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Praise and gratitude we pray to Allah SWT thanks to the blessings, grace, blessings and guidance I
can finish this poverty paper with the best possible within the time specified.
Thanks to the TPB (Sustainable Development Objective) lecturers who have guided me and a lot of
very useful material for all of us, and also I would like to thank the others who helped me in
completing this paper
This paper I created to be useful in the wider community in achieving a common goal themed No
Poverty. Hopefully we can all apply the material in this paper as a reference in future learning to
minimize poverty.
I as the writer apologize for the errors and shortcomings contained in this paper, therefore I would
be very fond of folding readers wanting to convey criticism or suggestions. Hopefully this paper can
be useful for us all in the future.
Tangerang, January 7, 2018
Mona Adienda Yulisyah

1.1 Background
SDGs or the abbreviation of Sustainable Development Goals is a goal that the UN set as the world
agenda for the development and the benefit of human and planet earth as a continuation of the
Millennium Development Goals that felt less successful impact. SDGs were submitted on 19 July
2014 by a continuous working group, and then declared on 25 September 2015 with 193 countries
agreement and agreement result with the aim of target. Scheduled starting in 2015 and by 2030 the
agenda is complete. SDGs have 17 main goals. The topic I raised is the number one topic of poverty
that is very much in the spotlight of the world, especially the developing world in the world.
Poverty is a very basic problem of the problems in the world, every problem in the world is often
caused by the root of poverty, for example, malnutrition due to the inability of parents to provide
nutritious food for their children, low education resulting in disability school leadership because
there is no cost to the school, or children who prefer to help parents overcome their economic
problems, how many deaths from natural disasters so that the community down cannot reach them,
and many more that occur due to the crisis posed by the problem of poverty.
The cycle of problems that exist in the community usually starts from the parents who live below the
poverty line then have offspring, because of their quality they cannot buy nutrient-rich foods when
the child is in the womb, the child is in a state of malnutrition, so if not alone at the age of less than
5 years, and also during the period of growth is not as usual, such as the body is shorter than
average, the brain is less intelligent, and weak immune. In addition, due to lack of financial usually
the family has many shortcomings such as health is lacking, living in a clean environment is very
lacking, lack of expertise, and most often happens is education because their children have to work
to help parents so easily drop out, then the child as an adult working in the informal sector, and his
income is small and cannot suffice for their lives they are not directly their parents who pass down
poverty to children from generation to generation. It is this poverty chain that we must break up as
the nation's successors through the various expertise and cross-sectors we each have from various
faculties and courses to build this nation forward.

1.2 Purpose of Writing

To overcome the problem of poverty in Indonesia needs to be done:
A. Breaking the chain of poverty through education
b. Increase the quality of human resources with skills and skills
c. Building a community mentality
d. Parties that play an active role in eradicating poverty
1.3 Problem Formulation
The discussion that I use in this paper is:
A. Educateing the community about the importance of education
b. Empowering people with skills and skills
c. What kind of mentality to build a better life
d. Pro-poor policies
1.4 Benefits of Writing
A. It is hoped that the open minded community will support the future of education
b. So that people who are not highly educated can be more productive
c. Changing the wrong mindset in the mentality of society

d. People can know what opportunities to get out of poverty


Poverty is a state or condition in which a people or society lacks the financial resources and
essentials to enjoy a minimum standard of life and that is considered acceptable in society.
(Investopedia). Condition where people's basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter are not being
met. (bussines dictionary)
Literally a large Indonesian dictionary, the poor means not treasure. Poor also means not able to
keep up with the standard of living and the level of income and economy is low. Briefly poverty can
be defined as a low standard of living that is the lack of material in a number or group of people
compared to the standard of living prevailing in the society concerned. (Wikipedia, http:
//, 5/1/17, 09.00 P.M).

UUD 1945 set forth in Article 27 paragraph 2: "Every citizen shall have the right to work and a
livelihood worthy of humanity."
Every citizen is guaranteed to get his rights by the government in a job, and a decent livelihood in
accordance with existing standards.

Poverty is not related only to economic problems. Poverty can also be caused by weak moral, social,
and cultural aspects, as well as uneven development policies. Logically, the poor usually have a small
and uncertain income, usually caused by a lack of quality from human resources; no capital has fund
and no networking. In the national development setting poverty is usually because an area has not
been touched by development. (Sub: Strategi pemberdayaan, Judul: Pemberdayaan masyarakat
di era global, hal 84, Dr.Oos M. Anwas,2014)

UU 17/2007 about National Long Term Development Plan

Government documents in national development planning for a period of 20 (twenty) years

Perpres 7/2004 about challenges the National Medium Term Development Plan, Chapter XVI on
Poverty Reduction
Regional development planning documents for a period of 5 (five) years which is an elaboration of
the vision, mission and program of regional heads based on regional RPJP and pay attention to
National RPJM.

2.1 Educating People about the Importance of Education

According Suyono (2003), the completion of poverty towards prosperous families need to include
non-economic variables. This is because poverty alleviation does not only increase income, but it
needs to be done holistically in terms of basic human life aspect. ( Judul: Pemberdayaan
Masyarakat di Era Global, Sub Judul: Pemberdayaan dalam mengatasi kemiskinan, hal:
85Dr.Oos M. Anwas,2014)

With the education is expected to minimize poverty by breaking the poverty chain from an early age
in the younger generation, is expected with the education of the younger generation has provisions
for the future so that it can occupy important sectors in this country so that this country can
continue to grow rapidly in the presence of competent human resources, other than that if the child
coming from poor family get educational bench is expected with the provision of knowledge that he
has he can work and compete in the formal sector and can help his family finances so as to improve
the existing economy in his family even took out his family in the snares chain of poverty.

Article 31 paragraph 1: "Every citizen shall have the right to education"

The State guarantees education for every citizen a minimum of 12 years of education or from sd to
graduate, the state provides 12 years compulsory education and finances its citizens to attend

2.2 Skill aand Training for the Community

creating an independent and more productive society, it needs empowerment through special skills
training that every individual must have. Why training? Because special skills training can be
provided to all ages ranging from drop outs and who are reluctant to continue formal education,
parents may also be unable to teach school packages in education.

Article 28 H Paragraph 3: "Every person shall have the right to social security which enables his
complete development as a dignified human being"
The state provides skills development for society as a supporter for the community to be
independent and productive.

In carrying out, the empowerment needs to be done through various approaches. According to
Suharto (2005), Application of empowerment approach can be done through 5P namely: Possibility,
Strengthening, Protection, Support, And Maintenance:
a. Settlement; Creating an atmosphere and climate that allows the potential of society to develop
optimally. Empowerment must be able to liberate people from dying cultural and dying structures
b. strengthening; strengthen the knowledge and ability possessed by society in solving problems and
fulfill their needs. Empowerment should be able to develop all the capabilities and confidence of the
community that support their independence.
c. Protection; protecting the people especially the weaker groups from being oppressed by strong
groups, avoiding unbalanced (especially unhealthy) competition between strong and weak, and
preventing the exploitation of strong groups against weak groups. Empowerment should be directed
to the elimination of all kinds of discrimination and dominance that do not benefit the small people.

d. Support; provide guidance and support so that people are able to carry out their roles and tasks of
life. Empowerment must be able to support the community to avoid falling into a situation that is
getting weaker and marginalized.
e. Maintenance; maintaining conducive conditions in order to maintain a balance of power
distribution between different groups in society. Empowerment must be able to ensure a balance of
balance that allows everyone to have a chance to work. (judul: Pemberdayaan Masyarkat di Era
Global, sub judul: Strategi pemberdayaan, Pengarang: Dr.Oos M. Anwas,2014, Hal: 87)

Article 34 Paragraph 2: "The State develops a social security system for all people and empowers a
weak and incapable society in accordance with human dignity".

To guarantee the dignity of its citizens by providing appropriate facilities to all citizens
indiscriminately from the poor or the rich government to develop a sosoal guarantee system that
can cover its citizens starting from health, education, security, etc.

Some people assume that formal education is not enough to go directly to the world of work, in the
sense ready to work or employed to fill the vacancy or ready to work independently (create work for
yourself), let alone to be able to create jobs for others (job creator ).
To prepare a workforce to be ready for use It takes a "chain" of vocational or non-formal education,
whether by the Depnaker with the vocational training center (BLK), the technical department with
the centers or work-out centers. It can be done by a large company that has work training facility
(workshop) known as in-house training (implant training) or can also be on the job training,
apprentice training.
Through the path of non-formal education (work training), then the workforce will know the
technical to know how, able to become semi-skilled labor, for then through experience, coaching,
and further development can be developed to the level of managerial development, to the top level
management.(Judul: Membangun Manusia Karya, Pengarang : H Soeharsono Sagir, 1989, sub
Penyiapan tenaga kerja melalui jalur non formal, hal 99)

2.3 Changing Poor Mental In Community

Sometimes some people think that poor or rich someone has been prescribed by god. So they just
run their lives without trying more to achieve success in life, so they just spin on poverty. So
indirectly the wrong religious viewpoint prevents them from getting better.
Though poverty is not only understood as a fate of God, because at the same time we are told to
endeavor that is trying to free them from the circle of poverty. There are many things that can be
done to achieve a status free from the burden of poverty:
Mindset [way of looking]
The worldview that has been embedded so far is that poverty is destiny has banded our society
especially rural society. The culture of eating does not eat the origin of the gathering, the many
children a lot of fortune, the lack of development of the horizon of thought that may be caused by
the lack of development of community and environmental support. Examples of community
communities isolated due to poor transportation, difficult access to information, will be the fate of
society that should be their responsibility.

Hard work
Success that can be achieved not just come just need a hard and continuous effort. The higher our
business will be the greater chance for us to succeed. God has indeed established a lifeline to a
person, but it is his person who can change his own destiny for the better.
If all the people of Indonesia have the right minset then it will affect our country Indonesia to
improve the economy of the country one of them must be with a quality society, starting from the
quality of education, health, nutrition etc.
Indonesia Will reach the Demographic Bonus period in 2030-2035 which will support Indonesia and
become Indonesia's golden opportunity to fix the country from the problem especially poverty,
because at the moment the demographic bonus indonesia has significantly increased productive age

3.1 Conclusions
Breaking out the most effective and enabling poverty chain for the current era is with formal and
non-formal education so as to improve the quality of human resources of Indonesian society so that
it can compete with outside workers and can help the nation's welfare. Because education is
something that can be cultivated and acceptable to the next generation, and can be given as early as
possible. In addition to education needs a good mental for the citizens of this Indonesia in facing
problems and to survive to a better direction. Good human resources which will support Indonesia in
the year 2030-2035 which will happen the demographic bonus is Indonesia has increased the
number of productive age is very significant. So we can take advantage of these opportunities to
reduce poverty in Indonesia, since demographic bonuses do not come in every year, and only on
certain occasions.
3.2 Suggestions
3.2.1 Society
It is hoped that the public will be able to gain more information for every opportunity available and
to be more open to the importance of education to overcome the problem of poverty.
3.2.2 Students
It is expected that the students can hold their respective roles from different educational
backgrounds in order to be able to hold the important sectors of the country to build this nation in
all things that can support to minimize the poverty of the nation

3.2.3 Government
It is expected that the government will focus more on the problem of poverty and think of
better policies than before that favor the small people and can make people prosperous.
Providing formal and non-formal education programs for the community such as more varied
vocational schools and skill skills that are more readily accepted by the community.
3.2.4 Universities
It is expected that the University can improve the educational facilities more adequate again
so that students can be more developed optimally in getting the material and apply it in the
real world.

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