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Inisasi 6/BING3301/Reading 1


People in different countries eat many kinds of food for their breakfast, lunch and dinner.
They cook their food in different ways, prepare them in different tastes and serve the food
in different appearances. Below, you will find some eating habits of people from all over
the world. All seems delicious, because I like all kinds of food, hmm, yummy!!!! Let’s
find out ,ok!

German in Europe
A typical breakfast in Germany consists of warm beverages
such as coffee, tea or cocoa with various kinds of bread ,
sausages, and cheese. A glass of juice and boiled egg are also
common. Cereals are also popular, particularly among younger
people. Müsli, which is a mixture of cereal flakes, nuts and dried
fruit and other ingredients, is also very popular. It is mixed with
yogurt or milk and often topped with fresh fruit. .For lunch, they
eat potato salad with meat (particularly pork or chicken) or
sausages and vegetables. Dinner in German usually consists of
bread, cheese, meat, mustard and pickles often accompanied by
soup and salad.

Korea in East Asia


Traditional Korea breakfast is seaweed soup and often fish , accompanied by rice and
kimchi – a fermented cabbage, garlic and pepper dish. For lunch, and dinner, Gimbap or
kimbap --- a Korean dish made from steamed white rice (bap) and various other
ingredients, rolled in gim (sheets of dried laver seaweed) and served in bite-size slices.—
is popular. Gimbap is often eaten during picnics or outdoor events, or as a light lunch,
served with danmuji ( sweet radish pickle) or kimchi. Actually , people in Korea eat rice
and kimchi --- their national dish--- as their main dishes.

Nigeria in West Africa

Breakfast in Nigeria consists of millet porridge, ogi (maiza pap) served with akara (beans
cake) or boiled yam( some kind of sweet potato) and plantain served with fresh fish
pepper soup. Lunch in Negeria is easily prepared from cassava product served with
vegetable soup, pounded yam , rice, meat ,vegetables or corn served with soup and stew.,
and for dinner, Nigerian will select one of food mentioned before.

Guatemala in Central America

Many traditional foods in Guatemalan cuisine are based on Maya cuisine and mainly
feature corn, chilis and beans as key ingredients.People in Guatemala mostly eat rice,
beans, egg , meat, cheese and corn tortillas (thin bread made from corn). Pepian – a thick
meat and vegetable stew- is a common dish .For lunch , they usually have soup, rice
,chicken or meat and greens. And for dinner, they don’t eat a large meal, they just have
coffee and bread or sometimes rice . Sweetened fruit juice mixed with either water or
milk, called licuado , is a refreshing alternative.

Please read again the text about the food and answer the questions

Question Skimming for Point of View

Based on the first paragraph, can you tell me the point of view of the writer about the
food? Does he/she like food or not?

Question on Skimming for Pattern of Organization

What is the pattern of organization of the above text? Is it Listing, time order,
Comparison-Contrast or Cause Effect?

Question on Skimming for Ideas

What is the idea of second paragraph? Is it about the food from Nigeria?

(sources from Google)

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