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Org . 467
Published on 01 January 1966. Downloaded by University of Idaho Library on 07/11/2016 08:08:17.

The Preparation of Secondary Aliphatic Biazo-compounds from

By A. C. Day, P. Raymond, R. M.Southam, and M. C. Whiting
Several reports to the contrary notwithstanding, 2-diazopropane is neither difficult to prepare nor unduly unstabl?.
I t w a s made by oxidation of acetone hydrazone with mercuric oxide, as originally described by Staudinger and Gaule
in 191 6 except that base-catalysis w a s found to be essential The analogous preparation of 4-diazo-ochns is
also described. The requisite hydrazones could be obtained in good yield if conditions conducive to dis3rJ-
portionation were avoided

ALTHOUGH 2-diazopropane was prepared by Staudinger Needing 2-diazopropane frequently and in quantity as
and Gaule by oxidation of acetone hydrazone with a source of gem-dimethyl g r o ~ p s ,we
~ , followed
~ Staud-
yellow mercuric oxide and their method later used by inger and Gaule's procedure, but were unable to effect
others,2 Applequist and Babad3 could not repeat the the oxidation with either commercial or freshly precipi-
procedure. They therefore used silver oxide as oxidant tated mercuric oxide. We likewise observed no reaction
a t -23" and obtained highly unstable ethereal soliltions J. R. Dyer, R. B. Randall, and H. M. Deutsch, J . 01.g.
of the compound. Alternative routes have either Chwz., 1964, 29, 3423; cf. D. W. Adamson and J . Kenner, J .
failed 4 or given a very low yield.5 Chem. SOC.,1935, 286.
G. ill. Iiaufman, J. A. Smith, G. G. Vander Stouw, and H.
€I. Staudinger and A. Gaule, B e r . , 1916, 49, 1897. Shechter, .J. Airier. Chem. Soc., 1965, 87, 985.
I?. C. Guha and 1). K. Sankaran, Be?.., 1937, 70, 1658. A. C. Day and M. C. Whiting, Proc. Clzern. SOC.,1964, 365;
D. E. ,4pplequist and H. Babad, J . O Y ~Ckem.,. 1962, 27, Chem. Comm., 1965, 292; see also preceding Paper.
288. A . C. Day arid P. Raymond, unpublished work.
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468 J. Chem. SOC.(Cj, 1966
at -20" between ethereal acetone liydrazone and previously,s~9 and is well illustrated b:y the contrast
silver oxide which liad been rigorously washed free between the two preparations of diphenyldiazo-
from base. A t room temperature, the reaction witli methane 9910 (contrast also refs. 8 and 11). Miller has
silver oxide was vigorous, but subsequent silver- suggested that base-catalysed oxidation proceeds via
catalysed decomposition was so fast that only a faint, the conjugate base of a mercuriated hydrazone.
transient pink colour was observed. Hydrazones appear from the literature to be difficult
However, in the presence o€ a basic catalyst (0.05 to prepare free from the corresponding azines, and
equiv. of ethanolic potassium hydroxide), acetone although in certain cases part of the difficulty is due to
h~7drazonewas oxidised smoothly in ether a t 0-15" the insolubility of the azine (which may be counter-
Published on 01 January 1966. Downloaded by University of Idaho Library on 07/11/2016 08:08:17.

by yellow mercui ic oxide. Oxidation was essentially acted by use of an alcoholic co-solvent 12), the main
quantitative after 10 min. ; but yields after filtration problem is that hydrazones disproportionate, especially
from the mercury residues (which strongly catalysed the in the presence of traces of water.l39I4
decomposition of the diazo-compound) and adequate Octan-4-one hydrazone was easily made by slow
drying were usually 25--350//, . The ca. 0.2~-solutionsso addition of the ketone to an excess of hydrazine hydrate,
obtained were stable for several hours a t room temper- the product isolated b y ether extraction being S u f i -
ature or below, anti in general they were used directly. ciently pure for the oxidation. i2luch disproportionation
For experiments in which the presence of soluble mer- occurred on vacuum distillation, although with a rapid
cury compounds was detrirnen tal, or even d a n ~ e r o u s , ~rate of distillation a 20-25% yield of substantially pure
the diazo-solutiai was distilled (with very little loss) at hydrazone was obtained as a lower-boiling fraction,
-2O"jlO mm. and condensed a t - 2 3 " . Distilled solu- which was rather unstable even at -20". For acetone
tions had a half-life of ca. 3 lir. a t O", and their red colour hydrazone, the reaction between equimolecular amounts
persisted €or S-10 hr. even at 15'. of acetone azine and anhydrous hydrazine at 100"
The effect of base on the silver oxide oxidation was for 12 hr.l gave a product (85-90~/0,) of acceptable
particularly striking. Addition of a trace of solid sodium purity on rapid distillation. I t disproportionated
carbonate (0.003 mol.) to a (non-reacting) mixture of rather rapidly at room temperature or below, and was
the oxide and hydrazone in ether at -24" resulted in consequently redistilled immediately before use. Old
rapid reaction to give a 1576 yield of 2-diazopropane. samples could be regenerated by reheating them to
Even at this temperature, the filtered solution was 100" for 12 hr. before distillation. Qctan-4-one azine
highly unstable (decornposition catalysed by colloidal reacted impracticably slowly with hydrazine under
silver). these conditions.
The base-cat alysed mercuric oxide method was also A procedure for the preparation of hydrazones under
applicable to the preparation of the previously unknown mild conditions, using triethylamine as catalyst, has
4-diazo-octane, which was obtained neat as an unstable recently been described.15
red oil in 20-40:/, yield. (In this preparation, calcium
oxide was usually added as desiccant .) 4-Diazo-octane EXPERIMENTAL
decomposes rapidly, even at low temperature, to give Acetone Hydrazone.-This was obtained by Staudinger
octan-4-one azine and traces of octenes (1-5--2*57& by and Gaule's method (equimolecular quantities of acetone
gas chromatography). If thermal decomposition pro- azine l6and anhydrous hydrazine l7 kept a t 100" overnight)
ceeds via a carbenoid mechanism, it is somewhat and rapidly distilled (b. p. 122-126"; 1.4607; 85-
surprising that ketazine formation is favoured over 90%). It had a broad, medium-intensity band in the
intramolecular rearrangement such as : range 1600--1660 crn.-l (acetone azine has v,,,. 1635s
cm.-l). When the forerun and material boiling above 126"
P r n CN%.CH,*Prn 4 PrU-C:CH2*Prr14 P P C H=C H Pr" - were combined and reheated as before, more hydrazone
was obtained. Old samples, which had undergone dispro-
Considerable quantities of octanone were also found after portionation, could be satisfactorily regenerated by similar
decomposition, but whether this was formed by partial trcatinent before distillation. The compound should be
hydrolysis of the hydrazone, or whether the diazo-com- stored thoroughly dry, and redistilled immediately before
pound or the derived carbene reacted with molecular use.
oxygen or mercuric oxide is not known. Applequist 2-Diazoprofiane.-(a) Freshly redistilled acetone hydr-
azone (30 g.) in dry ether (100 ml.) was cooled t o 0" and
and Babad have described the thermal decomposition added with vigorous shaking to a cold (0") slurry of yellow
(in the presence of the silver residues) of 2-diazopropane
to give mainly acetone azine. l 2 G. Lock and I<. Stach, B E Y .1913,
, 76, B , 1251, and references
therein cited.
The desirability of a basic catalyst has been noted l3 T. Curtius and I,. Pflug, J . prakt. Chem., 1891, [2], 44, 536,
and earlier Papers; K. Heyns and A. Heins. ,4wzaZeut, 1957, 604,
C. D. Ncnitzescu and E. Solomonica, Org. Syrzfh., 1943, Coll. 133.
Yol. 11, p. 496; cf. P. D. Bartlett and I,. B. Gortler, J . Amel.. l4 L. I. Rraddock and M. L. Willard, J . O q . Cizevti., 1933, 18,
C h e m . SUC.,1963, 85, 1864. 313.
J. €3. Miller, J . Org. Chewz., 1959, 24, 560. l5 D. 13. R. Barton, R. E. O'Brien, and S. Sternhell, J . Chem.
10 L. I. Smith and K. I,. Howard, Org. Synth., Coll. Val. 111, SOC., 1962, 470.
1955, p. 351. IG T. Curtius and K. Thun, J . p r a k t . C'he~ri, 1891, [ 2 ] 44,
l1 I,. I. Smith and I I . 13. Hoehn. Org. Syuth., Coll. Vol. IIT, 161.
1955. p. 3 5 6 . l7 F. Raschig, E m . , 1910, 43, 1937.
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Org. 469
mercuric oxide (120 g., 1-33 equiv.) in ether (350 nil.) exceeding 120", disproportionation t o octan-4-one mine
containing 3~-ethanolic potassium hydroxide (9 nil.). and hydrazine (the latter collected in a cold-trap) was
The addition was made as rapidly as the vigour of the considerable and resulted in a continuously rising b. p.
reaction allowed (ca. 5 min.). Ice-cooling was maintained and a contaminated product. An early fraction (20-
throughout this and subsequent stages. After a further 25%) was essentially the hydrazone, b. p. 52.6"/0.01 niin.,
5 min., with occasional swirling, the concentration of the 3zDZ5 1.4590 (Found: C, 68.2; I-I, 12.95; N, 19.1. C,H,,N,
diazo-compound had reached its maximum, as shown requires C, 67.55; €I, 12.76; S , 19-70,;); vma\-. (CCI,)
by the optical density at 500 mp (max. 0.D. 1-5-1.6/1 cm. 1640m and 1615m cni.-l. The later fractions were heated
cell). The solution was filtered through cotton wool on to under reflux in V U C Z ~ Ofor 1 hr., then distilled to give the
potassium hydroxide pellets (200 g.). The sludge was azine, b. p. 142"/12 inm., wDZ5 1.4584 (Found: C, 76.1;
Published on 01 January 1966. Downloaded by University of Idaho Library on 07/11/2016 08:08:17.

washed with ether (2 x 75 ml.), and the washings H, 12-75; N, 11.3. C,,H,,X, requires C, 76.1; H , 12.8;
were combined with the original solution. After 5-10 N, l l * l ? & v,),:,., (CC1,) 1635s c~ii.-l (sharp, single peak) ;
min., the solution was refiltered (paper)on t o fresh potassium (CC1,) : three complex signals centred a t I9-05, 8-53.,
hydroxide pellets (100 g.). A final filtration gave the solu- and 7.76 in the intensity ratio 3 : 3 : 2 .
tion of 2-diazopropane, which was either used directly Reaction between the azinc (1 niol.) and anhydrous
or, preferably, distilled. Flash distillation at - 20"/10 nim. hydmzine (50 inol.) or hydrazine hydrate (50 niol.) a t 90-
(bath at 1-2") and condensation a t -78" caused little or 95" for 42 hr. in homogeneous solution (by addition of
no loss of either solvent or diazo-compound: the dark n-propanol) gave products whose infrared spectra indicated
distillation residues were largely acetone azine, but con- partial conversion into the hydrazone. The following
tained much combined mercury which rapidly formed a unsuccessful attempts t o convert the aziiie into the hydr-
grey precipitate. Undistilled solutions remained visibly azone were made : (i), azine (1 niol.) shaken for 2 days with
coloured for 4 - 6 hr. a t 0" (2-3 hr. a t 15") and slowly hydrazine hydrate (50 mol.), (ii), as (i) but for 16 hr. a t
deposited a grey precipitate. Distilled solutions retained 90-95", and (iii), as (ii) but using anhydrous hydrazine.
thcir red colour for 8-10 hr. a t room temperature. The 4-Diazo-octane.-Calciuni oxide (1.2 g., 3 niol. ; recalcined)
decrease in intensity of the diazo-alkane band a t 500 nip and 12 drops of a saturated solution of potassium hydroxide
gave, for the distilled solutions, a good first-order plot in dry ethFnol were added to octan-4-one hydrazone (1 g.,
(half-life 3 hr. a t 0"). Undistilled solutions gave a log 1 mol.) in dry ether (12 ml.). With stirring a t O", yellow
(optical density) 7's. time plot which curved towards the mercuric oxide (4.56 g., 3 niol.) was added over 2 niin.,
time axis. Yields, as measured by nitrogen evolution on and, with continued stirring a t 0", the course of the oxid-
adding acetic acid, were 25-35;/, (-O.Ziu-solutjon), .,A ation was followed spectrometrically a t 500 nip
500 mp (E - 2 ) . Yields estimated by addition of an excess After an induction period (5-15 inin.), the concentration
of standard benzoic acid and titration with alkali were of diazo-alkane rose to a ninximuni (60-80 inin.), then
consistently much lower (cf. ref. 3). There was very little slowly decreased. Filtration under gravity, arid removal
difierence between oxidations of acetone hydrazone with of the solvent a t 0" iqz Y ~ C U Ogave an effervescent, deep
commercial and freshly precipitated mercuric oxide. pink oil (ca. 0.6 g.), v,~,,. (CC1,) 2050 cni.-l, which was
X o attempt w a s made t o investigate fully the decom- used as quickly as possible. The minimum purity, as
position products, although acetone azine and small estimated from the percentage of products which could be
quantities of tetramethylethylene were always encountered accounted for in its acetolysis,ls was 30-5504. Rapid
(cf. ref. 3). decomposition with evolution of nitrogen in carbon tetra-
( b ) FreshlJ- precipitated silver oxide was rigorously chloride precluded the recording of a useful n.1n.r.
washed free froni base with distilled water and dried. spectrum: after 90 inin., the solution had become colour-
No oxidation of ethereal acetone hydrazone at - 20" was less, and it then gave a spectrum consisting of 3 complex
observed. -4t0" or higher, there was vigorous effervescence signals at. ca. I9.0, 8.5, and 7.7 in thc ratio 3 : 3 : 2, but no
accompanied by a transient pink coloration. Addition olvfinic protons were detected (d6.50,"). The colourless
of solid, anhydrous sodium carbonate ( 5 mg.) to a (non- solution had v ~ , 1720s ~ ~ . and 1635s cm.-l. Decomposition
reacting) mixture of acetone hydrazone (1 g.) and silver of the neat liquid a t -78 to 0" was rapid (2-3 hr.) and
oxide (3.9 g.) in ether (12-5 ml.) a t -24" resulted i n the gave the same products. Traces of octenes (1.5-240,6)
immediate formation of a red solution, which dcxompostd were detected by gas ch:-omatography amongst the de-
very rapidly. By nitrogcn evolution, on adding acid, composition products.
the yield was 15yo. Yellow niercuric oxide which had be-eii dried a t 90" for
0 c t a n - 4 - m ~ Ifydvazow.-Octan-4-one (50 g., 1 inol.) 1 day was very inefficient in this oxidation.
was added over 35 inin. to a stirred solution of hydrazine
hydrate (98 g., 5 mol.) in ethanol a t room temperature. One of us (K. 34. S.) thanks the D.S.I.H. for a niaiiiteiiancc
After 17 hr., the solution was diluted with water, and e s - grant.
tracted with ether t o give octan-4-one hydraTom (44.3g.), Uusor*l I'F-RRINSI~AEOKATORV,
vmaX. (CCI,) 1 6 4 0 1 ~ and 1615m cm.-l (broad absorptions). OXFORDL 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ .
This was pure enough for the next reaction. Even on rapid [:S,GlSS I I L C ~ I Z I .crptenzbfr
C~, 6th, 19651
distillation a t 0.01 111111. with a bath temperature nut l8 13. 31. Southain, D. Plul., Thesis, Oxford, 1965.

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