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ISTE Standard Evidence

Visionary Leadership Along with being a member of one

of the first Microsoft Teams PLC
groups, I have also developed a
proposal on how to best incorporate
technology innovation.
Teaching, Learning, and Created two webquests. One was
Assessments created from scratch and shared
afterwards with the of Foundations
Math. The other collaborating after
collaborating its design.
Digital Age Learning Technology tools such as Plickers
Environments and Smartboard Assessments such
as Jeopardy allow a new format of
Professional Development and My school has just administered a
Program Evaluation Professional Development
workshop for one cluster teacher to
test run the online ELA MCAS. I
will relay this information for the
other cluster teachers.
Digital Citizenship Through the discussion and creation
of example Acceptable Use policies
from my Internet for 21st Century
Teaching and Learning course, I
have relayed that to my classroom
on classroom online etiquette.
Content Knowledge and As 21st century skills is becoming
Professional Growth essential in the workforce, it is
imperative for all of us educators to
explore many ways to incorporate
these skills in our core subjects.

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