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7th edition, July 2002

Translation O

Regulations governing production of reservation lists

Prescriptions applicables à l'établissement des listes de réservation
Vorschriften für die Erstellung der Reservierungsübersichten
Leaflet to be classified in Volume :
1 - Passenger and Baggage Traffic

Application :
With effect from 1 June 2002
All members of the International Union of Railways

Record of updates
1st edition, January 1952 First issue, under code number 216, titled "appropriate measures to
be taken to provide greater facilities for passengers travelling in par-
ties in international trains"; re-coded by the first leaflet revision com-
mittee in May 1952

6th edition, July 1984 including 2 amendments, titled "international reservations for parties
of more than 24 passengers"

7th edition, July 2002 overhaul of leaflet

The person responsible for this leaflet is named in the UIC Code


Summary ..............................................................................................................................1

1- Purpose........................................................................................................................ 2

2- Content......................................................................................................................... 3

3- Submission deadlines for reservation lists .............................................................. 5

4- Details of trains in service.......................................................................................... 6

Glossary ...............................................................................................................................7

List of abbreviations ............................................................................................................8

Bibliography .........................................................................................................................9


This leaflet governs the compilation and dispatch of reservation lists by electronic means. For the
purposes of this leaflet, a reservation list is defined as a document describing clearly the transport
services which are valid for a given railway company for a defined period.

The reservation list is the reference file for manual and electronic issuing of reservation vouchers.

This leaflet supplements UIC Leaflet 170 "Regulations governing production of manual reservation
vouchers" as well as UIC Leaflet 918-0 "Electronic reservation of seats/berths and electronic
production of transport documents - General provisions".

1 171
1 - Purpose

The terms "transport service-provider" and "distributing company" are used in this leaflet. These terms
are defined in the glossary (see page 7) at the end of the document.

This leaflet lays down the common specifications to be met when drawing up reservation lists. For the
purposes of this leaflet, a reservation list is defined as a document describing the services provided
by any private or public company (pursuant to EU Directive 91/440) authorised to convey passengers
in international traffic and operating as a "transport service-provider".

This document is a reference file made available to the central bodies appointed by each railway
undertaking acting as a "distributing company".

A list of the companies operating as "transport service-providers" and/or "distributing companies" may
be consulted on the UIC web site in the passenger section.


To consult the list, enter the members area (username and password required) and click on

The reservation list is the reference file for manual and electronic issuing of reservation vouchers. It
contains clear descriptions of the transport services which are valid for a well-defined period (e.g.
winter or summer period) and the conditions under which authorised "distributing companies" may
issue reservation vouchers.

The list should specify in particular:

- the start of the period during which electronic reservation is possible; this date must be expressed
in calendar months (to ensure consistency vis-à-vis customers);

- the close of the period during which reservation is possible via the computer system.

2 171
2 - Content

2.1 - Commercial framework governing "transport service-provider"/"distributing company"


In general, all railway undertakings with "distributing company" status and which issue TCV transport
documents are authorised to make bookings for the trains mentioned in the reservation list.

As a matter of course, bookings are possible over the periods during which the computer system is
operating, provided not many seats are requested (individual passengers or small groups) and the
"distributing company" is interconnected via the Hermes network.

The "transport service-provider" may, however, specify in the reservation list that it does not accept
manual issuing of reservation vouchers or refuses to process requests submitted prior to the period
during which the electronic system is operational for individual passengers.

Nonetheless, disparate treatment not based on objective factors is not allowed between "distributing

Where "transport service-providers" have opted for "inclusive-price" or "market-price" (non-TCV) tariff
systems, the decision to authorise issuing is subject to the signing of distribution agreements.

2.2 - Specific provisions

The specific provisions adopted by each railway or railway company should be noted in the national
language(s) and at least one of the official UIC languages.

The provisions should include in particular:

1. Conditions and deadlines for submission of requests

2. Seat/berth allocation deadlines

3. Definition of "individual passengers" and "small/large groups"

4. Offices authorised to reserve for large groups

2.3 - Signs and abbreviations

Signs and abbreviations should be properly explained and comply with UIC Leaflet 411 and 413.

2.4 - Reservation offices

Address and other contact details for reservation offices mentioned in the reservation list.

2.5 - Trains (including seasonal trains) and coaches in which seats may be reserved (for
individual passengers and groups), possibly with differentiation based on train category (EC, IC,
ICE, TGV, etc.).

The following details should be given, with instructions if appropriate:

- train and departure time;

3 171
- any supplement charged;

- route taken by through coaches;

- service classes and categories;

- departure stations from which a seat may be reserved;

- reservation office;

- comments (e.g. days on which service operates, exemptions from the seat allocation deadlines,
night journeys, etc.).

2.6 - Motorail routes

Routes of Motorail-type services (with instructions if appropriate).

2.7 - Sea transport

Potential routes involving some form of sea transport (for passengers and/or vehicles) (with
instructions if appropriate).

2.8 - Trains subject to conditions for groups

List of trains for which group bookings are subject to certain conditions (with instructions if

NB : The details listed under points 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 shall be classified according to train (or
boat) number, in ascending order.

4 171
3 - Submission deadlines for reservation lists

The layout specimens accepted for reservation lists are available on the UIC website in each of the
authorised languages. The lists are to be forwarded by electronic means (e-mail, etc.) to the
centralising body of each "distributing company".

They are to be sent no later than one week prior to the start of the electronic reservation period
(partly filled-in lists may be submitted to avoid holding up transfer of the bulk of the data). The
centralising body of the "distributing company" will then pass the information on to its sales channels
by whatever means it deems appropriate.

NB : Dispatch of the reservation lists in paper form is still authorised for a transition period, but is not

5 171
4 - Details of trains in service

The reservation-list model to be used for the electronic transfer of details of trains in service may be
downloaded from the passenger section of the UIC web site.


To download the model, enter the members area (username and password required) and click on
"Reservation". Next, click on the files located under "2-Reservation list".

6 171

Distributing company (also referred to as the "issuing company")

A railway undertaking which is a UIC and CIT member, and which
organises the sale, via its various sales channels (stations, travel
agencies, tour operators, etc.) in accordance with UIC and CIT
standards, of travel documents for services provided by a company
acting as an "transport service-provider".

Substitute carrier (see below "transport service-provider")

As defined in the future CIV Uniform Rules, a carrier that has not entered
into a contract of carriage with the passenger, but one to which the
transport service-provider has entrusted the execution of carriage, in
part or in full.

Transport service-provider Any private or public company which is a UIC and CIT member and is
authorised to transport people in international passenger traffic. The
company may in particular be a railway undertaking or a shipping
company. A "transport service-provider" accepts travel documents
issued by the accredited sales points of "distributing companies". It plays
the role of the contractual carrier with which the passenger has entered
into a contract of carriage. Execution of the transport service may be
entrusted, in part or in full, to a substitute carrier.

7 171
List of abbreviations

CIT International Rail Transport Committee

CIV Uniform rules concerning the contract of international carriage of

passengers and luggage by rail

TCV Standard international passenger and baggage tariff

8 171

1. UIC leaflets

International Union of Railways

Leaflet 170: Regulations governing production of manual reservation vouchers, 10 edition, July 2002

Leaflet 411: Form, content and composition of timetables, 6th edition of 1.1.78 and 1 amendment

Leaflet 413: Measures to facilitate travel by rail, 9th edition, December 2000

Leaflet 918-0: Electronic reservation of seats/berths and electronic production of transport documents:
general rules, first issue in preparation

9 171

No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced or distributed by any means whatsoever, including
electronic, except for private and individual use, without the express permission of the International Union of
Railways (UIC). The same applies for translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction by
any method or procedure whatsoever. The sole exceptions - noting the author's name and the source - are
"analyses and brief quotations justified by the critical, argumentative, educational, scientific or informative nature
of the publication into which they are incorporated".
(Articles L 122-4 and L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code).
Ó International Union of Railways (UIC) - Paris, 2002

Printed by the International Union of Railways (UIC)

16, rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris - France, July 2002
Dépôt Légal July 2002

ISBN 2-7461-0469-5 (French version)

ISBN 2-7461-0470-9 (German version)
ISBN 2-7461-0471-7 (English version)


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