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Sample Lesson Plan

Lesson Overview: This lesson was utilized in the middle of a unit on leisure and free time. Grammar points for this unit were verbs-
like-gustar, the present progressive, and ir a + infinitive. This particular lesson incorporates Total Physical Response to learn new
vocabulary, reviews verbs-like-gustar and the present progressive, and acts as direct practice towards the speaking assessment.

Standards (ACTFL): Class: Spanish 1 – 90 minutes

Standard 1.1: Students engage in
conversations, provide and ob- Set-up/Materials: Display google slides, have 8 different photos printed (1 for each table),
tain information, express feelings have 1 marker per student at each table, write the structured formula for describing what is hap-
and emotions, and exchange pening in a photo on the board. This is the formula:
Standard 1.2: Students under- La ubicación + hay + sujeto + que + presente progresivo (+detalles).
stand and interpret written and General Practices: Each lesson has a set of google slides with instructions, questions, and vis-
spoken language on a variety of uals. Flashcard-cold-called students read instructions and questions out loud. This gives stu-
topics. dents a chance to practice pronunciation and allows class to stay in the target language 95% of
Standard 1.3: Students present the time as students can always refer to text and visuals during activities. This also helps facili-
information, concepts, and ideas
tate a student-centered classroom.
to an audience of listeners or
readers on a variety of topics.
Standard 4.1: Students demon- Specific Activities
strate understanding of the na-
ture of language through com- Time Activities Teacher Thinking
parisons of the language studied
and their own. 9 min How are you?
Objectives: Students will express their emotions Standard 1.1: Students are describing
1. Students can learn and begin to using words other than “bien, más o emotions and expanding upon them
integrate new location vocabu- menos, mal.” They will also utilize with new grammar concepts.
lary through TPR and scaffolded verbs-like-gustar and the present pro-
practice. gressive in their responses. We will This warm-up helps students start
2. Students can use the present pair-share, with cold-called students thinking in Spanish and builds class-
progressive to describe what peo- answering how they are. room community.
ple are doing in photos.
Rationale: Objectives
In order to practice the present Students will read the objectives and be
progressive and verbs-like-gustar reminded of the agenda on the side of
in a meaningful way, students the board.
will describe what leisure activi- 25 min TPR Vocabulary
ties people are participating in in Students will pull out their notebooks
four photos, and then discuss and draw the vocabulary visual dis-
their feelings on those activities. played on the board.
This lesson prepares them to de- Standard 4.1: Students are analyzing
scribe where an action is taking Students discuss with their groups how how we learn languages and consider-
place, as well as provides prac- we practiced our new vocabulary at the ing what works for them.
tice with the present progressive. beginning of the unit, and why we did it
Assessment: that way. Students will share their A question in English may serve here,
Students will produce an individ- thoughts with the class. as students are really working on meta-
ually written description of a cognition.
photo by the end of class. They Students repeat new vocabulary and
will demonstrate knowledge as a gestures after teacher. Once they run Some students may need encourage-
class of new vocabulary with through all the vocabulary, students ment to participate. Previously all stu-
TPR. They will give me a will show the gesture when teacher says dents warmed up to TPR once they
thumbs up/thumbs down when I the vocab, and then say the vocab when knew they were all expected to partici-
check on understanding. teacher does the gesture. Students will pate.
Language Target: then close their eyes and do the gestures
This lesson employs 95% target upon hearing the vocab.
language instruction.
Post-Lesson Annotation: 8 min Photo Description Practice – I Do
Teacher will describe what someone in Standard 1.2: Students
1. I asked students if TPR was effective for a displayed photo is doing. Students must work to understand
them, and they gave overwhelmingly positive will discuss with their group where they what I am saying and then
feedback on the practice. I will continue to think the person is in the photo. On a apply it to answer the ques-
use TPR. count of three, students will shout out tion.
the location while performing the ap-
2. Students were originally expected to uti- propriate gesture. Teacher will repeat
lize grammar concepts right away when the correct location in a complete sen-
tence, using the formula on the board.
speaking about how they were feeling. This
worked much better broken up into two 30 min Photo Description Practice – We Do
steps. In their groups students will write 3-5 Standard 1.3: Students
sentences describing their particular must write a paragraph
3. Students incorporated all new vocabulary photo, using the posted formula. their group will present to
on their speaking assessments, but looking Teacher will check on each group and the class.
back I would eliminate two vocabulary assist students as necessary.
phrases (la parte superior/inferior), as this
Students will choose a leader. Student I will choose groups ran-
may have overwhelmed struggling students, leader reads their group’s paragraph. domly to help students stay
and higher-achieving students could have Other students look towards the board engaged. I will also ask
described the same area by combining other to see all possible pictures displayed students why they chose
terms in a more complex sentence. and try to decide which photo they their response, as I believe
think it is. On a count of three, students it’s important to push deep-
4. The scaffolding of the Photo Description will call out which photo they think it er and communicate at a
Practice worked well, and all students met is. Teacher will call on students and high level that might be
the objectives by the end of the class period. ask why they think it is the photo they slightly outside of their
chose. This will be repeated for each comfort zone.
15 min Photo Description Practice – You Do This completes the I do-we
Students choose a photo their group did do-you do practice on de-
not describe, and write a paragraph de- scribing photos. I will
scribing their photo using the formula. check student writing and
Teacher will walk around and assist listen in on their conversa-
students. tions to see if they were
able to use the new struc-
***Students will watch a demonstration ture and vocabulary.
of how to find a partner who wrote
about the same picture. Students will ***This can be cut or ex-
stand up and describe their picture to tended as necessary de-
their classmates to find a partner that pending on how earlier ac-
wrote about the same picture. tivities go. If extended, call
on students to share some
of their paragraphs.
3 min Wrap-up
Students will read that their homework Students are expected to
is to practice vocabulary introduced this practice 10-15 minutes
lesson. They will be reminded that this each night, but this explicit
vocabulary is essential for their speak- reminder should help them
ing assessment. focus their practice time.

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