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To: Commercial Services Team at Goodwill of Central and Southern Indiana
From: Camille Blaisdell, Lindsey Fagerberg, Ellese Petty, and Becca Poppel

Date: February 16, 2018

Re: Completed Design Construction 2/12-2/16


Figure 1. Final Lock ‘N Load Plug Remover (left) and Two-Way Punches (right)

This week, the team completed final details of the Lock ‘N Load Plug Remover and Two-Way Punch,
as shown in Figure 1 above. The Tabletop was painted grey and the Adjustable Table Legs were
painted black. Additionally, testing was completed to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the design.
The highest and lowest heights of the table were determined to be 2 ft 10 in and 3 ft 10 in, respectively.
The stopper pin of the rack and pinion gears was tested and it is able to hold the table at its highest
position. The force to punch out a plug, using the Two-Way Punch was determined to be an average of
8 pounds. The Funnel functions correctly by guiding the removed plugs to the collecting bin below and
it is durable while in use. With the addition of the bracing for the Tabletop, it is strong enough to support
the loads of the plug removal process.

Specific accomplishments for the week

 The final design was painted black and grey
 Testing was completed to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the design

Missed Objectives
The team did not test the force required to rotate the lever to move the table up. This test will be
completed next quarter.

Specific Goals for Next Week

This is the final week of the quarter and therefore, the team will not be in communication with Goodwill
Indy for the next two weeks. We will return to class on March 5, 2018 and will be in contact to meet with
the Commercial Services Team at Goodwill Indy to discuss our final design. We want to thank
everyone at Goodwill Indy for their support during the construction phase of this project.

Open Issues

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