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While it may sound strange at first, after many years in the “health & fat loss” business I think that it is vital for
you as the reader to understand that what you are about to learn may go against what you hold to be true.
Many of the concepts and recommendations will fly in the face of mainstream diet and nutrition dogma.
That is because The Lean Belly Breakthrough is not just about losing belly fat. Rather, The Lean Belly
Breakthrough is about saving your life. Successful belly fat loss can only be achieved by approaching your
body holistically. The very word “holistic” means the importance of the whole and the interdependence of
its parts.

The Lean Belly Breakthrough will improve your health & well-being and
what you see in the mirror
While following The Lean Belly Breakthrough will get you to finally lose your stubborn belly fat, this book
also focuses on what you can’t see- primarily your health and attitude towards life. This combination of
healthy mindset, proper nutrition and physical exercise is the very essence of a “holistic” lifestyle.

The Lean Belly Breakthrough is about health, fitness and fat loss,
not simply “weight loss”
The Lean Belly Breakthrough puts the focus where you need it- on belly fat loss. By following this program
you will most likely lose weight, however, I can guarantee you will lose belly fat! These same principles are
also essential for improving your health, reducing disease risk and increasing your level of physical fitness.

The Lean Belly Breakthrough is about truth, not gimmicks

The truth is this; permanent, lifelong health, fitness and fat loss can only be achieved through the correct
combination of:

1. The correct mindset to reduce stress and increase focus on achieving and sustaining your goal.
2. Proper nutrition with a focus on eliminating internal irritation using healthy, whole foods; adequate
protein, essential fat and complex carbohydrate consumption.
3. Prescriptive exercise. Contrary to popular belief, more exercise isn’t always the better choice.
Instead of a “one size fits all” exercise program your plan should be designed to stimulate
metabolism and reduce belly fat without overstressing your joints, heart and nervous system.

The Lean Belly Breakthrough is a plan for your life

The Lean Belly Breakthrough has worked for many others and will work for you BUT it will take some effort.
Many of my clients own successful business’s that they built from zero. They didn’t just wake up successful-
they built it from the ground up. This is the same way you will build your new body. Since it has taken you
some time to get into the shape you are presently in, it will take some time to change. But owning your
health and fitness is more than worth this small investment of time.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

The Lean Belly Breakthrough designs a program for you, not the same
program for everyone
There are more than 6 billion people on the planet and no two are exactly the same. We all have different
goals, body types, metabolisms and are of different genders- so why would we all follow the exact same
fitness and nutrition program? With The Lean Belly Breakthrough you will be able to progress at your own
pace and customize the program to suit your own unique lifestyle.

The Lean Belly Breakthrough is clear-cut and not about guessing

Inside The Lean Belly Breakthrough you will find tools to measure your progress. I personally feel that
measuring your progress is the key to achieving your goals. Measuring is the only way that you will be able
to tell for certain that what you are doing is producing the result you desire.

The Lean Belly Breakthrough saved my own life

Nobody besides my wife (and doctor) knows this but not long ago I was hiding a powerful secret about my
own health. As a fitness professional I was often sought after by magazines and television programs as an
expert on the subject of health and fat loss. These appearances put me in front of millions of people and I
had even given speeches at major universities and corporations. But what these people didn’t know was
that I was hiding a personal health issue that was threatening my life.
For several months had been experiencing a number of serious health problems that doctors were unable
to properly diagnose. My muscle mass was declining and fat was starting to gather around my love handle
and lower ab areas. My sex drive was down and I was feeling more and more depressed with each passing
day. Most troubling of all was that I was experiencing a chronic stomach ache with some internal bleeding
and even after undergoing an MRI scan doctors were unable to confirm the cause or what could be done to
stop it.
Eventually my problems had become much worse and it all came to a head one night when I was awoken
to the sound of my wife screaming in the darkness. “Blood! Blood! You are bleeding she cried”. I will tell
you this- there are few things more terrifying than being awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of
your wife screaming in horror. Half asleep and in a confused state my first thoughts were that there was an
intruder in our home- so I leapt from the bed and grabbed a baseball bat from the closet.
Thankfully there was no intruder…instead there was something almost as sinister. As my wife switched on
the light I could see what she was so upset about. There was a large sticky blood stain on the white sheet
covering our bed and my pj’s were stained crimson. For some reason I was bleeding and for the first time
ever- I was scared about my life.
My mind started racing as terrifying thoughts started to enter my head: “Was I dying?”, Did I have cancer?”,
Would I live long enough to see my baby boys grow up and teach them how to throw a ball or swim in the
The feeling of uncertainty, not knowing if my problem was as serious as it looked, was the worst feeling
I’ve ever felt in my life. The next day I called Dr Heinrick to explain the situation to him and to see if he had
any ideas as to why this was happening to me. What he told me was shocking and would change the way
I would work with clients for the rest of my life. He asked me if I had recently been tested for colorectal

Lean Belly Breakthrough

cancer which fortunately I had passed with flying colors. He then asked me about my diet…and the foods
I had eaten in the past 24 hours. He also asked that I fax him a copy of my recent bloodwork...and then he
told me to be patient and that he would get back to me shortly.
Later that afternoon after a long day of worrying and searching the Internet for possible answers I received
a call from Dr Heinrick.
What he said nearly floored me.
He told me that he reviewed my bloodwork and could see that something called C-reactive protein was
high and this was the likely cause of my inexplicable bleeding that night.
He then asked me a very odd question- “Do you trust me Bruce?” I replied “yes, of course I trust you. I can
see how much you have helped my father in law and his wife and how much better off they are for having
met you- despite the tragic circumstances”. “Good” he replied. “Because I am going to need for you to trust
me by doing exactly what I say ok?”
I nodded my head and agreed to do what he wanted me to do. He then said “Bruce, I am going to make
this real simple for you. The problem you are experiencing is the same problem that triggered Dan’s heart
attack and the reason why he and his wife were struggling to lose their stomach fat. You look fine on the
outside but inside you are not well and are at serious risk for potentially deadly health problems if you
don’t get this under control.”
Potentially deadly health problems. Those four little words were all that I heard. I sighed and said “can you
help me doc? “Yes” he replied. “But you have to promise to do what I say because your problem is serious
and we don’t have much time. The good news is you already have the solution to your problem. Or rather,
your father in law does.”
Then it “clicked” and all made sense- he wanted me to follow the exact same program he had given Dan
and Sylvie. This was such a relief to me as I had already witnessed firsthand how powerful this program
was and how quickly it worked. I told Dr Heinrich that I would follow his advice and send him an update in
a week’s time.
Later that day I dropped in to see Dan and Sylvie and pick up a copy of the program Dr Heinrick had given
them. I rang their doorbell and was shocked by what I saw when I peered through the window of their front
door. Right there was Dan and Sylvie laughing and dancing in their living room. Even from outside the
doorway it was easy to see the increase in energy and how much weight they had both lost. This hit me
with a wave of emotion as I realized how far they had come in such a short period of time.
After I left their house with a copy of the program that had saved their lives I was anxious to get started.
The symptoms I was experiencing were not getting any better and I was desperate to find something that
would help end my problem and get me back to the energetic, healthy state I was just a short while ago.
That evening I poured through the pages of the small binder and was amazed by what I had learned. There
was information that I had never read about before in my twenty plus years as a fitness professional and
researcher. Any skepticism I had just fell away as I read the secrets behind why the program worked and
why it would help me with my own health issues as well.
Over the course of the next 21 days I followed the step-by-step program to the letter. What struck me first
was how easy it was to follow. Unlike other programs there were no weird foods that I had to eat, no high
intensity cardio exercise and no calorie counting.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

After just a few days the results were shocking. My bleeding had completely stopped. The nagging stomach
ache that had plagued me for months was suddenly gone. My energy was through the roof and everybody
kept telling me how good I was looking!
In just 7 days I lost 6 pounds and more than 2 inches from my waist. After only 2 weeks I had the visible
outline of my abdominal muscles showing again and I had to loosen my belt by two notches.
What was even more remarkable was the increase in energy I was feeling. No longer did I need my daily
afternoon cup of coffee to “perk me up” and stop me from falling asleep. The program you have in your
hands right now is the exact same program that helped me. That’s why I am so confident that it will help
you too.

The Bottom Line

One last thing, with The Lean Belly Breakthrough it’s important you understand and accept that your
success is up to YOU. No matter what your genetics are, you can change your body by focusing on the
areas of your life you CAN control; what, when and how much you eat; the frequency, duration and type
of exercise you do (or do not do), how focused you are on achieving your goal and the attitude you have
towards nutrition, exercise and LIFE!
The harsh reality is that if you have too much belly fat and are un-happy with yourself it is up to YOU and
you alone to make the changes necessary in order to achieve that which you desire. The moment you
accept full responsibility for who you are is the moment you are ready to begin this program and start living
the life you want in the body you deserve.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

Before we get to the specific rituals for losing belly fat it is important to discuss the lesser known heart
attack warning signs. Had my father in law known these he would have possibly avoided the heart attack
that almost took his life.
When it comes to assessing your risk for heart attack and overall cardiovascular health, there are a number
of risk factors including;
Abdominal obesity
High blood pressure
High LDL cholesterol
These are widely known and commonly tested as part of your annual doctor visit.
But there are other four relatively unknown signs that you may be a risk for heart disease and sudden heart
These traits are obvious the moment you look in the mirror and if you or someone you love has one or
more of these signs it would be prudent to see your doctor for a cardiovascular assessment.
After studying 35 years of data from nearly 11,000 male and female volunteers, Danish researchers found
that two of the four traits are fairly common and easy to recognize:
1. Receding hairline and
2. Bald spot on the head (If a participant in the study was mostly or completely bald, that person was put
into the “bald spot” group.)
The association of baldness and cardiovascular risk was seen among both men and women, though
baldness was much less common in women.
3. The presence of a small, lumpy, yellow deposits on, above,
below or next to the eyelids (a condition called xanthelasma
that’s caused by excess cholesterol under the skin)

Example of xanthelasma around the eyes.

Credit: Klaus D. Peter

Lean Belly Breakthrough

4. The fourth trait is the one my father in law Dan had and is a little
more obscure—a crease in one or both earlobes.

The presence of one or more of these traits doesn’t necessarily

guarantee a heart attack is imminent but the study showed that the
more of these traits a person had, the higher his or her chance of
having a heart attack or developing coronary artery disease. Example of earlobe crease.
Reprinted from Dermatology Nursing, 2010,
Volume 22, Number 3, by permission of the
For example, the researchers discovered that for people with three publisher, Janetti Publications, Inc.
or four of these traits, the chances of suffering a heart attack are
57% greater and the chances of developing coronary artery disease are 39% greater, on average, than for
people who have none of these traits.
What’s remarkable is that these elevated risks held true even when researchers controlled for other
common risk factors for cardiovascular problems, such as age, high blood pressure, high cholesterol,
excess weight, poor nutrition, smoking, not exercising, gender and a family history of heart disease.
The lead author of the study Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen, MD, DMSc, had the following to say about her findings:

Xanthelasma. This condition remains a mystery to medical science. One potential cause of
these fatty eyelid deposits is a diet that includes too much saturated fat—because saturated
fat can raise your cholesterol levels. A doctor may advise you to eat a healthier diet and get
more exercise, which may help lower your cholesterol numbers and, in turn, prevent more
fatty deposits from appearing. But it’s possible to have a normal cholesterol level and still have
xanthelasma. Other potential causes of xanthelasma are diabetes, certain cancers and cirrhosis
of the liver. You can have the deposits surgically removed, but unless the underlying cause is
treated, the deposits may return and your cardiovascular risk would not be reduced.
Hair loss. There are a wide variety of potential causes for hair loss. It could be due to genetics
(male pattern baldness)…a hormone imbalance…a drug (for instance, some medications that
treat cancer, arthritis, depression and high blood pressure are associated with hair loss)…a
thyroid problem…the disease alopecia, in which the immune system destroys hair follicles…a
scalp infection…a skin disorder (such as lichen planus or lupus)…emotional or physical shock
(due to, say, a death in the family or sudden weight loss)…anxiety (certain mental disorders make
people want to pull hair from their heads)…a certain hairstyle (pulling hair too tightly can cause
it to break and fall out)…overusing hair products (when hair gets too brittle, it can break and
fall out)…or improper nutrition (a lack of iron and protein can cause hair to thin). If you have a
treatable condition that’s causing your hair loss, treating the condition may or may not have a
positive effect on your cardiovascular risk factors—we don’t know.
Earlobe crease. This is a tricky trait. You might have an earlobe crease if the trait is passed down
genetically through your family. As far as what else may cause this, that’s up for debate. One
theory suggests that it could be due to impaired circulation leading to a collapsed blood vessel
near the earlobe. Another theory, which comes from a dermatologist, is that it may develop from

Lean Belly Breakthrough

a combination of aging and sleeping on one particular side of your body. But the cause is hard to
pin down and there aren’t any current treatments for it.
So all in all, it’s not entirely clear why these traits are associated with certain increased
cardiovascular risks and it’s not yet known how to counteract these increased risks. But if you
have at least one of these traits, Dr. Tybjaerg-Hansen said it probably wouldn’t hurt to talk to your
doctor about making more aggressive lifestyle changes (such as those found in The Lean Belly
Breakthrough program).
Special Note Regarding Waist Circumference
Recent research has discovered that your waist circumference is an excellent predictor of
morbidity. If at the age of 50 you have a waist circumference of 44 inches (female) or 45 inches
(male) you have roughly the same chance of premature death as if you had breast or prostate

Lean Belly Breakthrough

How To Become Heart Attack Proof—Tests and Other
Strategies You Really Need
According to Dr Michael Ozner, MD the following tests should be conducted on an annual or semi annual
basis to assess your risk for heart attack:


Here is an interesting fact- about half of all heart attacks occur in people with normal LDL “bad” cholesterol
Most doctors rely heavily upon the results of their patients’ basic cholesterol tests to determine their heart
attack risk. Total and LDL cholesterol—both measured by routine blood tests—are useful indicators of
heart attack risk.
The problem is that the desirable levels recommended by the National Cholesterol Education Program are
not the optimal levels that can protect you from having a heart attack.
For example, the optimal total cholesterol level is less than 150 mg/dL (rather than the standard
recommendation of less than 200 mg/dL).
Dr. William Castelli of the landmark Framingham Heart Study noted that none of the participants with a
total cholesterol level of less than 150 mg/dL had suffered a heart attack.
In addition, the desirable LDL cholesterol is listed as less than 100 mg/dL, yet clinical studies have
demonstrated that the optimal level should be less than 70 mg/dL.
DO THIS: All adults should aim for optimal levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol by following a
program like The Lean Belly Breakthrough.


Newer, expanded tests can give clues beyond those provided by the basic cholesterol results discussed
earlier. You may have to ask your doctor for these tests, but they are well worth it. Important blood tests for
all adults to consider…

L D L -P
The “P” stands for “particle.” It measures the number of LDL particles that carry cholesterol. It’s a more
effective indicator of cardiovascular risk than LDL cholesterol alone because it shows how likely you are to
develop atherosclerosis. Elevated LDL-P means that you are at risk of having a heart attack even if your LDL
cholesterol is normal.
DO THIS: Patients should strive for an optimal LDL-P level of less than 700 nmol/L.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

A po -B
This test measures a protein known as Apolipoprotein-B (Apo-B). It appears on the surface of all
cholesterol particles that can enter the artery walls and potentially lead to atherosclerosis. Patients should
aim for an optimal level of less than 60 mg/dL.
DO THIS: Depending upon the profiles offered by the laboratory that is being used, it’s appropriate to
measure particle number with LDL-P and/or Apo-B to get an accurate assessment of heart attack risk.

Studies show that elevated C-reactive protein (CRP), which serves as a marker for inflammation, indicates
an increased risk for heart disease and stroke. In some cases, a patient can have a normal cholesterol level
but an elevated CRP reading.
DO THIS: Ask for a high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) test (it’s more accurate for vascular inflammation than
standard CRP tests). Patients should strive for an hs-CRP level of less than 2 mg/L.

Vi t a mi n D
Most people associate vitamin D with bone health—it plays a key role in promoting the absorption of
bone-building calcium. But that’s not all vitamin D does. Preliminary research shows that correcting
a vitamin D deficiency (through foods, such as eggs, salmon and oily fish, and/or supplements) can
significantly lower inflammation and heart disease risk.
DO THIS: Ask your doctor to test your vitamin D level. An optimal level is greater than 30 ng/ml.

Om e ga -3 i n dex
This blood test measures the percentage of healthful omega-3 fat in the membranes of your red blood
cells. Low levels of omega-3 are linked to an increased risk for heart attack and sudden cardiac death.
DO THIS: Aim for an omega-3 level of greater than 8%. Consume high omega 3 foods (anchovies, sardines
and krill) daily or use a good quality supplement.
Research shows that if you have a 9% or greater saturation rate in your blood of Omega-3s, then you’re
90% less likely to die from sudden cardiac death
The reason why this statistic exists is because plaque or cholesterol does not tell the whole picture.
And that’s because if your arteries can’t expand due to inflammation (too much Omega-6s) then you’re far
more likely to have a cardiovascular event.
So, by increasing your Omega-3 levels to balance your Omega-6s your overall cardiovascular and health
profile should improve.

H o m o cy s te in e
An elevated level of homocysteine has been shown to be a cardiovascular risk factor in the majority of
research studies. Recently, it was found to be associated with new risk factors such as inflammatory markers.
DO THIS: Have your doctor test your homocysteine levels. Ideally, you want to be below 6 units. Supplement
your diet with folate and B complex vitamins if your levels are too high and follow this program.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

1. Periodontal disease
Many doctors have been slow to recognize how poor dental hygiene can increase a person’s heart attack risk.
Here’s what happens: If you don’t brush and floss regularly, small particles of food become trapped between
your teeth and gums, which promotes the build up of plaque as well as inflammation and infection.
Periodontal disease, in turn, causes a generalized inflammatory response that can increase heart attack risk.
In fact, a recent seven-year study of more than 100,000 people with no history of heart attack or stroke
showed that those who had their teeth cleaned by a dentist or hygienist at least twice a year over a two-
year period had a 24% lower risk for heart attack compared with people who did not go to the dentist or
went only once in a two- year period.
Do THIS: Brush and floss regularly…and see your dentist at least every six months.
2. Sleep apnea
Recent research shows that this night-time breathing disorder increases a person’s risk for heart attack and
What’s the connection? With sleep apnea, the upper airway narrows or collapses during sleep, often disrupting
sleep hundreds of times each night. This sleep disturbance decreases oxygen saturation in the bloodstream.
Sleep apnea also raises adrenaline and inflammation—both of which increase risk for heart attack.
Do THIS: Patients who have signs or symptoms of sleep apnea—such as snoring, periods of breathing
cessation during sleep, daytime fatigue and/or morning headaches—should see a doctor. There is some
evidence that treating sleep apnea can lower heart attack risk.


According to a study by the American Heart Association, an unusually heavy meal may increase the risk
of heart attack by about four times within two hours after eating. Researchers say this finding indicates
that eating a heavy meal may act as a trigger for heart attack in much the same way as extreme physical
exertion and outbursts of anger might – especially in someone who has heart disease.
In addition, studies have shown that a heavy meal can trigger a heart attack within a 26 hour period
following the meal. The recent death of actor James Gandolfini from a heart attack brought this topic to
the public domain. Researchers believe that this could be because eating raises levels of the hormone
norepinephrine, which can increase blood pressure and heart rate.
But what about specific foods- are there any foods that can trigger a sudden heart attack?

Th e a n s wer is yes .
Foods that are high in trans fats such as deep fried foods, pie crust, margarine, shortening, microwave
popcorn, non-dairy creamer, crackers, biscuits, store bought cookies and cakes.
The day that Dan had his heart attack he consumed “fish & chips” for lunch. This provided him with between
7 and 10 grams of trans fats in one meal which is more than enough to trigger a sudden heart attack.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

Here’s why- both of these foods are cooked in vegetable oils that contain oxidized fats due to the refining
process they undergo.  
According to Nutrition author, Catherine Shanahan, MD, the fats in vegetable oils used to cook French fries
are proven to immediately harm your arteries after eating them.
This is due to the free radicals that are formed during the refining of these vegetable oils which create
massive inflammation in your body.
Your arteries can become damaged as a result of this inflammation and this can directly lead to a heart
It is also important to note that this reaction can happen after just one exposure to these harmful fats so
they should never be consumed.
Writing in her book Deep Nutrition, Catherine Shanahan, MD, cites a study from New Zealand that showed
that subjects who ate French fries from a restaurant fryer displayed immediate harm to their endothelial
function of their arteries, going from a normal 7% dilation before eating the French fries to almost zero
dilation (1%) after consuming the French fries.
And if that’s not enough to scare you away from French fries for life consider this- Dr Shanahan surveyed a
hospital and discovered that every single patient that just had a heart attack had consumed foods made
with vegetable oils with their last meal before the heart attack.
As you can see this is serious business and not something to be taken lightly- especially if you already have
belly fat and subsequent high levels of inflammation. Be sure to pass on the French fries and have a side
salad or veggies instead.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

“Inflammatory factors predict virtually all bad outcomes in humans… having heart attacks having heart
failure, becoming diabetic… becoming fragile in old age…cognitive function decline, even cancer to a certain
-Russell Tracy, Professor of Pathology and Biochemistry, University of Vermont, College of Medicine

Scientifically speaking inflammation is a cascade of chemical reactions that happen within the body when
there is damage done to cells, when there is an irritant present or when the body senses a foreign invader.
Inflammation is believed to be the root of all chronic diseases and can make you old before your time.
The inflammation reaction is necessary and protective for the body in the short-term. This is known as
“acute inflammation”. Think of how the skin reddens and warms following a cut or an insect bite. Acute
inflammation is a short term, protective immune response that is switched on to counteract harmful
external threats. It’s generally a productive response and the symptoms are short-lived. Once the acute
inflammatory response has neutralized the threat, powerful anti-inflammatory compounds are released to
allow healing processes to take over.
The problem with inflammation comes when it is prolonged or becomes “chronic inflammation”. Recent
research reveals that almost all the age-related diseases – from declining mental acuity to coronary artery
disease, cancer, hypertension, arthritis, diabetes and stroke – have little to do with ageing per se. Instead,
they are largely driven by chronic, sub-clinical inflammation, a condition that is not inevitable at all. In fact,
it is surprisingly easy to prevent.
Chronic and sub-clinical means continuous and unnoticed – until the chronic inflammation has caused so
much tissue damage that symptoms of disease finally emerge. Chronic inflammation should be minimized
yet thanks to our modern lifestyles it is occurs in almost every adult over the age of about 30 – and in
increasing numbers of teenagers and those in their twenties.
Some people are at even higher risk- here is how you can find out if you are one of them:


oo You can ask your doctor to test your inflammatory markers. If you test positive for any of the
following then you likely have high inflammation and need to focus on making anti-inflammatory
choices from here on out:
oo Elevated High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (HS-CRP)
oo SED Rate (blood test for inflammation)
oo High levels of Homocysteine

Lean Belly Breakthrough

oo Elevated Ferritin in the blood
oo Elevated HDL
oo Elevated Monocytes can be a secondary indicator of inflammation
oo Elevated Blood Glucose


You can use the following self assessment tool to see if you are at risk for chronic inflammation. (Check all
that apply. If you score greater than 11 you are at high risk for chronic inflammation)
oo Increased pain
oo Poor pain tolerance
oo Cellulite
oo Thinning skin or wrinkling
oo Varicose or spider veins
oo Heart disease
oo Menopause
oo Prostate enlargement
oo High cholesterol
oo High blood pressure
oo Loss of muscle tone in arms or legs
oo Arthritis, tendonitis, bursitis or joint stiffness
oo Water retention in hands or feet
oo Alzheimer’s disease
oo Headaches or migraines
oo Gout
oo Parkinson’s disease
oo Depression
oo Waking at night to extreme hunger
oo Fibromyalgia
oo Bronchitis
oo Allergies
oo Autoimmune disease
oo Fat gain around belly and love handles

Lean Belly Breakthrough

oo Loss of bone density
oo Fatty liver
oo Diabetes
oo Obesity
oo Sleep deprivation
oo Irritable bowel disease
oo Frequent gas or bloating
oo Constipation, diarrhea or nausea
oo High alcohol consumption

Your total = _________

Chronic sub-clinical inflammation is a silent threat that simmers undetected in the body, progressively
damaging tissues in the body wherever it occurs: in the heart, brain, joints, bowel, colon, prostate, lungs
and skin.
Harvey Jay Cohen, of the Center for the Study of Aging at Duke University in the USA, likens chronic
inflammation to “little waves lapping on the shore. It’s a relatively low level of activity that, sustained over
time, wears away at the beach and stimulates other bad events.”
This insidious and gradual process of tissue destruction is why chronic inflammation is now seen as a main
cause of almost all the age-related illnesses. And why chronic inflammation is associated with accelerating
the ageing process.
Chronic inflammation has never before been seen on the scale that we see it today. This is because we not
only consume far lower levels of natural anti-inflammatory compounds in our diets than did our ancestors,
but also we are exposed to far higher levels of pro-inflammatory compounds, thanks to modern food
processing and cooking methods, and, for some, the prevalence of tobacco and environmental toxins.
As so many of us suffer from chronic, sub-clinical inflammation, it is no wonder why the steady
accumulation of tissue damage eventually surfaces as a major degenerative disease– and why the
degenerative diseases increase in frequency past the age of 35.
The truth is this has little to do with chronological age as such, for if we ate a profoundly anti-inflammatory
diet we would not become more prone to disease as we aged.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

Besides obesity, inflammation has been directly linked to a number of deadly diseases including;

Arteries, capillaries and veins are susceptible to plaque build up and are highly sensitive to the various pro
inflammatory compounds formed by the body from the different types of foods we eat.
These compounds attack the linings of the blood vessels, causing inflammation and damage. Immune
cells then target the damaged site, and migrate into the vessel wall where they attempt to repair the
If there are too many pro-inflammatory compounds and not enough anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant
compounds in your diet, the rate at which atheroma (small fatty lumps that develop within the inside lining
of arteries also known as atherosclerosis or ‘hardening of the arteries’) is formed outstrips the body’s ability
to remove it. Overtime, this builds up forming plaque which can eventually restrict blood flow causing high
blood pressure, heart attack or stroke.
Attempts to address high blood pressure using statin drugs are not very effective because they attack the
wrong target – cholesterol levels in the blood. However, approximately half of all heart attacks occur in
people with normal cholesterol levels.
It should be noted that Statin drugs may offer a slight protective benefit due to their mild anti-
inflammatory effect action. With respect to heart attacks, chronic inflammation must be addressed as
elevated levels of inflammatory C-reactive protein (CRP) and an amino acid called homocysteine have
been suggested as more important predictors of heart attacks.

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have discovered a connection between chronic inflammation
and Type 2 diabetes. Fat cells release pro-inflammatory chemicals and these inhibit the body’s ability to
regulate blood sugar.
Excess body fat, poor diet and lack of exercise impedes the body’s ability to control blood sugar and leads
to chronic inflammation in the blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and brain.

Inflammation is a significant factor in Alzheimer’s. Research in the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study found that
men with the highest levels of inflammation, as measured by CRP, were three times more likely to develop
dementia than those with the lowest levels. Dietary intake of curcumin, Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D3
have been shown to have cognitive protective benefits.

Chronic inflammation has been implicated as a causative factor in cancer growth and proliferation within the
body. Reducing and controlling inflammation may have a protective benefit when it comes to cancer growth.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

The following are in no particular order. Any one of these can cause inflammation and if left
untreated, chronic inflammation;
1. Toxicity
Exposure to air pollutants and other irritants can trigger oxidative damage and chronic
inflammation. Smoking is a leading cause of illness, accelerated ageing and death, and Constant
exposure to other irritants including asbestos, pesticides, drugs (prescription and other),
radiation and other toxins may also trigger inflammation.
2. Poor gut health
The gut houses the bulk of the immune system. Insufficient levels of healthy gut bacteria will
increase inflammation and increase fat gain. One study cited by “diabesity” expert, Dr. Mark
Hyman, that found mice which had adequate amounts of healthy bacteria in their guts, had 42
percent less body fat than mice which didn’t. And these mice were fed 29 percent more calories
than the control group of mice.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

Even more remarkable, when unhealthy bacteria were reintroduced into the guts of those same
mice, there was a 57 percent increase in body fat and insulin resistance — without ANY increase in
food consumption OR decrease in exercise.
In another study published in Diabetes Journal showed that the production of toxins in your gut
(a process called “metabolic endotoxemia”) can lead to obesity and insulin resistance.
Rats that were fed a high fat, low fiber diet, released bacterial toxins called lipopolysaccharides
(LPS) into the bloodstream through the gut.
These toxins created an inflammatory response indirectly causing insulin resistance.
In fact, there are more than 200 studies linking inadequate probiotic levels to more than 170
different health issues.
The bottom line is this- poor gut health can make you inflamed AND cause your body to store and
hold on to fat.
Inflammation and body fat form a viscous circle- as body fat increases so will inflammation. This
leads to an increase in cortisol, more body fat and the cycle continues.
3. Infection
Your immune system will respond with inflammation to fight infection caused by pathogenic
organisms such as yeast, fungus, bacterium or parasites.
4. Dangerous Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio
The main hormones that control the inflammatory response are called eicosanoids. The body
uses fatty acids from the nutrients we consume to make these eicosanoids.
Omega 6 fatty acids, found in polyunsaturated plant oils like safflower, sunflower and corn oil,
produce eicosanoids that promote inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids (from oily fish) have the
opposite effect, producing eicosanoids that reduce inflammation. Consuming a healthy ration
of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is essential. Your diet should be between 1 to 2 and 1 to 6 Omega 6 to
Omega 3.
Unfortunately, most people’s diets are far too high in Omega 6 and far too low in Omega 3. In fact,
our current ratio is anywhere between 10 to 1 and 40 to 1, and in some cases may be as high as
100 to 1!
This imbalance is largely due to the dramatic increase in consumption of plant oils such as soya,
palm and corn oil that are widely used in cooking and in processed foods.
In addition, most animals raised for human consumption are also fed with foods that are high
in Omega 6. Preference should be given to grass-fed animals and free range chickens that have
healthier levels of Omega 3.
5. Allergy
Some foods may cause an allergic reaction when consumed. When this happens, your immune
system reacts to a substance that may be harmless or harmful depending on the source. This
creates an inflammatory response ranging from mild rash to anaphylaxis. Histamine foods are
common offenders for this type of response and will be discussed in a moment.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

6. Insufficient fruit and vegetable intake
Fruits and vegetables contain flavonoids that exert powerful anti-inflammatory effects in the
In fact, flavonoids block the key enzymes that drive inflammation. These include COX-1 and
COX-2, the same enzymes that are targeted by many anti-inflammatory drugs. They also block
a second pair of pro-inflammatory enzymes called LIPOX-5 and LIPOX-8. Perhaps even more
critically, they block a third group of pro-inflammatory and highly destructive enzymes called the
matrix metallo-proteases (MMPs).
Unfortunately, most people do not eat enough fruits and vegetables. The American Cancer
Institute now recommends nine portions a day. This is a far cry from the average of 3 servings
consumed by most individuals. This deficiency in flavonoids combined with the excess Omega 6
to 3 ratio creates the conditions for the perfect inflammatory storm.
7. Pro-inflammatory cooking methods
When foods containing proteins are cooked at high temperatures, the protein binds with glucose
or other sugars in the food to produce compounds called Advanced Glycation End products, or
Many foods brown at high temperatures and this discolouration is a sign of AGE production. AGE
compounds are very pro-inflammatory and carcinogenic.
The best-known AGE compound is acrylamide, which forms when starchy foods are cooked at
high temperatures. Acrylamide has been found in crisps, French fries, toast and other foods.
AGEs can also be formed within the body when levels of blood glucose are too high for too long.
This happens in individuals with diabetes and is one reason why diabetics often appear to age
faster than non diabetic individuals.
AGEs stimulate inflammation, but it is not just AGEs we have to guard against. When fats and oils
are heated to high temperatures, ALEs (Advanced Lipoxidation End products) are created. These
are just as harmful and are highly pro-inflammatory.
Foods containing high levels of both AGEs and ALEs include:
oo high-temperature fried and grilled meat and poultry
oo deep-fried and shallow-fried fish
oo coffee and colas
oo soy sauces and balsamic products
oo smoked and cured foods
Please understand- it’s not that you can’t ever consume these foods. The aim is balance.
Life without the occasional dessert, cake, chip or snack sounds quite dull. If you consciously
balance those foods with anti-inflammatory foods and nutrients, you can indulge occasionally
without harm.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

8. Age related hormonal decline
Levels of the sex hormones testosterone, oestrogen and progesterone decline as we age,
and lower hormone levels are implicated in age-related inflammation. Symptoms of chronic
inflammation often become more apparent during and after menopause in women and in men
as testosterone levels reduce.
Evidence suggests that our immune systems may become less efficient at controlling
inflammation as we get older. This results in accelerating levels of inflammation after the age of
You can’t stop this completely from happening but you can minimize the effects by reducing or
preventing the damage caused by chronic inflammation. Even if you are not yet past age 45 it
makes sense to take a preventative approach starting today.
9. Being overweight or obese
Overweight and obesity are major causes of chronic inflammation today. This is because excess
adipose (fat) tissue secretes pro-inflammatory compounds. It used to be thought that apple-
shaped obesity (fat around the belly) was more dangerous than the pear- shaped kind (fat around
the hips) – but we know now that both are equally dangerous. Fat around the hips, thighs and
bottom also secretes proteins that lead to inflammation and insulin resistance.
The good news is that the anti-inflammatory rituals in this program will also cause rapid fat loss.
10. Emotional trauma
Mental distress can affect human physiology. Elevated adrenaline and cortisol levels over
extended periods of time can lead to hormonal imbalance and chronic inflammation.
11. Lack of sleep
Poor sleep is linked to elevated inflammatory markers.
12. Lack of exercise
People who lead sedentary lives are more prone to systemic, low-grade inflammation.
13. Insufficient recovery
People who exercise excessively are often chronically inflamed.
14. Lack of green space
Spending all of your time in the concrete jungle is no way to live for reduced stress and
inflammation. Research has proven there are physical and psychological benefits to spending
time in nature.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

A very rarely discussed cause of inflammation is histamine intolerance.
Histamine is a neurotransmitter chemical involved in digestion, immunity and your central nervous
system. Histamines role in the body is to cause an immediate inflammatory response as a way of notifying
your body of potential threats to your immune system.
This is, of course, completely normal and a healthy part of human immune system response. However,
problems arise if your body cannot break down histamine properly leading to a condition known as
histamine intolerance.
Some common symptoms of histamine intolerance include;
oo Headaches
oo Hypertension
oo Anxiety
oo Congestion
oo Fatigue
oo Bloating and Swelling
One of the potential triggers for a histamine intolerance reaction is the consumption of histamine rich
foods. In some individuals, these foods can induce abdominal bloating and swelling making you appear as
if you have gained weight.

The most common offenders are;

Wine, champagne and beer
Smoked fish and sardines
Nuts: peanuts, walnuts and cashews
Vegetables and fruits: avocados, eggplant, spinach, tomatoes, lemons, limes, pineapple,
Dried fruits
Cured meats
Soured foods
Vinegar containing foods
Fermented foods

Lean Belly Breakthrough

Cow’s milk and other dairy products
Wheat germ
Artificial preservatives
This is quite a list but it is important to understand that these are not “bad” foods- they just may cause a
histamine response in your body. The only way to tell is to observe how you feel and look after consuming them.
If you do find that these foods are bloating you, here is a list of low histamine foods for you to substitute with;
Fresh fish
Fresh poultry
Natural peanut butter
Gluten free grains (quinoa, rice)
Herbs and herbal teas
All vegetables except tomatoes, avocado, spinach and eggplant
Unsweetened coconut milk, rice milk, hemp milk, almond milk
Olive oil, coconut oil
Fruits including mango, pear, cantaloupe, grapes, watermelon, apples, kiwi
Be sure to keep this in mind as you move forward with this program. If you suspect that one or more of
these foods is causing a reaction in your body then simply remove it completely. After a month’s time you
can try re-introducing the food to see if the response has changed.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

Preparing to put out the fire


The first and most critical step is to prepare your kitchen. Your eating habits will have the most significant
impact on your health and the way your body looks, and your kitchen is critical to your success. The foods,
beverages, and spices that populate your kitchen will either move you closer to your goal or further away
from it. Even the appliances that you have can make a difference! Complete the following checklist and
make sure you have everything you need to be successful;


1. Essential appliances and equipment

Check to see if you have the following items;
-Set of good quality knives
-Quality pots and ceramic frying pan (not Teflon coated)
-Food processor, blender or magic bullet
-Tea kettle
-Espresso maker (if you like coffee)
-Measuring cups and spoons
-Anti- microbial cutting board
-Stainless steel mixing bowl
-Wooden spoons
-Casserole dish
-Vegetable peeler
-Salter food scale (for those who wish to weigh their foods for accuracy)
-Foreman grill (get the biggest one so you can prepare multiple meals at one time)
-Rice cooker

2. BPA free containers for food and beverage storage/transport

3. Small cooler for easy transport of food to work etc

Lean Belly Breakthrough

A good defence is the best offence. Take a look around your kitchen, pantry and fridge and throw out the
following pro- inflammatory items;
1. Packaged foods: Such as chips, cookies, crackers, boxed cereals, candy, sweets and other
refined foods. Even if it says “healthy” or “low fat” on the box- throw it out. These “foods” contain
trans fats, refined flour, and sugar and offer little or no nutrient value.
2. Processed cheese products: Highly processed and full of artificial food dyes, taste enhancers, saturated
fat, and partially hydrogenated oils, these products are fake foods and have little nutrient value.
3. Refined beverages: Including diet soda, fruit juices, milk, soy milk and any sweetened milk
alternative including sweetened hemp or almond milk. These sugar-filled beverages are the worst
choice you can make when it comes to selecting a beverage. They are full of caffeine, artificial
flavors, preservatives, and sugar. They spike your blood sugar, sharply increase your acidity, add
empty calories to your diet, and accelerate the aging process.
4. Cured meats, sausages, luncheon meats, hot dogs: These meats are a poor protein source
and contain nitrites, preservatives, saturated fats, and sodium. Need I say more?
5. Ice cream and frozen desserts: The combination of sugar and fat makes these two of the worst
foods you can consume when you are trying to lose body fat.
6. Commercial white breads and packaged baked goods: These products are made with refined
flour and sugar, which will spike blood sugar levels. They also have little nutrient content, making
them a very poor choice.
7. Commercial breakfast cereals: Boxed cereals usually contain partially hydrogenated oil,
refined flour, and sugars. They are also loaded with artificial food dyes and preservatives.
8. Margarine, lard, and shortening: These are hydrogenated oils or trans fats. Once eaten, they
destroy nutrients and increase toxicity. They also raise bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and contribute
to heart disease.
9. Processed cheese products: Highly processed and full of artificial food dyes, taste enhancers, saturated
fat, and partially hydrogenated oils, these products are fake foods and have little nutrient value.
10. Fried fast foods: All fried fast foods are way too high in calories and contain high levels of trans
fats with no nutrients whatsoever.
11. Candy and candy bars: These “snacks” are full of refined sugars, which will increase blood sugar
levels. Chronically elevated blood sugar levels contribute to obesity, hormone imbalances, and
diabetes as well as a host of other problems.
12. Left over’s. This isn’t the time to be worrying about saving a buck or two by eating last night’s
pizza for lunch. Do yourself a favour and THROW IT OUT.
13. Alcohol. Alcohol has been known to cause irritation and inflammation and should be eliminated
or reduced to 1-2 drinks per week.
14. Conventional dairy products. Conventional dairy is highly acidic for the body due to the
hormones, antibiotics and other toxins that cows are fed and injected with. The acid-forming
nature of milk, along with the other toxins present can cause significant inflammation in the body.
At this point many people are left staring at an empty pantry! Don’t worry, you are about to discover
exactly what foods you can purchase to restock your shelves.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

Food Diary
Keeping a food diary can be a major P.I.T.A but it can also mean the difference between success and failure.
Many times we are not even aware of the inflammatory foods we are eating. The simple act of logging your
food and beverage intake increases this awareness and is often enough to improve compliance. It is very
important that your diary be accurate and a true representation of your normal dietary intake. Please don’t
“cherry pick” a few good days of eating and try to fool yourself that everything is perfect. Try to be as precise
as possible and keep a pen and paper with you at all times to record any impromptu foods or beverages you
may consume. Most “bad” foods are eaten unpredictably and often without any mindful intent. By tracking
your foods you will eliminate this problem by bringing conscious awareness to everything that you consume.
Print out the following template and keep track of everything you eat and drink over the course of this journey.
Time Foods/Beverages/Ingredients Portion size’s Est. calories Feel full?

Total calories for the day:

Lean Belly Breakthrough

The following rituals were created by Dr. Heinrick in order to reduce and eliminate inflammation and
cause rapid abdominal fat loss.
The preparation phase should be completed first and each ritual can be incorporated into your lifestyle as
quickly or slowly as you wish. The more rituals you are able to make a part of your daily lifestyle the faster
your results will be.
The rituals are very fast (most take less than 2 minutes) and are easy to implement. These will have an
immediate impact on your body’s inflammation levels and will produce rapid abdominal fat loss. You can
implement them all at once or incorporate each into your lifestyle at a rate that you are comfortable with.
The most important factor for success is consistency over time.

RITUAL #1: Adjust Meal frequency
Nutrient frequency simply means how many meals/snacks you consume each day. On this program you
WILL NOT be eating every 2-3 hours. That approach only works for people who are very physically active
or have large amounts of muscle mass. For fat loss it is better to spread your meals further apart and
have a lower meal frequency. For most people this means eating 3 times per day and within an 8-10 hour
daytime window. This leaves approximately 14-16 hours without food or liquid calories each day and this
is beneficial for lowering insulin levels and controlling calories.
This reduced meal frequency is better for fat loss for a number of reasons including;
a) Eating meals too close together doesn’t allow for insulin to “clear” and keeps your body in
an anabolic or growth state. Fat loss is a catabolic (tissue breakdown) event. During a fat loss
phase you want to balance your time between periods of catabolism to lose fat and anabolism
to preserve lean muscle tissue.
b) Fat loss requires that you eat fewer calories making a higher meal frequency very impractical.
Just try dividing 1800 calories into 6 small meals and you will see what I am talking about. A
more practical approach in this case would be to have 1-2 whole food meals and one nutrition
shake. I recommend experimenting with your meals. Here is the meal pattern that was
suggested by Dr. Heinrick;
3 meals per day
7 am- Anti-inflammatory breakfast proteins shake
12 pm- Lunch
5 pm- Dinner

Lean Belly Breakthrough

RITUAL #2: Adjust eating window
As mentioned above, your daily meals are to be consumed within an 8-10 hour daytime window. This
leaves approximately 14-16 hours without food or liquid calories each day and this is beneficial for
lowering insulin levels and controlling calories.

RITUAL #3: Adjust food amount

The number one most important factor to losing body fat is calorie balance. What does this mean? It
means that calories count. In order for your body to tap into stored body fat one of two things must
happen- you must reduce calorie intake or increase calorie expenditure through exercise.
Most people tend to grossly underestimate the amount of calories they are eating and then overestimate
the number of calories they think they are burning through exercise. However there is one very important
point I would like to make- not all calories are created equal. Every action has an equal and opposite
reaction- the action of eating food imparts the reaction of hormonal response in the body.
Two thousand calories per day of candy bars and potato chips will produce vastly different results
compared to consuming two thousand calories of protein, vegetables and essential fatty acids. This is
mainly due to the beneficial effects of protein in terms of satiety and its thermogenic properties.
For your reference, the following is a simple formula for calculating calories:

Body weight in lbs x 10kcal
Body Weight Calorie Intake (−/+ 10% range)
100 lb 1000kcal (900-1100)
150 lb 1500kcal (1350-1650)
200 lb 2000kcal (1800-2200)
250 lb 2500kcal (2250-2750)
300 lb 3000kcal (2700-3300)
Measuring your food will always produce the best result but it isn’t always practical. For those
who prefer a simpler approach you can use the following form of food measurement;

Protein- size of ½ your palm Protein- size of 1 palm
Vegetables- size of your palm Vegetables- size of two palms
Starch- size of your ½ palm Starch- size of your palm
Fats- size of your thumb Fats- size of 2 thumbs

Lean Belly Breakthrough

RITUAL #4: Choose the right foods
As discussed, some foods are pro-inflammatory while others are anti-inflammatory. For this program to
work you will be consuming more of the latter and none of the former.
In addition, it is imperative that your plate includes at least 3 different colors. In particular, red and green
coloured foods. Many of the worst pro-inflammatory foods are white in color and the more colors you have
the more likely you will be consuming sufficient nutrients.

Choose grass fed and organic when possible. Please choose any from the list below:
Flank steak
Wild game (elk, bison deer)
Turkey breast
Whole eggs
White fish (halibut, white tuna, cod etc)
Wild salmon
Protein supplements (grass fed whey isolates and concentrates, high quality vegan protein sources)

You will be consuming primarily fibre based carbs. If you are a physically active person then it is
recommended that you also have 1 portion of starch based carbohydrate each day. Choose from the
following variety of selections to suit your taste.
Fibre Carbs (vegetables)
Mixed greens

Lean Belly Breakthrough

Brussels sprouts
Collard greens
Bell peppers
Bok Choy
Green beans

S t a rch Ca rbs
Special Note: Starch carbs are the “wild card” in any diet. Some people metabolize these foods better than
others. In addition, individuals who are more active or have higher amounts of muscle mass can generally
consume more without adverse effects. If you find you are not losing weight fast enough, simply limit your
intake of these foods to one meal per week. You can increase intake as your weight loss (and metabolism)
increases over time.
Whole organic steel cut oats
Brown rice
Potatoes (sweet)
Garbanzo beans
Dried beans

Lean Belly Breakthrough

Healthy fats and in particular omega 3 fatty acids, play an important role in losing belly fat and lowering
inflammation. These must be consumed daily and in some instances supplementation is beneficial in
order to achieve therapeutic levels. For example, supplementing with fish or Krill oil will help reduce
inflammation, boost immunity and improve insulin sensitivity (among other things). Fish oil will also help
improve blood flow and circulation making it important for cardiovascular health.
Recommended dose is 6-20 grams per day. Stay on the low end of this scale if you are on blood thinning
meds as fish oil also has a blood thinning effect.
Omega 3 fats can also be obtained from the following food based sources;
Extra virgin olive oil
Coconut oil
Fish oil
Organic butter (unsalted)
Flax seeds
Kidney beans
Winter squash
Red palm oil

Filtered and distilled lemon water. Simply squeeze the juice of ½ lemon into your water and consume
approximately ½ your bodyweight in ounces daily. Lemon water provides powerful antioxidants and
decreases inflammation.
Green tea
Black tea
Herbal tea
Organic coffee (Limit to 2 cups daily and never past 1 pm)

Acai berries

Lean Belly Breakthrough

Tart Cherries (can reduce inflammation ten times better than aspirin!)


This one is VERY important so I will discuss in more detail. Turmeric has been used extensively in other
cultures, and for good reason. It contains curcumin, a substance that actively reduces inflammation. This is
the most important spice you should be using and can even be found in capsule form.
How much turmeric can I take in a Day?
According to University of Maryland Medical Center:
The permissible dosages of various forms of turmeric (for adults):
oo Cut root: 1.5 – 3 g per day
oo Dried, powdered root: 1 – 3 g per day
oo Standardized powder (curcumin): 400 – 600 mg, 3 times per day
oo Fluid extract (1:1) 30 – 90 drops a day
oo Tincture (1:2): 15 – 30 drops, 4 times per day
The addition of turmeric to your diet takes just seconds per day but will have a significant impact on your
levels of inflammation.
Works in a way similar to turmeric to lower inflammation and in some studies has been shown to reduce
pain associated with arthritis.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

Sea salt
Chilli and cayenne pepper

Chia seeds
Flax seeds
Brazil nuts
Sunflower seeds

As discussed, the acid-forming nature of milk, along with the other toxins present can cause significant
inflammation in the body. Instead of cow’s milk choose unsweetened and carrageenan free;
Hemp milk
Almond milk
Rice milk

Lean Belly Breakthrough

RITUAL #5: Have an anti-inflammatory protein smoothie for breakfast
Choosing the right breakfast has a significant impact on your hormones and neurotransmitters for the
day. Dr. Heinrick recommends having an anti-inflammatory, low calorie, high protein, nutrient rich shake.
This will give you the energy and nutrients your body and mind needs in order to fuel your metabolism
and meet your nutrient requirements. Plus it takes just minutes to do. Please see Recipes and Metabolism
Boosting Meal Plan guide book for recipes.

RITUAL #6: Perform each of the following 2 minute exercises daily

Exercise 1- Bird dog


Exercise 2- Lying hip extension


Lean Belly Breakthrough

Exercise 3 & 4- Ab crunch & plan variations


Exercise 5- Fast/slow walking or sprinting

Note: The video below shows you how to perform “interval” cardio. This is a more advanced technique and only suitable for those with healthy
cardiovascular systems. In the beginning, simply focus on walking fast for two minutes and slow for one minute. Alternate walking fast & slow for a
total of 10-20 minutes depending on your physical shape and time restraints. Try to perform this walking workout several times per week.


NOTE: The program Dr Heinrick gave Dan did not include resistance training. However, weight training is recommended although limit to 3
sessions weekly performed on alternate days. This will speed up fat loss but may reduce total body weight reduction due to increased lean muscle
mass. The increase in lean muscle is a desirable effect as lean muscle mass will increase metabolism.

RITUAL #7: Meditation

Meditation is another highly effective way to reduce stress and inflammation. Using brain imaging,
researchers have discovered that the simple act of meditation alters blood flow in the brain. When a
person delves into a meditative state, blood flow is increased to the left prefrontal cortex. This is the part of
the brain that is responsible for self-esteem, happiness, contentment, and peace.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

Meditation is the practice of developing understanding and acceptance of human nature through focused
awareness of the mind and body. Meditation begins with drawing attention to the constant flow of
thoughts, feelings, sensations, and experiences in a nondiscursive, nonanalytical, nonconceptual way. One
simply watches, silently, observing passively everything that is, and simply accepting it as [it] is. There is no
attempt to change, fix, transform, improve, develop, start, or stop anything.
Many who are new to meditation ask what the purpose is of meditation if one doesn’t actually ‘do’
anything at all. The simple answer is that we have been socialized from childhood to constantly
‘do something.’ From the moment we learn how to tie our shoes to the launch of a new business, it
seems that we are being ‘successful’ because we can measure success externally through well-tied
shoes and profitable enterprises. But there is more to being human than being successful. What
constitutes a good life is much about the relationships we have with ourselves and others. Loving
kindness. Compassion. Equanimity. Peace. Meditation is about bringing balance back into your life. It is
about breathing consciously, examining the flow of your life in real time, and not imposing upon the
present moment that constant cacophony of action. Don’t just do something, sit there (breathe, accept).
Mindfulness is a conduit to important lifestyle changes. “From this ocean of mindfulness naturally comes
eating consciously, paying attention to food in such a way that overeating becomes impossible. There
comes a natural observation that physical training results in an immediate sense of uplifting, energy, and
stress resilience. There is less ego and more heart. There is life, and awareness of our precious human life.
It is a beautiful practice.”
Meditation is not hard work. You do not need to purchase any special equipment—not even candles
are required! All you need is a quiet place where you can slow your mind and focus on your breathing.
Like many things, at first meditating may seem a little awkward. After all, up to this point you may have
thought this was something reserved for monks living high up in the mountains of Tibet! However, the
importance of meditation is at an all-time high. With our fast-paced lives, high-stress demands, and
inadequate nutrition placing huge stress on our bodies and minds, the practice of meditation has gone
from something that we should do to something that we must do.

A Pr i ma r y M editation Tec h n iq u e
Begin by sitting in a quiet place free from distractions. Adopt a comfortable but erect position. If you prefer,
you can sit cross-legged on the floor or on a chair with your feet flat on the ground.
The next step is to use the power of sustained focus of concentration to let go of any tension in your body.
With a focus on the breath, concentrate on the cool sensation of inhaling through the nose and the warm,
moist sensation of exhaling through the mouth.
Allow your breathing to find its own rhythm. It may be useful to employ a word or phrase as a meditative
focus. Silently repeat this word or phrase with each inhalation and exhalation.
As you proceed, draw your attention to different areas of your body beginning with the lower extremities
and moving upward. Search those areas for any tension and discomfort. With each inhalation gather any
tension found into the breath and release the tension when you exhale.
During your meditation your mind may wander. This is not uncommon and will improve with each time
you meditate. If your mind does wander, simply bring your thoughts back to the breath.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

At the moment that you feel calm, peaceful, and tranquil, it is important to introduce a powerful intention.
Ask that peace, love, health, equanimity, and gratitude flourish in your life. Inhale disappointments and
exhale forgiveness.
While in this meditative state, remain calm and listen. Feel gratitude and positivity flowing over and
through you. Do not force this feeling—simply allow it to happen. Slowly inhale and exhale any control.
Ideally you should perform this meditation exercise for at least 2 minutes each day. In the beginning this may
be unrealistic, however even five minutes per day will make a difference. Meditation will becomes easier and
more effective with practice, so emphasize consistency more than duration for maximum benefit.

RITUAL #8: Stretching

Most cases of muscle inflammation result from overuse, either due to starting a new activity or doing an
increased amount of a familiar activity. Several types of stretches can help you reduce inflammation and
stiffness. If muscle soreness is persistent, chronic and accompanied by weakness, you should have it
evaluated and treated by your doctor.
Exercise Induced Inflammation
When you exercise your muscles, a small amount of damage occurs in the individual muscle fibers. The
more intense the exercise, the more damage occurs. Inflammation is normal and develops as your body
does the necessary repairs to the muscles. However, if you are staying sore after exercise stretching can
help to increase blood flow, reduce soreness and speed recovery.

Th ree Ty p es of S tretc h es

1. Static Stretches (good)

A static stretch is one done with a held position without any additional movement. A good example
would be reaching down to touch your toes. Reaching as far toward your toes as you can, hold that
position for 30 to 45 seconds to allow the muscle to release and lengthen. Apply this type of stretch
to your inflamed muscle by stretching it out and holding it for the prescribed time.
2. Ballistic Stretching (better)
Ballistic stretching is when you quickly repeat the stretch position and release it. An example of
this stretch would be alternating toe touches. Reach down with your right hand toward your left
foot, then straighten back up. Next, reach down with your left hand toward your right foot and then
return to standing. This form of stretching stimulates blood flow and helps to reduce both soreness
and stiffness.
3. PNF or CRAC Stretches (best)
A third type of stretching is the proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation or PNF, and the contract-
relax-antagonist-contract or CRAC. With these stretches, you start by doing an isometric contraction
of the muscle for at least 20 seconds, followed by a stretch. The stretch usually requires a partner or
therapist to assist you. This form of stretching helps inflammation because it increases circulation.
It also creates increases in flexibility greater than other forms of stretching.
Perform 2 minutes of stretching for your tight and sore muscle groups once or twice daily.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

RITUAL #9: Improve Sleep
This is a very important component to hormonal balance, reducing inflammation and fat loss. As a matter
of fact, sleep is essential to life, just as water and food are. The old adage of needing seven or eight hours
of sound, undisturbed sleep per night is very true.
A lack of sleep increases inflammation in the body which in turn increases both cortisol and insulin,
leading to increased mid-section fat deposits, and insulin resistance.
If that wasn’t bad enough, sleep deprivation also lowers testosterone, DHEA and growth hormone, all
important hormones involved in building muscle and burning fat.
Your body also does all of its repairing while you sleep. The muscles you stimulate during a workout do all
of their growing and recuperating during deep, dark, restful sleep. Why dark sleep? This is beneficial due to
the relationship between nature’s light and dark cycles and our immune and metabolic energy systems.
Our skin contains thousands of photoelectric cryptochrome cells. These cells interpret the amount of light
photons we are exposed to, which in turn control the hormones prolactin, melatonin, and HGH (human growth
hormone). These hormones are responsible for proper health, vitality and maintaining good body composition.
Melatonin is our most potent antioxidant source, which is our passport to remaining cancer free. Growth
hormone, one of the body’s master hormones, is responsible for strengthening bones, building muscle,
decreasing body fat, and boosting the immune system. This means no clocks, nightlights, or flashing VCRs
in your bedroom as they can all disrupt this important process.
Sleep is also important when it comes to fat loss. In a recent Nurses’ Health Study, researchers tracked
more than 68,000 women for 16 years. These women were asked to report their weight and lifestyle
regimen every two years. By the end of the study, the women who slept five hours each night were 32
percent more likely to experience major weight gain—defined as an increase of 33 pounds or more—and
15 percent more likely to become obese, compared with women who slept seven hours. And women who
slept for six hours were 12 percent more likely to experience major weight gain and 6 percent more likely to
become obese over the study period compared with women who slept seven hours a night.
In order to have optimum recovery of all of your bodily systems, you should adhere to the following sleep
oo Go to sleep early in the dark cycle each night and avoid staying up too late.
oo Buy the best mattress you can afford (and don’t skimp on the bedding either). The wrong mattress
can disrupt your sleep and even cause muscle and joint pain.
oo Do not consume excess calories.
oo Go to bed at the same time every night.
oo Reduce stress and do not watch television in bed as studies have shown this to increase stress.
Reserve the bedroom for sleep and intimacy.
oo Avoid caffeinated beverages after the early morning.
oo Ensure that daily vitamin and mineral intake is adequate.
oo Go to sleep in complete darkness. Block out all light from extraneous sources like street lamps,
clock radios, alarm clocks, etc. Light can also interfere with melatonin secretion.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

oo Keep your bedroom cool (but not cold). Your bedroom temperature should be about 70 F. Sleep in
the nude to keep body cool.
oo Keep pets and kids out of your bed as they often disrupt sleep.
oo Get seven or eight hours of sleep each night.
oo Take a warm bath about 2 hours prior to bedtime. Add Epsom salts to improve detoxification and
relax your muscles.
oo Keep interior lights of your home dim in the evening to prepare your body for sleep.
oo Use a white noise device to drown out outside noise from neighbours or a busy street.
oo Journal your thoughts of gratitude as well as your goals in the evening. This will help calm your
mind and improve your ability to fall asleep.
Sleep Supplements
Improving your diet is the first priority in your pursuit for better sleep. It is well known that carbohydrate
foods stimulate the chemical pathways in the brain that induce sleep. Therefore it may be advantageous to
have healthy carbohydrate foods for your last meal of the day.
In addition, the following supplements may be helpful for improving the quality and quantity of your sleep:

1. Magnesium
Magnesium calms the nervous system with the added bonus of reducing inflammation. Magnesium
calms the sympathetic nervous activity helping your body to relax. Magnesium can be found in
many foods such as dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds, fish, legumes, chocolate and rice. However,
many people are deficient so supplementing with high-quality magnesium, from about 150 mg/
day to 500 mg/day, can help you get optimal sleep. The best magnesium supplements contain
magnesium citrate, glycinate, taurate, aspartate, malate, succinate or fumarate. Other forms may
not be absorbed as well by the body.
2. Vitamin D3
Maintaining optimal D3 levels year round is important for proper insulin management and better
sleep. For best sleep results, research has found that people need a vitamin D3 blood level
between 60 and 80 ng/ml. Vitamin D3 also influences many other hormonal processes in the body
including metabolism, digestion and cardiovascular health, all of which can impact your sleep.
Recommended dose is 1,000 I.U’s per 25 pounds of bodyweight (to a max of 10,000 I.U’s per day).
Take in the morning as evening use may disrupt melatonin production and sleep.
3. B Vitamins
B vitamin deficiencies have been linked to sleep problems as B6 and B12 are important for
calming the nervous system and mind. B vitamins also help with detoxification and lowering
inflammation- two processes that are important for cognitive functioning and losing trouble spot
fat. Recommended dose is 100 mg twice daily.
4. Valerian Root
Valarain root activates GABA and calms the brain for a sedative like effect. The recommended dose
of valerian extract is 400 - 900 mg taken 30 min before bedtime. For anxiety, the recommended
dosage of valerian extract is 220 mg of extract three times daily. The daily dosage of valerian extract
should not exceed 1800 mg, and it is not meant for long-term use.

Lean Belly Breakthrough

5. Passionflower
Passionflower helps to calm your mind to reduce anxiety and stress. Passionflower may also reduce
the fat cell multiplying stress hormone NPY. Recommended dose is 100 mg twice daily.
6. Melatonin
Melatonin is beneficial for helping to restore sleep cycles and is integral to immune function, tissue
repair, and well being and mental outlook. Melatonin production decreases with age and you
should have your levels tested to see if you are low. Recommended dose is 0.5 to 3 mg at bedtime.
7. Chamomile
Chamomile has a mild sedative effect and may calm your brain and help you go to sleep sooner.
There is no standard dose of chamomile. Studies have used between 400 milligrams to 1,600
milligrams daily in capsule form. However, most people drink it in the form of a tea and consume
one to four cups daily.
8. 5-HTP
This one is great if your sleep problem is caused by excessive worry, depression or anxiety. 5-HTP
helps you to stay asleep as well. Recommended dose for improving sleep is to take 50-100 mg 30
minutes before going to bed. The effects of taking 5HTP can usually be felt within 10 to 30 minutes.

RITUAL #10: Floss daily

We all know that flossing is good for your gums and it turns out it may also protect your heart. Recent
research has shown a link between periodontitis and cardiovascular disease.
Bristol University researchers reported that bacteria can enter the bloodstream via sore gums and
deposit a clot-forming protein that raises heart disease risk. Although they’re not sure what is behind
the connection between flossing and heart disease, it makes the simple task of flossing a no-brainer for
optimal health.
Researchers also speculate that bacteria from the mouth may enter the bloodstream and contribute
to inflammation and artery clogging. Simply flossing a couple minutes, twice daily can help prevent
periodontal disease and reduce this risk.
Work on implementing each of the rituals into your daily life. Begin with as many or as few as you can
manage at one time. Focus on consistency over time.
Next, please review the “Recipes and Metabolism Boosting Meal Plan” ebook.

Lean Belly Breakthrough


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