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Education, like any other social institution, is sensitive to social change. It has three
main aspects. Education helps to transmit traditional culture patterns. It is an instrument for
bringing about changes which society desires. In its search for truth it initiates change. Which
society desires. The influence of education on society is that, the society teaches education it’s
young so as to enable them to be successful adults. Every society has a system of education
though it may not have specific educational institution like school and universities. Definition of
education according to Johan dewy “Education is the reconstruction of experience (Alam, 2003).

With so little emphasis being place on education and the development of human
resources. It is understandable that successive government in Pakistan have not realized the
important of investment in the social sector. At time when the prognosis for literacy appears to be
so optimistic internationally, it is a pity that Pakistan can substantial progress in this field. With
the literacy rate so low (52%) and the education sector achieved in the near future. It is time the
government recognize its responsibility towards its citizen and generates resource for the
education as many third world countries poorer than us have done What is important is that the
will, to tackle the problem of literacy should be present.

In the absence of an adequate number of schools and a good standard of education it is

simply to ensure that every child will go to school and will actually study, irrespective of what
the law says. A major factor for the lack of progress is the very high drop-out rate-roughly
around fifty percent. This means that most of the children who are shown to have enrolled are
actually not attending school. It is important that education be upgraded and related to social and
economic environment.

1) To know the basic problem to primary school students.

2) To know about the standard of education in primary school students.

3) To find out the causes of these problem which faced by primary school students.

4) To know the impact on the future of primary school student.


Education is the backbone in the development of any nation. It is a fact that countries that
have an effective system of education also happen to be the leaders of the world, both socially
and economically. In short it is education, which can turn the population of any country from a
burden to human resource. The key to development is good education system, which is solely
based on negligible problems for both the teachers and the students. It is a fact that Pakistan is
one of those very few countries where the system of education has constantly eroded since
independence. The situation at present is so worst that the government has officially declared our
system of education to be almost collapsing and is employing all possible ways and means on
emergency basis for the speedy uplift of our educational system. Till this day all the studies has
shown that with the passage of time the problems being faced by the students multiplied. During
this period no one paid any attention to them and instead wasted almost all the energies and
resources on improvement of buildings and changes in curriculum (Chakrabarti, 2010).

In Pakistan the problems being faced by students are as numerous as that being faced by
teachers if not more. These mainly include the following:


Our student is the most unguided student in the world. Neither the parent due to their
ignorance nor the teachers due to lack of professionalism are able to guide them. Lack of
guidance is very serious problem which student face in our country; in Pakistan education
maximum parents are uneducated so they can’t guide their children ( Knews, 2010).


Pakistan is an underdeveloped nation, majority of our people are living on the poverty
line who can barely make their both ends meet. They cannot afford even the negligible fees being
charged in the government institutions, let alone the books and uniforms for which they are to
pay from their own pockets. Children in poverty don’t achieve well in school (Bracey, 1997).

There are no trained teachers in our education system. The purpose of early/primary
education is to induce in to the students an interest of education but children are exposed to
untrained teachers in their early stage of education they lose interest in education and results in
early dropouts To camouflage their inability teachers grow a fence of fear around themselves.
They resort to indiscriminate punishments resultantly some of the students run away from
schools and the rest become docile with no interest in education but to spend time aimlessly
(Charis, 1989).


Primary schools are devoid of proper laborites and learning aids. Due to this students are
bombarded with theoretical concepts, which in the absence of the required audiovisual learning
aids and laboratories confuses the students. As a result of this the students lose their interest in
education after which either they drop out or rely on practices like cheating, bribing teachers etc.
Students are subjected to inappropriate textbooks, which in the absence of appropriate reference
books makes the situation worst.


Students due to high expectations of their families and absence of guidance for both the
parents and students experience a lot of psychological stress, which has a retarding effect on their
growth. To camouflage their inability teachers grow a fence of fear around them selves. They
resort to indiscriminate punishments resultantly some of the students run away from schools and
the rest become docile with no interest in education but to spend time aimlessly.


Frequent transfer of teachers leaves no room for the development of mutual understanding
and respect for each other. The moment they start to understand each other, the teacher is
transferred. Once this process is repeated a few times with a student, the student closes himself to
teachers in future.

Due to bad socio-economic conditions of majority of our students they are not very attentive
to what is being imparted to them and neither can they practice it at homes. Students are
evaluated in our institutions not on the basis of their abilities but on the basis of their class. This
disheartens students who have weak financial/social backgrounds. Also our examination system
evaluates students not on the basis of their cognitive abilities but is more of a rote memory test.
All this is simply due to the fact that modern evaluation techniques are not applied


Students are physically stressed due to the fact that they start early in the morning and walk
long distances to schools, on reaching schools they are subjected to physical punishments and
when they return they are given substantial amount of homework for which they have no
guidance. I addition to this they are short of time as they have to take care of different home
related chores such as feeding cattle, bringing fodder etc. Due to mental stress and too much
work students have no time to develop social relations and the feeling of loneliness overtakes
them. This leads to depression and mental sickness, which is taken by society as being under the
influence of spirits. To cure this they are taken to different shrines which majority of times
results into partial mental disability.


Their is a lot of communication gaps between students, teachers and parents. Due to this
gap neither the teachers nor the parents come to understand the students, resultantly they enforce
upon them their wishes. This enforcement develops a rebellious or a docile nature in the students,
which retard the positive abilities.Our students are subjected to very frequent changes in the
medium of instruction. In the process the best they can do is to learn to read one of the
languages. Majority is unable to understand what is written in the text. They memorize the text
and recopy it in examination, which kills the basic aim of education ( Zhao, 2007)
The class rooms are over-crowded due to which the students are unable to take personal
attention of the teacher resultantly they are unable to communicate to the teacher their problems,
resultantly their problems never get resolved (INCA, 2003).


Their exists no facilities for co-curricular activities of the students. Very few schools have
playing grounds, which due to wrong planing of the school management are very overcrowded in
school breaks (since the whole school is given a break at the same time) provide no space for any
kind of sport. Also there are no provisions for sport goods due to which children run aimlessly in
school breaks. Which inculcates in them an aimless attitude/behavior.


This section gives information about the universe of the study, sample size, sampling
technique, data collection, and data analysis respectively.


District kohat selected as universe of the study regarding problem faced by male student
in primary school in kohat city. The data will be collected form the male students of primary


In this study nature of the respondents is i.e. the male students of primary school in kohat


Structured questionnaire and interview will be used by incorporating interview method

for data collection as all respondents are educated but unable to understand questionnaire and
interpret its meaning. Also, focus group discussion will be arrange with school teachers and one
with school students.


After the distribution of interview shedule, the data will be analyzed by transferring it on
the computer program i.e. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science, 2010) and frequencies
and percentages will be made accordingly


Alam, A. (2003). principles of sociology, New Awan printers, Peshawar, Pakistan, p-121.

K, Mohammad. (2008). Social work theory and practices, Shah rah-e-liaquat, Karachi.p-339.

Knews, B. (2010).Lack of parental guidance among students. Retrieved from

Charis, K.(1989). Effective teaching in school .London: Prentice Hall, Inc.

INCA. (2003). International Trends in Primary Education, INCA Thematic Study No. Retrieved from

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