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Bulletproof Brain


Introduction- 1-2

Chapter One- Be conscious of your brain, understand your brain- Page 3-4

Chapter Two- Mind Like Water mentality- Page 5-6

Chapter Three-Be present in the moment – Page 7-8

Chapter Four- The myth of multitasking –Page 10-11-12

Chapter Five- Physical Health – Page 13-14-15-16

Chapter Six – Research, Question, Understand. Page 17-18-19-20


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Imagine your life played out as your favorite super-hero. Naturally one of the first things
that spring to mind is the physical nature of the super-hero in question. Think of the look,
the costume, the physique, the super powers and the epic battle scenes; essentially
everything that you imagine plays out as an amazing visual feast.
Think now about a leader, celebrity or anybody that you have elevated to high status in
your own life. The range now opens up wider in terms of what you would admire and
covet about them and their lives.
The list is literally endless.
Now think about the common denominator in the equation. Aside from the glitz and
glamor of celebrated looks and images, one large organ lies at the epicenter of it all. The
human brain… Thinking, reasoning, logic and even feeling, all these have their origins in
this most amazing space.

I want to thank and congratulate you for downloading the book ‘Bulletproof Brain’

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to harness the power and potential
of your brain.

Here’s an inescapable fact: you will need serious mental strategy to meet the challenges of
life in a way that brings you positive and optimum results. This is an inescapable reality
that you cannot hide from in all spheres of your life, from relationships, to health, career
and everything in between.

If you do not develop your ability to self-assess and retrain your mind to look out for
success, you will find yourself in many difficult situations.

It’s time for you to become an amazing, thinker and visionary in your own life. Go
forward and take charge.
Join us on this journey as we take a comprehensive look at some of the most amazing
functions found in the brain, along with its importance in terms of processes of reasoning
and logic. Most importantly let’s examine the value that your brain brings to the path of
your own personal growth through the journey in your life.

Chapter 1
Be conscious of your brain, understand your brain
Perhaps the greatest tool that we have been given is the human mind. It helps us out of
tough situations, not by making a situation any less difficult but by helping us perceive
and reframe incidents that may have taken place.
Think of your brain as the engine that moves your life forward. It is the seat of all activity,
all emotion, all thought whether rational or otherwise. It can also be our own worst enemy
though. If not trained properly, it really is up to us as the individual to decide which way
the brain would move you forward.
We spend our lives using the mind and our brain practically 24/7. We use it to rationalize
reason, understand, quantify, and make sense of the world that we live in, but are we
actually using it to its full potential. Before we get much further on the question let’s
understand a bit about the brain and understanding its function in our lives.
The brain is made up of many parts that function in different ways.
Cranium - Contain eight bones that are held together in primary function to support and
protect the brain.
Cortex- The cortex is traditionally in charge of higher brain functions, such as;
interpreting, processing and understanding meaning based on the message delivered.
Cerebellum - The chief function of this part of the brain include regulating motor
movement, and accepting and gathering information from the sensory systems found in
the body.
Spinal Cord - Literally the messaging system of your body, the spinal cord acts as the
epicenter from which the nerves in your body branch out. It allows movement and is the
direct connection between brain and body.
Brain Stem-Offers a connection between the brain and the spinal cord and has control of
the heart and lungs.
Basal Ganglia- Involved in the coordination of bodily movement.
The Amygdala - Forms a part of the limbic system and plays a key role in the processing
of emotions.

The role of the brain in emotion
Many would dismiss the ideas of the brain being an active participant in anything related
to emotion. Truth be told, popular culture, social media and society at large have
popularized the idea that emotion emanates and originates from the heart, not the mind.
However, truth be told, there is a complex range of actions and reactions that take place
within the brain whenever it is faced with certain stimuli and emotions. On a very basic
level, whenever your brain is faced with a threat it has a specific reaction and then when it
goes through something positive an equally powerful and very specific reaction.
Stress reaction
Whenever the brain notices that something bad is happening, it starts to release the stress
hormones adrenalin and cortisol in the body. When this happens, a number of physical
reactions take place. The person in question could just start to perspire, start running off
and abandoning the problems that they had intended working on.
Positive feeling reaction
Now that we have an understanding of the reaction toward stress, let’s now move on to the
power of positive thinking over it. Whenever the brain experiences a positive emotion,
there are reward centers that go off and the organ is rewarded with serotonin, oxytocin and
dopamine and naturally the memory associated with that reward gets stored in the mind
for later use, if human nature is to be trusted at all.
Emotion vs Thinking
In all honesty the way that the entire world has been structured, sends out the message that
emotion trumps rational thought, and in some cases this may be very true. If we are not
careful, we can run the risk of letting powerfully charged emotions overtake our lives and
Sounds ominous?
So what could possible the solution?
We have to resort to a process called conscious thinking.
What this is, is a method of literally selecting your thoughts, becoming more aware of
emotional triggers behind your thoughts and most importantly to also monitor the
chemical reactions and rewards that you experience. We will learn a little more about this,
later on in the book. It is definitely a process to be aware of inasmuch as harnessing the
true power and potential of our brain and mind is concerned.

Chapter 2

Mind like water mentality
In many situations in life, you will find that you arrive at a point where you feel you
simply can’t go on. Whatever the reason may be, you may find yourself at odds with the
way things are and just wish that they could change for the better or simply be different.
In many ways you feel that you have reached the end of your tether and that anything that
life throws your way is inflammatory at best and insanity at worst.
Yes, you may not see people walking around with the proverbial dark clouds hanging over
their heads or the little implosions of the mind and explosions of the heart, but if you’re
human and reading this, chances are that the minute you internalized this message, your
heart skipped a beat in recognition.
Understand that in each of the situations in which you have imagined pain, which you are
in fact in resistance and denial of something that is happening to you. The minute that you
choose to see and bear witness to what you are going through, the minute that you become
an observer of your pain, rather than a slave to it, that is the moment that your own innate
power has kicked in.
If you are familiar with pop culture and popular quotes, philosophies and sayings, there is
one in particular that captures the essence of this.
That is Bruce Lee’s philosophy:
“Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it
becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a
teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.”
What we can learn from the concept:
Be fluid and flexible
We spend most of our days resisting, trying to understand and make sense of the world
that we live in. What if we decided that for once, we are going to take a moment to be still
and observe instead? Our senses would become heightened, we would be able to hear
more, and our energy would be conserved for the things that truly matter. By choosing to
be more fluid and flexible and less reactive, we also allow people around us the space to
be themselves. Conversations may be had, people feel at ease in your company and you
get the truest and most authentic reactions and interactions from people.
Be adaptable to situations
When you adopt the qualities of water you become flexible and more adaptable. By doing
this you build a quality called resilience. Sure a friend might be concerned that you have
become a bottomless pit, willing to simply ‘go with the flow’ and not challenge
circumstances, but in all honesty, the goal is not to become a doormat, anything but that.
In fact, the idea is to avoid the futility of pointless and excessive emotions such as anger,
hatred, and pushing against the things that will get you nowhere.

Creative solutions have the time to emerge
When you are not distracting yourself with a hundred different things that happen in your
daily life, you will find that you create a little space in your life. In this pocket of time and
without constantly making an effort and forcing things you will find that your mind is able
to breathe and expand and believe it or not, even relax. Have you ever wondered why it is
that you seem to get your best creative ideas when you are just chilled and spaced out and
not thinking too hard about something? Truth is that once you become more adaptable and
fluid-like in nature you allow creative thoughts a chance to breathe and emerge. You end
up absorbing these ideas and eventually you will find that unexpected solutions emerge
when you least expect it.
You give yourself over to wonder
By being fluid in your approach, you realize that there are so many more ways to interpret
life than just your own viewpoint. To be quite honest, most of us move through our lives
thinking that we know it all and that unless things run according to our very precise
engineering and the tight reins that we hold on our existences that our very lives would
fall apart at the seams. Yes our worlds as we know it may crumble and fall apart if we are
not following our schedules one hundred per cent
We build walls, erect fences, put up gates both real and proverbial and then wonder why
our lives are as dry and as lack-luster as cardboard and sawdust. Where has the joy gone?
Where is the beauty of friendship, where is the beauty of relationships and the joy of
human connection that we all crave? Where in the name of all things that we hold sacred
is anything that remotely resembles us? When we give ourselves permission to let go and
be we also place ourselves in the unique position of being able to feel wonder. Imagine
what it would feel like if we allow ourselves to believe in the wonder of love again? What
if the world really was ours for the taking, work was a grand adventure and we really gave
our energy to all the things that we love? Imagine, just how amazing that would feel?

Chapter 3
Be Present in the moment
Listen to yourself; take the time to get quiet if you must. What do you hear? What are the
whisperings of your soul telling you?
Is it a litany of things that you heard from yesterday? Is your mind literally a projection of
all the things that you imagine will happen in future? Are you in fact simply walking
around in your wakeful life as a mind teeming with thoughts instead of a fully alive and
awakened person that embodies the present moment, mind, body and soul?
There will come a moment in time when you will simply stop and catch yourself, you may
be walking down the street and suddenly see your reflection as you’ve never seen it before
and wonder who on earth is that?
If you find that you’ve been doing this a few times, passing by mirrors and getting a fright
at who looks back at you, consider that the reason this is happening is because you are not
fully present in the moment.
Connect with people
Look them in the eye. When was the last time that you and the checkout person at the
supermarket actually looked each other in the eye? Instead of simply speaking on your
phone while thrusting cash into their hands? For that matter, have you found that your
Smartphone is slowly making its way onto your dinner table? Silencing what used to be
the rich conversations, tinkling of laughter and the shared moments of human emotion,
that have now just withered down to a trickle.
Have the courage to put down the phone, step away from the keyboard, fill your lungs
with fresh air and dare to go outside. People are out there, stories are waiting to unfold,
and potential friends are ready to be made if only you would take the time to connect.
Calculate the cost of what it would be like to spend a long lonely life against the value and
warmth of friendship, the joy of risking all for a worthy person in the name of love.
Do less
We like telling people exactly how busy we are. From the moment that we woke up, until
now, all that we’ve done is had time for a cup of coffee and a cigarette. By lunch time at
the office, we complain all while secretly bragging about the how we simply don’t have
time to grab a few minutes away from our desks. We would be frantic, no doubt that the
world would simply fall off its axis if we took a few human minutes.
There has been a lot of credence and value given to multi-tasking in this day and age. In
many work environments, employers stress a lot importance on the ability to multi-task as
a coveted skill. Doing all of this in the hopes of snaring the most ‘value for money’ from
an employee. While the jury may be out there on whether this works or not and yes there
are people who will fall on different sides of the scale, there is no doubt that at times
multi-tasking does cause a lot of stress. This is not just true within a workspace but also
for people functioning in all aspects of life. A young mother of two might feel just as
frazzled and
What if for once, we did things with single-minded focus? What if we simply decided to
take a deep breath and get into the simple joy of being absorbed and immersed in the
moment? We can start doing this, by examining our schedules, trimming of that which is
unnecessary and reprioritizing things so that we don’t find ourselves overwhelmed.
Immerse yourself in the moment. Smell, taste, touch, see, and hear, engage all of your
senses. Revel in the power of this moment instead of languishing in what was or fearing
what is to come. Do less, while achieving more. More time, more mental stability, more
fun and pleasure and joy. I really is up to you.
Do great things today
It is easy for us to look back on our achievements. We love sitting around the proverbial
fire-place to reminisce about the ‘good old days’ when were in top form, doing the things
that we loved. Yes, that may sound like an amazing and a beautiful picture in terms of
celebrating our achievements and there is nothing wrong with that, however where the
problems come in is if those are literally the only things that fuel us and keep us going.
Our greatness is not a distant land that is never to be revisited. Neither is it a point on the
horizon that we will never ever visit again.
Do great things today. Put aside the obstacles, whether real or imagined and become fully
present in the moment enough to engage with your dreams as they stand today. Sure,
opening that restaurant that you’ve wanted to own for the longest time, may not happen
overnight, but surely you could take small steps you need toward it today. You could
research, study the material, go for a short course, or even check out a prospective set of
premises. Take any step toward your dream in earnest today.
Acknowledge your emotions
It may sound simple enough to say that we need to acknowledge our emotions. After all,
how difficult could it be? But think this one through carefully. Every day we paste on
smiles, saying yes to things that we ought to be saying no to, we end up people-pleasing,
just to maintain status quo’s and keep our jobs, and explaining ourselves to people who
refuse to take understanding when we speak to them.
Acknowledge your emotions. Not by sinking your teeth into that chocolate brownie that’s
sitting in the fridge or giving into a whim or fancy of a screaming match with someone
that you’ve been upset with. Have the presence of mind to articulate what you are feeling
before you become that volcano that is waiting to explode. Cry if you need to, be human,
respect and acknowledge your feelings, confide in trusted individuals who will offer and
add value to your life.
The benefits of being present
Whenever it feels as if ‘being present’ starts to sound like an abstract exercise that feels a
bit beyond your reach, consider some of the reasons why the practice is something that
you simply must have in your life.
By being present in the moment you are able to:
Strengthen your mind power
Build resilience
Acknowledge your victories and take charge of your weaknesses
Present a more authentic self to the world
Release stress
Communicate better
At the end of the day, mindfulness and being present is something that we are all capable
of. Being human our range of emotion does differ. Sometimes we are unable to control the
circumstances that happen to us, but the idea is to remain at the core of who we are rooted
and able to weather storms. Such rootedness or presence is not something that can develop
overnight, but rather through deliberate practice of mindfulness on a daily basis. Try to
find the ways that work for you.

Chapter 4

The Myth of Muti-tasking
Does your life feel like a circus? Are you completely and utterly out of control? Do you
feel as if you take one breathe out of sync with the ones that you normally take as you
juggle the numerous balls of your life, that you are bound to fall flat on your face?
If any of these feelings sound familiar to you, then it might be time to start looking inward
and doing some serious introspection about whether the multi-tasking that you are doing
in your life is serving you or destroying you.
Nowadays we hear a lot about how multitasking is inefficient and unnecessary, but how
much of this would you be able to quantify? Exactly why is multitasking considered as
Here are a few reasons listed below:
Why does multitasking not work?
Your feeling of accomplishment diminishes- No doubt when you’re working on a
number of different activities and subjects at the same time, your energy flow goes in a
number of different directions. While that may be something that suits the corporate or
business world, it begs the question, is the best quality of work or performance really
being produced?
You deplete energy - Aside from the mental energy required to multitask and do a
number of functions, a physical or rather physiological energy is depleted. When you’re
multitasking your brain needs more fuel, your body gets into a state of anxiety or ‘fight-or-
flight’ mode and you may even burn a few more calories as you get into this state. While
this may seem like a dieter or fitness fanatics dream, the truth is that it is an unnatural state
to put the body in on a daily basis, one that causes over time a gradual burnout and a
definite onset of going through the motions.

You lose focus -Remember the things that you felt passionate about? Those things that
had your pulses racing and you felt like you simply couldn’t wait to get up in the morning
and face the day? When last did you truly feel that way? Chances are you were much
younger with fewer responsibilities on your shoulders and fewer feelings of resistance
toward change, spontaneity and doing the seemingly impossible. Multitasking kills focus
and removes wonder. The ability to become rapturously and beautifully absorbed in the
detail of what you are doing becomes stifled and stunted.

You lack commitment- Multitasking often means doing many things at once. Juggling a
lot of things that require a lot of your attention, unfortunately at lower value than you
would if you were concentrating on one thing at a time. What’s more, if you were doing
things that you really loved and cared about, you might find that you place your entire
heart and soul in the effort. When you are busy multitasking, what happens is that you
slowly find your value for the commitment to the task diminishing. Whether you are doing
a task at work, or something at home or running errands as you feel more stress and
pressure the value that you place on the work at hand begins to recede and as you tire your
commitment becomes depleted.
What you will gain from single-minded focus?- Naturally there may be situations and
priorities that may be less than ideal in our lives. Having single-minded focus may not be
a perfect science that we can ascribe to every single day of our lives. However, what we
can do is commit to at least doing one or two more things more mindfully. As you begin
being present and truly showing up to the one or two aspects of your life, you will find
that a number of things begin to shift in your world.
Perspective - When you are doing things that require more presence and attention, you
will find that you are able to breathe more easily. Thoughts are finally able to trickle into
your mind. Creative ones, loving ones, whimsical ones, all kinds of thoughts that are more
positive and refreshing finally have the room to emerge. Suddenly you are able to see
things and hear things that you never did before. Ideas take shape and you almost feel like
grabbing a notebook and penning down ideas, thoughts and sketches. It has become clear,
that a new day has dawned and a new time has come.
Clarity -Suddenly, you look at things in a different way, behaviors of people,
circumstances, events and even your own behavior and thoughts start to make sense. You
my dear are having a moment of clarity. Unfettered, unrestricted and uncluttered by the
busyness and noise of all the things that you would normally have felt as you worked
yourself into a froth multitasking.
Presence -Listen for a moment, sit silently in a room and simply allow yourself to be,
without any stimuli, without any sounds, music, tasks ahead of you. As you sit there, listen
to the whisperings of your soul. Allow the thoughts and emotions to come and go, without
judgment, without trying to sort things into a box, without being desperate to categorize
who you are into neat little compartments. If you manage to do even a moment of this,
reach over and pat yourself on the back. Guess what, you’ve just stepped onto the path of
mindful presence and meditation.

Alternatives to multi-tasking
Set up boundaries
Yes, in life it may be tempting to be that ‘yes’ person who is able to do everything, put out
all fires and keep everybody happy. However if you dig really deep into your heart and
soul does that truly make you happy? At the end of the day are you simply pleasing
everybody but yourself? It is acceptable to say no. At times instead of you thinking what it
is that you can do to accommodate others, it is time for the shoe to be worn on the other
Be realistic
Biting off more than you can chew both literally and figuratively can become an
overwhelming experience. There are times equally when it isn’t society that places that
pressure on us, but we who place that kind of pressure on us. What good though is a
person who says yes to everything and then becomes washed out and depleted? Set
realistic goals, or rather go for the ones that are larger than life, but be realistic in
chopping up the steps that lead to that path into smaller, more bite-sized and achievable
pieces. Try it.
Give time and attention to things that give you joy
So you scratch your head in wonder and think; ‘What could possibly be the antidote to
After all, at times you feel knee deep in the process and unable to extricate yourself from
the duties and responsibilities that you have in front of you. The answer to this, would be
to immerse yourself in the things that you love doing.
We all know that when we find things that we love doing; time seems to pass so quickly.
Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why this is so? Truth be told, the reason that we
lose track of time, sleep and all things rational as we get caught up in what we love, is that
we are busy giving those things our single-minded focus and attention.
Get out there, write, paint, collage, connect with people, do whatever it is that makes your
heart sing. It is only with this approach that you are able to find joy and perhaps most
importantly presence.

Chapter 5
Physical Health
Health nowadays is no longer simply a sequence of looking after the body. Physical health
has expanded to include ideas of physiological, emotional and even spiritual health.
Within this context, the brain is the engine that drives the body forward. Emotions,
feelings, ideas, wellbeing, equilibrium… what else is this fantastic organ not responsible
for? One of the most critical and effective ways in which you can boost your brain power
and potential is to feed it through the proper and targeted types of nutrition. Here is a bit
more information about the types of foods that you can eat to transform the power of your
brain and boost the power of your mind.
The idea of good nutrition being essential for development of a good body is one that is
seen, heard off and touted out there in the world. Gyms advocate healthy eating in
conjunction with a balanced exercise program in order to bring about the results that you
want, if you choosing to get in shape with a summer body or even get on a sustainable
plan for life. However beneath all this, is a lesser known and acknowledged truth. Perhaps
one that we don’t think of as often, and that is, that good nutrition is just as important for
the development of your brain, mind, and mental state as it is for your body.
If the essence of the saying, ‘You are what you eat’, is truthful when talking about a
person’s body, it is doubly so when it comes to the mind.
With our minds being required to think, act, reason, intuit, perceive, understand, not to
mention get about the normal functions of keeping every little part of our physical bodies
active it goes without saying that we need to keep it primed and in tip-top condition.

One of the fastest, easiest and the most natural ways in which we can fuel our brainpower
and put ourselves on a path to mental fitness is through the food that we eat. If we become
more discerning about what we feed ourselves, we are bound to feel the benefits in a
number of different ways from being able to concentrate better, to mental sharpness and
focus and the ability to articulate more efficiently.
Here are just a few brain power foods that you should consider putting in your shopping
cart the next time you’re at the grocer.
10 Brain healthy foods
Salmon, along with other oily fish are nutrient-dense and complex foods that help the
function of the brain and the body in a number of ways. It is rich in omega 3 fatty acids,
which are the good or heart-healthy type of fat, and this is also the type of fat that is said
to lift your mood, alleviate symptoms of depression and help you to focus. Another great
plus is that salmon has a high satiety index, which means that it keeps you fuller for longer
and provides a greater source of energy and fuel for the brain.
Similar to salmon, walnuts have DHA which is a type of omega 3 fatty acid that protects
brain health. Expectant mothers who eat walnuts have been known to improve the brain
health of their developing babies and in addition to this those who consume these nuts also
have a lower resting blood pressure than those who don’t eat them.
Eggs and in particular egg yolks contain a rich source of vitamin b-complex called
choline. How this benefits us, is that it helps with neurological function, and also
responsible in a cyclical process that play a part in the production of chemicals in the body
such as serotonin and dopamine, which in layman’s terms of reality is responsible for us
feeling happy.

If you are starting exams or need to really perform in a meeting or a presentation, consider
having a glass of beetroot juice to help you get ahead of the pack. Beetroots may seem like
a humble and unassuming root vegetable but in all honesty they are a powerhouse of value
when it comes to sharpening the memory and increasing blood flow to the brain. An added
physical benefit to the beet is that it can increase stamina and can help open up blood
vessels. A little caution is advised in juicing beetroots though, no more than two cups of
beet juice a day would do just fine.

Toss some avocado onto your sandwich, into your salad or into a wrap. Filled with
monounsaturated fats, high in folate, vitamin E and potassium, this super food has been
known to lower blood cholesterol levels, alleviate the symptoms of diabetes and even help
in reversing the progress of Alzheimer’s disease.

Yes, they look like little trees. No doubt this can feel a little unsettling when you look at
them and you might feel a little doubtful. But here is a little nudge in the right direction if
you ever needed it. Broccoli is rich in the vitamin K, which has been known to improve
cognitive function. Another interesting aspect is that it contains folic acid which helps
with a number of bodily functions and promotes a feeling of wellbeing and happiness.
This bright, bold purple-blue fruit are not just visually colorful and dynamic to look at, but
also delicious and brilliant for your mind. These berries are filled with antioxidants that
assist with powers of concentration and help stimulate blood and oxygen flow to the brain.
All of which assist with brain alertness and activity.
Dark Chocolate
Let’s face it; there are few of us out there who can say that we don’t feel the urge for a
good piece of chocolate now and again. Taste aside, the brilliant news is that we can now
indulge in a piece or two, secure in the knowledge that dark chocolate has been proven to
enhance attention span, improve the memory and increase blood flow to the brain. Other
additional benefits are that dark chocolate fights the impact of free radicals on the brain,
thereby keeping the brain age and health younger in the long run.

Whole Grains
This one functions more on the premise of creating adequate and fuel and energy for the
brain. Whole grains when eaten are a complex carbohydrate as well as protein which when
combined allow a slow release of energy into your bloodstream. This is the premium
combination that the brain needs to get its energy and fuel for the day ahead.

Reasons why we should be eating for the brain
The brain is the epicenter from which all bodily functions flow. In addition to this it is also
the place from which all of our thoughts, abilities, talents and ideas originate. Even the
most minute aspect of your life such as waving your arm or beginning to smile at
someone, goes through a complex range of thought processes and reactions that filter
through from the brain and into action by the body part in question.
If the entire context of our lives are enriched by and powered by our brain, then should we
not do more to be alert to us using our brain to full potential?
Feed your mind in different ways
Yes, we have established that diet and the proper nutrition is important not just for the
body, but also for the mind. The truth is that only does our brain consume energy and
nutrients that are generated by eating, it is also open to a great deal of other stimuli out
The brain responds to visual and verbal cues. It also responds to body language,
experiences, pictures, positive and negative emotion and much, much more.
In all honesty it us up to us as individuals to keep our minds stimulated, exercised, rested
and at times even challenged. We can do this by exposing ourselves to the type of material
that will keep us in a state of harmony but also challenge us to do more and be more.
Read books, go on walks, see the world, fill your eyes with inspiring sights, keep a
camera, take pictures. Write and journal but most of all capture your experiences for
posterity and know that one day you will look back on the moment, knowing that you
were doing the best that you possibly could to invest in a resource that is priceless.

Chapter 6
Research, Question, understand
We live in very reactionary times. Never before have we been exposed to more
information, stimuli and sources of knowledge and yet somehow we find that
we get out communication all wrong. Due to the context and era of social
media, information overload we are exposed to so much more information, but
then do we really listen to our inner voices, our gut sense and intuition.
Amidst this mess and mixed messages, how do we find ourselves able to come
out of this space having learned something useful that can take us forward
when it comes to our human relationships and communications?
There are some serious questions that we need to ask ourselves in order to
move toward a place of greater mindfulness.
Don’t always accept things at face value
There are often times when we get emotionally hooked onto what other people
say. We listen to what a person says first off the cuff and we don’t necessarily
bother to turn it over in our heads and we get the most amount of exercise that
we ever can by simply ‘jumping’ to conclusions.
Don’t always accept things at face value. Know that there are other points of
view and opinions to consider when anybody says something to you. You
might find that something is particularly inflammatory to your sensibilities
when uttered from somebody’s mouth, but in all honesty, that person is shaped
and framed by an entirely different set of circumstances and life’s experiences
and often times, thing that they say are shaped by everything that they have
been though. Try to understand more about the situation, take notes visually.
Use your eyes, see, acknowledge, question the situation before you assume
anything that is going on.
Ask questions
Before you fly off the handle, before you assume the situation that is going on,
it is also helpful to stop, take a moment to breathe and then ask questions
before you take your next decision.
Choose to ask the right questions while you’re at it. If you find that you need
to get something off your chest with regards to a loved one, friend or family
member consider that this is not an interrogation line, but that you need to
actually give the situation and the people concerned enough respect, time and
consideration to politely ask them to come forward and share their view.
The power of listening
If you are the type of person who talks a lot and flies off the handle more times
than you would care to mention, you probably know the sound of your own
voice very well. Yes that does help at times, however there are moments when
you need to go within and be quiet in order to listen to and receive the value of
the moment.
When you listen to someone you are able to learn so much about them. Eye
language, breathing, tone of voice and expression, all of these begin to make
sense. As you listen more, using your sense of hearing but also engaging your
sight, you end up picking on the energy of the next person as well as the subtle
energies of situations. All of this contributes to better understanding, reading
of situations and solving problems.
Trust your gut
While getting to know and understand the power of your mind and your brain,
it is up to you to listen to the physiological symptoms and messages that come
through to you.
We are as human beings given an innate sense of survival instincts. For
example, most often we would know exactly how to react in danger, or if we
are driven by hunger.
But the question is, are we looking deep enough to examine our own inner
sense of authority and authenticity? Often times, we experience feelings of
resistance if we do something that we know goes against the grain. Listen to
that feeling…
You may watch something on television and feel a particular affinity for a
character and feel like crying… Celebrate this, it is a gut feeling or gut
reaction to a situation through which you feel some kind of release and
Although we often also like to look at a piece of information and shred it to
pieces before we accept the reality of it. What if we sometimes just took a
moment to feel. Yes’ feeling your way through a situation is considered to be
quite a radical thing in this day and age, when all people want to do is grab a
Smartphone just ‘Google’ it But just for a moment, why not try to listen with
your soul and see what emerges?

Mentally reformulating/reframing situations
Place yourself in the other person’s shoes
Empathy, not sympathy has become a buzzword of late. People now finally know the
difference between telling a person what is wrong with their lives, versus actually
understanding the other persons emotions and then finally giving them the space to simply
be exactly who they are.
Entertain more than one perspective
As much as you see things from your own point of view, you do also have to understand
that your world and point of view is not the only one that is out there. You may have had a
time in your life when you recounted an experience to someone about the number of ways,
in which they hurt you, only to find that once you have given them a chance to air their
point of view, that you also contributed to the situation that you have before you right
now. Never be as close-minded as to imagine that your perspective is the only one.
When you mentally reformulate or reframe he issue at hand, you will start to look at the
Are you waking up in a state of panic every morning, with the same litany running
through your head?
I’m not good enough
How did I end up where I am right now in life?
The people in my world need to be convinced of my skills and merits…
The list is indeed as the saying goes… endless.
Let’s face it the script that we feed ourselves on a daily basis has the power to either make
our world or break it. If you understood the type of power that the awareness of this
brings, you would immediately begin reframing situations, contexts and people that show
up in your life.
Some guidelines for positively reframing matters in your life:
Speak positivity into your life
Monitor your own self-talk
Speak to people
Make eye contact
Know that wherever you are in your life- you have chosen to be there.
Allow people the chance to speak
Believe in goodness
The ball truly is in your court. Seize the experience.
You are the creator of your own experience. As you walk this Earth you will no doubt
come across people, events and circumstances that will try your patience and mettle in
every way possible. Expect to run the gamut of emotions. Life will bring you in close
contact with the experiences that are best designed to make you grow. In this world you
will not always be in charge of everything that goes on around you, and that is okay.
Understand that what would benefit you more is the ability to understand how you can
find key mind, brain, emotional and mental strategies to keep you on a path of resilience
so that you are always able to pick yourself up and dust yourself off from whatever trying
circumstance that may come your way. We trust that through the book, ‘Bulletproof Brain’
we have given you food for thought, information and inspiration that will set you on a path
to a more self-aware and resilient you.

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