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To be genuine, I have been looking forward to apply to this program for a little

over 6 months now, since I have been actively following the updates and role of
TIFR in varied fields of science, mainly being astrophysics and cosmology . I am
writing this to apply for the VSRP, which I understand, is one of the most
renowned student programmes from elite institutions all over the country. My
primary focus is based on the subjects of relativity, cosmology and quantum

Since the courses at my university do not cover my desired choices of advanced

general relativity, cosmology and particle physics at undergraduate level, I took
time to educate myself with the math and mechanisms involved with them and
worked my way through the tougher concepts. I am especially fascinated by and
have the urge to work on “Objective collapse theories” and it’s relation with
quantum information theory and Black Hole Holographic Principle. The main
motivation for the construction of objective collapse theories like “Continuous
Spontaneous Localization” ( CSL ), is to avoid the measurement problem in QM
and to construct a quantum theory with a more deterministic approach. What
intrigues me most is the origin of seeds or the origin of small scale inhomogeneity
and anisotropy in the cosmic structure. Keeping the original scenario where the
universe goes through an early era of accelerated expansion , it should have
emerged as a homogenous and isotropic, but instead it must have gone through a
collapse and tuned itself into the patches and the present inhomogenous form.
The problem with the case is a collapse can only occur through a classical
measurement. Paradoxically, there could have been no medium of classical
measurement at that stage. Hence, CSL modifies the standard interpretation
which extensively relies on the external observer into a formalism that is
independent of measurements, and hence the measurement problem.

I believe that CSL can be the bridge that fills the gap between information loss or
the loss unitarity in a black hole and the holographic principle. I aspire to look into
the questions like: what happens to the parameters like type of matter, mass
distribution, etc that determine the full characterization of the previous form of
black hole? Does the information really disappear or is the Holographic theory
realistic? What more could be said about the entropy and other thermodynamics
aspects of a black hole? Can Hugh Everett’s many world interpretation be a result
of objective collapse?

. I am very interested in supporting and engaging in the activities, research and

works of TIFR through this internship and level up my abilities as a researcher.

Tracing the current scenario in experimental and particle physics, it becomes

more and more arduous with each passing day to NOT be influenced by the
developments and breakthroughs in this field.I have been fortunate enough to
find myself having a scientific rigor for and it has compelled me to dive deep into
it and develop a wisdom with every possible opportunity i may get. Since the
courses at my university do not cover my desired choices of advanced general
relativity and accelerator physics at undergraduate level, I took time to educate
myself with the math and mechanisms involved with them and worked my way
through the tougher concepts. Having educated myself with the theoretical
aspects in High energy physics, I am more eagerly looking forward to gaining a
work experience which will give me opportunity to get hands-on experience of
working in an established laboratory and dealing with lab equipment and level up
my abilities as a researcher. I believe it will also help me develop "soft skills" such
as team work , patience and perseverance. I would like to engage in accelerator
beam colliders, study of nuclear spectroscopy, study of evolution of high spin
structures and decay phenomenon.

Tracing the current scenario in experimental and particle physics, it becomes

more and more arduous to NOT be influenced by the breakthroughs in this field..
Having educated myself with the theoretical aspects in High energy physics, I am
looking forward to gaining a work experience which will give me opportunity to
get hands-on experience of working in an established laboratory and dealing with
lab equipment and level up my abilities as a researcher. I believe it will also help
me develop "soft skills" such as team work , patience and perseverance. I would
like to engage in activities of accelerator beam colliders, study of nuclear
spectroscopy, study of evolution of high spin structures and decay phenomenon.
Learning nouvel data analysis and spectral resolving techniques in atomic physics
and get a perspective and insight of the experimental work that takes place in our
country, is the primary motive of applying to this programme.

Selected for a state level Advanced B.Sc Physics Programme as one of 35 students
from all over the state out of about 400 applicants. The programme was jointly
organised by Physical Research Laboratory, ISRO and Gujarat Science Academy.
Selected abstract for poster presentation at the National Science Symposium
2017 at Chandigarh. Qualified for the Minaxi Lalit National Science Award exam.
Participated in poster presentation for various events and inter college
symposiums. Worked as an intern at the Department of Nanotechnology of
Saurashtra University for a duration of 5 months and worked on the use of nano
Titanium Dioxide for the effiecient use in Perovsite Solar cells and performed
graph fittings and collecting and analysing data.

Author of a review paper titled " The conjecture of parallel universe" which was
originally selcted by two journals for publication; could not be published as I was
unable to pay the application fee.

Teaching experience at the Sunday Science School which was a government

initiative at the Community Science Centre for two years, which teaches high
school students hands on experiemntal physics and developing a rigour for

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