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Dafpus tambahan

- Drinking water 1
- Surface Water Quality Standard EPA
- Stormwater Runoff Pollutant Loading Distributions and Their Correlation with
Rainfall and Catchment Characteristics in a Rapidly Industrialized City
- Estimation of pollutant loads transported by runoff by using a GIS model Case study
- Sumber limpasan EPA
- 4311411006-S
- Ginting, S. B. (2003) Kemampuan zeolit alam dalam menyerap logam-logam berat (Fe++ dan Mn++) dalam air
tanah, Prosiding seminar hari air sedunia IX, Universitas Lampung, Bandar Lampung.
- 7
- Silky
- Urban Runoff Quality Management Urban Runoff Quality Management, ASCE Manual of ,
ASCE Manual of Practice No. 87, Practice No. 87, Amercan Amercan Society of Civil
Engineers, Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, VA, (1998). Reston, VA, (1998).
- ODOT Hydraulics Manual

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