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Insect pollination (PLANT GROWTH CYCLE)

-the animation opens with a wide shot of the flower the pollen will
emerge from and the environment around it.
-cut to the first title screen [introduction]
-close up of the stamen. From there a small glowing pollen creature
-cut to second title screen [introduction part 2]
-cut to a close up of the pollen laying down, resting on the side
with his face tilted upwards. He opens his eyes, blinks, and the
glow increases slightly
-cut to the third title screen [the title of the animation]
-cut back to the pollen. From a close up of his hands [hold for a
moment] the camera moves upwards to reveal his face looking down at
them. After a short examination he ensures himself that he’s a
pollen particle. He looks up
-the camera moves behind his shoulder, to reveal what he’s looking
at. It’s a different flower in the distance. It’s emitting a warm
inviting glow.
-the camera zooms into the flower gradually and holds for a moment
before moving onto the right and transitioning from a dark green
bush to a green plant back on pollens side
-wide shot, pollen very small in the distance singing out "that’s so
far away!"
-cut to a zoom on him, camera follows as he sits down and rests his
head in his hands "I can’t get there on my own..." he mumbles while
still looking in the direction of the flower
-he suddenly notices a buzzing sound and looks up quickly
-cut to a shot from above showing pollen standing on the anther, his
flower and surroundings (some plants). The camera moves closer and
stops at a medium distance
-cut to pollens perspective to reveal that what was approaching was
a fuzzy bee which is now floating in the air slightly above the
pollen but doesn’t seem to notice him
-the bee is now shown from the side trying to reach the nectar
inside the flower
-[cut to a close up of the pollen’s actions] pollen takes the
opportunity and clings onto the bee
-the camera moves behind the pistil and transitions to move out of
the pistil from the flower on the other side [so we are now seeing
the action from the destination point]
-the flying bee (now with a little glowing passenger) moves closer
towards the camera until it goes above it
-the camera ‘looks’ up to a shot of bee flying above the stigma.
Pollen drops down onto it
-the camera cuts again to show pollens actions more close up as he
appears in the shot, jumping down from above.
-he lands on the stigma, stretches, lays down and falls asleep
-the camera follows as his arms extend down, forming a pollen tube.
As it does that we see the yellow light fading from the core of the
pollen and travelling down through the pollen tube until it reaches
the ovule (which was glowing with a faint red light)
-once the light reaches the ovule the camera stops and captures the
yellow and red light combining to form an orange ball of light. This
is the seed.
-the petals of the flower turn dark and wrap around it [set up for
the transition to the ground] then fade alongside with the green
ovule, leaving a glowing seed in the ground.
-the seed then sprouts and transforms into a flower [camera follows
the green sprout upwards until it reaches the intended height and
grows into a flower]
-the camera zooms out to reveal the whole flower, which has
characteristics of the two flowers from the beginning combined.
-camera stops at a distance [wide shot with greenery around it,
similar to the first shot] and cuts.

(alternative ending: the cut is after a new pollen particle emerges

from the anther of this flower and opens its eyes)

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