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Journal of Cognitive Psychology

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Neural correlates of emotion–cognition

interactions: A review of evidence from brain
imaging investigations

Florin Dolcos , Alexandru D. Iordan & Sanda Dolcos

To cite this article: Florin Dolcos , Alexandru D. Iordan & Sanda Dolcos (2011) Neural correlates
of emotion–cognition interactions: A review of evidence from brain imaging investigations, Journal
of Cognitive Psychology, 23:6, 669-694, DOI: 10.1080/20445911.2011.594433

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Neural correlates of emotioncognition interactions: A

review of evidence from brain imaging investigations

Florin Dolcos1,2,3, Alexandru D. Iordan2, and Sanda Dolcos1

Psychology Department, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
Neuroscience Program, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA
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Beckman Institute for Advanced Science & Technology, University of Illinois Urbana-
Champaign, Urbana, IL, USA

Complex dynamic behaviour involves reciprocal influences between emotion and cognition. On the one
hand, emotion is a ‘‘double-edged sword’’ that may affect various aspects of our cognition and behaviour,
by enhancing or hindering them and exerting both transient and long-term influences. On the other hand,
emotion processing is also susceptible to cognitive influences, typically exerted in the form of emotion
regulation. Noteworthy, both of these reciprocal influences are subjective to individual differences that
may affect the way we perceive, experience, and eventually remember emotional experiences, or respond
to emotionally challenging situations. Understanding these relationships is critical, as unbalanced
emotioncognition interactions may lead to devastating effects, such as those observed in mood and
anxiety disorders. The present review analyses the reciprocal relationships between emotion and
cognition, based on evidence derived from brain imaging investigations focusing on three main topics: (1)
the impact of emotion on cognition, (2) the impact of cognition on emotion, and (3) the role of individual
differences in emotioncognition interactions. This evidence will be discussed in the context of
identifying aspects that are fundamental to understanding the mechanisms underlying emotioncognition
interactions in healthy functioning, and to understanding changes associated with affective disorders.

Keywords: Affectivecognitive interactions; Amygdala; Event-related potentials; Functional magnetic

resonance imaging; Medial-temporal lobe memory system; Neural circuitry; Prefrontal cortex.

The ability to process emotional stimuli with stressor of any kind exceeds specific thresholds
increased efficacy depends on neural mechanisms (Arnsten, 1998; Selye, 1985). The engagement of
that allow detection, identification, and proces- the stress system as a result of exposure to
sing of stimuli and situations that are important uncontrollable stressful situations sets off a chain
for survival (e.g., finding food, avoiding preda- of events that not only ensure immediate adaptive
tors) (Anderson & Phelps, 2001; LeDoux, 1996; responses but also trigger mechanisms that will
Ohman, Flykt, & Ludqvist, 2000). These mechan- determine our responses in future similar situa-
isms have evolved during evolution and are tions.
continuously modelled during ontogeny. At a Emotions may affect various aspects of our
basic level, these mechanisms overlap with those cognition and behaviour, by enhancing or hinder-
involved in the generalised response to stressful ing them and by exerting both transient and long-
situations, which consist of coordinated neurohor- term influences. Possibly as a result of their
monal changes that are set in motion when a relevance for survival, emotional stimuli tend to

Correspondence should be addressed to Florin Dolcos, Assistant Professor of Psychology & Neuroscience, 2057 Beckman
Institute for Advanced Science & Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 405 North Mathews Avenue, Urbana, IL
61801, USA. E-mail:

# 2011 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business

capture our attention more easily than none- cerning these aspects will be discussed in the
motional stimuli, and thus may affect different second section.
levels of our cognition, from lower level (e.g., Understanding the mechanisms underlying the
perceptual) to higher level (e.g., mnemonic and reciprocal interactions between emotion and cog-
executive) cognitive processes. The enhanced nition is critical for understanding fundamentals of
significance of emotional stimuli can benefit healthy functioning, as well as changes associated
cognitive processes (e.g., better memory for with psychological and emotional disorders. An
emotional events) (Dolcos, 2010; Dolcos & important aspect in this context concerns the role
Denkova, 2008; Dolcos, LaBar, & Cabeza, 2006; of individual differences in emotioncognition
McGaugh, 2004; Phelps, 2004), but can also have interaction, and, related to this, individual varia-
detrimental effects on behaviour (e.g., increased tions in the vulnerability to affective disorders, as
distractibility to task-irrelevant emotional stimuli) even within the realm of healthy emotional re-
(Dolcos, Diaz-Granados, Wang, & McCarthy, sponses some individuals may tend to be more
2008; Dolcos, Kragel, Wang, & McCarthy, 2006; emotionally responsive and ‘‘anxious’’, whereas
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006). Also, although some others can control better their emotions. Under-
of these effects are transient, influencing online standing the role of individual differences can
perceptual and executive processes, others pro- provide insights into the factors that may influence
duce long-term effects (Dolcos, LaBar, & Cabeza, the susceptibility to affective disorders, in which
2005) that can last for a lifetime (Markowitsch, unbalanced interactions between emotion and
2008; Moscovitch, Nadel, Winocur, Gilboa, & cognition may lead to devastating effects, such as
Rosenbaum, 2006; Rubin, 2005). Evidence con- those observed in depression and anxiety. For
cerning these aspects will be discussed in the first example, the tendency to ruminate on negative
section of this review. emotions and memories observed in depressed
Emotion processing is also susceptible to patients and the intrusive recollection of traumatic
cognitive influences, as complex behaviour in- memories observed in patients with posttraumatic
volves reciprocal interactions between affective stress disorder affect tremendously the way these
and cognitive processes. Indeed, the neurobiolo- patients think and behave. Therefore, it has
gical theories of cognitiveaffective interactions become apparent that finding cures for these
would not be complete without an account of the disorders depends on understanding the brain
mechanisms underlying the effect of cognitive mechanisms that are responsible for such dramatic
processes on emotional processing. Particularly changes in the ways emotion interfaces with
important in this context is the ability to promptly cognition, as well as on identifying the role of
deploy cognitive control of emotion in order to individual differences in mediating these interac-
resist momentary emotional distraction and, in a tions. Evidence concerning these aspects will be
longer run, the ability to cope with emotional discussed in the third section.
responses as a result of recollecting memories of To summarise, the present review analyses the
unpleasant events. The engagement of these reciprocal interactions between emotion and
mechanisms can occur automatically, probably cognition, as derived from brain imaging investi-
as a result of gradual development during onto- gations focusing on the three main topics high-
geny, and depend on the attributed personal lighted earlier: (1) the impact of emotion on
significance to the potentially emotional situa- cognition, (2) the impact of cognition on emotion,
tions. For instance, when witnessing a tragic and (3) the role of individual differences in
accident some individuals may be more distressed emotioncognition interactions. First, we will
and hence experience and express intense emo- discuss evidence concerning the neural circuitry
tions, whereas others are better able to control underlying the enhancing/beneficial and impair-
their emotions (e.g., by reappraising the situation, ing/detrimental impact of emotion on cognitive
or by concealing their emotions), and hence processes, by considering findings from studies
overall reduce their emotional experience. Be- focusing on both lower level perceptual proces-
cause emotion regulation strategies have a sub- sing and higher level executive functions, and on
stantial impact on one’s emotional experience, both transient and longer lasting effects of emo-
leading to different behavioural, cognitive, and tion. Conversely, we will consider the reverse side
neural results (Gross, 2008; Ochsner & Gross, of these effects, namely the impact of cognition
2005; Richards, 2004), they are an important part on affective processing, by addressing evidence
of emotioncognition interactions. Evidence con- concerning the neural correlates of emotion

regulation and coping with emotional distraction. role of the AMY, brain imaging evidence shows
Finally, we will also discuss the reciprocal inter- that facial stimuli with emotional expressions
actions between emotion and cognition in the (e.g., expressing fear) can be processed even in
context of highlighting the role of individual the absence of awareness (Whalen et al., 1998)
differences (i.e., related to personality, sex, and This and other evidence led to the generally
age). accepted notion that processing of emotional
information occurs automatically, and does not
depend on available attentional resources
(LeDoux, 1996; Morris, Ohman, & Dolan, 1999;
Ohman, Flykt, & Esteves, 2001; Vuilleumier et al.,
COGNITION 2001). Although the exact mechanisms that allow
for such automatic processing of emotional in-
The impact of emotion on perception formation are not fully understood, direct sub-
and attention cortical pathways that reach the AMY
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

independently of the typical cortical connections

In this section, we will review two main polarised subserving various sensorial modalities are im-
positions concerning emotion processing: one plicated (Vuilleumier, 2005). This is consistent
supporting a traditional view according to which with the evidence that emotional stimuli benefit
emotion processing is automatic and does not from enhanced processing due to their ability to
depend on the availability of processing resources ‘‘capture attention’’ and reallocate processing
(Vuilleumier, Armony, Driver, & Dolan, 2001), resources (Anderson & Phelps, 2001; LeDoux &
and the other supporting a competing view, which Phelps, 2000; Vuilleumier, 2005). As a result of
posits that emotion processing depends on atten- this ‘‘parallel processing’’ that allows for both
tional resources (Pessoa, McKenna, Gutierrez, & automatic, nonconscious, preattentional proces-
Ungerleider, 2002). In the following paragraphs, sing and enhanced conscious processing boosted
we will discuss the main evidence supporting by the engagement of attentional mechanisms,
these two opposing views, along with their re- emotional stimuli are processed with increased
ciprocal critiques, as well as emerging evidence efficacy (see also Balconi, this issue 2011; Shaw,
supporting the idea that the two views are not Lien, Ruthruff, & Allen, this issue 2011; Sutton &
mutually exclusive. Altarriba, this issue 2011).
The traditional view proposes that, probably Strong brain imaging support for the idea that
because of their relevance for survival, processing emotion processing is independent of attention
of emotional stimuli is generally automatic. An comes from an influential fMRI study by
automatic process is fast, unintentional and un- Vuilleumier and colleagues (2001). In this study,
conscious, therefore it is not subject to control, attention was manipulated by asking subjects to
and cannot be avoided or interrupted in its course attend either to pairs of houses or faces, which
(Schneider & Shiffrin, 1977). Evidence comes were presented in a four-picture display eccen-
from studies showing that emotional stimuli can trically to a fixation point. The pictures in the
be detected and processed with increased efficacy, house-pairs were either identical or different,
and that this privileged processing depends on the whereas the faces were either fearful or neutral,
amygdala (AMY), a main brain structure asso- and the subjects were asked to attend either to
ciated with emotion processing. For instance, houses or faces and to make same/different
visual search paradigms reveal more rapid and judgements. Supporting the view that emotion
accurate detection of schematically depicted processing occurs automatically and indepen-
threatening faces presented among similar dis- dently of the attentional focus, fMRI results
tractors, an effect called the ‘‘face in the crowd’’, revealed increased AMY activity to the fearful
‘‘snake in the grass’’, or ‘‘pop-out’’ effect (e.g., faces regardless of whether they were attended or
Ohman, Lundqvist, & Esteves, 2001). Also, evi- not. Also consistent with the traditional view,
dence from AMY patients shows that intact response times to houses were slower when
AMY is needed to observe enhancement of fearful faces were displayed as distractors.
attention by emotional stimuli, which eliminate Although much of the available evidence
‘‘attentional blinks’’ during processing of rapidly supports the traditional view concerning the
succeeding stimuli (Anderson & Phelps, 2001). automaticity of emotion processing, there is also
Further supporting the traditional view and the evidence supporting an emerging competing view,

according to which emotion processing is not study. Studies providing support for automatic
automatic, but rather dependent on attentional emotion processing could be criticised for not
resources (Pessoa, 2005). Representative evi- using challenging enough tasks to deplete atten-
dence for this view comes from work by Pessoa tional resources, but those studies supporting the
et al. (2002), which challenged Vuilleumier et al.’s attention-dependent view could be criticised for
(2001) findings and hence triggered an interesting not using powerful enough emotional stimuli to
debate concerning the role of attention in early ‘‘capture’’ attention. The apparent inconsistency
emotion processing (compare Pessoa et al. and between the findings resulted from these investi-
Vuilleumier et al.). The main methodological gations could be reconciled by studies concomi-
criticism raised by Pessoa et al. was that previous tantly manipulating both the task demands and
studies failed to reveal evidence for modulation the emotional content (Shafer & Dolcos, 2010).
of emotion processing by attention because the Such investigations may not only solve this debate
tasks used were not demanding enough to reduce but could also provide evidence that the two
the availability of processing resources to be views concerning basic emotion processing are
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

engaged by emotional information*hence, the not mutually exclusive, and that depending on
findings supporting the automaticity of emotion the circumstances emotional information can be
processing. processed automatically and can also benefit
To address this limitation, Pessoa et al. (2002) from engaging attentional resources, if available
devised a more difficult task, in which subjects (Shafer & Dolcos, 2010).
had to fixate on centrally displayed faces (males
or females, with fearful or neutral expressions)
and either make a gender judgement or specify if
two peripherally displayed bars were oriented in The impact of emotion on long-term
the same direction or not. Thus, similar to memory
Vuilleumier et al.’s (2001) task, the attentional
focus was alternating between stimuli with or Emotion has not only transient effects on cogni-
without emotional content. As expected, in the tive processing, by influencing initial perceptual
gender judgement condition (attending faces), processes and attention paid to emotional stimuli
fearful faces evoked greater response in a net- or to details surrounding emotional events, but
work of regions associated with emotion proces- also long-lasting effects, which will eventually
sing, including the AMY. However, this lead to better memory for those events. Vivid
differential activation was not present when memories for emotionally charged personal
subjects performed the more difficult peripheral events support this notion, but there is also
(bar-orientation) task, and thus did not attend to empirical evidence that emotional events are
faces. Also, there were no differences in response better remembered than neutral events (e.g.,
times related to the fearful expression of the face Bradley, Greenwald, Petry, & Lang, 1992; Chris-
distractors. Based on these findings, Pessoa et al. tianson, 1992). Emotional stimuli (including pic-
concluded that emotional stimuli can ‘‘capture tures, words, and faces) are better remembered
attention’’ if there are enough attentional re- than neutral stimuli, an effect that tends to be
sources ‘‘to be captured’’ and not engaged by similar for positive and negative stimuli. This
other tasks at hand. finding suggests that the memory-enhancement
Since their initial publication, when the evi- effect of emotion is driven by emotional arousal
dence supporting the two views was seen in (i.e., emotional intensity) rather than by emo-
radical opposition (Pessoa et al., 2002; Vuilleu- tional valence (Dolcos, LaBar, & Cabeza, 2006).
mier et al., 2001), the positions of their propo- Also, emotional memories tend to be accompa-
nents have became milder relative to the nied by a sense of re-experiencing (Dolcos et al.,
compatibility of the two views (see Pessoa, 2005; 2005; Ochsner, 2000), and these recollection
Vuilleumier, 2005). Nevertheless, discussions benefits are also augmented relative to neutral
about the automatic versus attention-dependent memories over time (Anderson, Yamaguchi,
nature of emotion processing continue to be a Grabski, & Lacka, 2006; Ritchey, Dolcos, &
matter of current debate. One possible cause for Cabeza, 2008; Sharot & Yonelinas, 2008).
this continuing debate is the fact that emotional Of particular interest are the neural mechan-
content and task demands were not systematically isms believed to make emotional events more
and impartially manipulated within the same memorable, and the extent to which the brain

regions involved in initial stages of processing 2004a, b) and the retrieval and reexperiencing of
also contribute to the long-term effects of emo- emotional memories (Dolcos et al., 2005). For
tion. The modulation hypothesis, inspired from instance, one of our studies focusing on the role of
animal research (McGaugh, 2000, 2002, 2004), the AMY and MTL memory system (Dolcos et
suggests that emotional events are remembered al., 2004b) during encoding yielded two main
better than neutral events because the AMY findings supporting the modulation hypothesis
enhances the function of memory-related brain in neurologically intact humans (also reviewed
regions.1 Recent studies involving event-related in Dolcos, 2010; Dolcos & Denkova, 2008; Dolcos,
fMRI in humans provide further support for this LaBar, & Cabeza, 2006). Using anatomically
idea (Dolcos, LaBar, & Cabeza, 2004b; Kensinger defined ROI to precisely quantify the MTL
& Corkin, 2004; Kilpatrick & Cahill, 2003; activity, and the SMP to identify brain activity
Richardson, Strange, & Dolan, 2004; Ritchey specifically predicting memory performance, we
et al., 2008; Sergerie, Lepage, & Armony, 2006). found enhanced memory for emotional informa-
These studies are particularly relevant because tion to be associated with enhanced memory-
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

they involved methods that allowed identification related activity in (and interactions between) the
of (1) memory-specific brain activity from activity AMY and the MTL memory regions. Consistent
associated with more general perceptual proces- with animal findings, the greatest differences
sing, as a result of using the so-called subsequent between the emotional and the neutral encoding
memory paradigm (SMP) (Dolcos et al., 2004b; success activity were found in the basolateral
nucleus of the AMY (BLA), the anterior part of
Kensinger & Corkin, 2004; Paller & Wagner,
the hippocampus (HC) and the entorhinal cortex
2002; Ritchey et al., 2008; Sergerie et al., 2006;
(EC). Moreover, encoding success activity in
Shafer, Iordan, Cabeza, & Dolcos, 2011) (also
AMY and MTL memory regions was more
reviewed in Dolcos, 2010; Dolcos & Denkova,
strongly correlated with each other for emotional
2008; Dolcos, LaBar, & Cabeza, 2006; LaBar &
than neutral stimuli. This finding suggests that
Cabeza, 2006), (2) nearby medial temporal lobe
these regions interact more intimately during the
(MTL) subregions involved in the memory-en-
encoding of emotional stimuli than during
hancing effect of emotion, as a result of using the
the encoding of neutral stimuli, thus providing
so-called anatomical region of interest (ROI) further support for the modulation hypothesis
approach (Dolcos et al., 2004b), and (3) support (McGaugh, 2002).
for the idea that the memory-enhancing effect of Evidence from a recent study involving reten-
emotion involves interactions between emotion- tion interval manipulations also provided insight
based (AMY) and memory-based brain regions into the effect of emotion consolidation, by
(Dolcos et al., 2004b; Kilpatrick & Cahill, 2003; showing that AMYMTL interactions initiated
Richardson et al., 2004; Ritchey et al., 2008). during encoding contribute to the persistence of
By using the SMP in conjunction with fMRI, emotional memories over time (Ritchey et al.,
we showed that emotion enhances long-term 2008). In this study, participants were scanned
episodic memory (i.e., memory for personal while encoding negative and neutral pictures,
events) by modulating activity in two main then postscanning recognition memory was tested
memory-related brain regions, i.e., the MTL after a short delay (20 min after encoding) and a
memory system (Dolcos et al., 2004b) and the long delay (1 week after encoding). This manip-
prefrontal cortex (PFC) (Dolcos, LaBar, & Ca- ulation revealed that AMYMTL connectivity
beza, 2004a). Further, we showed that these during encoding was greater for items retrieved
effects can occur during one or more memory after a longer delay, thus suggesting that AMY
stages, including the initial encoding of an emo- MTL interactions underlie consolidation and
tional event (Dolcos & Cabeza, 2002; Dolcos, persistence of the emotional memories over
Graham, LaBar, & Cabeza, 2003; Dolcos et al., time (Ritchey et al., 2008).
Studies of memory retrieval also showed that
Another influential hypothesis concerning the specific emotional memory is particularly resilient to
role of the AMY is the so-called plasticity hypothesis (Dolcos time, with laboratory enhancements being re-
& Denkova, 2008), which has also been formulated based on
ported up to 1 year after encoding (Dolcos
animal studies (LeDoux, 2000). This hypothesis proposes that
the AMY itself is a site of plasticity underlying learning and
et al., 2005). Our retrieval study (Dolcos et al.,
memory of fear conditioning. For a comparison of both 2005) provided behavioural and functional neu-
hypotheses see Dolcos and Denkova (2008). roimaging evidence concerning the effect of

emotional arousal on memory retrieval processes memory formation (e.g., Canli, Desmond, Zhao,
after a longer retention interval than typically & Gabrieli, 2002; Kilpatrick & Cahill, 2003).
involved in laboratory-based studies (minutes, Given the role of left ventrolateral PFC (vlPFC)
days, weeks) (e.g., Cahill, Babinsky, Markowitsch, regions in semantic processing (Poldrack et al.,
& McGaugh, 1995; LaBar & Phelps, 1998). In this 1999) and the role of the dorsolateral PFC (dlPFC)
study, participants encoded high-arousing emo- regions in working memory operations (D’Espo-
tional (pleasant and unpleasant) and low-arousing sito, Postle, & Rypma, 2000), these findings
neutral pictures, and 1 year later memory was suggest that arousing events enhance memory in
tested while undergoing fMRI. Notably, subjects part by promoting semantic (vlPFC) and working
performed a recognition task that distinguishes memory (dlPFC) processing.
between recollection-based and familiarity-based Finally, complementary evidence concerning
responses (Tulving, 1985). One year after initial the mechanisms underlying the formation of
encoding, emotionally arousing pictures were emotional memories comes from studies investi-
remembered better and elicited greater recollec- gating the timing of processing linked to the
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

tion than neutral pictures, and fMRI results memory-enhancing effect of emotion (e.g., Dol-
indicated that emotional content enhances activ- cos & Cabeza, 2002; Palomba, Angrilli, & Mini,
ity in the AMY and MTL memory systems (HC 1997). Using event-related potential (ERP) re-
and EC) related to successful retrieval of indivi- cordings during encoding, in conjunction with the
dual items from long-term storage (hits vs. SMP, we identified that the emotional Dm effect
misses). These findings support the idea that occurs faster than the neutral Dm (Dolcos &
successful retrieval of emotional memories in- Cabeza, 2002): Emotional Dm was greater during
volves MTL mechanisms similar to those identi- an early epoch (400600 ms poststimulus onset),
fied during successful emotional encoding (Cahill whereas the Dm effects were similar for emo-
et al., 1996; Dolcos et al., 2004b). Also, in the tional and neutral stimuli during a late epoch
AMY and HC (but not in the EC), the emotion (600800 ms). Although given the spatial resolu-
effect was greater for recollection than for tion of ERPs it was difficult to identify the neural
familiarity, which provided initial evidence con- generators of this effect, faster emotional Dm
cerning the neural correlates of the differential suggests that emotional stimuli have privileged
effect of emotion on these two types of memory access to processing resources leading to subse-
retrieval (Ochsner, 2000). quent memory, which could be another mechan-
Although the majority of studies have focused ism conferring a memory advantage to emotional
on the interaction between the emotion-based information (Dolcos & Cabeza, 2002).
AMY system and memory-related MTL system, In sum, the previously mentioned studies
the role of the PFC in emotional memory forma- provide strong evidence for the notion that
tion has also been investigated. The extant evi- emotion enhances long-term episodic memory
dence concerning the role of the PFC in emotional by modulating activity in two main memory-
memory encoding suggests both arousal-driven related brain regions, the MTL memory system
effects (e.g., Dolcos et al., 2004a; Sergerie, Lepage, and the PFC, which also benefits from faster
& Armony, 2005) and valence-driven effects (e.g., encoding. The effects of emotion on MTL and
Kensinger & Corkin, 2004). For instance, we found PFC regions, however, may be related to different
that emotional arousal enhanced successful en- mechanisms. The evidence concerning the func-
coding activity (Dm effect) in two subregions of tions typically attributed to these brain regions
the left lateral PFC (i.e., one dorsolateral*Brod- (Moscovitch, 1992; Simons & Spiers, 2003) sug-
man Area [BA] 9/6 and the other ventrolateral* gests that in the MTL emotion enhances basic
BA 47), in which the Dm effect for highly arousing encoding, consolidation, storage, and retrieval of
pictorial items (both pleasant and unpleasant) was memory representations, whereas in the PFC
greater than for low arousing and neutral items emotion enhances semantic, strategic, and work-
(Dolcos et al., 2004a). Similarly, using a word ing memory processes. These led to the proposal
encoding task with high- and low-arousing nega- that AMY and MTL are part of basic/direct
tive and neutral stimuli, Kensinger and Corkin neurohormonal mechanisms underlying the mem-
(2004) also obtained a regionally specific modula- ory-enhancement effect of emotion, whereas
tion of PFC activity by valence. These findings are PFC has an indirect/mediated involvement in
further supported by studies providing evidence the formation of emotional memories, by enhan-
for AMYPFC interactions during emotional cing strategic, semantic, and working memory

processes (LaBar & Cabeza, 2006) (Figure 1). Working memory. Working memory (WM) is
Finally, evidence also suggests that overall the involved in the active maintenance and manip-
memory-enhancing effect of emotion is driven by ulation of task-relevant information (Baddeley,
the intensity of emotional events, rather than by 1996). As suggested earlier, maintaining emo-
their valence, although there is evidence that tional information in WM may be one of the
valence is also a contributing factor (Kensinger mechanisms contributing to the enhancing effects
& Corkin, 2004; Mickley Steinmetz & Kensinger, of emotion on long-term memory (Dolcos et al.,
2009; Shaw, Brierley, & David, 2005). 2004a; Kensinger & Corkin, 2004). Although this
may imply that emotional stimuli also produce an
enhancing effect on WM, the evidence from
studies investigating this matter by comparing
The impact of emotion on working WM performance for emotional versus neutral
memory and decision making stimuli did not yield conclusive findings (Ken-
singer & Corkin, 2003). Instead, emerging evi-
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

In addition to influencing initial stages of proces- dence concerning the impact of emotion on WM
sing and their long-term consequences (reviewed and the associated neural correlates comes from
previously), emotional information also impacts studies in which emotional stimuli are presented
other higher level processes, such as working as task-irrelevant distractors (Chuah et al., 2010;
memory and decision making, which are essential Denkova et al., 2010; Dolcos et al., 2008; Dolcos
to goal-directed behaviour. Evidence concerning & McCarthy, 2006; Wong et al., in press).
the impact of emotion on these executive pro- Distraction challenges our ability to maintain
cesses will be discussed in turn. focus on goal-relevant information and thus may
impair cognitive performance. The existence of
neural mechanisms that allow for privileged
access of emotional information to processing
resources raises the possibility that emotional
information may also be a very potent distraction,
particularly when task irrelevant. However, up
until recently, the neural correlates of the detri-
mental effects of emotion on cognitive functions
had received relatively less attention (Johnson et
al., 2005; Most, Chun, Widders, & Zald, 2005). A
default assumption, based on the findings con-
cerning the enhancing effect of emotion on
memory (where emotion enhanced activity in
memory-related brain regions), is that the impair-
ing effect of emotion may be linked to reduced
activity in brain regions subserving the functions
impaired by emotion. This assumption is sup-
ported by evidence from both clinical and non-
clinical groups.
Figure 1. Main mechanisms involved in the memory-enhan-
cing effect of emotion. Emotion enhances long-term episodic Models of affectivecognitive interactions in-
memory by modulating activity in two main memory-related spired by clinical studies point to dysfunctional
brain regions, the medial-temporal lobe (MTL) memory interactions between a dorsal executive neural
system and the prefrontal cortex (PFC). However, the effects system and a ventral affective system, and pro-
of emotion on MTL and PFC regions may be related to pose that impaired executive control and en-
different mechanisms: AMY and MTL are part of basic/direct
neurohormonal mechanisms underlying the memory-enhance- hanced emotional distractibility observed in
ment effect of emotion (bottom-up mechanism), whereas PFC depression are linked to hypofunction of the
is part of a mechanism (also including the parietal cortex* dorsal executive and hyperfunction of the ventral
PC) that has an indirect/mediated involvement in the forma- affective systems (Drevets & Raichle, 1998; May-
tion of emotional memories, by enhancing strategic, semantic,
berg, 1997) (Figure 2). The dorsal system includes
working memory, and attentional processes (top-down me-
chanism). Adapted from LaBar and Cabeza (2006); courtesy
brain regions typically associated with ‘‘cold’’
of Dr. Roberto Cabeza. [To view this figure in colour, please executive (ColdEx) functions, such as the dlPFC
visit the online version of this Journal.] and the lateral parietal cortex (LPC), which are

also occur transiently, in response to ongoing task

irrelevant emotional distractors. A series of stu-
dies from our group investigating the neural
correlates of the response to emotional distrac-
tion presented during the delay between memor-
anda and probes of a WM task identified
dissociable patterns of brain activity in ColdEx
versus HotEmo systems, which were specific to
transient emotional distractors (Dolcos et al.,
2008; Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006; Dolcos, Miller,
Jha, & McCarthy, 2007). For instance, Dolcos and
McCarthy (2006) provided initial evidence that
impaired WM performance in the presence of
emotional distraction was linked to increased
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Figure 2. Neural systems involved in cognitive/executive activity in the HotEmo system and concomitant
(dorsal) versus emotional (ventral) processing. The dorsal decreased activity in the ColdEx system.
system includes brain regions typically associated with ‘‘cold’’ Follow-up investigations in both healthy (Dol-
executive (ColdEx; colour-coded in blue) functions, such as cos et al., 2007, 2008) and clinical (Morey et al.,
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and the lateral
parietal cortex (LPC), which are critical to active maintenance
2009) groups provided further evidence that these
of goal-relevant information in working memory (WM). The patterns of neutral responses are specific to
ventral system includes brain regions involved in ‘‘hot’’ emotional distraction, and that the detrimental
emotional (HotEmo; colour-coded in red) processing, such effect of emotional distraction reflects bottom-up
as the amygdala (AMY), the ventrolateral PFC (vlPFC), and effects (Chuah et al., 2010; Denkova et al., 2010).
the medial PFC. Other brain regions that these systems
interact with (MTL MS, OTC) are also illustrated. MTL In a study comparing the effects of memoranda-
MS  medial temporal lobe memory system, OFC  confusable and nonemotional distractors with
orbitofrontal cortex, OTC  occipitotemporal cortex. Mono- those of emotional distractors (Dolcos et al.,
chromatic arrows represent connections within the same 2008), we identified opposing modulation of
system, whereas bichromatic arrows represent connections
dlPFC activity linked to the nature of distraction:
across systems. Although visual cortical areas illustrated here
(OTC) are not technically part of the HotEmo system, they The memoranda-confusable2 distractors were as-
are coloured in red because these areas are susceptible to sociated with enhanced dlPFC activity, whereas
influences from emotion processing regions. This representa- emotional distractors were associated with de-
tion does not include all regions that are part of the two creased dlPFC activity, in conditions where both
systems, as in its present format it does not include medial
brain regions. Adapted from figure provided by Dr. Lihong
types of distractors produced similar effects on
Wang. [To view this figure in colour, please visit the online WM performance. A more recent study (Denko-
version of this Journal.] va et al., 2010) investigating the effects of more
specific emotional distractors (i.e., anxiety-indu-
critical to active maintenance of goal-relevant cing angry faces) found similar brain imaging
information in WM; increased activity in these effects to those produced by general emotional
regions during WM tasks is typically associated distractors involved in previous studies (Dolcos
with increased performance (Fuster, 1997; Smith et al., 2008; Dolcos & McCarthy, 2006), hence
& Jonides, 1999). The ventral system includes replicating the dissociable patterns of activity in
brain regions involved in ‘‘hot’’ emotion (HotE- the ColdEx versus HotEmo systems linked to
mo) processing, such as the AMY, the vlPFC, and impaired performance in the presence of emo-
the medial PFC (Davidson & Irwin, 1999; Davis tional distraction. This study also provided evi-
& Whalen, 2001; Phan, Wager, Taylor, & Liber- dence concerning a dissociation between bottom-
zon, 2002). up effects observed in face-sensitive brain areas
Findings from recent studies investigating the (i.e., fusiform gyrus [FG]) linked to individual
neural correlates of cognitive interference by variation in trait anxiety and WM performance.
emotional distraction in healthy participants pro- Finally, a recent study examining the impact of
vide evidence that interactions between the 2
Memoranda-confusable distraction refers to stimuli that
ColdEx and HotEmo systems are not only re-
are similar to the memoranda (e.g., novel faces presented as
flected in longer lasting altered states, as observed distractors in a WM task for faces), and hence can be potent
in clinical conditions such as depression, but can distractors despite being nonemotional.

sleep deprivation on the response to emotional the IGT is related to the ability to display
distraction (Chuah et al., 2010) also pointed to anticipatory skin conductance responses (i.e.,
bottom-up effects of emotional distraction, by somatic markers), which are typically present in
showing that increased distraction by negative normal subjects but absent in patients with
emotional pictures following sleep deprivation vmPFC/orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) damage. The
was associated with increased AMY activation implicit ability to use these responses in making
and reduced functional connectivity between this advantageous decisions (Bechara, Damasio, Tra-
region and cognitive control brain regions. nel, & Damasio, 1997) suggests that emotion-
Collectively, these findings provide strong related signals are important for decision making
evidence that the outcome of task-irrelevant even when they reside at a nonconscious level.
emotional distraction depends on dynamic inter- The SMH underlines the contributions of the
actions between neural systems that allow the AMY and vmPFC as components of a neural
ability to stay focused on task-relevant informa- network with an essential role in judgement and
tion and systems involved in the processing of decision making (Damasio, 1994). However, the
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emotional information that may compete with the contributions of the two structures are at different
available processing resources. Possibly as a result levels*not only do both of them contribute to the
of their salience, emotional distractors may pro- integration of exteroceptive and interoceptive
duce a bottom-up impact on processing of goal- somatic/emotional information, but also AMY is
relevant information by reallocating processing critical for processing primary inducers and OFC
resources (Vuilleumier et al., 2001) and impairing is critical for processing secondary inducers (Be-
performance. However, as we will see later, the chara, Damasio, & Damasio, 2003).
disadvantageous outcomes of this bottom-up im- Emotional influences on decision-making pro-
pact of emotional distraction can be mitigated by cesses is further supported by fMRI studies using
‘‘top-down’’ interventions from cognitive control the ultimatum game (e.g., Sanfey, Rilling, Aron-
regions, which are engaged to regulate emotional son, Nystrom, & Cohen, 2003), whereby two
responses and cope with emotional distraction players respond to fair and unfair proposals to
(Dolcos, Kragel, et al., 2006; Gray, Braver, & split money. Unfair offers elicited activity in brain
Raichle, 2002; Pessoa, 2008). areas related to both emotion (anterior insula)
and cognition (dlPFC). If the decisions are made
Decision making. Recently, the fact that emo- purely on cognitive grounds, acceptance of even
tion provides essential input for high-level com- the most unfair offers would lead to gains,
plex processes, like decision making, has become whereas in case of rejected offers neither of the
more largely accepted. Initially developed to players receives anything. Typically, this does not
account for problems of decision making dis- happen, as the tendency for players is to reject
played by patients with ventromedial PFC unfair offers, despite a detriment to their own
(vmPFC) damage, the influential so-called ‘‘so- gains. Interestingly, activation in the anterior
matic marker hypothesis’’ (SMH) (Damasio, insula (which is commonly associated with pro-
1994, 1996) argues that decision making is a cessing of negative emotions, particularly disgust),
process shaped by multiple sources of input, not increased for rejected offers, suggesting that in
only cognitive, but also somatic-related feedback those cases emotion ‘‘overruled’’ cognitive pro-
with emotional/motivational relevance. cesses, thus highlighting an important role of
Generally speaking, a somatic marker is a type emotional responses in decision making (see
of nonspecific ‘‘feeling’’ that has been linked also Nguyen et al., this issue 2011).
through learning to predicted outcomes in the
future (Damasio, 1994, 1996). Somatic markers
can be related to either primary inducers (e.g.,
seeing a snake or losing a large sum of money) or THE EFFECT OF COGNITION ON
secondary inducers (e.g., the perspective of losing EMOTION PROCESSING
a large sum of money), which send a biasing signal
that crudely affects choice (Damasio, 1995). Up to this point, we have reviewed the impact of
Using the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT; Bechara, emotion on cognitive processing. In this section,
Damasio, Damasio, & Anderson, 1994; Bechara, we focus on the reciprocal influence, namely the
Tranel, Damasio, & Damasio, 1996), Damasio and effect of cognition on emotion processing. Princi-
colleagues showed that successful performance in pally, we review evidence from studies of emotion

regulation and investigations of the neural corre- tion regulation could be as effective as deliberate
lates of coping with emotional distraction. emotion regulation, while being less costly be-
cause of the automatic effortless engagement
(Bargh & Williams, 2007). However, because
Emotion regulation background previous research tended to separately investigate
the two forms of emotion regulation (Goldin et
Understanding the mechanisms by which cogni- al., 2008; Mauss et al., 2007) it is not clear whether
tion affects emotion is the focus of a recently they are equally effective in controlling the
emerging field investigating the neural under- response to emotionally challenging situations,
pinnings of cognitive control of emotion (or or whether they are differentially effective de-
emotion regulation), which is an important coping pending on the intensity of emotional challenge.
mechanism in the face of emotional stressors Moreover, brain imaging studies investigating the
(Ochsner & Gross, 2005). Despite recent progress neural correlates of nonconscious emotion regu-
in identifying the neural correlates of emotion lation are generally lacking (but see Dolcos, Sung,
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

regulation, a number of questions remain. Chief Denkova, Dixon, & Dolcos, in press).
among these is the role of different types of Although the brain imaging studies of emotion
emotional control and their associated neural regulation mentioned above provided evidence of
correlates. Most of the previous emotion regula- increased activity in cognitive control regions as a
tion research has focused on conscious/deliberate result of engaging emotion regulation strategies,
forms of regulation, such as instructed reappraisal these studies could not establish the precise role
(Kim & Hamann, 2007; Ochsner, Bunge, Gross, & of these regions in controlling the impact of
Gabrieli, 2002), suppression (Jackson et al., 2003), emotion on ongoing cognitive processes. On the
and cognitive distraction (Denkova, Chakrabarty, other hand, brain imaging studies in which emo-
Dolcos, & Dolcos, in press; Levesque et al., 2003). tional information was presented as task-irrele-
A large body of evidence shows that the delib- vant distraction provided such evidence by
erative forms of emotion regulation broadly identifying neural correlates of coping with dis-
involve the PFC, especially the ventrolateral tracting emotions. In the next section, we will
aspects of the PFC, as well as the posterior focus on findings from such studies highlighting
portion of the dorsomedial PFC (dmPFC)/super- the role of lateral and medial PFC regions.
ior frontal gyrus (BA 6/8) (Goldin, McRae,
Ramel, & Gross, 2008; Ochsner et al., 2002). In
addition, a few studies also found activation in the
dlPFC (Goldin et al., 2008; Levesque et al., 2003), Cognitive control of emotional
and there is inconsistent support for more poster- distraction
ior regions such as the posterior temporal gyri and
inferior parietal lobules (Goldin et al., 2008; Understanding the impact of cognitive control on
Ochsner et al., 2004). emotion processing requires identification of the
Different than deliberate emotion regulation, neural mechanisms associated with the ability to
the nonconscious/automatic forms of emotion cope with distracting emotions. A series of
regulation and the associated neural correlates investigations from our group (Chuah et al.,
have received relatively little empirical attention 2010; Denkova et al., 2010; Dolcos et al., 2008;
(cf. Mauss, Cook, & Gross, 2007). Nonconscious Dolcos, Kragel, et al., 2006; Dolcos & McCarthy,
emotion regulation is an important part of our 2006) provided evidence that coping with task-
behaviour that, similar to conscious forms of irrelevant emotional distraction entails increased
emotional control, undergoes ontogenetic trans- activity in and interactions between brain regions
formations. Although emotions are displayed very involved in basic emotion processing (the AMY)
early in ontogeny, the ability to control them is and brain regions associated with cognitive con-
not fully developed in early childhood and trol (particularly lateral and medial PFC). The
adolescence. As we age, we learn that displaying engagement of the AMY can be seen as having
certain emotions may not be appropriate in the role of an ‘‘emotional detector’’ that signals
specific contexts, and often we find ourselves the cognitive control regions the presence of
automatically adjusting, or regulating, our emo- potentially distracting, emotional stimuli and
tional responses to fit the current circumstances. thus the need to control their possible detri-
Recent evidence suggests that nonconscious emo- mental effects on cognitive performance (Dolcos,

Kragel, et al., 2006). The anatomical evidence of subjective indexes of distractibility, suggesting
substantial AMYvlPFC connections (Amaral, that participants who engaged this region during
Price, Pitkanen, & Carmichael, 1992) supports processing of emotional distractors perceived
this interpretation, and hence it is reasonable to them as less distracting (Figure 3B). However,
posit that enhanced functional connectivity be- activity in this region did not distinguish between
tween the AMY and vlPFC reflects processing correct and incorrect trials, thus suggesting an
that originates in the AMY, which exerts influ- engagement of this region in coping with the
ence upon inferior frontal cortex activity. subjective ‘‘feeling of being distracted’’. On the
These studies provided evidence for enhanced other hand, further investigation showed that
vlPFCAMY functional coupling during proces- activity in the left vlPFC did in fact distinguish
sing of emotional distraction (Figure 3A), evi- between successful and unsuccessful trials in the
dence concerning the consequence of engaging presence of emotional distractors, by showing
cognitive control regions in response to task- increased activity to correct versus incorrect trials,
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

irrelevant emotional stimuli, as well as identified and hence suggesting that this region is involved
a hemispheric asymmetry in the vlPFC concern- in the ‘‘actual coping with emotional’’ distraction
ing its involvement in the subjective (right vlPFC) by controlling the objective impact of emotional
versus objective (left vlPFC) coping with emo- distraction on working memory performance
tional distraction. In our initial study (Dolcos & (Dolcos, Kragel, et al., 2006) (Figure 3C). The
McCarthy, 2006) we identified a negative covar- link between increased activity in the left vlPFC
iation between activity in the right vlPFC and and enhanced WM performance was further

Figure 3. Evidence for the role of lateral PFC in coping with distracting emotions. (A) Brain regions showing enhanced functional
coupling with the amygdala during processing of emotional distraction*ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC)/inferior frontal
cortex (IFC) highlighted. (B) Enhanced correlation between vlPFC activity and subjective emotional distractibility scores. (C)
Hemispheric asymmetry in the vlPFC/IFC during successful coping with emotional distraction. Taken together, these findings can
also be interpreted as a subjective (right) versus objective (left) dissociation in the role of these regions in coping with the subjective
feeling of being distracted (right vlPFC/IFC) versus actually coping with distraction (left vlPFC/IFC). Correct/Incorrect 
Remembered/Forgotten items in the working memory task. Adapted from Dolcos, Kragel, et al. (2006) and Dolcos and McCarthy
(2006), with permission. [To view this figure in colour, please visit the online version of this Journal.]

confirmed by other studies (Dolcos et al., 2008; variation in both emotional and cognitive do-
Denkova et al., 2010). For instance, in another mains, and that the final behavioural outcome
recent study we showed that increased activity in depends on the overall ‘‘affectivecognitive pro-
the left vlPFC was linked to increased WM file’’. It is known, for instance, that the negative
performance in the presence of emotional, but affective bias in processing emotional informa-
not neutral, distractors (Denkova et al., 2010). tion, the increased susceptibility to emotional
Taken together, these investigations provided distraction, and the affective dysregulation ob-
evidence linking the engagement of activity in served in affective disorders are also accompanied
these lateral and medial PFC regions not only in by overall impaired cognitive/executive control
controlling the subjective emotional response (e.g., Bishop, 2009; Eysenck, Derakshan, Santos,
induced by potentially distracting emotional sti- & Calvo, 2007). Also, these changes could affect
muli (Ochsner & Gross, 2005) but also in dimin- not only activity in higher level cognitive control
ishing the actual negative impact of distracting brain regions but also in lower level perceptual
emotions on ongoing cognitive processes (Chuah processing regions (e.g., Pujol et al., 2009).
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et al., 2010; Denkova et al., 2010; Dolcos et al., Investigation of individual differences is also
2008; Dolcos, Kragel, et al., 2006). Moreover, the critical for elucidating the neural bases of these
extant evidence also suggests that this engage- phenomena, as it has become apparent that
ment involves enhanced functional coupling with finding cures for these clinical conditions depends
activity in the AMY (Chuah et al., 2010; Dolcos, not only on integrative understanding of the
Kragel, et al., 2006). factors that influence the susceptibility to emo-
tional and cognitive challenge, but also alterations
of the brain mechanisms that accompany patho-
logical changes in the emotioncognition interac-
In this section, we review behavioural and
fMRI findings from studies investigating the role
of individual characteristics, such as personality-,
An important aspect in the investigation of sex-, and age-related, in mediating the interac-
emotioncognition interactions is identification tions between emotion and cognition. Investiga-
of individual differences that may affect the tion of the role of such factors that mediate the
response to emotional challenge and thus the response to emotional challenge may prove
differential vulnerability to affective disorders. As critical for understanding affective disorders,
presented in the previous parts, the interactions which are characterised by increased emotional
between emotion and cognition are apparent at sensitivity and distractibility, have increased in-
different levels of analysis of human behaviour. cidence in women, and are associated with
The final output of these interactions defines dysfunctional emotion regulation or emotion
human behaviour as a whole, and is reflected in dysregulation. Earlier brain imaging investiga-
individual differences, which in the domain of tions have linked individual variation in person-
emotion processing seems to be the rule rather ality measures reflecting general emotion
than the exception (Eugene et al., 2003). As such, processing (e.g., extraversion and neuroticism)
all the effects that have been discussed so far may to brain activity associated with general proces-
be influenced by individual differences in the sing of emotional information (e.g., Canli &
response to emotional and cognitive challenge. A Amin, 2002). However, more recent studies
given emotional situation can evoke a wide range (e.g., Denkova et al., 2010) also provided evi-
of emotional responses across individuals. This dence linking individual variation in personality
suggests that, not only are our responses to traits reflecting specific emotions (social anxiety)
emotional contexts influenced by present emo- to neural changes in responses to transiently
tional states, but also our behaviour in the face of induced specific emotions (e.g., anxiety-inducing
emotional challenge is influenced by our person- distraction). Similarly, studies investigating sex-
ality traits. related differences in emotion processing re-
In this context, it is important to emphasise ported differences in brain activity associated
that the response to emotional challenge, and thus with enhanced emotional reactivity and emo-
vulnerability to affective disorders (i.e., depres- tional memory in females compared to males
sion- and anxiety-related), depend on individual (Cahill, Uncapher, Kilpatrick, Alkire, & Turner,

2004; Canli, Desmond, et al., 2002; Lang, Green- the activity in the PFC when viewing negative (vs.
wald, Bradley, & Hamm, 1993). Finally, recent positive) stimuli. Extraversion and neuroticism
studies investigating changes in emotion proces- also affect recollection of personal autobiogra-
sing associated with ageing point to a functional phical memories. In a recent behavioural study we
shift consistent with a positivity bias in healthy found that extraversion contributed to remember-
ageing (Carstensen, Mikels, & Mather, 2006; ing more positive personal experiences and to
Mather & Carstensen, 2005), possibly linked to maintaining a positive state, while neuroticism
enhanced ability to control emotions (St. Jacques, predicted the phenomenological characteristics of
Dolcos, & Cabeza, 2009; Dolcos, & Cabeza, negative autobiographical memories (Denkova,
2010), as opposed to emotion dysregulation ob- Dolcos, & Dolcos, 2011).
served in affective disorders. Evidence concerning Personality-related individual differences were
the role of individual differences in these three also identified in conditions where emotional
main aspects in the context of investigating the information was presented as task-irrelevant dis-
neural correlates of emotion processing, in general, traction. Based on recent findings suggesting
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

and of emotioncognition interactions, in particular, individual variation in the response to emotional

will now be discussed in turn. distraction (Dolcos et al., 2008), in a series of
follow-up studies we investigated the factors that
may underlie these differences. For instance, an
investigation of task performance in conjunction
The role of personality-related with personality data (Dolcos, 2009) revealed that
differences participants that were more susceptible to emo-
tional distraction in the WM task not only tended
Recent studies have shown that personality traits, to perceive emotional distractors as more emo-
such as extraversion and neuroticism, influence tional (as measured by subjective ratings of the
the neural correlates of emotion processing across distractors) but also to have higher scores for
a range of emotional processes, including experi- attentional impulsivity (as measured with the
ence, perception, attention, and memory (Canli, Barratt Impulsiveness Scale [BIS]; Spinella,
Sivers, Whitfield, Gotlib, & Gabrieli, 2002; Ha- 2007). Moreover, analyses linking these beha-
mann & Canli, 2004; Touryan et al., 2007). It has vioural differences to brain activity showed that
also been suggested that individual differences in individual variation in the susceptibility to emo-
emotional biases linked to personality might be tional distraction was linked to enhanced activity
rooted in an attentional network driven primarily in brain regions associated with emotional pro-
by AMY reactivity during the encoding of emo- cessing (AMY) and to disrupted activity in
tional stimuli (Haas & Canli, 2008). Extraversion regions associated with cognitive control (dlPFC)
and neuroticism have both been associated with (Dolcos, 2009).
attentional biases (Derryberry & Reed, 1994) but Relationships between brain activity and per-
in opposite directions (Rusting, 1999). For exam- sonality-related differences were identified not
ple, individuals higher on extraversion exhibit only for traits reflecting general aspects of cogni-
greater attention towards positive- rather than tive processing, such as attentional impulsivity
negative-valenced emotional stimuli (Derryberry discussed earlier, but also for traits reflecting
& Reed, 1994), coupled with longer reaction differences in processing and experiencing speci-
times when responding to positive relative to fic emotions, such as anxiety. Investigations of the
neutral words (Haas, Omura, Amin, Constable, role of anxiety-related individual differences
& Canli, 2006). Functional MRI studies have show that increased reactivity to potential threat
demonstrated that regions of the PFC and the conveyed by socially relevant stimuli (e.g., angry
AMY exhibit differential responses to emotional faces) is associated with exacerbated activity in
stimuli in individuals who describe themselves as the AMY in both clinical patients with social
highly extraverted versus neurotic (Canli & anxiety disorder, linked to individual variations in
Amin, 2002; Canli et al., 2001). In those studies, the severity of the symptoms (Evans et al., 2008;
extraversion was positively correlated with the Goldin et al., 2008; Phan, Fitzgerald, Nathan, &
activity of the lateral and medial PFC (including Tancer, 2006), and in nonclinical individuals,
the cingulate gyrus) and the AMY in response to linked to variations in the level of anxiety
viewing positive (vs. negative) stimuli. Neuroti- (Bishop, Duncan, & Lawrence, 2004; Ewbank
cism, in contrast, was positively correlated with et al., 2009; Stein, Simmons, Feinstein, & Paulus,

2007). These findings suggest that altered func- psychological and physical well-being (Gross &
tioning of the AMY is not only disorder specific, John, 2003). At the brain level, similar with
but can also be observed in individuals prone to instructed reappraisal, individual differences in
develop anxiety disorders (Hariri et al., 2002; habitual engagement of reappraisal are associated
Morey et al., 2011). In one of our recent studies with decreased activation in ventral emotion
(Denkova et al., 2010), we identified brain regions generative regions, such as AMY, and increased
where activity in response to transient anxiety- activation in prefrontal control regions, such as
inducing distraction covaried with individual dlPFC and dmPFC, in response to negative
differences in trait anxiety and cognitive perfor- stimuli (Drabant, McRae, Manuck, Hariri, &
mance. Specifically, activity in the left visual Gross, 2009).
cortex (including the left FG, BA 37) and vmPFC
was positively correlated, and activity in the right
dlPFC and dmPFC was negatively correlated with The role of sex-related differences
anxiety scores. These findings suggest that en-
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

hanced trait anxiety is associated with increased In our society, it is commonly believed that women
sensitivity to transient anxiety-inducing stimula- are more emotional than men. Consistent at least
tion, which results in enhanced activity in brain in part with this widely held belief, there is
regions associated with the perception and ex- evidence that women are more emotionally reac-
periencing of emotions (FG and vmPFC, respec- tive (Lang, Greenwald, Bradley, & Hamm, 1993)
tively), and impaired activity in brain regions and expressive (Kring & Gordon, 1998), display
associated with the ability to maintain focus on more extensive knowledge of emotional experi-
goal-relevant information (dlPFC). ence (Barrett, Lane, Sechrest, & Schwartz, 2000),
Another important source of interindividual and recall more emotional autobiographical mem-
variation in emotion processing is individuals’ ories (Seidlitz & Diener, 1998). These sex-related
tendency to spontaneously engage in emotion differences observed behaviourally are supported
regulation, particularly in a context when there by recent evidence from brain imaging studies
is no explicit instruction or awareness of emotion pointing to sex-related differences in brain regions
regulation. Spontaneous emotion regulation is that are part of the neural networks involved
typically assessed by evaluating the use of regula- in emotion processing, such as the AMY and
tion strategies such as reappraisal and suppres- OFC (Goldstein et al., 2001; Gur, Gunning-Dixon,
sion, as indexed by the Emotion Regulation Bilker, & Gur, 2002). These differences have been
Questionnaire (ERQ; Gross & John, 2003). observed in several domains, including responses
Spontaneous reappraisal tendencies have been to emotionally arousing stimuli, responses to
associated with lower levels of negative affect, emotional facial expressions, and emotional mem-
greater interpersonal functioning, and greater ory (Cahill & van Stegeren, 2003; Hamann, 2005).

Figure 4. Sex-related differences identified in the amygdala showing a hemispheric asymmetry in memory-related activity. (A)
Activity in the left amygdala while viewing emotionally arousing images was more significantly related to subsequent memory for
the images in women than in men, and (B) the opposite pattern was observed in the right amygdala, i.e., greater activity in men than
in women. Reproduced from Cahill et al. (2004), with permission. [To view this figure in colour, please visit the online version of this

Particular attention have received sex-related by differences in how emotions are regulated, or
differences showing a hemispheric asymmetry in some interaction between emotional reactivity
memory-related activity in the AMY (Figure 4), and emotion regulation (McRae, Ochsner, Mauss,
i.e., left-lateralised activity in women and right- Gabrieli, & Gross, 2008). Consistent with the idea
lateralised activity in men (Cahill, 2006; Cahill of possible dissociable engagement of emotion
et al., 2004). Further evidence suggests that this regulation strategies in women and men, in a
lateralisation is confined to the BLA, and is study by Koch et al. (2007), during a task
observed only when memory is tested after a involving emotion regulation females mainly
delay (e.g., 2 weeks later), but not when tested recruited brain regions associated with emotion
immediately (Mackiewicz, Sarinopoulos, Cleven, processing (i.e., AMY and the OFC), whereas
& Nitschke, 2006). Interestingly, these hemi- males mainly recruited brain regions typically
spheric differences were not observed for dorsal involved in cognitive processing (i.e., prefrontal
AMY (Mackiewicz et al., 2006) where activity and superior parietal regions). Also, a study
was associated with anticipatory processes and investigating sex-related differences during cog-
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

predicted immediate, but not delayed recognition nitive reappraisal found that men showed greater
memory (see also Talmi, Anderson, Riggs, decreases in AMY activity, along with lesser
Caplan, & Moscovitch, 2008). These findings control-related prefrontal activity, whereas wo-
suggest that the sex-related lateralisation is spe- men showed greater ventral striatal activity
cifically related to the BLA and to memory (McRae et al., 2008). These results may suggest
consolidation. that men may be able to use cognitive regulation
Given the function attributed to the left and with less effort than women and that women may
right hemisphere in verbal/local versus nonverbal/ use positive affect in the service of down-regulat-
global processing, it is possible that the pattern ing negative affect to a greater extent than men.
revealed by these studies could be due to the use of Sex-related differences were also identified in
verbal/local strategies during emotional encoding the relationship between the habitual engagement
by women and the use of visual spatial/global of emotion regulation strategies and the retrieval
strategies by men (Cahill, 2006). However, recent of emotional autobiographical memories, with
evidence suggests a social account for sex differ- reappraisal being related to positive personal
ences in emotional memory. Consistent with this memories in men and suppression with negative
interpretation, recent evidence suggests that the personal memories in women (Denkova et al.,
sex-related lateralisation of AMY activity depends 2011). These findings extend the evidence
on the sex of the faces, in that left AMY is that men and women differ not only in terms
preferentially involved in successful encoding of of general emotional processing and memory
female faces in women, whereas right AMY is but also in the engagement of emotion regulation
linked to successful encoding of male faces in men strategies (Matud, 2004; Thayer, Rossy, Ruiz-
(Armony & Sergerie, 2007). This finding highlights Padial, & Johnsen, 2003).
the possible social/biological relevance of the In sum, the extant evidence suggests that
relationship between the perceiver’s sex and the differential processing of and memory for specific
stimulus properties. Related to this, there is emotional events, along with the associated neural
evidence that women seem, indeed, to have a correlates, differ in men and women, and that these
greater preference for socially relevant stimuli differences may be related to variations in the use
(faces and persons vs. scenes; Proverbio, Zani, & of encoding and emotion regulation strategies.
Adorni, 2008), and that it is the feminine and
masculine roles as established by the society,
rather than the biological sex per se, that seem to The role of age-related differences
influence emotional memory (Cahill et al., 2004).
Although investigation of sex-related differ- Although older age is associated with increasing
ences in the cognitive control of emotion have physical ailments, psychological stress, social
received less attention, the available evidence losses, and increased dependency, most of the
points to possible differences in both emotion people are in general satisfied in old age and
regulation strategies and the associated neural experience relatively high levels of emotional
correlates. Indeed, emotional responses and the well-being. Supporting this idea, a large body of
subsequent memory can be influenced not only by research indicates that negative affect decreases
differences in emotional reactivity per se, but also (Grühn, Jacqui, & Baltes, 2005) and positive

affect increases or remains stable throughout the AMYACC interactions were associated with
life span (Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles, changes in the perceived emotional content of
1999). This unexpected phenomenon, charac- negative pictures, as shown by more ‘‘neutral’’
terised by improved subjective emotional experi- responses given by the older participants to the
ence in older age, is called the ‘‘paradox’’ of negative pictures (St. Jacques et al., 2010). Other
ageing (Carstensen et al., 1999; Mather et al., studies that explicitly manipulated emotion reg-
2004) and understanding it in the context of ulation in older adults also found a coupling
elucidating the role of individual differences in between the AMY and both the medial and
emotioncognition interactions warrants further lateral PFC (Urry et al., 2006; Winecoff, Labar,
investigation (Allen et al., 2005). Madden, Cabeza, & Huettel, 2011)
Abundant evidence suggests an overall cogni- Other reports focusing on age-related changes
tive decline with ageing (Daselaar, Dennis, & in emotional memory also provided evidence that
Cabeza, 2007; Park et al., 2002; see also Timpe, preserved emotional enhancement of memory in
Rowe, Matsui, Magnotta, & Denburg, this issue ageing is associated with relative preservation of
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

2011), but there is also evidence suggesting the AMY structure and function, as well as with
existence of compensatory mechanisms, the en- changes in the neural circuitry underlying emo-
gagement of which allow healthy elderly to per- tion processing in healthy older adults (Kensinger
form in cognitive tasks as well as their younger & Schacter, 2008; St. Jacques et al., 2009). In our
counterparts (Cabeza, Dolcos, Graham, & Ny- study investigating age-related differences in
berg, 2002; Dolcos, Rice, & Cabeza, 2002). How- emotional memory, for instance (St. Jacques et
ever, evidence from the affective domain suggests al., 2009), we identified similar involvement of
not only overall preservation of ability to process AMY in emotional memory encoding in both
emotional information with ageing (Keightley, younger and older participants, i.e., greater en-
Winocur, Burianova, Hongwanishkul, & Grady, coding success activity for emotional than for
2006; Mather & Knight, 2006), but also an neutral stimuli. However, the study also identified
enhanced ability to control emotion (Gross et age-related differences in the formation of emo-
al., 1997), which is reflected in a positive affective tional memories in both MTL and PFC regions,
bias, i.e., the tendency to attenuate negative i.e., a decrease in the MTL contribution (along
emotions and enhance positive emotions (Mather with other posterior brain regions, including
& Knight, 2006). visual cortex) coupled with an increase in the
Age-related positivity effects have been docu- dlPFC involvement. Moreover, these opposing
mented in how people perceive and appraise effects of ageing on MTL and dlPFC activity were
emotional material, as well as how they remem- also observed in the functional connectivity of
ber emotional memories (Mather et al., 2004). these brain regions with AMY: decreased for HC,
Functional neuroimaging evidence suggests that and enhanced for dlPFC during encoding of
age-related changes in general emotion proces- memories for negative pictures.
sing are linked to changes in AMY and frontal These findings suggest an age-related reduc-
cortex activity, and in their interaction. Although tion in the contribution of the direct AMYMTL
some reports suggest age-related decrease in mechanisms, which is compensated by the en-
AMY activation (Fischer et al., 2005; Tessitore hanced contribution of AMYPFC mechanisms
et al., 2005), others show that diminished AMY to the formation of emotional memories. These
activity is limited to negative stimuli, as opposed age-related differences in the emotional network
to positive stimuli (Mather et al., 2004). In a are consistent with a more general pattern of
recent investigation of functional connectivity Posterior-Anterior Shift in Ageing (the PASA
within the emotional network (St. Jacques et al., model), i.e., diminished engagement of the poster-
2010), we identified evidence for age-related ior brain regions compensated by enhanced con-
increase in AMYfrontal interactions during tribution of the PFC regions (Davis, Dennis,
processing of negative stimuli, in the context of Daselaar, Fleck, & Cabeza, 2008). Given that
preserved AMY function (Figure 5A). Specifi- the PASA pattern observed in the cognitive
cally, older adults showed enhanced connectivity domain is interpreted as reflecting the engage-
between activity in the AMY and the anterior ment of compensatory mechanisms (Davis et al.,
cingulate cortex (ACC) while rating the emo- 2008; Grady et al., 1994), the findings in the
tional content of negative pictures (Figure 5B). affective domain mentioned above could also be
Interestingly, these age-related differences in interpreted as reflecting compensatory engagement
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

Figure 5. Preserved amygdala function and increased amygdala-ACC connectivity in healthy ageing. (A) Coronal brain view and
bar graph showing overlapping activity in the right AMY region during processing of negative pictures (Neg  Neu) in young and
older adults. The y-axis represents the difference in activity between negative and neutral conditions and units are in effect size, the
difference in the parameter estimates of the activation. (B) Sagittal/lateral brain view and bar graph showing age-related increase in
the interaction between AMY and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) during processing of negative pictures. The y-axis represents
the difference in correlations between negative and neutral conditions. From St. Jacques et al. (2010), with permission. [To view this
figure in colour, please visit the online version of this Journal.]

of PFC mechanisms as a result of overall dimin- of relative preservation of the mechanisms re-
ished contribution of the MTL mechanism. This sponsible for emotional processing. These phe-
interpretation is consistent with the behavioural nomena are associated with differential
findings that showed overall better memory for involvement of the MTL and PFC mechanisms
emotional than for neutral stimuli in both young and relative preservation of anatomical and func-
and older groups, although the latter group also tional integrity of the AMY. Collectively, these
showed a reduction in the emotional enhance- findings suggest a pattern defined by decreased
ment of memory, possibly as a result of reduced MTL contributions associated with increased PFC
contribution from the direct MTL mechanisms involvement and with enhanced AMYPFC in-
(St. Jacques et al., 2009). However, given the teractions, which could reflect the engagement of
evidence supporting enhanced cognitive control compensatory mechanisms and/or enhanced emo-
of emotion with ageing (Gross & John, 1997), an tion regulation (see also Allen, Kaut, Baena,
alternative account for increased PFC involve- Lien, & Ruthruff, this issue 2011; Noh & Isaaco-
ment is that it reflects enhanced engagement of witz, this issue 2011).
emotion regulation strategies in older adults (St.
Jacques et al., 2010), which also results in reduced
overall enhancing effect of emotion on memory in CONCLUSIONS, OPEN ISSUES, AND
In sum, behavioural and brain imaging evi-
dence supports the idea of age-related differences The present review analysed the neural correlates
in emotioncognition interactions, in the context underlying reciprocal interactions between emotion

and cognition, focusing on three main topics: (1) two effects is not clear. For instance, it is
the impact of emotion on cognition, (2) the unclear to what extent certain brain regions
impact of cognition on emotion, and (3) the role commonly identified in studies investigating
of individual differences in emotioncognition the enhancing and impairing effects of emo-
interactions. As discussed, emotion can produce tion on cognitive processing (e.g., AMY)
both enhancing and impairing effects on cogni- contribute to both effects, or may specifically
tion, can have both immediate and long-term contribute to one or the other of the effects,
effects that may impact not only lower level (e.g., depending on the context in which emotional
perceptual) but also higher level (e.g., mnemonic) stimuli are presented (i.e., as task relevant or
cognitive processes. An important aspect related task irrelevant). Simultaneous investigation
to the impact of cognition on emotion processing of the neural correlates of the two opposing
is the capacity to deploy cognitive control in order effects of emotion on cognition (i.e., the
to resist momentary emotional distraction and, on enhancing vs. impairing) would allow identi-
a long run, the ability to cope with longer lasting fication of the neural mechanisms underlying
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

emotions and feelings. The evidence concerning processing that links the immediate disrupt-
the role of individual differences in these inter- ing effects of emotional distraction on short-
actions points to factors that may influence term/working memory to the enhancing
susceptibility to mood and anxiety disorders, effect of emotion on long-term episodic
which are characterised by unbalanced interac- memory. It is plausible to expect that reallo-
tions between emotion and cognition that lead to cation of processing resources in the presence
the devastating effects associated with these of task-irrelevant emotional distraction leads
psychiatric conditions. to both impaired WM and enhanced episodic
Overall, the extant evidence concerning the memory for the distractors themselves, but
neural substrate of various aspects of emotion probably through modulation of brain activ-
cognition interactions points to dynamic inter- ity in different neural systems. Investigation
plays between separate but interconnected neural of these effects within the same subjects is
systems involved in emotional and cognitive/ critical, as they tend to cooccur in both
executive functions. This evidence also highlights normal and clinical conditions.
the role of the AMY as central to the impact of 2. Another open question refers to the role of
emotion on cognition, although its engagement emotional valence and arousal in both im-
impacts differently activity in brain regions in- mediate and long-term effects of emotion on
volved in the enhancing (increased) versus im- cognition. For instance, the majority of
pairing (decreased) effects of emotion. Amygdala studies investigating the impact of task-
activity is also the target of top-down control of irrelevant emotional distraction on perfor-
emotion, exerted by lateral and medial PFC mance in short-term/working memory tasks
regions. Finally, activity in these neural systems (Chuah et al., 2010; Denkova et al., 2010;
may be linked to individual variation in aspects Dolcos et al., 2008; Dolcos & McCarthy,
that potentially influence the sensitivity to emo- 2006) used only high-arousing unpleasant
tional information, such as neuroticism, and stimuli as emotional distractors, and hence
functional alterations in the way they interface it is not known whether the observed effects
with each other may lead to emotional and could be generalised to all emotional stimuli,
cognitive disturbances, such as those observed in regardless of valence and level of arousal.
affective disorders. Despite a rapidly growing Similarly, although most of the evidence
body of literature providing clarification of the from studies of episodic memory suggests
neural correlates of emotioncognition interac- that arousal is the main factor influencing
tions, a number of issues are still unclear. We will the memory-enhancing effect of emotion,
now briefly introduce them in relationship with the neural correlates underlying the contri-
aspects reviewed in this paper. bution of emotional valence are less speci-
fied (but see Mickley Steinmetz &
1. Regarding the impact of emotion on cogni- Kensinger, 2009; Talmi, Schimmack, Pater-
tion, although the findings reviewed here son, & Moscovitch, 2007). Given that posi-
provide compelling evidence that emotion tive and negative emotions have evolved to
can produce both enhancing and impairing subserve different functions, it is reasonable
effects on cognition, the link between these to expect that their contribution to the

memory-enhancing effect of emotion may be 4. Concerning the role of individual differences

associated with different neural mechanisms, in understanding emotioncognition interac-
which may work in synchrony with the tions and the associated neural correlates,
mechanisms underlying the more general important open questions refer to their link
effect of emotional arousal. In this context, to individual variation in the susceptibility to
it would also be interesting to investigate affective disorders. One way to address this
whether similar mechanisms contribute to issue is by linking investigations of task
the memory-enhancing effect of emotion in performance in conjunction with personality
the case of specific emotions that may share data to investigations of brain activity. Also,
one or both of the basic emotion properties in the context of a rapidly accumulating
of arousal and valence (e.g., anger vs. sad- corpus of evidence pointing to sex-related
ness, anger vs. fear). differences in emotioncognition interac-
3. Regarding the neural correlates of emotion tions, an important open question concerns
control, chief among the open questions is the link between emotional reactivity and
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 07:01 08 October 2017

understanding the role of different types of distractibility. Specifically, it is not known

emotional control and their associated neur- whether the enhanced emotional reactivity
al correlates. Most of the previous emotion observed in female participants also leads to
regulation research has focused on con- enhanced emotional distractibility, and
scious/deliberate forms of regulation, such whether individual variations in emotional
as conscious suppression of emotional re- reactivity are linked to specific patterns of
sponses (Jackson et al., 2003), which may activity in the neural network involved in the
require effort in controlling emotional re- cognitive control of emotion. Thus, it is
sponses, but little is known about noncon- important to investigate whether sex-related
scious/automatic forms of emotion differences in behaviour are reflected in
regulation and the associated neural corre- different patterns of brain activity in brain
lates (see however Dolcos et al., 2009; regions associated with emotion processing
Mauss, Evers, Wilhelm, & Gross, 2006). and cognitive control.
Manipulating the inducement of the goal to 5. Another important area of investigation
control emotional response would be a concerns identification of alterations in the
practical way to directly compare the two neural correlates of cognitionemotion inter-
forms of emotion regulation. It is reasonable action in clinical conditions, such as major
to expect that although automatic regulation depression and posttraumatic stress disorder
might be less effortful and less costly, it (Hayes et al., 2011; Ritchey, Dolcos, Edding-
might also be less efficient in the face of ton, Strauman, & Cabeza, 2011; Wang,
highly challenging transient emotional situa- LaBar, et al., 2008), and direct comparisons
tions. It is important to note, however, that of findings from populations showing con-
typically most of the emotions that we have trasting affective biases. An example of such
to deal with in daily life situations are rather an ‘‘extreme’’ comparison in the domain of
‘‘mild’’, and thus it is very likely that auto- emotion regulation is between healthy age-
matic emotion regulation is more frequently ing, associated with enhanced ability to
engaged as a regulation strategy in normal control emotion, and depression, associated
circumstances, as opposed to the engage- with impaired emotion regulation, or emo-
ment of deliberate strategies that may be- tion dysregulation. Existing evidence sup-
come critical in ‘‘crisis’’ circumstances. ports the idea of age-related differences in
Therefore, it is important to investigate emotioncognition interactions, in the con-
whether nonconscious and deliberate emo- text of relative preservation of the mechan-
tion regulation strategies have similar im- isms responsible for emotion, and point to
mediate versus long-term effects on AMYPFC interactions that may reflect the
behaviour, whether they share the same engagement of enhanced emotion regulation
neural correlates, and whether they are (St. Jacques et al., 2009, 2010). However, less
similarly affected in the case of chronic is known about the nature of specific auto-
exposure to emotional challenge, leading to matic engagement of emotion regulation
affective dysregulation observed in affective strategies used by the elderly that generates
disorders. positivity biases in emotion processing and

how they may be affected in depression. REFERENCES

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