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Second Periodic Test

English 6

Name: ___________________________ Date: _____________________

I. Read the following sentences and then choose the correct form of verbs in the parentheses.
1. Tonsillitis (causes, cause, caused, causing) swelling of the throat.
2. During the survey of the people from the Department of Health, measles (are, is, was, were)
an epidemic in rural area especially during summertime.
3. Physics (was, were, is, are) Pommel’s best subject.
4. Philippines (is, are, were, was) a country that has plenty of historical places and tourist’s spots.
5. United Nations (is, are, was, were) called the powerful nation.

II. Circle the correct words to show cause and effect.

6. Flame tree got their name (because, if, so that) their flowers are flaming in red color.
7. A gold medal is a wonderful prize (because, if, so that) it means that the winner is the best
8. Agriculturists are needed in the Philippines (because, if, so that) our farmers will learn to
farm scientifically.
9. We must pay our taxes faithfully ( so that, if, because) the government will have money for
building infrastructure
10. It is the best to study in good schools (so that, if, because) the teacher and school
equipment are better.

III. Identify the following sentences. Write Simple if it is a simple sentence, Compound if it is a
compound sentence and Complex if it is a complex sentence.
_____ 11. The girls sing beautifully.
_____ 12. She remains faithful to him, though he was away.
_____ 13. The boy can read French but he does not know what it means.
_____ 14. Filipinos are admirable because they are sincere and trustworthy.
_____ 15. You and I are going to be good friends.
_____ 16. She wore colorful and sweet flowers on her hair.

IV. Answer the questions in each situation.

Ramon was watching the turtles very closely. It was crawling here and there. Then
suddenly, it hid its head and crawled away.
17. what made the turtle hide its head?
a) It was afraid of something b) It wanted to sleep
c) It was shy to Ramon d) It felt hot because of the sun
18. Why did the turtle know its way even without looking?
a) I lives in that place b) It has an antennae for feeling
c) It has strong sense of smell d) It memorizes the way
19. Where did Lolo Memong learn about animal behavior?
a) from school b) from his ancestors c) from animals d) from experience
20. What happened to Ramon?
a) He became an old man like his grandfather b) He did not want to leave his grandfather anymore
c) He learn a lot from his grandfather d) He easily tired of listening to his grandfather’s instructions

V. Infer the speaker’s mood. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
21. “I’ll stay in the sala. I’m afraid. The light is bright enough.” The speaker is _________.
a) kind b) excited c) determined d) patient
22. “Hurry! The rain is falling! We will get wet!”
a) happy b) excited c) patient d) determined
23. “I shall sail across the sea My ship will around the world,” said Magellan. He was ______
a) proud b) excited c) kind d) courageous
24. Your parents earn enough for your food. But they cannot send you to school. Would you like
me to help you and your parents? The aunt said. The lady was -___________
a) kind b) loving c) jealous d) proud
25. “I’m thirsty. I wish I could have a glass juice. Well, I can wait until the next boy is served.”
The speaker is ____________
a) loving b) patient c) faithful d) kind
VI. Choose the correct verb. Write the letter of the correct answer.
26. Each was sure that (they, he/she, we, you) was not mistaken.
27. Any one who wishes to buy (their, he/she, we, your) ticket now may do so.
28. Both of them have their rubber daps, but neither (his/her, has, have) suit.
29. Everyone must be in (his/her, their) places when the gong sounds.
30. Many (thinks, think, thinked, thanks) Pedro Rosales might be the author.

VII. From the list of words in the box, copy the word that angers each question below.
31. What G means free in giving?
32. What H means a generous act of receiving visitors?
33. What P refers to the outer features of a person?
34. What S is a synonym for aid or help?
35. What B refers to a conjunction meaning “for the reason that”?

because but hospitality honesty give generous

physical P.E. support system

VIII. Identify the plural of the following compound nouns. Write the answer in the blank.
36. Commander-in-chief - ___________________________
37. passer – by - ____________________________
38. state – ruler - ____________________________
39. handbook - ____________________________
40. headline - ____________________________

IX. Answer the following questions. Write the answer on the blank after the number.
41. How many years would a centennial celebration mean? _______________
a. one year b. one hundred year c. one thousand year d. one month
42. How many angles are there in a triangle? _____________
a. one angle b. two angles c. three angles d. no angles
43. How many lens are there in a binocular? _____________
a. one lens b. two lens c thee lens d. no lens
44. How many children could a couple have if a mother conceived a quadruple?_____
a. one child b. two children c. three children d. four children
45. How many events does a decathlon have? _____________
a. five events b. ten events c. fifteen events d. twenty events

X. Analogy:

46. food: eat :: water : _____

a) clean b) liquid c) drink d) glass

47. box: square :: tube : _______

a) cylindrical b) round c) flat d) oval

48. win: victory :: lose: ______

a) game b) defeat c) success d) score

49. first: primary b) middle: ________

a) first b) beginning c) last d) central

50. scale: weight :: barometer : _________

a) air b) pressure c) temperature d) sky snow

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