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Name: Shafira Karbela Putri

Student Number: P17334116427


Report on Activities to the Environmental Chemistry Laboratory of the Department of

Environmental Health

On 12 May 2017 we are from the International Candle Laboratory (ICL) visit
Environmental Chemistry located in Environmental Health Department Poltekkes Bandung.
Upon our arrival there we saw that the laboratories there look neat and clean.

Based on the results of visits to the environmental chemistry laboratory in the environmental
health of Department Poltekkes Bandung, such as:

1. In the chemistry laboratory the environment has performed all activities based on SOP
(Standard Operating Procedure).

2. have used PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as lab coats, masks, gloves.

3. Checking the equipment in the laboratory is done regularly.

4. does not have a first aid kit or medication for first aid accident in the laboratory.

5. not having an emergency exit, will already have an evacuation path.

6. There are APARs in the laboratory.

7. There are instructions for using the equipment in the laboratory.

8. does not have a specific waste disposal, so the waste goes to septic tank and also goes into
general sewer.

9. officers have received promotion and training of K3 in laboratory.

For those who like in the chemistry laboratory environment Health Poltekkes
Bandung Environment Accidents that occur in the laboratory there is no major or dangerous
accidents, if there is an accident such as broken glass, spills reagents and so forth.

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