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1. The main idea of Anne Hathaway’s speech is to establish the fact that men deserve a
leave for when their child is born as much as the mother does.
2. Her speech reminds of my sister because when my sister had given to birth to my
nephew her husband had to go to work after 3 days in the army and did not come back
until really late at night.
3. Hathaways purpose is to persuade the UNN to allow paid parental leave for males as
much as females.
A.​ She used a lot of pathos to reach out and connect to people in the
audience that had children or want children
4. The audience is the United Nations
A. ​I know because it has the symbol of the UNN on the podium.
B. ​The choice of audience affects the way the speaker carries herself and
the way she delivers her opinion.
5. The speaker uses data to back up her claim such as when she says: “​Companies that have
offered paid parental leave for employees have reported improved employee retention, reduced
absenteeism and training costs, and boosted productivity and morale.”
6. The speaker uses all three modes of persuasion establishing her credibility as a mother and
using that to reach out emotionally to the audience with children as well.
A. “ I became a parent for the first time. I remember the indescribable—and as I understand
it universal—experience of holding my week-old son and feeling my priorities change on
a cellular level. I remember I experienced a shift in consciousness that gave me the ability
to maintain my love of career and cherish something else, someone else, much, much
B. She exercises her credibility by mentioning her title as a mother.
7. A possible theme for this text can be “feminism” because she is supporting the mother
through supporting the fathers.
8. This text helped me gain more knowledge in regards to the paid parental leave situation and
how not only women should be allowed this.
9. I would not change a thing about the text because I feel that Hathaway delivered it quite
flawlessly and was able to get her point across.
10. Paid parental should be allowed for both parents, whether it be male and female. Although
most have opinionated that the mother deserves to have the paid parental leave because the child
needs her more that is incorrect. The only reason children grow to trust their mother more is
specifically because their father was not allowed to be by their side when they were barely born
and that's when us as humans start to become newfound to this newfound emotion referred to as

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