statistic that vegetarians live ten
years longer (…) Maybe I’ll get to meet my great-grandchildren and watch them grow up.”

BE CONNECTED • Inglês • 11.º ano • Material fotocopiável • © Santillana 1

PAGE 198
a) 2; b) 8; c) 9; d) 6; e) 4; f) 5; g) 3; h) 7; i) 1.
a) vegetarian
b) omnivore
c) frutarian
d) lacto-vegetarian
e) vegan

PAGE 199
a) had already painted
b) had just promised
c) I had already called
d) had never travelled
e) Had … tried
a) When my mother arrived, I had already cooked dinner.
b) I had just met her, but then she disappeared.
c) They had been trying to have a baby for two years, when she got pregnant.
d) He had already gone home when I arrived at the beach.

PAGE 201
a) The expression means Americans are consuming a great deal of GM food.
b) The expression refers to the strange outcome of some GM food experiments. “Franken” comes from
Frankenstein, a novel by Mary Shelley (which tells the story of a monster created by a scientist, Victor
Frankenstein, who carries out an unusual scientific experiment).
a) Around 60 % to 70 % of Americans consume a lot of genetically modified food
b) No. Many Americans are not aware of the fact that they are eating GM food (around 48% per cent
according to a survey by USDA).
c) Soybeans, maize, cotton and rapeseed oil.
d) The US government is of the opinion that GM foods is a good solution to the lack of food in some
countries and it is also considered more resilient to disease. Therefore the government is allowing its
production in the US.
e) The EU holds a different view on that subject. According to the EU the advantages of GM food are not
enough considering its risks to health. So the EU prefers to invest in organic food, thus protecting
traditional producers.

PAGE 202
WWF, Quercus, Greenpeace
Oikos, Unesco, National Wildlife Federation, The Nature Conservancy, …
Sugestão de resposta: They work with governments, trying to protect natural resources, thus protecting
the environment.

BE CONNECTED • Inglês • 11.º ano • Material fotocopiável • © Santillana 2

a) natural resources
b) levels of consumption
c) sustainability initiatives

PAGE 203
d) impact
e) travel
f) low-carbon
g) footprint
h) average resident
a) The expression means that we are consuming more than nature can replace.
b) The One Future Planet is an initiative designed by the WWF to ensure that sustainable environmental
measures are adopted throughout the UK and other countries.
c) The programme includes eventually changing eating habits or at least being aware of what we are
eating, investment in zerocarbon housing, choose more sustainable means of transport, ensure that
finance and the economy serve a sustainable society and the make everyone responsible for the
planet’s sustainability in their own household.
a) consequences (l. 4)
b) equity (l. 16)
c) thrive (l. 23)
d) shift (l. 39)

PAGE 204
a) True
b) False. Can doesn´t express obligation. It is also used to give permission
c) True
d) True
e) True
f) False. Must doesn´t express permission. It is also used to express prohibition
g) True
h) True
i) False. Should isn´t used to make requests, but to give advice.
j) True
a) asking for information (formal)
b) asking for permission
c) prohibition
d) conditional
e) intention/offer
f) ability
g) formal suggestion
h) invitation
i) strong advice

PAGE 205
Video 1:
a) Mr. Box is struck by a huge construction along his path to see his grandmother.

BE CONNECTED • Inglês • 11.º ano • Material fotocopiável • © Santillana 3

b) He sees stores, restaurants, pollution from cars, people smoking and eating a lot, waste, …
c) War, stress, pressure, consume, buy, toxic waste, warning, etc
d) He eventually gets to his grandmother’s house and is happy again. The message conveyed is that
people should relax, contact more with nature and adopt a simpler way of life, with less consumption,
which is exactly the opposite of what happens in cities.
Video 2:
a) From a human perspective it refers to the everlasting existence of resources such as clean air, fresh
water and food for everyone on the planet.
b) The use of fossil-fuels, heavy metals and chemicals, the destruction of nature and the increase in
c) Follow the instructions by reducing consumption, pollution, and preserve nature instead of destroying
it. These principles must be applied at home and at work by everybody in order to be effective.

BE CONNECTED • Inglês • 11.º ano • Material fotocopiável • © Santillana 4

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