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Define the
terms anatomy and physiology, and explain their relationship using an example of a
human structure with its corresponding function. Anatomyis the study of the structure and
shape of the body and its parts while physiology is the study of how the body and its park
work or function. The two go hand in hand and in my opinion cannot be separated
meaning if you learn one, you must know the other. Since anatomy is the naming and

Filipino core values, along with the Filipino character or Filipinoidentity of a person or
an individual known as the Filipino, the Filipinovalue system are found to possess
inherent key elements of. value system which includes their own unique assemblage of
consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical practices, etiquette, and cultural and personal
values that are promoted by their society. As with any society though, the values that an
individual holds sacred can differ on the basis of religion...

Today, the need f or the solid Filipino philosophy of values is orgent in order to serve as
a fundamental basis not only to speculation of the different sciences but also to the
practice of or Filipino philosophy of values...

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