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Centra [5:59 PM]

Okay everyone. Good afternoon/morning/evening

depending on your time zone.


We will have this AMA from now until 6:30pm EST. Thank

Chrisd76 [5:59 PM]

On behalf of @euroma1 who couldnt be here

I have a few questions, but since the ama is to late for me
il post em now
1) In the future , when NEO is a spendable asset, will the
people generate GAS? , is this also going to be a
spendable asset? and will the generated GAS be paye
dout daily/weekly/monthly?
2) The exchange, is it going to be like Binance, where you
pay less fee's if you use the CTR token to pay for
transaction fee's? if yes what will happen to the recieved
CTR tokens (resold by CTR through the fiat to CTR) or
3) I have used the wallet a bit (due to the user glitch) and i
have a few issues, is it possible to add a feature to let it
save the username so we don't always have to put it in
again, and just login using the password?
4) when paying with the centra card do we always have to
have the app open, or will it remember our prefered asset
for spending?
5) When will NFC payments and virtual cards be

Thanks for the increased transparancy and these daily


rhqjawns91 [5:59 PM]

Could you give us a timeframe for KYC in Australia?

Centra [6:00 PM]

1. NEO will work just like it does in exchanges. No GAS
will be created.
2. Yes, those CTR goes into a fund to pay rewards and
other expenses. We can't burn it would construe a security
3. Version 2.1.2 is coming out soon
4. No app can be closed.
6. Anticipating a release this month and next on Virtual
Lee Bonghan [6:00 PM]
Please explain the progress of your lawsuit this time.

Centra [6:01 PM]

@rhqjawns91 We are streamlining the process once ready
it would take anywhere between 1-3 days

enginebread [6:01 PM]

I am from the caribbean where we dont have as much
details available as would be first world countries. How will
kyc affect us and what batch are we likely to be in for

watcher [6:01 PM]

joined #ama.

[6:02 PM]
@Lee Bonghan We had a hearing today and per Allan
their case is weak, fabricated and a spin off of a NYT &
business insider article. We have proof we have
relationships to issue these cards and that has been the
case for a long time. Centra has the best securities law
firm in the country that consists of super lawyers. The
complaintant never reached out to us to and was always
malicious and a competitor supporter. Also Terms and
Conditions, and more never offered this as an investment,
certain phrases can't construe that (edited)

suhedi [6:02 PM]

joined #ama.

somangs8 [6:02 PM]

When We can use NFC??

Centra [6:03 PM]

@enginebread KYC will only effect you if your in a OFAC
restricted country

@somangs8 Most likely in Google by the end of this
month and Apple next month/Q1

Lee Bonghan [6:03 PM]

I don't know the law about ICO. Please explain why this is
a problem and how Centra can pass the regulations.

[6:04 PM]
@Lee Bonghan, the law in the US is you can walk
anywhere and sue anyone. This is how America works.
Centra has a great legal firm who analyzes our situation.
However this could bring unwanted attention to us but we
will stand our ground and go with what we follow and what
the law actually states.
enginebread [6:04 PM]
No, we are not OFAC restricted

[6:04 PM]
@enginebread Then as soon as your in que you wll
receive once passed.

ken.raphael [6:05 PM]

First I'd like to acknowledge the work you guys are doing
and the progress that has been revealed so far - the
wallet, the MSB license, and the team that you guys have
Question is: it seems like there are several things outside
of Centra's control that comprise the critical path to a card.
One is KYC, the other is Mastercard bins.
Why doesn't Centra focus of delivering the fully working
and complete wallet which is within Centra's control and
let that success stand for itself? Sometimes success
begets success and the fact that nothing is finished is
making it harder to trumpet any accomplishment that can
drive value until the cards get shipped.

[6:05 PM]
To determine if a token is security or not, the SEC has this
test correct? If memory serves, Centra passed it?

ken.raphael [6:05 PM]

In short can you give us something to start promoting this
project about?

Crypto Venom [6:05 PM]

When can the KYC be instant just like in some

cryptorider [6:05 PM]

when will be cards available in the EU?

[6:06 PM]
@ken.raphael Great point and thank you for your
comments, we actually made great progress today and will
most likely (60%) ship out cards next week. We have
separate developers working on each topic and constantly
working on improving the wallet.

@cryptorider Potentially next week, if not a few weeks.
rhqjawns91 [6:07 PM]
card shipement and kyc is separate, so you would still get
a card even if your kyc hasnt passed yet?

Centra [6:07 PM]

@Chrisd76 SEC has the ability to investigate anyone
including us if we are security or not and I personally
believe they might over all the fuss, however, we will
again, with legal counsel fight any claims.

Everyone here knows Centra never portrayed this as an
investment, everyone bought a product that came with a
utility token. (edited)

@rhqjawns91 They are two seperate checks correct

@Crypto Venom The instant check isn't the safest way

Their is a reason why we did high level KYC because we
don't want anyone physically using the card or wallet that
shouldn't not even for a small amount

ken.raphael [6:09 PM]

One other question: like Myetherwallet, if a user simply
wishes to use Central wallet as a wallet and they are not
from the US, why can they not be allowed with the lowest
level KYC? Rationale is that I think this wallet with its 8
assets is one of the best out there currently, and letting it
be open to potentially millions of crypto users can bring
value and lead to customers who choose to go to KYC to
request cards

Lee Bonghan [6:10 PM]

I saw your Facebook video, but Centra card did not come
out. Is this a legal issue?

[6:11 PM]
@ken.raphael We dont give users access to private keys
as we guarantee the funds. Also our wallet isn't open
source or free. Therefore we are required to do full

@Lee Bonghan Can you be specific?

ken.raphael [6:11 PM]

Yes I see the private key is the difference. Thanks.

AtlVIP [6:12 PM]

Not to beat a dead horse but I provided KYC info twice
during the ICO fiasco and signed my eth address, when
will these codes be coming? It seems like a few who
signed up on the revamped website are seeing clearer
progress than ICO participants.

[6:12 PM]
@AtlVIP Send me a PM with your info I will personally
help resolve it. Thanks

Lee Bonghan [6:12 PM]
Facebook Centra Tech

IN this video, there is no card. only wallet.

Centra [6:13 PM]

No issues @Lee Bonghan We are portraying the app and
discussing other topics. Cards are no issue or legal issue
to display except branding at the moment.

Lee Bonghan [6:13 PM]


enginebread [6:13 PM]

I also did verification with my eth address
still nothing here either

rhqjawns91 [6:13 PM]

so all ico contributors who have sent signed eth addresses
need to pm you if we dont have codes yet?

nido [6:14 PM]

ditto. There're lots of us who contributed during or even
before the ICO that have provided KYC info, signed our
transactions, etc etc

and seem to be back of the queue compared to people
who happened to signup on the website at the right
instant :confused:

Lee Bonghan [6:14 PM]

Do you have a specific meet-up plan(worldwide)?

Centra [6:14 PM]

No non-contributor has received an access code.

The website KYC you guys already completed when
ordering your card during the ICO
It's like your worried about double work. We have all your
info already as soon as KYC passes you'll get your access

@rhqjawns91 You could yes if you want and I can look up
a status or you can continue being patient as we get all
codes out post KYC. I can't make it go any faster I can see
if it's been done or not.

@Lee Bonghan Yes we actually are partnering with this
VR company to do worldwide meet ups with some new
tech. More info soon.

Lee Bonghan [6:17 PM]

Why don't you upload videos on Facebook to YouTube?
The video quality is pretty good.

Centra [6:17 PM]

@Lee Bonghan I willl have that addressed and corrected
and agree. :slightly_smiling_face:

rhqjawns91 [6:18 PM]

Could you confirm some details about the korean
exchange, as they recently announced no new token
samir.. [6:18 PM]
Are you in any talks with bittrex? If not, why?

[6:19 PM]
We already are installed on the platform/exchange but not
live because we set a date. Since NDA is over. We are
listing in Coinrail on 21st.

@samir.. We have sent them our info. They will "let us
know" when they plan to list.

samir.. [6:20 PM]

Are there any efforts being made to follow up on that?

Centra [6:20 PM]

@samir.. Their are always follow ups, however they
specifically told us not to talk about status or follow up. It is
their process. (edited)

samir.. [6:21 PM]

Ok thx

rhqjawns91 [6:22 PM]

any further korean exchanges planned or are you going to
focus on bittrex etc?

Lee Bonghan [6:22 PM]

Why don't you add the USDt token to centra wallet? I think
safe assets are essential for my portfolio.

Centra [6:22 PM]

@Lee Bonghan We have plans for future assets.

@rhqjawns91 A majority of our business is in Korea and
we plan to continue persuing other exchanges where CTR
can be purchased.

tzakeaw [6:23 PM]

When do you expect to reach all 40 assets supported in
the Centra wallet ?

tovsky [6:23 PM]

joined #ama.

tzakeaw [6:24 PM]

And when can you release more info on which assets they
will be ?

[6:24 PM]
2018-2019 @tzakeaw And we might do more.

tzakeaw [6:24 PM]

Understood, thanks

[6:26 PM]
We have 5 more mins. Thank you.

tzakeaw [6:26 PM]

All good questions and All good answers

magno [6:26 PM]

Can we expect cards for non initial contributors as well as
wallet, cellphone app and nfc this Q1?

tzakeaw [6:26 PM]

Thank you

[6:26 PM]
Yes @magno

Lee Bonghan [6:28 PM]

I think you need to diversify your card line-up according to
currency(KRW, JPY, USD) and design(metal,
plastic). You planning something?
[6:28 PM]
Currently only USD and EUR are currencies that we

We do plan on adding KRW next

But that is accross all of our cards

Lee Bonghan [6:29 PM]

Then, Korean users should pay for currency exchange
fees for a while.

OK. i understand

dragosid [6:30 PM]

I've read an article today somewhere that Korean
Exchanges have stopped listing new tokens/coins as of
today... would you expect this to affect CTR listing if
proved true?

[6:30 PM]
Yes their will be a bank interchange fee for currencies if
you don't use USD or EUR
@dragosid We are already listed and paid, we set the date
for the launch on 21st.

If their is any changes we will find out, as of yet none.

dragosid [6:31 PM]
Korean Exchange Association Will not List New
Cryptocurrencies Until Further Notice
Perhaps the biggest changes imposed by the Korean
exchange association is the refusal to list new coins. It is a
surprising measure.
Today at 6:00 AM

[6:31 PM]
Yes fully aware of it

dragosid [6:31 PM]

This is the link I've seen on the main group

Lee Bonghan [6:31 PM]

It is not an official law. It is just a statement of private

Centra [6:31 PM]


Lee Bonghan [6:31 PM]

Don't care about it.

dragosid [6:31 PM]


[6:31 PM]
You know how this industry is hype and fud spread like

Any more questions @channel

[6:33 PM]
Thank you @Centra for a good AMA and have a good

samir.. [6:34 PM]

Last question

Lee Bonghan [6:34 PM]

reddit time?

samir.. [6:34 PM]

How many ppl are u hiring in the next month?

[6:34 PM]
Their were no questions on reddit, i dont believe a thread
was made

However we will have our Video AMA on Monday with

And will set up a thread for it.

Lee Bonghan [6:34 PM]


there are many questions on reddit.

Centra Tech Daily AMA - Thruday 6pm EST •
Centra is holding a daily AMA in our slack channel. For
those not in slack please post your questions here and a
transcript of the Q&As will be...

[6:35 PM]
Oh he put thursday

Sorry it should of been Friday

i will have him edit

I will go through now

dragosid [6:35 PM]

I wish you guys luck with the lawsuit and hope it's another
hurdle you'll overcome to keep this great venture growing
for all of us

Centra [6:36 PM]

Will there be credit lines with the titanium or black cards
and if so what are the limits and will the payment system
be linked to where I can pay my debt with crypto from my
A: The Titaniums currently will have this feature, however
not until sometime in Q1 due to the switch of card carriers.

Can I buy cryto with my credit card on the centra
exchange like Coinbase? If so when do you expect that do
be ready?

What are my limits for pulling out of an ATM machine for

all the cards per day

A: Not at this time. Once we have all MTL licenses then

yes you can buy crypto in real time on our exchange
sometime in Q1-Q3.

ATM Limits are:
Card Limits – Centra Tech
FEATURED In the Press Centra Card Pre-order Today!
Centra Market Learn More! CTR Token Buy Now! Centra
Wallet Go to Centra Wallet Centra Network Learn More!

Asia is a big market and I think marketing should be done
in countries such as China, Korea and Japan. When do
you plan on releasing your news and transcript in these
languages ?
A: Extremely soon. We totally agree and are focusing on
website and white paper transaltions + marketing in the
native languages.

2nd question : When will centra be listed on Korean and
Japanese exchanges? ( Big exchanges not start ups like
coinrail etc)

A: It's a work in progress

dragosid [6:37 PM]

One last question, I did see in the new Card Limits that
Black cards now have a max w/d limit of $3k instead of
$10 (if my memory serves me well). Has it changed?

[6:38 PM]
Q: How many centra cards do you have to ship this time?

A: We will be shipping 600 cards in our initial run.

If kyc is being done manually how safe is our all of our
info? I somehow thought it went through a system and
would be encrypted somewhat.

A: It is being done manually by the compliance dept at

Actimize. They are a publicly traded, reputable company
Lee Bonghan [6:39 PM]
uploaded and commented on this image: image.png
1 Comment
there is an error.

Centra [6:39 PM]

’m curious to know which experts/team members
suggested that November would be a big month for
centra? Did they not know how this process worked? Are
these the same people coming up with time frames for
things to happen now?

A: Delays from our processors & issuers not Centra Tech.

Out of our hands, however we are pushing to get it done

Lee Bonghan [6:40 PM]

Not Daily Withdrawal. It should be 'ATM Withdrawl'.

Centra [6:40 PM]

Q: Do you know what in particular caused The chamber of
digital commerce to not associate themselves with centra?
I’m curious because it seemed like a lot of the fud was out
long before that happened. Thanks.

A: We believe they got called out publically by the reporter

from the NYT and thought this could be bad press for
them and removed that association.
[6:41 PM]
Any chance to get that association back with the Chamber
of digital commerce?

Centra [6:41 PM]

Worse case scenario what’s the longest it could take to
get the money transmitting license in all 51 states? Is
there any chance that it could get denied, if yes what are
the chances?

A: The time frames can vary from a few days to a few

months to a few years. All depends on the state and how
fast they want to move. We are retaining a whole firm for
this process to make it fast as possible. Anything, in
regards to licenses, can be denied. That's how the US

Q: 1.Have any of the team members been a part of other
well known projects in crypto? If yes can you specify
which? 2. Does the current centra team have the skill to
carry out all the things centra wanting to do? Or are you in
need to hire other people to actually carry out future

A: We are constantly growing the team. Cryptocurrency is

where it is today because with research many can
understand it and at the end of the day it's all coding. We
have skilled individuals and are growing the team
constantly with talent. We will have some announcements
on those soon.

@Chrisd76 We will explore it in the future.

@Lee Bonghan We will add "ATM" Daily is the correct

Any other questions @channel before we sign off for the

dragosid [6:43 PM]

One last question, I did see in the new Card Limits that
Black cards now have a max w/d limit of $3k instead of
$10 (if my memory serves me well). Has it changed?

Centra [6:43 PM]

I believe that and gold have slightly changed due to
compliance and card carrier switches.

dragosid [6:43 PM]


tzakeaw [6:43 PM]

What are your working hours Saturday ?

[6:43 PM]
We work 9-8 Mon-Sat.

Customer Support closes at 6pm

Devs are there till 8pm

Sometimes longer.

tzakeaw [6:44 PM]

:+1: thank you

dragosid [6:44 PM]

I would assume the same impact would have been for
Titanium too?

rhqjawns91 [6:44 PM]

have a good weekend

Centra [6:44 PM]

@dragosid Slightly yes.

Thanks! Hope everyone has a good weekend.

tzakeaw [6:44 PM]

Great ama, have a nice weekend

[6:45 PM]
We appreciate everyones support!

dragosid [6:45 PM]

Thank you and you too!

[6:45 PM]
We wouldn't be here without you guys. So thank you!

tzakeaw [6:45 PM]


[6:46 PM]
We will post a new Reddit AMA thread for the video with
Chase on Monday.

Take care. Bye

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